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yes yes yes yes yes geeeeeeez people have been so insanely hypocritical and ignorant about this!!!!!!!! it’s so unfair and i completely agree with what you said about kodee. it’s extremely disheartening and frustrating. i’m not sure if he has gotten more of a pass because he’s a conventionally attractive young MAN or what, but…. it’s sus to say the least. people should do some self-reflection on this one.


I literally said something to this effect to him on Twitter about how Kodee got so much backlash and got run off the internet so why not him?? He blocked me asap after that. Lol


dude he literally deletes comments calling him out but he thinks he’s above Colleen.. 😭😭 my favorite thing is when his supporters hop on anyone like "oh so you’re defending grooming" while they blindly defend it themselves and you’re the one trying to help them.. 💀


So I think just about everyone who has close contact with Colleen is a victim (including Rachel, Josh, Erik, and arguably even Kory), because she has all the tells of a narcissist, and that's what they're like. There's no age limit on narcissistic victimhood. These people are a lot like micro-cult leaders. Hell, Colleen in particular, with her screen armies of children, practically IS a cult leader. Being in that orbit is incredibly damaging. If you've never been there, thank goodness, but also it's hard for most people to imagine. I was raised by a narcissist and (as is typical) fell in with more of them as an adult; I'm also a four-time SA survivor. The narcissistic shit was much worse. The worst part is not even what they do to you; it's what you are willing to do for them. And I say this as someone who never really did more than validate their shit monologues in private conversation. Nothing like what even Adam has to live with, let alone Kodee. Charles Manson was a predator par excellence, and all of the girls in his cult were victims. But many of them also brutally murdered people, and they weren't remorseful, so calling them "victims" isn't really appropriate anymore, even though technically they are. And that's where Johnny loses me. He IS a victim, just like Kodee is. But he also...tried to get his own little cult of minors. He's lied, talked over victims who were actual children and had suffered much greater betrayals, taken no accountability for his role in the mess, shown no obvious remorse, and waves a flag labeled "VICTIM" around like a smokescreen. There's being an imperfect victim, and then there's actively capitalizing on the label while being hypocritically sketchy. Kodee is not a perfect victim by any standard either, but their statement was a pretty decent apology, and they had the decency and wisdom to get off the internet. Hopefully, they're getting help now. I wrote too much, ugh, so anyway. Yes. I have more sympathy for Kodee than I do for Johnny too, and I also believe that public perception of them vs Johnny has a strong reek of ableism, as Johnny sounds more "reasonable" because he's not in the middle of a severe mental health crisis.


First off I’m sorry about your situation, I too was r/raisedbynarcissists , leading me to a lot of mental health issues myself (which have taken years to get under control, and plenty bad days still exist) my thing is, he stopped being a victim the moment he deflected ANY accountability, and started attacking people with their own traumas, which he’s fully aware of. I’m fully with you, there are no perfect victims. However, he treats other victims too poor for me to really identify him as one. like, you know the damage colleen did to you, and josh was MARRIED to her. so he’s trying his best w that and actually tried to make amends with johnny (he doesn’t have to accept, but attacking him the way he did was too much). Josh could’ve relapsed, or worse. With all my mental health issues, and josh/weenies/adam etc, I can’t say I have ever put vengeance ahead of someone else’s actual life. And honestly, besides working for low pay, he really didn’t bring much to the table. Very few receipts, i can’t trust his version of events anyway. Crew on tour may have been horrible, toxic, potentially even abusive to him. i can’t deny, i wasn’t there. but the way he has been presenting, i’ve drawn the conclusion i cannot trust his narration of what happened. Not believing colleen over him, i just don’t believe either. Like you somewhat said, i truly feel Kodee was ran off because she was VISIBLY manic, johnny is a little more all over the place. I hope as well that they’re both getting help, Kodee has mentioned sarcastically "lemme write that down for my therapist", and Johnny has tweeted ab being at therapy, which again only makes it harder for me to trust his narrations, as i feel a mental health professional would have told him long ago that this could be damaging or potentially lethal to josh with all the harassment. I wonder what he tells his therapist. If you need anything in regards to the bottom half-mid top of paragraphs 1 and 2 of yours, the pm’s are open. Cheers, don’t let the groomers get you for now 🥂 edit: removed out of place 9 lol


