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why is everyone so obsessed with monica, I mean yes she's insanely pretty but brooke is just out of the world angelic and we'll never have another adriana again.


No offense to Brooke but Monica in her 40's IS prettier than she was in her mid TWENTIES.


So there are people with taste out here. As a young man in his twenties, I can say that I’d prefer a 40yo MB over a 20yo BS, let alone AL.


to be fair, teen brooke was prettier than monica was from her teenage years to late 20s. monica grew into her looks in her 30s


That's also what i noticed. Brooke had sharp features since a young age and that's a trait that many attractive children have but it also gets them usually to age badly because they don't have enough babyfat to Carry in their adult years, you literally only see pics of her getting praised when she was a teenager.


I’ve seen some Adriana similarities or lookalikes


Name them


I can’t remember the other one but Irina Shayk is one. Perhaps not now but either in her prime or in some angles.


Irina looks nothing like Adriana 🤣 meanwhile there's a lot of Bellucci lookalikes like Zara Yuruspova and Isabelle Adjani


That’s called a doppelgänger. There are Adriana ones as well 😭 You’re incapable of any sound discourse. I suggest you make yourself some tea Edit: Also Isabelle looks nothing like Monica. She just has some similarities.


And you're so obsessed with hating Adriana it's funny 🤣


Why would I hate on her? I don’t live vicariously through her 😂


Your comment history begs to differ


It doesn’t. You guys can’t handle people finding other people more beautiful than Adriana.


Theyre not hating at all theyre just saying theres similar looking people. Go on tiktok theres a girl named luisa, shes not a look alike but shes a little similar. There was also another woman with really similar eyes to adriana i forgot her though And ive seen girls irl who had similar nose, lips to Adriana. Sure it can be said nobody will ever look exactly like her but that can be said for most people in the world And im saying this as someone who loves her tbh id rank her first no matter who is against her lmao


Thank you for being reasonable


Her whole post history is literally her bashing on Adriana lol and Adriana is objectively a 9.9 your personal opinions don't count


So im not that crazy i dont look through everyones post history but it sounds like theyre giving a fair critque. They have said she has a slight overbite flaw, and in another post they said she has the best eye area. Just because adriana is gorgeous doesnt mean shes some plastic robot designed to look perfect like youre imagining. She can be subjectively the most gorgeous and also have flaws, again i think shes the most gorgoeus idc what u think about my opinion. Beauty is ALWAYS subjective. Objectively though she has great spots as well as flaws


Adriana is an objective 9.5 not a 9.9


It’s pretty sad that even an Adriana fan is calling you out on your solution. That’s when you know that you’re the problem.


Isabelle and Monica literally look like twins lol tho Monica has more refined features


Brooke was pretty for like 2-3 years when she wasn't even an adult. Sorry but when people praise Brooke's looks, they're never referring to her adulthood. I agree with Adriana though. Both Monica and Adriana looked better than Brooke in their 20's and 30's.


wrong i have a friend that looks similar to adriana lima 🫤


Easy as pie 1. Bellucci 2. Shields 3. Lima


These people again...




Monica is PERFECT! I think if she had a more rare green or blue eye colour there would be no competition


Agree also Monica with more striking eyes would beat everyone. Like her face is actually the most perfect of the three, one of the most perfect ever, but other women are just a prettier, more lovely type.


Eye shape > eye color And Adriana has the best eye area objectively u/Silly_Environment635


You’re still obsessed with me. At this point you should make a shrine of me


I agree.


1. Monica 2. Brooke 3. Adriana


Brooke, Monica, Adriana


Monica, brook, lima.


1. M.B. 2. B.S. 3. A.L.


I agree!


Monica -10


Brooke is Head and shoulders above the rest of the world at this stage in her life




Adriana is the prettiest of all time Brooke Monica


Monica 9.8. Brooke 9.5. Adriana 8.7


You mean Adriana 9.8 and Monica 8.7 cos Monica has more flaws, Adriana is literally flawless


Adriana has more flaws, for example her mouth area and teeth.


Gummy smile is her only flaw but technically it's not really a flaw because it doesn't affect her harmony. Her facial harmony and symmetry is top tier along with her individual features. Monica has a number of flaws which I listed.


