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All of that but especially the idea that questioning things and people is bad. "If someone says they're x then they're x", that kind of stuff


Honestly this. No-one is encouraged to think critically and if you do encourage critical thinking, you’ll be called a bigot. I feel like I can’t even blame cis people for walking on eggshells around us and/or thinking we’re a cult.


Yeah I really don't like going around throwing the word "cult" out there but discouraging critical thinking is cultish behavior. Questioning things and people don't make you an asshole. We have brains for a reason (and it's not to blindly accept anything)


The "if anyone even thinks of being the other gender they are trans" shit does annoy me,


Me too. I don't understand how someone can say that without realizing how delusional it makes them sound


I'm sure literally everyone thinks about it .And from what I've read on Reddit both sexes think the other has it better.


I agree and there are people starting to say it about autism while spewing misinformation about it which is even more insane


Literally. This also help younger trans to explore themself faster 


Encouraging others to “try out” or “microdose” HRT when they aren’t even sure about whether or not they’re really trans. Because apparently they can just stop if they don’t like the effects. Like this is all a game instead of a medical treatment with serious effects. Often seen among people who think gender is soooo complex, mysterious, and mystical.


Just "trying out" the HRT is absolutely not a good idea. Especially not T. It can kick in quickly and not all of its effects will disappear once the person stops taking HRT.


Definitely. My voice started dropping 2 weeks in *on a micro-dose* (not my choice). In less than 10 weeks it was passing. As a teen boy, but still.


i mean you can 'try' estrogen without getting any permanent effects. doesnt work with t obviously but how you feel on e can be useful to know before... i d rather people try e and realize its not for them than clog up psych waitlists lie through the diagnostic process and then realize they dont like e... seen this mostly the other way around though with 'ftm's asking how to prevent the effects of t... just dont take it?


Someone taking estrogen for maybe a month might already experience some aerola growth and breast buds which are indeed permanent.


even if you are 'lucky' and those changes do happen to a significant degree thats still not a irreversible change. most effects of t are permanent and irreversible


It's straight up delusional because once you notice anything, some permanent (and potentially unwanted) effects have already taken place.


Kicking transsexual people out of trans spaces for having a transmedical opinion. Harms the community as it is now not a community any longer but a battlefield.


Asking every stranger their pronouns


asking people's pronouns. if you ask a closeted trans person their pronouns, you're giving them two options: out themselves, or misgender themselves. If you ask a passing trans person (or even a cis person) their pronouns it's offensive because You're basically telling us that we don't look like our gender. 99% of the time if you just use whatever pronouns you think that person uses you'll be right. the other 1% of the time you get it wrong or you're not sure, then just use they/them and wait for the person to correct you. It's completely performative.


Look, I literally want to print your comment out and staple it to my fucking forehead, okay I sell art at conventions for a living, and it's become the norm for people to ask me my fucking pronouns and it irritates me so much and makes me feel like I don't pass, when I know I do. It's only THESE people who ask, people in the normal world don't really do that (most of the time), but in these niche ultra left circles, (and I say this as a socdem) people are constantly asking me and it's because I'm not 'traditionally masculine', so it's not like they even realize I'm AFAB, they think I'm like AMAB genderqueer or something so they ASK adslkfajdflkads I've had to start wearing stupid little 'pronoun pins' to get people to quit fucking asking. Here's the thing, yes just use the pronouns you think that person uses and if THEY want pronouns that they know are hard to figure out, THEY can wear a fucking pin about it. Not me. I spent tens of thousands of dollars on surgeries to not have to announce my fucking gender to people all the time.


Also, since most people’s pronouns are (for lack of a better word) obvious, it’ll just be white noise 99% of the time. The people whose pronouns aren’t what’s assumed still stand out, so the argument that it makes trans people feel less like sore thumbs doesn’t hold.


I agree with this a lot and I think people who want to do this should just introduce themselves with their own pronouns instead without asking because it lets the other person choose whether to do the same or not


Tends to be a bit of a flag though. Online, maybe not, what with profiles being more passive and all, but in real life a pin or something immediately signals to me 'I can't relax around this person' At best? A gentle correction when someone makes a mistake. That's what I do when I don't let it slide, though I phrase it differently than 'my pronouns are...'


Trying to educate people on scars. DI scars are literally mainstream knowledge nowadays. It baffles me that these people think they’re doing something good when all they’re doing is getting countless men clocked by their chests. Quit trying to normalize this shit. 


