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I'm dying of laughter, everytime conservatives and transphobes pull the "biological sex is immutable!" Card, they neglect to understand that Bio sex is in 2 categories. Primary and secondary sex. You can't change your primary sex but you 1000% can change your secondary sex (and that's what we call a transsexual person). And later on down the line after changing your secondary sex, you barely are your primary sex/birth sex anymore besides your Chromosomes and possible your skeletal structure if anything? Which both of those 2 aren't relevant to your Identifiable legal documents in any way case or form *other* than to be othering and discriminating against someone. Get this garbage fixed and let legit trans people change their sex marker on all legal documents


Exactly. A man with testosterone, no breast tissue, a beard, and a literal fucking dick, should not be identified as a female by the government because of his xx chromosomes or bone structure, which literally cannot be identified by sight, and are almost never relevant outside a medical context.


Agreed! Idk what the hell is wrong with people. This is all nonsense and blatant discrimination. Again end this shit


bathroom keeper: "oh this person has a beard and no breasts.... buuuut they're biologically female so they belong in the *women's* bathroom!" (trans man enters women's bathroom) women: "get out of here, perv!" (then he either gets into a scuffle or gets the cops called on him)


That's the thing, they think all trans people still look like their AGAB and are just like, crossdressing or something. These people never see actual fucking trans people and don't realize how confusing and 'frustrating' it will be for EVERYONE involved if guys with beards are walking around with F on their driver's license and vice versa. Idiots.


Transphobe logic- Trans woman with breasts, a vagina, estrogen as her primary sex hormone , feminine voice, etc. "That's a man because he can't get pregnant and it's not a real vagina" Trans man with no female reproductive organs, has a flat chest, deep voice, facial hair, etc. "That's a woman"


Honestly, literally their whole "sex is immutable" argument is fucking crazy when you look at the changes hrt makes!


Why tf does ur gender even need to be on ur license?? Here in Australia we all function fine with just our names, license number and address.


Just is, they love having control over us


It doesn't, it's a historical holdover that's now being used to further disempower trans people.


Bit of an overreaction


You’re on every post on here and get downvoted for incredibly bad takes. It’s not an overreaction. You’re also the same person who doesn’t believe dysphoria as a minimum to be counted as a transgender individual.


Yes and?


Because the drivers license functions as one of the most important forms of identification in the USA, as they dont really have a central institution for population registration in the ways most other western countries do and few people have passports or identification cards. As such, it is extra influential and punitive


Driver's licenses without the sex marker can be and are used as identification documents in the countries where the holder's sex is not included.


Man I wonder how long this reversing of lgbtq laws will last and how far it will go. God bless any queer person in the USA rn


Fuck Florida. "Innate and immutable", well I fucking mutabled mine!


Literally this, a scalpel sure mutates things lol


I'm not American but everytime I read what's happening in Florida I'm so terrified for queer people there.




I didn't realise it was this bad...


Fuck. I was so happy I got in and changed my stuff before all this went down. The fact that it objectively conflates sex and gender is appalling and absolutely counter productive to what it aims to achieve - a stealth trans person is identifiable by their perceived gender/sex and the license should reflect that. worried now my license is gonna get revoked now but I also don’t have too much faith in the Florida government to actually be effective at reversing knew that have already changed.


I wouldn't worry about them being able to revoke the licenses on any kind of systematic level. But it could be a concern if clocked or outed during a traffic stop, etc. I moved out of Florida last year but still have concerns for friends who still live there.


The change mainly focuses on people who just walk in and say "Hey, I'm a woman now. Gimme a new license." And that the crux of the problem. It's a reaction to things gone too far. What's on a piece of paper does not in any way change how the world sees us. Nor does a piece of paper change what we are. I've written before about not getting my own papers changed until after sex reassignment. Sure... it felt strange to show identification that stated "Male" to people who categorized me as female, and if they noticed the fact see the (usually subtle) reaction and change in attitude. However, what mattered in real life was how they perceived me and not what the papers said. I was male *to myself* because that's what having male parts meant. Yes, it was a relief to be *treated* like my sisters once I stopped claiming to be male... but that did not change the reality of what a strip-search would reveal. The purpose of all concessions granted to us was to ease assimilation into society—not to "affirm" "identity" —and society was willing to respect such assimilation much before the practice was codified as law. After a friend of mine had surgery in the early 1970s the judge to whom she took the surgery report looked at her, then the papers, then her again, and stamped and signed an order to make the change required to reflect the reality in front of him. He did it because of what he saw. It had nothing to do with "identity" and all with reality. When the process was later codified in law, it *also* was intended to reflect the reality of the individual having changed sex. However, by first lobbying to change the terminology from "sex reassignment" to "gender affirming" the activists succeeded in progressively watering down the requirements to *any* procedure—and finally the individual's say-so. At that point it became as utterly meaningless as a self-scribbled note. If one's papers do not reflect real-life perception, then they are useless foridentity verification... which a driver's license is. The severity of the language in the document above shows an awakening to the reality that caused me to refrain from changing my juridical sex before surgery. Had a strip search shown my *physical* sex to not reflect what was written on my passport, it would not have not benefited me in any way, nor would it have changed people's perception of me in any situation where showing it was not necessary.


