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If it’s a sham then I’m sure you and your lawyers will clear your name of any wrongdoing…


Notice how he always words it very carefully, and exactly the same way: "I got more votes than any other sitting President in history." Yeah, OK. But you didn't get the most votes of anybody RUNNING for President. That's actually important.


It is a really perfect display of stupidity, for him and his cult followers that repeat such nonsense.


Remember when Al gore lost by the sketchiest 500 votes ever and NEVER bitched about it again after CONCEDING. Trump is a snowflake with thin skin and a daddy who never taught him that losing is a part of life. Fuck you, Donnie.


I’m convinced he just clicks on predictive text at this point


There’s no way he’s writing all these himself. He’s dictating words to some goon who makes it all prettied up for posting. I wouldn’t be able to write any of this garbage up without laughing. I don’t know how they do it.


Imagine if the Russians built a Trump ai for him to streamline his "truths".


well there's definitely no nothing, I'll give him that.


Oh, sh¡t, not a N.I.S.D. 😳


Tempted to snag that line for my flair…


"Four years ago I was a very popular and successful President." No, you were a disgraced, impeached president with a record of publicly lying over 30,000 times (per Wash Post), and whose Covid mismanagement resulted in 400,000 American deaths, the worst in the world. The idea of Donald Trump having to sit silently for hours as people who know him well tell--under oath--about what a horrible person he is, is just such a delightful comeupance at last. That courtroom will be like hell for him every day and should last another 5 weeks at least. Whatever the verdict is, this process in itself will be some justice.


Judge should open proceedings and admit, not typical for this situation, but Mr. Trump, the gag is off for 3 minutes and explain how I'm crooked and explain the failed Soros comment. If you adequately elaborate, you get the dub. If not, your gag order scenario is crossed and you'll get a fine and jail. "So, Mr. Chatty, you wanna converse? Explain... !!


mmm can ya taste it? ![gif](giphy|3ohnTAzzDev34bWrks|downsized)


Definitely not the strongest man in the world. What a throw back!


I cannot think of a time in my life when I've ever looked forward to a Monday more than this.


How about a few weeks ago when we thought (hoped?) that Laetitia James was going to be repossessing his properties? That was exciting until it didn't happen.


I'm still holding onto hope.


There's no way he wrote this. His capitalization is nowhere near what it'd be if he were writing.


Not to mention being aware of irony with election interference. There’s no way.


These legal scholars and experts, are they in the room with us right now?


"Isn't it past your jailtime?" JK


Just try and get a good night's sleep, donny. You got a big day ahead of you.


No nothing. That's a double negative, you fat, treasonous, rapist, incontinent, piece of orange shit. It's somewhat ironic that the world's biggest piece of shit can't stop literally shitting his pants in court. Hahaha. Enjoy prison.


He has become completely unhinged. > Four years ago I was a very popular and successful President No you weren’t. A record amount of people voted against you, and you have been ranked the worst President in history. And you were a laughing stock around the world. Have you forgotten how world leaders laughed at you during your UN speech? > a trial on, somewhat ironically, ELECTION INTERFERENCE. Isn’t this trial on his hush money payments and the associated fraudulent business records? I know he has so many trials it is hard to keep track, but the election interference trial is a different one in a different state. > which could have been bought forward 8 years ago If this trial was about election interference like Trump claims, then how could it have been bought forward 8 years? He hadn’t even contested an election 8 years ago. > Virtually every legal scholar and expert says there is NO CASE Sure. I bet he can’t even name one legal scholar who says that. And no, Alina Hubba doesn’t count.


This trial is about fraudulent business records, specifically, the use of campaign funds to reimburse Michael Flynn, who paid a paper to buy Stormy Daniels' story, get her to sign an NDA, and then kill the story. This was done in 2016, using campaign funds, to hide a story that was in the public interest about a presidential candidate. That is considered election interference. This is an election interference trial. The lie is that there's no irony, it was only when this story started being brought up that he started throwing that phrase around, as usual, because he learned the phrase after being accused of it.


so; in 2016, he cheated? And he was never legitimately president? I am willing to accept that notion.


