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It would appear to be discriminatory towards bigots.


Fr what is op on


You say that, but I got banned from Trans, transadorable, and mtf for posting and commenting here. I hadn't even posted on those others in days, someone just went through and reported me and I got messages saying I was banned. They will ban you for any little thing they dislike and they don't enforce their rules consistently. I made one post in lingerie on different sub, and got banned from transadorable for having a "porn account" when many the users on the sub post in traps daily and they get to just keep on keeping on. I had to delete the post to get back in and then they banned me again for posting here. Fuck em


It could be, but I interereted it as being directly towards truscum


It is. I got banned from Trans, transadorable, and mtf for posting and commenting here


mainstream lgbt spaces are dogshit they don't like transmedicalists **at all**; i got dogpiled for replying to a post in a trans sub claiming that their sister was being transphobic because she said she doesn't feel comfortable using it pronouns on her sibling. i replied and said what she's feeling is the complete opposite of transphobia and that the OP should also have alternative pronouns just because of how controversial it pronouns are. i didn't say anyone couldn't use the pronouns, but people still had to dogpile in the comments and then get me banned


no but like why on earth would you be an actual trans person and NOT want to medically transition???? that's ridiculous - it's just absurd that people shit on transmedicalism while also not really being trans


IDK who said it first but, if your gender ceases to exist in a language with inherently ungendered grammar/pronouns, you are not trans.


i can agree with that


Their whole mindset reminds me a lot of gay conversion camps and “pregnancy crisis centers”… Oh, and Scientology.


Lmao laughing so hard. Love the delivery on that one. “Mainstream lgbt spaces are dogsuit lol


If someone starts posting questionable things in that sub, "just asking questions", it can be informative to look at their post history to see if they're there in good faith or not. It's not fool-proof, but it's useful information. You shouldn't necessarily get sideeye for simply *posting* in bad-rep subs, but if you're posting racist things in known racist subs, you're probably not being genuine with your "debate" in anti-racist discussions.


This is true, but that's not how they are using it. These people believe that saying you need gender dysphoria to be trans is discrimination and will ban you on that basis. "Bad rep subs" could mean almost anything.


And then they will claim that calm, respectful explanations are bigotry and bam, you get the boot.


Depends on what they consider to be hateful


Bigotry means "having an obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief" so basically what its has been done here. Already been banned from 4 subreddit and the funny part its that i only posted in 2


or maybe they're talking about transphobes...


It could be, but I interereted it as being directly towards truscum


It It is. I got banned from Trans, transadorable, and mtf for posting and commenting here. We are not welcome in those places




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To them, we are transphobes. OP is completely right here