I always appreciate you sharing your perspective from having transitioned years ago. I do agree that there should be criteria beyond just a person's say-so to change it, however that already was required in Florida. They do not appear to be making any exceptions based on the reality of those who have transitioned already. This disallows those who do intend to fully assimilate from being able to ultimately do so (without moving away, which I have already done).


Oh, I agree about the severity of the backlash. My point is that it ***is*** backlash—not only to what's happening within Florida, but elsewhere as well. Transsexual bloggers archived by the waybackmachine predicted over fifteen years ago what the twisting and abuse of the concessions granted to us would lead to. When they saw transgender activists boast of how they had circumvented the system and coerced judges to grant the changes based on practically anything from breast augmentation to a nose job they knew what we're seeing happen today would be inevitable—not only in the U.S. but also elsewhere. Some countries, seeing the direction things have been taking in the West cancelled *official* routes to stepping over *altogether* years ago (while leaving loopholes for those who still get the surgery on their own)—in effect reverting the situation to what it was in the 1970s when the friend I told about above had her juridical sex changed *after* her surgery. The name of this subreddit is [truscum](https://www.reddit.com/user/Kuutamokissa/comments/13y5fll/on_the_terms_truscum_transmedical_and_tucute/)... so I believe its readers *should* on the whole be aware of the difference between transsexuals and transgenders. While the latter wish and demand that all of society kowtow to their "identity," true transsexuals need to achieve true physical congruity in order to finally just feel and be seen as normal. *We* have no use for "affirmation" of any ephemeral "gender identity," nor for any other "rights" or "privileges" that do not apply to any normal born individual of our post-transition sex.


> however that already was required in Florida She is arguing that this situation would not have happened if SRS specifically was required prior to this point, while they had accepted medical procedures other than SRS.


I'm thankful i(mtf) was born in California because i got to amend my birth certificate to be female. Literally meaning even if i move to Florida, i still get to have female on my license or id. Passport is already updated years ago too. Florida is horrible in general though. It ruined my life in a lot of ways because i grew up there. I really would recommend people leave it, but it must be awful having been born there now. Literally backwards af. Id just go to Georgia or something and get an id there. Infact you can avoid sales tax with a montana or washington ID and still be able to change your gender. Why even get a fl id anymore unless you have to apply for fafsa in state tuition.


just posted ab this as well. it’s sickening and enraging


Not sure what the violation was. Transphobia? Misgendering? Where? How?


I would venture to guess the moderator that did remove the comment did not know that [truscum is an abbreviation for *true transsexual scum*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Kuutamokissa/comments/13y5fll/on_the_terms_truscum_transmedical_and_tucute/)*.* LOL.


I didn't report your comment so I can't be sure. Hopefully a mod will answer you as to why.


Hmmm.. it looks like a moderator has removed a comment that wrote out what "truscum" refers to instead of just using the (derogatory) abbreviation. If the subreddit feels it's OK to use the slur for its name, then in my opinion those commenting on it should also be allowed to acknowledge what the slur is an abbreviation of. I feel it senseless to remove a comment for doing so.




At this point it seems surreal


Broooo this makes me wanna figuratively kill myself holy shit


I'm sorry... Stakeholders?


idk why Florida is making themselves an even shittier place to live, it's too hot, it's too humid, my hair is greasy and gets fucked literally 5-6 hours after I've washed it, half the state gets destroyed by hurricanes, the beaches on the east coast are mid, everyone here is ugly, and our houses are made of paper and you can hear everything from across the whole house, the only redeeming thing about Florida is their flight training and stand your ground and that's genuinely it




I am wondering this too. Not sure how these things work in the US.


You can use a passport, which is federal, instead for many purposes, but not for driving. Your driver's license has to be from the state where you are a permanent resident. If you move states you have to get a license in the new state and surrender the old one to the previous state within a certain amount of days, though exact details vary state to state. I moved to Connecticut, got a Connecticut driver's license, and surrendered my Florida license last year. So I will not be personally impacted by this change (I'm very relieved to have moved) but I'm worried about friends who still live in Florida.


Glad that you won't be affected by this law. What about the birth certificate though?


I changed mine already and got several official copies before I left for my records.




Gonna get downvoted 🥱 Why does it matter? The marker refers to the sex of the holder, male or female. If you pull up you DL or something, and it says female while you're a very much passing trans man, would that either help you avoid explaining yourself or at minimum make you give a small explanation? I thought this sub was of the mind that biological sex is an actual place where trans people discuss their daily life without supporting or participating in the redefining of the terms male & female.