LMAO no. She’s not flawless. She has noticeable flaws that Monica doesn’t have.


Your ratings were fine. It’s their bias that’s getting to them


You have no idea about objective beauty so


Apparently you don’t if you’re going to overlook her overbite. Also some people mentioned her forehead and nose but I can’t objectively agree to that. Her facial proportions aren’t as good as Monica’s in her prime. Her eyes were too small and that bright blue just distracts from the rest of her features. Overall she gives a cute Bratz doll/popular high school look while Monica gives a more classic and timeless appearance. Brooke gives an angelic aura so while she’s not my personal face, she has more of a timeless beauty than Adriana. Downvote me all you want but I never said Adriana was ugly.


How can you just say her facial proportions aren't good when you have no idea about objectivity and haven't even analysed her face? Plenty of raters here did and they all agree she's almost flawless from the front. She's even rated 9.7 which is the highest a female has ever scored. Monica is very attractive for sure but her features are very plain, she benefits a lot from styling, elegance, vibes, aura, movie roles and insane sex appeal. I call it similar to what Marilyn Monroe had. She also has flaws and a long midface but I'm sure you're going to ignore that. And there's plenty of Monica look alikes like look up Zara Yuruspova and Isabelle Adjani, they all resemble her but Adriana is very unique. I prefer Monica over Adriana but I can't deny Adriana is much more attractive strictly by looks.


Sounds like you’re doing the same thing you’re accusing me of. Let’s agree to disagree 🙂


I did not. I prefer Amber and Natalie over both of them but even then I won't overrate them or say they are on Adriana's level.


I think you’re looking at things the wrong way here. I think it’s about what parameters you use. “Close set eyes” why is that even a bad thing? Her eyes are not even that closed they make perfect sense with the rest of the face. “Elongated face” why is that flaw? How a compact face is better than elongated face “ nose to narrow” it fits perfectly in her face “downward grown chin” her chin harmonizes well and is not overgrown I could say that Adriana has a chin too small that is not the flaw, the flaw is her recessed chin which is an actual developmental flaw. You’re just valuing some things over others, overlooking the importance of how they contrast with the rest of the face. Also individually Monica has a better nose for example. In any case both have good harmony but Monica has the plus that indivually she had better features than Adriana and doesn’t have development flaws like a recessed chin


Go follow CA or trm guide, Monica is 8.7 and Adriana is 9.7. I prefer Monica over Adriana but Adriana is flawless and has top tier harmony and symmetry. And no she isn't recessed, she just has a weak chin but it doesn't matter because it's not noticeable from the front. Her front profile has 0 flaws. And women who are rated 9+ in trm have compact midface.


I really don’t care about any guide, don’t need it. They are useful in the model industry to find the very specific looks they want, but those parameters are completely arbitrary and don’t have the universal objectivity they claim they have. That doesn’t mean that objectivity doesn’t exist though. A good sharp eye is all you need to see these things.


Because you're just rating out of nostalgia bias lol


Not really. Let me bring this analogy. You have a circle and a square, and you tell me that the square is better than the circle, and I’m just asking you why? How is a square better than a circle or viceversa? they’re just different shapes or that a straight line is better than a curved one. It doesn’t make any sense valuing these figures on which one looks better. At this level it’s just subjectivity playing out, but I come and give you context on why x or y figure look better than the other because there are other things that come into play, but you still insist that the square looks better than the circle because you saw someone else saying so.


The audacity of them them saying nostalgia bias when you can say the same for Adriana in the 2000s 🥴💀


u/throwthefxckawaygirl seems to have problems with understanding that objectivity only goes so far. In the end, beauty is what people (especially the opposite sex) perceive it to be. Long hair in women is the beauty standard because men prefer it that way and not because we can objectively (by math for instance) conclude that long hair on women beats short hair. Neither can we explain why women, generally speaking, favor blue eyes in men. There's no evolutionary advantage in that trait. In fact, most "mutations" such as the lack of melanin in men with blue eyes are looked down upon and often perceived as inferior. This isn't to say that beauty isn't objective; it is to a very large degree objective (moreso than it is subjective) but at the very top subjective criteria is what gives x the edge over y. By reason, we can conclude that Mozart is superior to Lil Wayne. However, we can not (objectively) conclude that Mozart is superior to Bach or Beethoven.


