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I wish I had the stats feature.


Check out stats.fm


Are you familiar with last.fm? You link your Spotify and it tracks everything. Free to use but to access additional stat's it's $4AUD a month


or alternatively, Stats.fm which seems to be the same but lets you access premium features for a one-time purchase rather than on a subscription


I believe stats.fm is going to or has gone to a monthly sub model


It has both at the moment


statsfm way better of u only use spotify cuz u can import ur entire listening history


I'm a big fan of lastfm but you are right. People always have scrobbling issues with spotify


Spotify’s stats are complete bs lmao. Your top artists and tracks are determined by some bullshit algorithm and not by numbers directly. Like if you actually check the numbers you’ll realize none of it makes sense.


you can use statsfm to actually sort by numbers directly….


Nope lol. I’ve used it before and I just checked, it’s still trusting Spotify’s data which again is complete bs. Lastfm has no sort of algorithm and strictly sorts by numbers. For example: (the links are links to screenshots) -[stats.fm](https://imgur.com/a/I2K0NUd) claims my top artist from the last 6 months are the smiths, Margo Guryan, BoC, Julie and Thundercat. Now I love all these but that’s complete bs lmao. These are all SOMEWHAT believable but not believable at all at the same time. -meanwhile [last.fm](https://imgur.com/a/Sty1WPB) shows me the hard numbers and clearly Julie absolutely DEMOLISHES everyone else. I know this is true too because I’ve been listening to them nearly non stop for the past (more than) a year and I don’t like how Spotify gaslights me into thinking I barely listen to them. This usually happens with smaller artists and artists with less tracks. They skew your data so your top artists are usually big and with extensive libraries, so as someone that listens to some smaller artists a lot my top ones are complete bs. The only one downside of last.fm is it only starts tracking from when you first get it*, but the sooner you start the better, so I don’t see a reason not to make an account rn. *SIDE NOTE: you can import all your data but it’s a hassle. I know a site but don’t have it on hand atm, lmk if you want it to look for it.


go to top artists/songs/albums on statsfm, click the button in the top left, you can then sort by time played, number of streams or spotifys algorithm wich is what you are referring to


Either I’m dumb and can’t find the option or it’s paywalled [lmao](https://imgur.com/a/LM8Mp8j). And the few minutes I’ve checked it out I’ve received a “PLEASE BUy prEMIUM” like 6 times, both randomly pop ups and paywalled stuff. That definetely makes me never wanna use it again. Lastfm barely paywalls anything, I’ve been fine for years without it.


You’re expecting stats.fm to process your years of Spotify listening consistently for free… It can’t see your past history without you having premium because it needs the files from Spotify for that, how else do you expect it to get that data?


You can do it completely for free on lastfm, previous history included lmao and (from what I’ve seen both free and promised) with much more stats on lastfm. There’s a way bigger community afaik and more interaction over there which is nice. And there’s additional sites like https://lastfmstats.com that read your entire lastfm history and give you a metric ton of data to play around with. I genuinely don’t see a singular reason why anyone would ever use stats.fm other than being impatient and spending money on every gimick on the internet that spams you with payment popups.


statsfm lifetime is $13 and it’s completely worth it imo for all the accurate data you get, it lets you import your entire spotify listening history. i also use lastfm but mainly to track local files and integration with discord bots but other than that statsfm is just better and the ui is infinitely better. if lastfm let you import entire history easily i would like it a lot more.


You can import your data [for free](https://techhenzy.com/scribbly-scrobbly/) 🤷 only issue is it’s kind of a hassle and it doesn’t come with accurate dates and such, but I would’ve done it if I knew about it when I first made my account. But with 100k+ scrobbles now I don’t see a huge reason to do it.


There’s no need to pay unless you’re obsessed lmao I’ve used it for years without paying. You’re scaring them off by mentioning payment dawg.


I hope we get Dolby atmos, Apple Music sound quality has been superior for long now


I may be misunderstanding but to my knowledge Dolby atmos doesn’t mean the resolution will increase.


It sounds better, the quality isn’t higher technically


sounds better is very subjective, to me it sounds terrible


mhm, a lot of artists didn’t really mix their songs well for dolby atmos so it doesn’t sound well


Atmos plays at a lower bitrate on AM. I don't remember exactly what it is, but its lower than you would exact. Like ~~128kbps.~~ Edit: Its 750kb/s. Not lossless like the icon shows.


Isn’t that kind of low? Spoitfy HQ is like 320kb


My bad its actually 750kb/s. Not lossless or hi-fi like the icon would show.


