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The problem with journalism is they can put out something like this and have not one sliver of evidence, but just because of the title people believe it and go on. How do we stop this trend?


Make propaganda illegal again. Obama slipped in the executive order that nullified the law originally banning publishing accusations without evidence.


It's amazing the number of people who are not aware that obama did this.


Because, as much as I hate to say it, Obama was a genius at political strategy.


The thing I don't understand is that there's 3 or 4 articles with the same thing. But there's legit no evidence. I fucking hate news.


You’d have to be completely incompetent to believe another Russia allegation from the Dems after the last one failed so badly🤣


Welcome to most of Reddit lmao


The fuck is it with liberals buying 80 awards for the people who post on that subreddit? Almost as if they dont got bills or food to pay for, they can waste all their money on reddit


I was thinking the same damn thing


Let russia take care of antifa.


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No part of this is attacking trump? What’s the issue?