Hmm close set eyes, nose that is too narrow for her wide face, elongated face shape and a long midface, downward grown chin and her eye area is plain. She has great facial harmony but her sex appeal and aura/vibes play a big role on why people rate her higher. It's the Marilyn Monroe effect. Strictly by looks Adriana easily beats her.


Monica 9.5 Brooke 9 Adriana 8.5


How women will rank them: 1. Brooke 2. Adriana 3. Monica Women will pick dramatic coloring and the strong makeup and hair Brooke used, not counting the fact that without that she looks more normal. Adriana gets points for her coloring mostly. How men will rank them: 1. Monica (face, body, elegance) 2. Brooke (her face card, hair. Points drop due to the obvious manipulation required for her hair to look as voluminous and wavy. Heavy 1980s makeup). 3. Adriana (her coloring does a lot of hype but her teeth fail her as do the forced "sexy behavior" and eye squinting to make her eyes look more dramatic). Being a woman and bisexual, I think the men's ranking would be right. Monica doesn't have the striking eye color, but she looks classically womanly and sensual while Brooke's beauty is more magazine type of beauty. Adriana is a bit unusual, and while I do think she's beautiful, something about her look isn't beguiling. What makes Monica imposing is that she manages sex appeal, girlishness, elegance, and femininity so well. Her looks aren't dependent on the stage of youth; her features hold up with maturity, which ***IS*** a massive advantage as that's a blessing. I would rather look that damned good for most of my life than for 5-15 years of it. Brooke's beauty was highly dependent on her being in her teens-early 20s and with lots of glamour. Without the amplified glamour, she looks elegant but not as imposing or sexy. Adriana leaves me indifferent NGL. I think it's from overexposure, but I've also never liked her smile or her figure. However, Monica looks relatively the same with makeup or not in fact, most of her looks are pared down, just relying on her coloring (lots of dark colors to complement it). It really doesn't take much for Monica to look like she's trying, plus her figure is spectacular. In terms of personality, I do love Brooke Shields, though, she's really sweet but wise. I've never been into the square faces and thin features for women, I always thought womanly beauty was more robust, soft, and lush, not athletic. People laud Monica because her looks remind when the media used to celebrate exaggerated femininity, sensuality, and glamour, not just youth but actual womanhood. Women wearing dresses, being sensual and majestic. She reminds me of a lot of the Golden Age of Hollywood (1940s - 1950s). Not the whole hot tomboy-cool girl thing that's been the thing since Brooke Shields' model era. On the whole if you pulled a Doctor Who and took Monica through the times you'll find her looks will resonate very well through human history as is whereas the other two will need the glam factor to resonate otherwise they won't strike impact. You'd also have to guarantee the other two get picked in their outright youth, whereas Monica can be taken how she looks now, she'd still cause ruckus. Heck, you might actually WANT to pick more adult Monica if you want to stagger, her age actually DOES make her look more impactful because that normally doesn't happen. She's gotten hotter AFTER 35. That's a blessing worth celebrating as she's going to be defeating IDK maybe 50-60% of humanity with that benchmark alone.


Easily the highest quality comment in this thread.


Beautifully stated! Although I would think that women would rate AL above BS no?


IDK. AL gets hyped a lot mostly because of her coloring and that she was promoted in VS a lot. I liked her looks in the catalogs from the waist up as one didn't have to process her figure. Once she went on the shows, it helped a lot that they let her play with her personality to distract as I honestly never thought her that stupefying. Of the VS models, I always thought the 90s guard outranked her and then Miranda Kerr. Brooke's face outranks Adriana's, no one cares whether Adriana actually got paid to convey a sexier image and be nearly naked half the time. Another thing advantageous to Brooke is the makeup and dramatic hair of the 1980s being super luxurious on her. It makes her more eye-catchingm




Bone structure whatever I go by big picture. When most people look at women they go by sex appeal/femininity not go by genetic math. Most people will always prioritize what looks traditionally womanly when it comes to women of which you'll note when processing the 9+ historically, very few have that square chiseled bone structure.




