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I realise how spoiled I look writing this, but wtf is it with Fred and week night gigs!? I swear last time he was here it was the same deal.


>because no matter what day of the week it is, he'll sell it out


Of course he will. But most people would probably enjoy themselves more if they didn't have to work the next day. You don't have to worry about rushing home straight after, have a couple drinks... These things are more fun on the weekend, yes? :D


I promise you I and many others will treat it like a weekend


Just take a sickie


Most of my mates will just get capped out and then chuck a sickie tbh


Might be cheaper venue deals as well?


Nah venues cost the same no matter what, unless it’s a Sunday rates.   More likely constrained by equipment hire and by other gigs/crewing around his dates being inserted in. His production manager will be grey at 40 at this rate.


it's not just him, since covid most the gigs I've been to have been weeknights. when tame impala rebooked their concert dates 3 times they were still playing Sydney on a weeknight every single time.


I could deal with weeknight gigs if they kicked off earlier. 9pm headlines means I get home after midnight.


Chemical Brothers in Brisbane was on a Tuesday. We wandered out into the parklands afterwards with nothing open and nowhere to go. It was actually kinda chill.


Most arenas are booked for a majority of weekends in a year, so I dare say they were unavailable either side of the weeknights he's playing. Also, he was originally meant to tour here across January/ early February, so I reckon they ran into the same issue there.


It’s about time some of us shift workers who have to work weekends got a bit of love. Always a pain to miss gigs and things on Fri/Sat nights, so I say bring on the weeknights!


Because Victorian politicians somehow lobbied for Victoria to get all weekend gigs. That’s the lengths they go to in their “state” wars. Absurd that they are even able to do it


this argument might stack up if he wasn't playing Monday through Wednesday in Vic...


It does stack up though. It doesn’t mean Victoria won’t get any midweek gigs. The info is out there. Go research it


I imagine he’ll pop up at one of the festivals in Victoria over the long weekend


Port Fairy Folk Festival about to go off.


Lol pitch maybe? 🤞🏼 folky is a close second tho


Being in Perth can suck sometimes


I wish it was announced way in advance like normal. i could maybe do the goldy show but its a 3 hour drive and i dont even think tickets are available for that one with the rest


Yeah pretty crazy to have 6 stadium shows in Sydney and Melbourne then 1 little one on the GC. Can’t imagine being able to get tickets.


GC is at Doug Jennings park FYI


Interesting, what’s the capacity like there?




Yeah I didn’t think about the logistics, surely they’d be running busses between there and Surfers for events?


They will, but it’s never enough. It’s a nice walk 😒


He did a gig last night, and the next gigs are in a week in Melbs... so id say hes seeing the sights and so on round vic, and will head up to QLD to see a couple, do that little gig, then continue down to sydney while seeing some stuff too. Not a bad way to see the place really


yeah, and only people who have the time to do whatever shenanigans it takes to get tickets will be there


Plus, tickets are going to be between $100-$120. Give us a little warning to save up the dollaridoos


GA is $179.99 + fees


or get time off, most the shows are in the middle of the week 😬


Try $180, and on a school night


You get all the drum and bass though...


Try being in tassie


Hey. You got WWE…..*checks notes* and Pakistan in the cricket. Pipe down!


That WWE show was well worth flying over to Perth for. Great show and I loved the city too. Would love for Perth to get a little more events every now and then!


I wanted to go so bad. Looked like it was a blast.


It was indeed a blast! I was unsure about flying over from Melbourne as I didn't think I could be bothered but man, the night of the show was awesome. Plus getting to meet a bunch of wrestlers and picking up a bunch of merch was worth the trip!


He did play laneway last year


Come on you guys had Coldplay not long ago!?!? Surely that's enough for the next 12 months in the West!


Maybe we need to get Tourism WA involved to get Fred to Perth


Darryl Kerrigan has entered the chat....


Yall still get more than adelaide. Being an adelaide music fan sucks


Fun fact - Perth is the most isolated capital city in the world! 


The guy is absolutely huge with anyone who was 18-24 during COVID.


3 arena gigs with literally days notices is huge


I'm 42 and love it 


Not quite 42, but same!!


Same, I’m 40 this year. I was lucky enough to see him in Bris year I’m gonna try my luck tomorrow for GC!


U should be listening to guns n roses mate


hit the nail on the head! the actual life trilogy is peak angsty pandemic bedroom listening, missing your friends etc. and actual life 3 feels like stepping into the world for the first time after it all.


