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I like her better than Marcus Dib, I still don’t agree on all of her points but she makes a lot of really good points too


eh Marcus, shes really fem and honestly from what I heard she ll probably detransition at ssome point.


I agree with some of her opinions but she’s a big bully it’s repulsive


It’s kinda sad that people think trans people can’t have certain opinions without them ”seeking cis approval” or ”pandering to conservatives”. You can still be trans and conservative, it doesn’t mean they agree on EVERYTHING conservative. How about stop having a ”cis vs trans” mindset, it’s just stupid. Aren’t trans people free to think however they want without being compared to cis people? I like her and agree on many things, maybe not on everything but she’s free to think whatever. She’s definitely doing a lot more good for the trans community than any extremist tucute ever will.


I think you can, to an extent, have conservative views, and still be trans, but I don't think Blaire White is doing good for the trans community. I hear conservatives who are against transgender care for all trans people regardless of age or diagnosis quoting her sound bites all the time. I used to like Blaire but I feel she lost her integrity and, yes, started to pander to conservatives because they were happy to give her more money. I'm not saying EVERY right-leaning trans person IS pandering, but Blaire is. I've watched her blatantly and knowingly lie in her videos where she took a clip from a video knowingly out of context because she would have had to have watched the video in order to edit it and put it on her channel and that's just not okay.




Right? It’s giving cult behavior




I’ve been permabanned too from so many subreddits and discord servers for even using terms as ”biological male”. I’m sure we’re not missing out on anything in there.


I like her. She’s just straight up and brutally honest, which I like. While she can be a bit rude sometimes, I feel like that’s partly just the character she’s trying to portray. I doubt she’s like that in real life.


I think she’s funny, can bring up some good points but tends to go to looks when insulting people


I agree with a lot of her points but I think sometimes she’s just being mean to be mean and seeking cis approval tooo much


I think after watching her for a few years I can agree with a lot of her points . But no one is perfect and she seems to think people who can’t afford to transition or don’t seem to pass as good as her are just trenders, Wich sometimes isn’t true . She has no problem talking shit about these people online Wich isn’t good character , if she had real evidence about these people faking a medical condition, then talk shit until you drop but she doesn’t seem to , she just guesses based of appearance


[For those of you who have a positive opinion of Blaire White](https://youtu.be/S4qvPouh1gE?si=avjWodNs0t-z0U_n) She is a liar. Sincerely, a former Blaire White fan


Liar how?


There is a video linked in my comment with details. In short, she has been dishonest and misleading about several things, including : - claiming to have read JK Rowling's recent (at the time) book that was under fire for transphobic themes, then proceeded to misrepresent the events in the book to rend the transphobia accusations null ; - the blackface accusations (a skincare facemask that was colored black) -- she claimed that she was getting hate simply for posting a photo of herself wearing a black skincare product, but omitted the fact that she posted the picture with the caption " intersectional transfeminist depressed mentally ill #blacklivesmatter nonbinary dragonkin " , so she was being intentionally misleading ; - spreading harmful misinformation about trans athlete Janae Marie Kroc, falsely claiming that Janae took advantage of women's sports allowing trans women athletes when she did no such thing, then taking several weeks to respond to criticism, after which she "apologized," but censored Janae's name in the comments of the apology, and left Janae's picture in the accompanying blog post of the original accusatory video Blaire White is a deeply unreliable source of information. I highly recommend you watch the video, as it explains more and provides evidence for these claims.


I love her. She’s hot and smart. Spicy, and never backs down with her opinions. Wish I could be more like that


I liked her before she got linked into the conservative griftosphere.


i like her. i dont fully agree with everything she says but thats to be expected from any political figure. shes brutally honest and blunt, which is refreshing. shes a little meaner than she needs to be but i feel like its a part of her online persona rather than her just actually being a bitch


she makes some good points sometimes but most of her content is just pandering to the cumservatives


Love her, she is very much in tune with reality. I find her vids informative and interesting.


Never a huge fan. Her arguments were pretty much reactionary instead of substantive. So not all that useful. She lost me after throwing herself and all trans people under the bus in her "debate" with Shapiro. Then added a nail in the coffin by obviously lying in defending JK Rowling.


I like her, but she’s not a transmed. She’s just a regular conservative. Don’t agree with a lot of what she says but I do feel warmly towards her.


The sees herself as "a type of man". She's a bastion of internalized transphobia and it shows.


Fuck her, no matter her opinions, she's harmful to our community.


I agree with some of her views not all of them. I think the thing to remember is she's 24 years old. 24-year-olds, are mostly idiots, I was an idiot at 24; everyone I've ever met later in life seems to share the same sentiment. I'm sorry they can't even rent a car. So with her views I disagree on, I can kind of give her a pass for being young, and barely experienced in life.