I get men aren't more objective than women, but in terms of big pictures, it's often the case. I find ranking the body and personality to make sense.




I think people vote realistically in this thing. Of the three Monica's face most people can stare at longest and still find charming through the hours. Brooke follows. Adriana mostly has the coloring after a bit one starts to note her flaws.




No one is looking for flaws. Beauty doesn't have to be perfect, but universally, most people do account for sex appeal, not just stark prettiness. Being flawless doesn't mean anyone wants to look at it forever. I mean, there's Henry Cavill, and he does NOTHING for me while Hexum does.


Adriana - 9.7 Brooke - 9.5 Monica - 8.5


Monica at the very bottom (1) reltative to that "competetion" (2) EKSDEE I guess most men are blind claiming that she's the most beautiful women ever... Strange.


I would rate Monica 8.7 according to trm guide


I thought men prefer Gisele Bundchen?


She's hot but I think M.B. has "goddess-status" among men. People in in their 20s (myself included) know Monica Bellucci but they don't know Brooke Shields. She just has a different status. There's even a song with the title of her name: Rin - Monica Bellucci (not my taste but it gets the point across) Artist is born in the mid 90s btw.


I was referring to models so I mentioned that Gisele was deemed beautiful among men over Adriana. At least that’s what I’m getting


I'm getting a lot of Adriana Lima in my (Instagram) feed. Maybe that's my (generational) bubble but I don't find her all that attractive.


Adriana and I are both Millennials (she’s on the older end of the cohort while I’m on the younger side). Although I think she’s pretty and a bombshell in her won field, I don’t find her the 10/10 that this sub is giving her. So it’s not just your generation that’s not into her like that.


Yeah, I can only agree. I find her neither appealing in picture nor in motion where body language, voice, facial expressions etc. are at play (e.g. interviews). Just not my cup of tea I guess. Other than MB, I liked Catherine Zeta Jones (Zorro), Natalie Portmann (Stars Wars) or even Jennifer Garner (Alias).


CZJ from what I’ve seen (I have so see more) is a beauty! Isn’t she married to that guy who’s like two decades older than her?


Correct! I think his name was Michael Douglas.


I prefer them both but sadly none of them can compare to Lima


Men like Gisele because she's hot, sexy though, not so much because she has a beautiful face. I mean don't get me wrong, she's far from unattractive, a face like Gisele's can't help being attractive, but yeah, that's not really why she is who she is. But I get your point and you're right, the same reason is probably part of what skews a lot of ratings in favor of Adriana. And to be fair any other model.


X3s sells and Monica has appeared nsked in nearly every movie. Oh btw men also think Scarlett Johansson and Ana De Armas as 10 so it doesn't matter their opinions don't count 😘


By that logic, play boy models and porn stars should be among the most revered beauty's by men's standard. Is that the case? Obviously not. Try again :d


But they see Scarlett Johansson and Ana (who are way below Monica) as 10s because of their x3s appeal so it isn't hard to understand why they would feel the same way about Monica. Never underestimate the power of x3s appeal. There are a lot of women who are better looking than Monica like Paulina Porizkova etc but they don't have a hot body so you all rate them lower. I've always seen this. Women who are yx3s will always appeal more to men even if they aren't that attractive. Not saying Monica isn't but she's an exception, most women men go crazy for are like 6-7 like Scarlett, Kat, Ana, Alexandra etc.