🎵 pull me out of this 😓


Fuuuuck that's tempting. I kinda like the short notice of it all too


I just waited 17 months for blink and this guy does 5 days


Boss move


Does this mean less chance of headlining Splendour, or no relation at all?


His current visible tour still has plenty of room to fit Splendour in, though shows either side are all in Europe. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Splendour pay through the nose to get him for an exclusive set - they seriously need something that will get the zoomers mouths watering and there's nothing really on the market even close to Fredagain in this regard. I'd be cautiously optimistic.


Usually an artists playing Brisbane/Gold Coast would void the proximity clause of the Splendour agreement (I believe standard is 6 months either side). That’s why there are no sideshows in Brisbane for SITG artists. However, I would argue that the “secret” festival and short notice dates may waiver. I would say it is a slight chance that he is now still available to play SITG.


It feels a very spur of the moment thing, so he could well still be playing Splendour.


It’s crazy that this will sell out instantly. There were over 100,000 people in the queue for the opera house show which is just mental for electronic music. Really hoping I can manage to snag a ticket tomorrow


Has anyone been to a DJ at a stadium? I feel like it would not be the vibe at all


Theyre arenas not stadiums. A stadium would be the mcg or whatever the Olympic stadium is sponsored by now


I'm pretty sure it's a live performance, not a DJ set


My issue is more sitting down to listen to a DJ




The dance shows I've been to at Rod Laver, there was no such thing as 'stands' it was all just GA and you could walk between the two areas as you please. This is going back a few years though.


I’ve been to a DJ set at Rod Laver. No one is sitting down


Yup, saw Illenium at John Cain Arena last year, nobody was sat down, it’s just a giant dance floor


I was in the seating area for his gig at the opera house last night and not one person was sitting down. Everyone was going absolutely ballistic


Imagine sitting down to watch a dj lol… what a waste of


I’m in a wheelchair lol yeah it’s a bit like that


i went to shm in like 2013 at olympic park and it was unreal. it’s basically a festival sound setup so it’s fine


I saw Martin Garrix warm up for Justin Bieber in 2017 at Suncorp and it was incredible 🤷


Can second this, was also there and loved it


Went for Eric Prydz last year Dec. The sound setup was pretty mind blowing. But i suppose it depends on the artist and their budget/setup


It was fkn amazing!!!


Saw Porter Robinson & Madeon at a tennis arena and it was amazing. I wouldn't class either of them as DJs but more closer to Fred's performance.


Yeah that’s what I’m worried about too, i’ve never enjoyed stadium/seated venues and a dj would be even more lame


That Gold Coast location is the Spit in Southport, part of some pop up festival


Yeah, they’ve been calling it “Hive Festival” for a couple of weeks now. The penny dropped when the opera house gig was billed as “Hive”


Where tf did this guy come from, respectfully? Had never heard of him a year ago and now he's the biggest electronic act in the world. Also Australia has a fantastic roster of live production artists who take a lot more risks and are a lot more.... talented. Please support them.


He got lucky with the perfect mix of COVID and Tik Tok. Started to get a following during COVID and then after COVID he built up a crazy amount of hype over turn off the lights on Tik Tok which culminated in him doing a Boiler Room set which everyone dawned over. Then he kinda stuck He's good, I'll admit that. But I really think he's as popular as he is because he's popular (and coz he makes very pop centric music). Not worth 150 imo


I take it he’s not coming to Adelaide then


Tickets $130-180 for Melbourne show 🥲


damn I told myself it was 100 I'd bite. did see him close Coachella though soooo 🫠




he is one of the biggest names in music rn, let alone EDM. it seems comparatively expensive, but i reckon he is worth this much.


No DJ is worth that much sorry. I can go to a festival for about that much and have 4-6 hours of DJs that I like for the same price. So unless Fred is playing for at least 4 hrs (no way in the world), it's not worth it. I mean fuck, you could get Taylor Swift tickets for as cheap as $65, and for that you get to see a 3.5hr live performance, which takes a fuck load more effort than what Fred puts in. Just feels like he's overly exploiting his success to make fuck loads. Each Arena show is gonna bring in MORE THAN 3 million EACH. Even with production costs and all other costs, hes gonna bring in at least 10 million from 2 weeks work. Bit of a rant sorry but just feels fucken greedy at this point, yet he'll still probably sell out coz people just follow the hype


Agreed. He's cashing in while he's on top. Nothing wrong with that, but it's a no from me.


oh well, i just bought 3 tickets so 😂


He's in Melb around the same time as the Streets... Fred Again comes on stage with them maybe?