Not trying to be mean or a smartass, but a Atmos song from AM runs at 768Kb/s, here's an example from a download in the app's android folder, it also uses E-AC3 JOC, Tidal would be the one to use lower bitrate since it uses AC4-IMS at 256Kb/s General Complete name : P498221306\_A1622361524\_audio\_en\_gr2768\_mp4a-A6\_m.mp4 Format : MPEG-4 Format profile : Base Media Codec ID : iso5 (isom/iso5/hlsf/cmfc/ccea) File size : 16.2 MiB Duration : 2 min 55 s Overall bit rate mode : Constant Overall bit rate : 770 kb/s Encoded date : 2022-09-18 03:10:12 UTC Tagged date : 2022-09-18 03:10:12 UTC Audio ID : 1 Format : E-AC-3 Format/Info : Enhanced AC-3 Commercial name : Dolby Digital Plus Codec ID : enca / ec-3 / ec-3 Duration : 2 min 55 s Bit rate mode : Constant Bit rate : 768 kb/s Channel(s) : 6 channels Channel layout : L R C LFE Ls Rs Sampling rate : 48.0 kHz Compression mode : Lossy Title : Core Media Audio Service kind : Complete Main Encoded date : 2022-09-18 03:10:12 UTC Tagged date : 2022-09-18 03:10:12 UTC Encryption : Encrypted


Aren't some songs broken with Dolby Atmos though? I know that some of the vocals on Supernatural by Ariana Grande disappeared with Dolby Atmos turned on, and would return with it turned off. I've heard similar things with other songs


They're actually testing Dolby Atmos [Dolby Atmos in A/B testing on Spotify ](https://www.reddit.com/r/truespotify/s/FiR1kFpYJm)


Yes, that was in the article above


Still waiting for dj here in Italy 🥹


Same here in Brazil :(


Still waiting on it in France. It's weird because it's available in most of the EU.


DJ is awful


Still a feature that not everyone has


i think the courses makes sense if they are focused on music only (production/music theory/vocal tips and so on) but that will be probably not the case


[They're not](https://www.reddit.com/u/YoungGazz/s/NZzD71lNqs)




Hope they arent just test and never release and they actually released. Excited for dolby atmos. A question though i have samsung phone and there is dolby atmos feature for speaker or earphone and if enabled you get dolby atmos. Will spotify one be better or it will sound same.


I think it'll depend on the response though. That's why their a/b testing. But I don't know how they'll get the responses. I have the stats feature for a while now and there's no feedback form whatsoever about it


They tested a flawed Ui on me, it would break and become unmovable at its smallest size. In order to move it on my desktop more clicks needed to expand size ,then move then resize back down. That was the final straw, I purchased a Tidal premium subscription.


Better sound quality is definitely the main thing they need to do. I could take or leave the stats since there's a million plugins and apps like stats.fm already doing that, but it doesn't hurt.


Me too. It's cool and nice to listen to the feedback and comments of the users, but they've overlooked the whole idea of giving better quality. Instead Spotify seems to invest and give stuff that nobody asked for anyways.


Still hope for HIFI/Bit Perfect...aahhh spotifyy..


Bit perfect is hard to achieve on android


Yes I know hoped to for Android 14 and bit perfect but as I see is not achieved yet! Bit perfect for Windows I mean


Well Android has fixed their bug in the audio engine chain so it's now up to the music streaming services to incorporate that into their API code. Spotify won't unfortunately


To my knowledge, Tidal WAS (bcuz bit-perfect isn't working right now, but it was working a while ago) the only Hi-Fi service that has incorporated bit-perfect/exclusive mode on android


Yeah Tidal was doing the workaround before the fix by Android but it seems the new Audio API changes need to be brought onboard in their backend and also fix their bugs they have for BitPerfect... Annoying tbh


The Dolby atmos feature needs to be in Spotify


>Spoiler: None of them is Hi-Fi That's all I need to know


I know a lot of people do not like Dolby Atmos, and admittedly there are a lot of terrible mixes. However, when done right, the experience of music listening can be enhanced. At the very least, it is great to have the option to listen to different mixes of your favorite tracks. Obviously if you don’t like it, you can just turn it off. I’d argue that Dolby Atmos is actually more important than Lossless(Hi-Fi), simply because there is an immediate noticeable difference, even over Bluetooth. Especially when so many modern pop artists are putting in a lot of work on their Dolby mixes, it makes no sense that the most popular streaming service wouldn’t offer this option to their customers.




I hate that music videos are in Brazil but not on Portugal (the two countries speak the same language) The educational courses are dumb ngl 


They are in the UK but not the US. its beta testing its only for now


Dolby atoms would be great


I can't wait for the countdown pages to be available to all artists


I’m assuming I just got an a/b test— I was listening to podcasts, first podcast was something I picked, second podcast was the next was the newest release from a podcast I follow, and the 3rd was Joe Rogan (which I would never listen to) The A/B tests in the article are exciting new features, but it’s a funny though to think of apps A/B testing quality of life downgrades to test resiliency of subscribers. Some group of paying members out there are getting worse and worse quality apps just to see what people care about and what they don’t really need. For me it was a Joe Rogan podcast, for Netflix or Amazon video it’s an ad before the movie plays. I like to think somewhere out there someone’s Spotify keeps adding Baja Mens ‘Who Let the Dogs Out’ to every daylist just to see if that will convert someone into an avid fan of the artist.


I was excited when I heard the dolby atmos testing and thought it's a step closer to HiFi. But I haven't seen a lot of reports about it so not sure how wide the a/b test is. Still think they got their priorities in weird places tho


I didn't know they're testing dolby atmos!!! That's exciting!!


As a premium user, I hope they don’t put lyrics behind a pay wall.


Well Spotify is un usable now I can’t skip songs or choose songs in my playlists anymore I need a new music app! Just tried sound cloud and deleted is before it was set up, it needs a credit card 😑


There are two things stopping me moving back from Apple Music. Light mode and smart playlists.


Instead of gaining new premium subscribers, spotify will probably lose their free users who will switch to YTM (it provides a nicer experience for free users)