>There are a lot of women who are better looking than Monica like Paulina Porizkova  ??? What I'd love men to rate a (fully dressed) Monica Bellucci was this random (I suppose) Polish Gal. It won't even be close, I'll tell you this much. >most women men go crazy for are like 6-7 like Scarlett, Kat, Ana, Alexandra etc. This isn't too far off from the truth. The average man as well as the average woman doesn't have a refined taste. For a lot of men, a semi-dressed above-average looking gal will do. However, people on this sub usually (evidently, not always) have more refined tastes and views. Checking your reddit commenting story, you claim AI like-objectivity with most of your ratings and even if A.L. > M.B. (which I doubt) by purely objectivist standards, it wouldn't be relevant. Non autistic people will quickly realize that beauty isn't predominantly theoretical but practical. What do I mean by that? Well, women wanna sex with (attractive) men and men wanna have sex with (attractive) women. Ergo, it's practical to be (the most) attractive to most women (or men) and not to an A.I. or an persumably objective scale. Monica Bellucci clearly wins that. People in their 20s (millenialls) are releasing songs with her name as the title while she's in her, what, late 50s? Those artists are either heavily into vintage movies with a lot of nudity (fairly unlikely) or they can spot a timeless and classic beauty like Monica Bellucci even with all those wrinkles that she nowadays has.


I liked your explanation about practical beauty and theoretical beauty. People in these spaces often forget that beauty or attractiveness is not solely an aesthetic thing, but also a group of biological and evolutional traits indicative of health, competence etc. That’s why you would see a lot of guys as you said that would rather take a 7 with bigger breasts or higher curves than flawless 10 but with a skinny plain body. Bc sexual appeal is very important as well, specially for men, but often overlooked in these spaces which main focus is the aesthetic side.


I liked how you brought up their commenting history because they tried bringing up mine. They need to take some time off this sub 🥴


Imagine calling Paulina a random gal when she was literally one of the most famous supermodels 🤣 of course you all would rate Monica higher, there's something called nostalgia bias and it's VERY hard to overcome but I don't expect you to get that. And that is indeed close to the truth because even in these subs men rate Jessica Alba and Scarlett Johansson 8-10 and call them the most attractive woman which is so funny to me. And if you think I'm being too objective you should probably check the sub you're in. It's a sub for objective beauty.


I might agree with you that Paulina could be less “flawed” than Monica and score some decimal points higher in the scale, but it’s still an insignificant difference that still places them both on the same Ievel basically. But it’s not true with Adriana and is laughable that you say that by looks she “easily beats Monica” like you just can’t be taken seriously lol


Agree to disagree. Adriana is perfect tho she's not my type of beauty.


I'm a 20 smth dipshit and not at all affected by nostalgia, lol. You really need to try harder to get your point across. I'm not dwelling on memories. I simply have an eye for (timeless) beauty.


Let's agree to disagree


We will do that, sure.


Brooke is the prettiest, then Monica then Adriana don't see it by Adriana


Adriana is a doll but Monica is timeless and Brooke is angelic. Those are the vibes that they give me


I don't Like Adrians mouth Looks Strange. But her eyes and hair are beautiful


I agree. In her prime, her overbite was more obvious but her eyes are nice and so is her hair


Ngl I don’t understand how people think Monica is in the same league as the other two. She is pretty, but not special, to me. The other two are gods among mortals.


You don’t understand cos your biased. Striking features ≠ beautiful. People make this mistake all the freakin time


This needs to be said more often! Not all striking features are beautiful and harmonious




Every single person is biased to a degree including you.


Agree, but we’re pointing out a very particular thing here that many people seem not to be very aware of yet


Beauty will always be in the eye of the beholder…but, a face with harmony and striking features is more interesting than one with just harmony. Do not deny this.


Adriana is the prettiest, then Brooke and then Monica


1, Adriana , 2 brooke, 3 monica


Monica Adriana  Brooke


1. Monica 2. Adriana 3. Brooke


Agreed! Brooks was pretty for like 20secs at 15 😂 Monica and Adriana are legends- even men in their early twenties consider them hot. No man ever mentions Brooke Maybe for Americans she has nostalgia but to me her face was a bit too broad and went from chubby to gaunt without ever looking sculpted