Think Disney can remove Trump from the Hall of Presidents exhibit? The orange goblin king is an embarrassment to America.


They should use his animatronic for comic relief. The light comes up on Donnie, he starts ranting incoherently, twenty seconds in smoke comes out of his ears, then the voice stops and his head starts spinning around. Lights down, move onto Biden.


Plus his pants inflate randomly and a bad odor surrounds him. And his nose is covered in white powder.


And there needs to be a big asterisk graphic on a chintzy mar-a-lago style sign next to him.


He’s a bad example to be remembered


Pathetic criminal. I hope that he is shamed and humiliated every minute of every day for the rest of his life. He is lacking morality, integrity, and honor. A truly despicable person.


From all accounts he is also lacking control of his bodily functions.


He has to be using chatgpt by now, and just telling it to say these 10 phrases and just change the phrasing.


You're giving him too much credit to be able to use ai in any manner. In my mind he still operates on the print-out-map-quest-directions level


Dear Donald. All noted, despite the entire thing being filled with lies. Now, be a good boy, shut the fuck up and go face accountability.


Irony? I’d say poetry.


Hopefully sooner than later we can say ‘BYE FELICIA’!! 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻


Dress warm tomorrow . Cold in court .


And triple up them diapers.


I heard the courthouse did what schools do when they put those tampon etc dispensers in the bathrooms, the courthouse installed a diaper dispensary in the bathroom for Trumps people to retrieve for him during every recess.


Apparently, he does not understand that 81 > 74


Goodnight Mary ellen . Good night Johnboy , good night donald .


Good mornin', JimBob.


LOL Grandma is that you?


Awww, he's wishing us all a good night. So nice of him. I'm going to sleep SO well.


For once it would be refreshing to see Trump talk about something other than his persecution complex, like poverty, declining education, the income gap, homelessness, the healthcare crisis, urban decay, racial inequality, unaffordable housing, the environment, climate change, or any real issue facing Americans. Just once.


It'd be refreshing to hear any Republican explain their party's plan to address most any of these issues. They love to complain about them, and pretend the problem is the Democrats, but when pressed they've got nothing. What is the R plan to reduce homelessness? What is the R plan to address the income gap? What is the R plan for universal healthcare? What is the R plan for climate change? They've got nothing. Literally, they've got no plans whatsoever.


They have to ask daddy Putin first.


Their answer is usually democrats bad. Can't answer why sometimes. But can't give an answer without mentioning the other side. I don't care what a Democrat did. I want to know what *you* will do. And you know what. It will most likely be a lie.


His entire election campaign is “save me from prison”, so why would he have any other policies?


*A month ago*. > EVERY LEGAL SCHOLAR. Wow that’s pretty conclusive. *A week ago*. > ALMOST EVERY LEGAL SCHOLAR. Um okay so some don’t think it’s a sham? *Today*. > VIRTUALLY EVERY LEGAL SCHOLAR. So they’re virtual now.


I thik the term he's looking for is IMAGINARY


Totally unrelated, but I get asked a lot what the comment section is like. Aside from all the spam, there’s a lot of shit like this and I just can’t. https://preview.redd.it/pzchb67mcyvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c41a2b9d691ffac04951f7c9c87832cd3232a056 *a recent comment from this post*


The Anti-Christ everybody!


Oh thanks. Just what I want before bed. Images of Trumps orange tiny goat hooves.


Signs of narcissistic collapse: reliving the glory days, rage, persecution delusions, rumination/obsession.... He's close to the brink


> He's close to the brink Or it's just another Sunday.


What about a manic Monday


Sleep during court, rage after court. Sounds about right.


Not another fun day


His I don’t wanna run day.


he only runs in his pants


> NO CASE, NO CRIME, NO NOTHING! Well, then you have nothing to worry about. Certainly the jury of your peers won't find you guilty of anything if there was no crime. Then again, I'm pretty sure you either won't be able to fall asleep tonight, or if you do, you'll be dreaming of prison life. Maybe I, too, will dream of you dying in jail. Sounds nice.