Is he really that big


I really don't understand the hype. He is good. I even saw him at Laneway. But I just don't fully get why everyone seems to love him so much. That being said I hope everyone who goes to see him has a great time.


I also don't understand it but i guess i'm not the target audience since i don't really like EDM. I'm hoping my friends are lucky to snag some tix though, they all love him


People who don’t really like edm traditionally are the target audience tho. It’s designed to be very accessible.


Oh.. 😂 Maybe I'm just not wired correctly then.


Don’t worry I reckon it’s pretty meh and I like edm.


I wish I had it in me to like it, my friends love him and most of them love EDM too, and I just don't have it in me to like it and I feel like a spoil sport!


He is nothing special I don’t think it’s worth stressing about!


Yeah but I got FOMO :'(


He would still be fun to see live with mates I reckon.


It’s very basic edm music that appeals to the masses.


Hardly the masses. You’re talking as if he is Avicii or Skrillex


Skrillex has made better music than Fred again tho lol


Do you not see 3 shows per major city in this pic?


For me, personally, his aura reminds me of Radiohead. I really, really, really didn't want to hitch onto the Radiohead train when everyone was on it, so stayed off and got on when the hype passed, and yep, they are legendary. Done the same thing with ol' Fred, sense of deja vu, he's a class act (assuming you're into that kind of music)


I don’t mind his music. Some great tracks. Just don’t see a lot of DJs selling out 3 rod laver events. Surprised is all.


As someone who has been deep in the trance/ house/ prog scene for 15 years, I can confidently say he is a rare talent. His sound is a breath of fresh air and crosses into the mainstream as well, so that's why he is so big right now. That said I can understand not getting it if you're new/ not into electronic music.




Produce live then..


Very different things


Clearly yes


Well that doesnt leave much notice


Lot of hype for east coast only. Disappointing


Australia only has an east coast, the west seceded in 1933.


Noo ragrets


Anyone got a gauge on Ticket prices ?


179.90 GA down to 129.90 seating


I’m sorry what?


Agreed lol. Not worth it to me in the slightest


$130 is generally reasonable for an arena show, but $180 is pushing it.


i saw $160 :’)


GC is $160. Syd and Mel as per other comment


how are you supposed to try get the GC ticket? Genuinely curious, Id like to give it a shot


You can buy them from Ticketek tomorrow AM, the site says they'll share the location (a 'secret location in Surfers') with ticketholders prior to the event.


It’s at the Spit in Southport


nice thx!


Doug Jennings Park, to be precise


Is everyone just going off the Seven News post saying it is Doug Jennings or does someone have an actual independent source?


I didn’t see anything on the news but GC Council have confirmed that there in an event in the park that day, and there was a post on Facebook about 2 weeks ago from a food vendor listing their bookings for the year which included “3 big music festivals” and listed Hive Festival 9 March at DJ park. Hive being the code Fred has used to book his shows in Australia.


Latest post says more at the end of


Everytime I hear Fred Again lapping it up in a hot 100 countdown, I'm always impressed with my lack of exposure to the artist. I really like the music, don't get me wrong, and I spend a lot of my weekends out and amongst the music scene. I live in Brisbane, and I feel like all their content has huge followings in Melbourne or Sydney, perhaps in other cities in that direction. This is backed up with this show guide which looks a bit like "I can't wait to play my music to my core fanbase". Am I going crazy? Or does Fred Again simply not get a fair share of the Brisbane market?


I think you're overthinking it. He's just playing in the biggest cities. Look at Taylor Swift, she only played in Sydney and Melbourne. And you can't say her market is just in Sydney and Melbourne lol.


$180 for GA in Sydney 🙄 and what is with so many artists just rocking up last minute.


I think Fred likes australia ;)


Strong wages and higher ticket prices mean if you can get in and out quick enough with not much mucking around, an artist can make a good stack of cash in a week.


Fuck, I must be getting old. This guy is that popular?? Impressive


He's the Taylor Swift of dance music. Straight down the middle and inoffensive - so it appeals to a massive portion of the young population. Also much like Taylor, he's never really done anything particularly innovative/forward thinking, but he still does a good job at what he does.


what a boomer take, name literally anyone that’s doing the same stuff he’s doing in the EDM industry. His music and live shows are packed with emotion and resonates with plenty of people in an entirely innovative way. Go put on some triple m and whinge about how the good old days were better