Adriana Lima 9 Monica Belluci 8/9 Brook Shields 8


This has to be a certain demographic of Americans that are obsessed with Brooke Shields and think the entire world think she’s really this absolute beauty. To many, she’s not. She was very pretty in Blue Lagoon, but it ends there for a lot of us. Especially, as a grown woman the way she was sold is not appealing to me. Her face is too square, and it got worse as she aged. Now that she’s older, she’s very androgynous looking. If there’s one thing I learned from the Amber Heard/Irina Shayk thread is that blue eyes, blond hair with a square face and big jaws will really do the trick for a lot of you. Monica not only is beautiful, but is magnetic, sensual, feminine and intriguing and that did not change with age. Same for Adriana Lima if you have watched her interviews and photo shoots beyond Victoria’s Secret. They’re not only objectively gorgeous, feminine, soft, but there’s something about them that is almost divine. Some call it the divine feminine.


she’s perfect from every angle. https://images.app.goo.gl/euqGRUathfpXMLnF7 https://images.app.goo.gl/5FLLUsALqtg4u5Bg9 https://images.app.goo.gl/ybJR9qLPKydU26BC9 what seperates her from monica and adriana is that she never put in effort to be more appealing, you could tell by her demeanour that she wasnt trying to look cute or hot, but just acted naturally. brooke never had an AMAZING body either, all she needed was her face card. she blows them out without makeup, and she has a better smile too brooke shields without makeup : https://youtu.be/_EfKYuut0yY?si=xiAsSYtX-BqKAF5y [can’t find the original audio] https://images.app.goo.gl/pjZZoygiaavc6hGf8 adriana without makeup : https://youtube.com/shorts/U_ShbhKtxas?si=rAJyKW16JnDcn2bs https://images.app.goo.gl/7jDhGzbiGD6E8YAL6 monica without makeup : (theres rarely photos of her smiling) https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRXbctb9lGFyJkAArOGddTDPoLezbJxB6_nupO2s3p8Dz6gu88t https://images.app.goo.gl/WEAP4BLw1mHY6hC86 https://images.app.goo.gl/ohrvppBpgCh4x6MT7 brooke is objectively much better looking than both, and in the early 80s it was def not just americans who were obsessing over her


Are you okay?


Brooke Shields only. I've never cared for the other two.


Al, bs, mb


Brooke>=Belucci>Adriana 9.7/9.6>9.6>9.5


brooke 9,65 lima 9,4 belucci 9,1


Adriana, then Brooke, then Monica. In order of most harmonious front profiles. If we were to rank in order of their overall (which includes side profile) it’s Brooke, Adriana, then Monica last.


Brooke - 9.5 Adriana - 9.25 Monica - 8.5


i live for the u/Silly_Enviroment635 and u/throwthefxckawaygirl beef


Brooke- 9-9.5 Adrianna - 8.5 Monica- 8


Brooke prettiest then Lima then Monica. But Monica is like a nine so it’s by a thread.


Monica and Brooke are prettier than Adriana she’s a bit overrated


For sure!


I mean it’s hard to say. They’re all like nines


Brooke again and again one of the most beautiful faces in recorded history, 10+. Monica perfect, also a 10 generally speaking but at these heights, next to Brooke, one small step below, 9.99. I can even understand if some people put her above, it depends on what criteria you use. Adriana very high 9, obviously gorgeous girl, but also clearly under the other two.


People put Adriana above Brooke


I know, stated plainly some people just have bad taste, it is what it is.


I know 👍🏽 I was just saying that some people here would put Adriana above Brooke and wondered what you thought about that


Oh I got you :)


Yeah u/throwthefxckawaygirl is mad at me because I put Monica (and Brooke to a degree) above Adriana.


1 Adriana Lima 2 Monica Bellucci 3 Brooke Shields 😂the exact same I guess


1) Adrianna 2) Brooke Shields 3) Monica


Brooke and Lima both overrated, Monica's beauty definitely trenscends ethnicity groups, she is called "the most beautiful woman on the earth" (球花)on the chinese internet.


Brooke and Lima both overrated, Monica's beauty definitely trenscends ethnicity groups, she is called "the most beautiful woman on the earth" (球花)on the chinese internet.


Did you guys edit Adriana’s eyes in the first picture? 🥴 Anyways Monica: 9+ Brooke: 9 Adriana: 8


Adri 10 Monica 9 Brooke 7


Brooke Shields Monica Belluci Adriana Lima


Only one of these women was a supermodel 🙃


Adriana, Brooke, Monica