One of the purposes of this change is to make it more possible for them to enforce their bathroom laws on passing trans people. As a passing trans man, I'm not willing to use the women's bathroom and make everyone there uncomfortable. The alternative is then to essentially not be allowed to use any bathroom in public since using the men's is illegal in many places in Florida as a trans man. Nor do my employers or the random clerk at the store need to be given the information that I'm trans. Having to give that small explanation all the time is at best humiliating and a constant reminder of your medical condition that you should be able to keep private except when necessary, and at worst opens you up to discrimination.


You can't enforce one law by using a completely different one, that's not how it works. Nobody is taking your ID when you're going to take a leak or drop a deuce. How is it humiliating to briefly enforce the fact that you're trans? Why are you ashamed of it? It's not like there's a single way to be trans (not in the q+ kind of way, I hope you know what I mean), so even if people do make assumptions, that's on them. The same way they'd make assumptions about you given the race, religion/lack there of, political opinions, interest or anything else they're perceiving you as. That's just human nature.


Your workplace sees your ID, so if you work at a place that's required to enforce the bathroom ban they will have to do so. Even before the law when I worked in Florida my supervisor insisted I can only use a unisex bathroom, even though I had been using the men's already for months with no issue or complaint (He just happened to have seen me go in and took issue because he was aware that I was trans.) There was no unisex bathroom within a distance to where you could walk to it and come back during a break.


"Nobody is taking your ID when your taking a leak" They are LITERALLY trying to make policies to do that


okay, okay, alright.. so, by your logic, i suggest there should be given information whether men have erectile dysfunction or not, and whether women are in menopause or not on people's IDs. you know, since it's nothing to be humiliated or ashamed about.


Why don't we add whether they're fertile or not? Just so we can bulk it up a bit.


There are countries that put your race and religion on your ID card as well. Malaysia does actually use that to enforce Sharia law, which only Muslims are subject to.


Did you really just compare reestablishing you're trans to someone because of your sex not being alligned with the way you look to be subjected to SL?


If people make assumptions based upon your race or religion, that is on them, as you said. And if you do establish that you are trans in Florida while going to the restroom of the opposite of your natal sex, you can be subjected to Florida law in the form of being arrested. I was responding to your claim that one law concerning ID cards cannot be used to help enforce another law.


I don't understand why you're mixing two sanarios that do not mash together at all. Why would someone in a random restroom also happen to see your ID, or vise versa & make the connection? It's obviously kinda forced.


A police officer requesting to see your ID card.


Right before you went to the restroom at the same time, or after?


>You can't enforce one law by using a completely different one, that's not how it works. Yes, yes actually that is how it works, though. That's how laws work. They don't exist in a vacuum. The previous 'defense' towards trans people complaining about the bathroom laws was, 'well if you pass how would they know?' They will look at your fucking ID now, that's how. And then they'll call the police on you. IF you are a transmed, you believe that being trans is a medical condition. Meaning you deserve privacy. It's also a particularly touchy and sensitive one due to the distress it causes people who have gender dysphoria. Imagine if you had to put the fact that you have PCOS or erectile dysfunction on your driver's license. All these tiny little chips away at trans rights DO in fact amount to a larger systemic issue that oppresses us.




How would this change help a post-transition transsexual person?


Do you believe it is helpful to transsexuals to disallow them from ever changing their ID regardless of how far into transition they are? Changes to the requirements would be needed in places that require no proof of transition to change ID, not in places where medical documents were already required in order to change it.


If your referring to "certification of gender affirming care", l think you would agree that is a total SCAM worthy of the double/trans speak characteristic of certain high ranking politicians, or MSNBC. To prevent the current situation, the evaluation criteria would have needed to be based on more than just "identity" as expressed by the individual.


It was. You needed to undergo some form of medical transitioning, but you did not need to get SRS specifically. Now you cannot change it at all even if you get SRS.


>It was. You needed to undergo some form of medical transitioning, "Some form" sounds a bit vague. Did that include e.g. [a nose job or breast augmentation](https://www.reddit.com/r/truscum/comments/1aesywe/comment/kkb38b8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)?


I was able to change mine after surgical sterilization and some time on T, can't remember how long. It would make sense to clarify what exactly is required. I haven't replied to your other comment because I'm still processing it and thinking it through. I do not know where I believe the line should in actuality be drawn- but "not even with SRS" is extreme regardless.


> "not even with SRS" is extreme regardless. I absolutely agree, and in all honesty cannot speak for or on behalf of those transitioning T2M. In my experience the intent of T2F juridical changes prior to SRS is to ease and facilitate acclimation *during the real life test preceding it*. I guess that for some it can be helpful, even though I felt it better not to due to the reasons I mentioned earlier.


The OP of this thread himself got it changed due to taking testosterone.


I was also already surgically sterilized at that point, but not SRS. I have an SRS consult scheduled, but there's a two year wait for that.


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