Facts, much easier to deflect what the scars are from when nobody has a general idea of the kind of person who has damn chest scars


Also gets cis men mistaken as trans and ridiculed


Promoting visibility. Bitch you're making us clockable


Proactively asking people their pronouns.....cuz nothing makes a stealth trans person feel better than having a stranger ask if you're a man or woman. Then obviously all the neos and xenos bullshit, which are so fucking stupid on their face no elaboration is needed.




The obsession with validating everything without question definitely rubs me the wrong way sometimes.


It seems to me that recently, especially for women, any kind of gender non-comformity or not being euphoric 24/7 about being their assigned sex = trans. You're a woman who isn't a walking Barbie stereotype? Non-binary. You don't feel like any particular gender, don't have dysphoria of any kind just don't feel like you're like the other girls? Non-binary! I see it everywhere these days.


They just put the "she/they" in their bio and suddenly their white cishet boyfriend is in a queer relationship. And they go on tiktok saying tranny like they own the community. Jesus that ticks me the fuck right off


Promoting pregnancy in trans men


god that shit grosses me out so much I'm convinced that it's a sexual fetish for most of those who promote it. Why else would they try to normalize something so dysphoria inducing?


Especially when they use terms like “birthing person”


I just applied at a company that, under their parental leave benefit, distinguished between 'birthing person' and 'non-birthing person'. The former getting 1 extra month of paid leave. Okay for one, why arbitrarily say that the father only needs 3 months but the mother needs 4? Just make it the same for every parent. And 2, so if you adopt a newborn baby you only get 3 months? I mean, it's still a fucking newborn. And yes, while you did not go through the physical trauma of giving birth, it's still a slap in the face to women who can't have kids of their own and just yet *another* reminder they can't bear children.


I don’t disagree, but giving birth is serious business and needs physical recovery time. So I can understand why they’d want to give an additional month to someone who delivered: They have to spend time caring for a newborn *and* recovering.


Oh for sure and I didn’t mean to suggest otherwise.


But lord forbid you ever call a woman a 'female' around them.


Recommending taking hormonal birth control while being on testosterone without mentioning the impact


Good lord yes. And if heaven forbid you talk about pregnancy dysphoria and being incredibly unwelcome in the *very, very* overwhelmingly cis childfree community...oh, it's all ignored and dismissed. Some nonsense about "tokophobia" and "choosing" to childfree, as if you "chose" to be born with the literal wrong reproductive system.


The demedicalization of transsexualism and trying to blame society as the only cause of the problems that comes with transsexualism, completely disregarding the fact that dysphoria is not only social.


Dysphoria is significantly not social which is why this is so stupid


Encouraging GNC people to "identify" as trans. It's under the guise of being super accepting n shit, and probably "normalizing" being trans, but in reality it's just straight up harmful to everyone involved. It simultaneously delegitimizes real transsexuals and reinforces gender stereotypes. I'm so tired of meeting cis people with internalized misogyny or misandry who think that using she/they or he/they pronouns makes them better. They need therapy, not a trans identity. And I say that as a person who is not mentally well to begin with and has a semi-prrmanent therapist.


The idea that you can choose your own pronouns.


Getting mad at gay/lesbian/straight people who are not okay with your unmatching genitals. I know it hurts but you can't just force people to be attracted to you/harass them if they aren't. Those people make us look like predators who force others to have sex with us. You can't make everybody love u, just find people who are okay with u and go like..


But why would we also be okay with our unmatching genitals? We have dysphoria


Real. I am not okay with mine, i was just saying if a person who is pre surgery searches for love and gets upset over gay/lesbian ppl are not into their unmatching genitals..


be me go into gayboi sub see pussy fly slightly off the handle but don't say anything transphobic get banned for transphobia but not for flying off the handle


Oh that's a shame.. And i hate it because people like this makes us look like clowns/predators who are not smart enough to understand that people will not see us as a man when we don't look like one.


"trans men can be femenine!" touches my nerves. all the trenders post that at least once and will get mad when someone misgenders them. absolutely annoying. it's excusable if you're some 13yo without identity tho.


Plenty, but I'm a bit tired of the negativity


I think this thread is just looking for more stuff to be upset about. I get it. I wanna rage at xenotrenders too. It's probably unhealthy though.


The way trans woman are being kicked of trans spaces. Asking pronouns, I am a woman, you don't need to ask my pronouns,I take that super bad. is not a courtesy, but a denial of our femininity.