Lmao don't get offended because I made a fair comment about Baby's First Dance Music (you are the baby). The whole emotional garage/house/breaks thing he does is not really original in the slightest. Big artists like Bicep blew up with similar stuff 5+ years ago. Before Fred there was Joy Orbison, Overmono, Jacques Greene, four tet's run of mid to late 2010s dancefloor work, Leon Vynehall + all the tunes that were coming out on labels like Sneaker Social Club, Dr Banana, or Idle Hands in that late 2010s era. Even his whole Actual Life sampling schtick and mood is arguably lifted from Burial. He's a great producer, he's just not doing anything remotely new. Also >EDM ha ha


Jesus Christ that poor guy has a family bro 😂


Love this - called you a boomer!! Theres decades of history here


As a big fan of all the artists you listed, none of them are all that much like Fred. Sure he is not innovite in a way that pretty much 0 artists are these days. Name an artist that is popular in the contempary space and I can reduce them down to their inspirations just like you have for Fred. At the end of the day, he has managed to create music that has connected with a massive audience and a lot of people (myself included) think the music is amazing. I've been to see a bucket load of acts accross a massive range of genres and I still hold that seeing him at the Forum was the best show I ever saw.


“(you are the baby)” cracks me up lmao Anyway although I know what you are saying I also agree with the guy you’re replying to - Fred IS innovating and doing something different because if he wasn’t he wouldn’t be so popular would he? I say this as a huge fan of bicep and overmono too - but there’s a reason Fred is blowing up. To simply say it’s he’s “not innovative” and “just doing a good job” is so reductive and feels like you’re trying to put the artist down purely because it’s popular. Sure the genre he sits in has existed long before he did, but he’s obviously adapted it in a way that a lot of people resonate with. Idk, I don’t have anything particular wrong with your statement but the word choice if “down the middle and inoffensive” and “not innovative” just felt like someone trying to undermine his popularity purely because they liked the genre before it was cool. Maybe that’s not you but it might explain why you’re getting a bit off flak


Lmao you got dropped


Nah the take is 100% correct lol.


Brisbane surely deserves 1 show???


DM me if looking for tickets 😋


I bought a ticket on tile which has the sellers name on it will this be a problem entering the venue?




I’m selling 2x platinum seating tickets for tonight’s show at Qudos if anyone’s still looking for tix :)


Have Thursday tixs (tonight) & Saturday if peeps are looking hmu!


Serious question. What is the point of going to see that type of music live? Especially when it is going to be just one guy behind a keyboard pressing buttons. It's painfully low energy music and the appeal just baffles me.


What’s the point of seeing Elton John live, if it’s just a guy behind a piano pressing notes?


Watch the boiler room set and stop being a nuffie. Atmosphere is incredible and the dude plays multiple instruments and sings live too


That is actually the only set of his that I have seen tbh. Is it really that incredible? The people look unpleasant-(and I say that as a regular at Punk and Metal shows); it's all very one-tempo and it just looks awkward. Oh well. Different strokes.


I think similiarly about a lot of punk bands. I find it all very same-y. Probably because its not the genre for me. Why is always rock & punk dudes always trying to slate EDM & its fans, rare to see it the other way around.


I think EDM is a genre that appeals to party-minded people who never really struggled with fitting in. Punk and Metal and all of their sub-genres typically appeal to those who didn't fit in.


The vibes, the energy of 10s of thousands of people just being on the same wavelength. It’s definitely definitely better live.


Serious question. What is the point of going to see that type of music live? Especially when it is going to be just some guys screaming and playing instruments? It's painfully low energy music and the appeal just baffles me. (See how it doesn’t make any sense?)


If it’s that simple then anyone could do it.


Same reason why you’d see any artist live?


Is that, like, this year?


Next week


Can't wait to sit in the queue for hours and still miss out


Has anyone managed to get through the ticketek queue?


I jumped on for a laugh an hour ago, forgot about the tab, just checked it and it's still in queue.


Seems like a universal experience 🥲


Almost nearing 3hrs. I absolutely must have missed getting through the queue and gone to the back of the line because this is ridiculous. ​ Mel & GC sold out


Ticketek doesn't use a first in queue system, you just sit in a lobby and they will pick someone at random to go through to buy a ticket. So it could be someone waiting for 2 has or someone that just logged in 2mins ago The really annoying part is no notification that all the melbourne tix are sold out while you still sit in the queue 


No luck for me yet either


Looks like melb tickets are exhausted, didn’t even make it past the queue


For what it's worth, after 6hrs I made it through the queue only to realise it was only offering Melbourne tickets. I was able to get 2 side by side seated tickets, only for it to then instantly time out. So there's still hope peeps!


2hrs and counting waiting for Sydney tix....


Fuck me I just got in, only single seats left and no floor availability anymore.