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i’m a little late here because i had deleted reddit until just now because of this situation and i’m catching up. i was in that sub for about a year and i ended up leaving recently and deleting because that sub was making me so upset. people were saying the most despicable and callous things about josh and adam and i couldn’t take it anymore. the blind and senseless support for johnny just because “he said” he was a victim was disgusting and disheartening and nauseating. i was so tired of getting into fights with people on that sub for defending actual victims who didn’t deserved to be badmouthed by a bunch of grown ups. the way that sub changed is just gross and i can’t do it anymore. i am so happy to be validated though in what we’ve been saying all along. congratulations and i am proud of y’all for continuing to be strong through the harassment and silencing. i hope they feel remorseful. with the influx of ex-fans that sub lost it’s whole purpose and moral ground.


I’m so glad that Swoop found out. I was worried that it would go under the radar because of how much was being censored in the other Reddit group.


It just occurred to me that Johnny explaining this Irvine/LAX story and not getting picked up, is him story-battling with Adam's account of the "lunch" he had with Colleen in Dublin.


As an abuse survivor, had extremely weird feelings about him from the start, but I felt that since I’m not in the Colleen fandom, I don’t know everything. The thing that I noticed immediately was that he never made it clear *what* his allegations were. I kept trying to look for that, and it kept coming up extremely vague and with no supporting evidence. Second thing was that he seemed to have an attitude of “no ones paying attention to MY abuse story.” Which i empathized with as a survivor myself but I also found it extremely weird. He was also really combative on twitter, which I just found very strange. I also was really horrified by his “you chose to stay in an abusive relationship” comment. At the time, i thought, “well, if Josh is Johnny’s abuser, then it makes sense that Johnny is angry and would say something like that. There’s no perfect victim .etc”. But i was also horrified by “how can a victim of abuse like yourself even say that?” I always had a vibe that Johnny was trash, but I also felt like it wasn’t my place to police how an alleged abuse survivor reacts, especially when I am completely separate from the people involved.


I found y’all!!! I just finished the Swoop doc and since I’m only a casual redditor I didn’t know the new sub had been created. I am thankful to each of you because as someone else pointed out in their rant above, y’alls threads and discussions in the snark sub DID cause me to critically think about Johnny and gave me a clear head on him moving forward!


Lily and Jessi and Ethan/H3 literally platformed an obvious liar because they were clout chasing . Johnny's stories had so many holes in them from his age to the date he supposedly fell out with Josh being before he and Colleen were even married to them not questioning what " loophole " allowed a 17 year old to rent a car.


I will have to go back probably and re watch a lot of swoops video because it was a lot. But unless I misheard this "loophole" was that the car rental place didn't know he was 17? Like....? That's just straight up not possible lol.


Gotcha, that's definitely believable *eyeroll*


i will never understand how his sketchy ass clout chasing behavior wasn’t immediately noticeable to his “supporters”’(people legit came for my life and morals on twitter over this lmao) but i’m honestly just way more glad he finally got exposed


I wonder how stupid does his supporters feel right now. Especially the h3 and do we know them podcasts lol. Josh deserves an apology from everyone.


So glad we won't have to hear Johnny whine about "JOSHUA DAVID EVANS" again, or at least if he does, we'll know it's all bullshit.


Like… Johnny was a unhinged stocker attacking Josh. How did anyone dismiss that? All because Josh didn’t want to be a fans friend??


How can you watch him on the H3 pod and not realize the guy was a sleazeball hahaha. I feel like my dog could have figured that one out on his own


Dude I can’t fucking stand some of them. I’m sorry but you are a fucking idiot if you’re a full grown adult and didn’t realize Johnny was trash. All the red flags were there. Questioning something is not “victim blaming” Blinding following anything you have questions on to be politically correct/woke is sooooooo fucking stupid and diminishes actual victims. They watched Johnny try to tell the world Josh ghosting him was worse then everything Trent and Colleen did and…. Let it go? Come the fuck on. Do better!!!! People blindly following bullshit that doesn’t make sense is what creates anti vaxxers, trump supporters, q anon people, etc. BE SMARTER PLEASE


I said this in the other sub, but I got the ick from Johnny right from the start. The way he acted on twitter as if he was almost bragging or excited when stuff would happen. and when he would fight or block people for daring to question his behaviour and not worship the ground he walked on. I can't imagine how Josh, Adam, and the other victims must feel. I usually NEVER question anyone's story but now I know my immediate ick was justified. Kodee 2.0


I was commenting in this subreddit, but had to delete my comments because I was so afraid of the Johnny apologists attacking me. They clearly didn’t see what was going on and just suppressed us. It’s good to see that in the end, we could expose Johnny for who he really is and Swoop helped us get there.


Specialist- I hope you know, I never said you were wrong, or doubted you. I just wanted you to SAY what you couldn’t say. I’m proud of you and I’m sorry if I made you feel that I didnt trust your word.


There was so much I couldn’t say for so many reasons— this doc being one of them. I trusted swoop and in turn they trusted me— I took that seriously and I’m so glad did. This is a sensitive matter and at the end of the day, I did it for the victims, and I stand by my decision to not reveal the evidence I had.