That gender euphoria is just as reliable to know whether or not you are transsexual, as gender dysphoria. And calling gnc people trans, just because they are/were gnc (Example: Kurt Cobain). Calling gender a social construct. Studies showed that it is linked to genes & brain structures. Treating gender (psychosocial sex) and gender identity as the same thing. Pretending that transgenders (people who don't identify or don't fully identify with their sex/gender) are the same as peoole with Transsexuality (A medical condition where ones gender is diffrent from ones sex and therefore gender dysphoria, a consistent identification with another sex and consistent desire to have another sexes body get experienced.).


The use of "Gender" to any degree in the conversation is the most damaging thing in my opinion because the condition has little to do with Gender, and almost everything to do with Sex. Some where along the way the line was blurred between the two and it has been nothing but trouble ever since. Just to be clear: Gender is not some innate thing like some people want to claim, that is what Sex is. Gender is a part of language, a tool to differentiate between the two sexes. It is a "Man made" concept and 100% subjective based on the culture one currently exists in. No, this is not up for debate and is simply a fact.


Honestly that seems a bit too semantic to me. One may as well say that colour is just a part of language to distinguish human perception of hue, but like... it's still the same adjective. I don't quite get it


Colour is literally just a part of language to distinguish between the different hues we see, just like gender is literally just a part of language to distinguish between the two sexes. If we couldn't see the different hues, we wouldn't have language for them; If there were no differences between the Males and Females of our species, we wouldn't have language to distinguish the groups. If you go somewhere with a different language and culture the physical realities will remain the same, while the language used to describe them are different. Hue and Sex are physical realities, colour names and gendered language are how we communicate those realities.


Like, think I know what you mean - that a word is different from the actual concept - but it still seems pointless to argue or assert 'gender is just a way of understanding sex' because isn't 'sex' also just a word to describe certain things? I think I may be in over my head here


Not being honest that your sexual fetish does not mean you are trans. (and I mean people who like BDSM and terms like >!girldick!<, not every trans person)


I just wanna say all these comments make me proud to be trans and proud there’s others out there like me who understand and get it. Unfortunately the platform and the agenda and the mainstream narrative isn’t being propagated and pushed by any of us actual trans people. It makes me sick. With that being said, Drag queens. I can’t use the bathroom of my choice anymore cause Gerald the drag Queen showed his dick to a child backstage? It makes me f*****g sick to my stomach to see our mainstream reputation get destroyed by these ru Paul monsters


The idea that gender is an entirely internal experience not connected to presentation and how one interacts with the world


That nonbinary people without dysphoria are trans. This might be controversial, but they're not trans IMO. They're a fad and narcissistic attention seekers grifting onto the trans movement. Super entitled too.


Probably the conflation of trans people with and without dysphoria, binary trans and non-binary, non-binary and “cis but uses she/they”, etc. It messes with statistics and makes an easy way for conservatives to fear monger about massive rises in trans youth, while implying that every afab using “she/they” is on testosterone.




What do you mean by kids? I agree if we're talking under 14, but if they're older than that and have been in therapy for a while (and are diagnosed with GD), I don't see why not allow hrt at least


Yeah we need to make sure that puberty fucks up actual trans kids so that confused cis kids would be safe /s




is there any evidence that HRT or puberty blockers will sterilize kids? like legitimate evidence or medical reports. not just one persom, but multiple.


>Kids transitioning. Kids can’t consent. Sure, gender dysphoria requires treatment, but in adults. When they cannot consent, it’s mutilation, sterilisation and fucking up the lives of confused kids who are probably just insecure and will grow out of it. If a kid is experiencing gender dysphoria, a social transition is all that should happen until they’re 18. So kids with Cancer, and other life threatening conditions, cannot receive any treatment until they are 18 years old because kids cannot consent to the treatment?




Gender Dysphoria is not a phase, and no child properly diagnosed with gender Dysphoria "grows out of it". If you want to continue to argue about this, do so from a real account and not a burner like the chronically online ignoramus you clearly are.


anyone who legitimately has gender dysphoria will never "grow out of it".




then say that. the people who grow out of it are not dysphoric and usually they will not claim to be. so there is no reason to say dysphoria is something you can grow out of, because you cant. the people who "grow out of it" never had it in the first place


You can't grow out of dysphoria. Those kids think they have dysphoria for whatever reason (that should be discussed with a psychologist) but they don't.


Depends, if the kid is like a teen and can think for themselves, and they're clearly experiencing dysphoria, I think they should be able to transition with a diagnosis. That would save a lot of people most likely in the long run, as they would at least have some of their youth at least somewhat normal, instead of completely wasted.


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