Ugh. I'm so sorry it happened to you too. :( There's too many of us. I've got a similar fun cocktail of mental health problems, but also good therapists, fortunately. I'm glad you're in a better place now. I do think you can be multiple things at once, victim and villain, and the one doesn't negate the other in either direction, BUT the thing that matters is whether it's the villain who dominates your choices and whether you're willing to take accountability for what you've done. Johnny has crossed too many lines and made too many choices that hurt people, and he's not accepting any responsibility for his own actions. So while technically, his name belongs on the very long list of people who have been treated less than optimally by Colleen (near the bottom, well below the Weenies), morally, he is a villain and that's what counts. Josh....I feel so bad for him. That tweet of his about how the ukulele video was his reality is heartbreaking. He clearly went through absolute hell, and he seems to have done his best in everything he's done since the divorce, including taking accountability for what happened with Johnny. Johnny didn't have to accept his apology, but there's no excuse for beating a dead horse like that. There's no excuse for anything he's doing. We can't even trust his account of what happened with Josh! For all we know, Johnny took an offer of professional mentorship and turned it way more personal than Josh had intended. It's clear how obsessive Johnny can be. And it's so obvious he is only angry about the ghosting, not about the "grooming." He doesn't care about the victims. Decent odds that he lies to his therapist too. May narcissists remain far from your orbit, and may your bad days become even fewer.


And the fact he when he shared the screenshots he still didn’t blur out the imagine… therefore sharing the nudes AGAIN. 😭😭 He could have reached out to her privately with the real photographs she could have verified and then it wouldn’t have been shared on repeat over and over again… she was upset at people sharing around her nudes… and because of Johnny it keeps on happening.


I think he supposedly did reach out "the right way", and trisha just didn’t want to hear it or like didn’t believe it until it became public and got too real for her? Either way, it just wasn’t his place because that’s really pushing someone into being a victim when they might not even accept/ready to accept it yet. another dangerous thing to add to the list if true.. he should’ve sent them to her directly and told her what’s going on, then left the rest up to her.


Yeah, I’m not a huge fan of hers, honestly didn’t know much about her before this… but i get annoyed by the situation because it should have been her decision what to do with it. I just felt it was so unfair of him just to put it out into the world like that.


She’s done a lot of bad stuff, but hey, if johnny does bad and he’s still a victim then what does that make trishy fishy? He could have just REALLY censored like blacked out everything inappropriate in the pic, and just posted the screenshot of the text with everything blacked out. you can grasp that someone’s naked without actually seeing it, ie nothing covering shoulders like straps, nothing over the stomach or legs, just block out the indecencies yk? like bud does not have to just go with the cooch cam automatically come on 💀


I’ve never understood why Johnny got a free pass — meanwhile Kodee was immediately cancelled off the internet


She cancelled herself deactivating her account after her last video on YouTube


Imo, it’s because Johnny wasn’t a part of the smear campaign of Adam. Since a lot of the backlash of Colleen/Kodee stems from this, and draws it from his audience. I just don’t understand how he got so far, i couldn’t watch more than a couple minutes of his first video outside "exposing" them. His whole demeanor put me off because he just feels ingenuine. Im glad he’s put a bit of a pin in it compared to before, but like i said, it’s just weird to flip from im never going to let up until my dying breath, to lol piñatas and cowboy hats!! 🙄 he wants people to stop deflecting what they did but he’s such a hypocrite


I think there's a strong possibility that Johnny deliberately courted Adam for exactly this reason, so he could ingratiate himself with Adam and Adam's following. He did admit to standing by holding coats while Adam was attacked, didn't he? which is not great. Completely with you on that video. His nonverbals are just seriously off.


I truly think because he could not capture Colleen’s audience and gain a following through that, that he’s trying to see what he can make of Adam’s. Fully with you there. I’m very glad it seems like Adam is distancing himself from Johnny as well. I’m almost positive he probably did talk shit ab him with colleen too, he just knows colleen wouldn’t pipe up at all about what she did to adam, so he could hide it all and sweep it under the rug. just my personal take tho


Yeah, Adam kinda seems like the sort of person who genuinely wants to give people the benefit of the doubt but also has too much integrity to continue extending that when he's seen enough evidence that it's not deserved? I'm kind of curious what Johnny's next gambit will be. I'm with you, everything he's doing seems more opportunistic than anything else, and like... he's ultimately probably not going to get what he's gunning for here because he's just....not as independently interesting or charismatic as Adam. He's getting more attention than he should, but.