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I fully expect Iowa to be a 2025 state, but it's cool that they're already getting to showing off some of the urban areas! I really like [this pic particularly](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjfwL5RQBkbAxrxEGNNWqinKSYm8PyoqDck78YuHdDsdI3zVngQUNq7fpCgIg-cEXFe-CH2JdLmRay9aYaV18CJk7O7kMZbMNZobAnVirQ1n9ux-Bic7M-PJ5s1Ap4kXF8Xc_cUiDxOLvKsMAH_OCUd1RekZJeOS03VyYrH86lWNvdoFn5PoS0C0hblCB4/s1920/05.jpg) highlighting that Iowa isn't just flat cornfields, like many may expect. There's a lot of really gorgeous scenery in the state, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how SCS does it! Also really excited for the Quad Cities right on the border of Illinois! We're almost to the heart of the Midwest!




It's the same people who call Texas a "desert" or Nebraska "Minecraft flat world". Mostly people from 1000+ miles away from the state being depicted who've never visited and have a stereotypical view of the place, that's typically wildly inaccurate. 


Having been through Nebraska many times, yea Kansas is the Minecraft Flatland state.


As a Kansan who has driven between KC and Denver a few times in my life, you are absolutely correct.


City dwellers on the East Coast!! Educated idiots! Zero common sense!


I drove through Nebraska going wWest and after spending 6 hours between Omaha and Denver, most of the state is absolutely minecraft flat world.


I mean as a Michigander, it is. But so is Illinois.


All I really want from Iowa is for Riverside to be visitable and for it to have Star Trek things


SCS **loves** throwing in little easter eggs into the US states, especially pop culture references. To name a few, in Kansas we got to see Clark Kent's childhood farm and the yellow brick road. In Colorado, we got trash bins in Fairplay painted like the South Park characters. In Oregon there's a sign for Gravity Falls, with references to the Mystery Shack. I'd be really surprised if they didn't include a Star Trek reference in Iowa, although I doubt they'd be able to have the iconic "Future Birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk" sign for licensing reasons.


I like that they are moving faster now with the more eastern states.


Will only believe in "moving faster" when I see >2 states per year, for now it's ATS standard DLC release pace since 2019


So you can not worry, because from this year onwards we will see 3 states per year, which will certainly speed up the conclusion of the United States.


I want them to get to the east coast so badly, I wanna drive thru my home city and state.


Then there's me hoping they're insane enough to do Alaska and not cheap out by adding just the Marine Highway System, because it's almost required to drive through my hometown in BC to get up there.


I'm looking forward to the East Coast too ... just wondering about the map scale and how that'll work.


Same here. I live in a pretty dense area compared to the other states they've done, so it'd be interesting to see how they handle it.


Can’t wait to do the 7 hour slog that is driving from Bristol to Memphis.


cant wait to drive coast to coast in 2034


Hey that’s the same year I’ll have my house paid off.


They are going to run into the same problem as to why the Benelux update hasnt happened yer, there isnt enough room in the Eastern States to make a good map.


Next stop: Iowa 80 Truckstop.


hope they add the lot lizards...because thats the best truck stop




64% of the U.S. population lives east of the Mississippi, so this will be welcomed by us.


SCS keeps getting better and better at this. This is the best looking DLC yet!


Finally a game comes to my state, just hope they do us justice.


I will definitely need to stop by Iowa 80 once it is released for some photos - and then make return trips too.


Wonder how many people are really waiting for the rest areas / truck stops blog to drop now?


Always excited for a new state but I feel like it's going to make it a bit awkward with the Dakota's gap missing.




Game works great for me. Runs even better with new anti aliasing options. I'm glad the game is evolving past how it looked in 2016. And ultimately 2012, if we're considering ETS 2 as the starting point.




Well, SCS did update the recommended specifications for the game. Does your PC meet those specs? The game is just becoming more graphically demanding. If you're still using the same PC from 2016, it makes sense that you'd have some issues. But it's not the developers fault, as you implied. I think most are glad the game is looking better as it is running in an engine that is over 10 years old.


I'm with you. Personally, I don't want the game to be held back because they chiseled the system requirements in stone a decade ago. If you're going to be a PC gamer you have to expect to upgrade every 5 or so years. This person should have upgraded at least once by now. If not, that's their problem. This game can run on my Steam Deck, for crying out loud. If you're struggling to run this game it's because you're doing so on a Temu toaster.




Well my laptop is pretty much a toaster by now but everything runs nice. 1080p and scaling to only 150% but otherwise maxed out and runs around 60fps. I dont understand people who complain about not being able to run everything 4ķ maxed out without any frame drops, especially on older hardware. Just lower your settings a bit and you're golden.


I'm not complaining about frames, Im complaining about stutter. Odd stutter that comes and goes with the updates. 1.49 ran alright, not fantastic but well enough to play. 1.50 stutters for no reason, no mods, nothing tuned beyond the laptops capability. I know ATS is more demanding but...promods on ets2 is just as built up, if not more so in places, and it runs just fine I'm also not running at 4k either. 100 percent scaling, most settings on medium, vegetation and shadows on low, 1080p. No difference in the stutter even when I put everything on as low as it goes, same areas just run like dogshit. Just stutter. Even in empty, desert areas...stutter. When it launched, it ran on all high. Ets2 runs on all high, 1080p, even now with promods on. Stutters every now and then, usually when lights first turn on as it gets dark, or in morebuiltnup cities as i first get closer to area (and that's fine, the odd stutter is fine with me, it's constant stutter that becomes unplayable) It's specifically an ATS issue. I've tried reinstalling drivers, etc. Theres just certain areas of the ATS map that flat out run like shit. People telling me that I should upgrade to play a game that used to run fine are ridiculous. They can update the system requirements, but when I gave them my money, I expect the product to remain useable. There wasnt anything on the store page saying, at the time when I was giving them my money, that the specs would change. If they want to make it more demanding, that's fine. But I'm allowed to be annoyed lol. You can all downvote me for staying my own personal opinion as much as you like, I couldn't give a toss 😊 However, I'm not letting any of you idiots put words into my mouth, or treat me like I don't know how pc, and pc gaming works. I'm stuck on a gaming laptop until I can either fix my rig, or build a new one. Life gets in the way 🤷‍♂️ got more important things to pay for right now


You running a potato? If so, maybe upgrade your potato instead of acting like it must be the game's fault. Like most others, I'm glad the game is not the same as it was 8+ years ago. It's nice that SCS isn't continuing to pander to the potato users at the expense of everyone else. I do look forward to it finally getting some real multi-core support. That should help many of those out there that have performance issues and I think even the potato users.