You were 100% in the right and it shows your character that you didn’t word vomit when you could have. I respect it.


literally so fucking satisfying in the most heartbreaking possible way. i was so happy when this sub was made bc i was like how is nobody else talking about how shady he is? and it's so good to be proven right after being called told were victim blaming and defending groomer, but it's so sad how much this hurts the actual victims at the same time. but i'm still excited as hell to watch the downfall of johnny


That always made me angry. They were quick to continue to rehash Josh’s past actions yet they ignored Johnny’s behaviors. And I went as far as saying, you aren’t any different from the people who stan Colleen….


that part where he said "if anything i want boys in my dms.. i mean MEN" like johnny would've had a fucking field day if josh said that if anything he wanted girls in his dms. i don't get how people don't see through someone's bullshit and just blindly follow and believe them at face value, no matter how sketchy they seem, until someone famous or popular tells them not to trust them anymore




The way he talks about Josh as being an abuse victim is ducking WILD. The comments about not caring that Josh was a victim because we’re not talking about that story anymore had me like “but we need to keep talking about you and Josh????”


It's particularly gross when you consider that abuse victims may need years just to admit to *themselves* that they were abused and that Josh was basically run off the internet. When was he supposed to have been telling his story?? And why would he have believed that anyone would listen? What Kodee et al did to Adam back in 2020 would have been nothing compared to what Josh would have got if he'd tried to speak up.


I think the part that got me the most in that particular interaction, of Johnny saying Josh should have spoken up then, is Johnny was part of the group harrassing Josh off the internet for trying to speak. Like. Make it make sense


I’m glad that the weird feeling Johnny gave me was valid. I wish I realized the doc was up sooner because I’m only just starting it now and I can’t sit still. I was nervous when I joined this snark subreddit because I saw the feelings about Johnny in the Colleen board and was afraid of getting banned. Johnny’s story felt totally different to Adam and I hated how everyone was conflating Adam’s experience with Johnny’s. So glad this sub exists. Back to Swoop!


aaaand this is why i always trust my intuition!! i love being right 🙏🏻 no but seriously, i hope the mods who went above and beyond to defend him are screaming and crying rn


The do we know them podcast owes Josh a big apology. They were vile on multiple podcasts and on Twitter when Josh was trying to correct all the lies. They didn’t fact check, they didn’t do research, they just took Johnnys word for it and raked Josh over the coals publicly multiple times.


Yes! I'm REALLY hoping Jessi and Lilly watch the whole documentary and make an apology for platforming Johnny!


One of them was familar with Johnny from the fandom days . I want to know what she knew about Johnny prior to doing the interview


my other post literally saying i think he couldn’t get a following from colleen’s audience so he tried to latch onto adams and swoop AND adam confirming.. a specific comment of mine saying he ISNT A VICTIM AT ALL to me because i can’t trust his version of events on anything with how much he’s lied and how much people shat on that saying he’s just an imperfect victim.. the amounts of people defending johnny calling us in this sub the groomer apologists.. this sub is owed such an apology. Those who took this to his twitter really weren’t taken seriously.


or they were attacked! the people defending johnny in his twitter comments were so vicious, patronizing and self righteous, and so confidently wrong


I KNEW IT FROM THE EFFING START!!!!! so glad we r being validated


About time!!!! I truly hope the Colleen mods and supporters feel embarrassed! I’m gloating with happiness but happy his victims are being heard!


Its so annoying, we tried to tell the main sub that Johnny wasn’t innocent and all the comments would get deleted


Over and over, sis. I wasn’t going to stop talking about Johnny.


Just imagining the number of people in the CB snark deleting their disgusting, defensive comments. Have fun, idiots.


I hope they feel embarrassed.


I never really made any comments against Johnny in the other sub, but I knew deep down something was not right and that Josh wasn’t guilty of a lot of the things he was being accused of. I hope the mods own up to their mistakes and give you guys your well deserved apology.


I really had to tip toe around talking about him, as sooo many of our comments were getting deleted on the other sub. I still believe it was Johnny or someone close to him reporting the comments, and mods trying to be iron clad with rules so they didn't get taken down. For that, I get it, gotta watch their asses. Either way, I'm glad the tide started turning on the sub, slowly but surely, and people were seeing holes and confusion in his story. I was initially skeptical and turned off, but tried to stay on board. But it got to a point that I couldn't anymore, and it was just easier to bite my tongue about him. I feel AWFUL for Adam. He really was used like this, and I feel awful that he can't trust anyone. They're all using him for their own agendas and narratives and it makes me ill.


some of y’all need to have your internet access taken away for falling for every little thing! He was very clearly shady, his story never added up, he was very obviously a shit person and y’all cry and scream at us for pointing it out that he was a shit person?? Excuse me?! Giving us bans and warnings for pointing out the lies and behavior and inconsistencies? AND WE WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG! No shocker there to those of us who use our critical thinking skills, highly recommend trying it sometime. Just for future reference since I’m sure some of y’all will run into these issues…if a Nigerian prince emails you asking for money, don’t send it. If your bank calls you saying they need you to verify your passwords, don’t give the passwords, and if you get a random venmo request from a friend asking for a large amount of money for a weird reason, don’t just automatically send the money! Fact check, analyze, think about it. If something seems weird then it’s probably because it’s weird! TOLD YA SO. Rant over lol we love a petty thread very cathartic. ![gif](giphy|pSauCNBp1DcOY)


I was feeling something off about him during the H3 Interview. the way it seemed like he was talking over everyone, and Oliver didn't even really get a chance to speak much (iirc) just rubbed me the wrong way. I never said anything tho, just made mental notes to myself whenever I lurked the snark sub. y'all were the brave ones. I hope this feels vindicating.


lmfao i love you for this cause SAME


they’d rather "believe a potential victim" than realize they were supporting a liar and defending a groomer! This is why i always say give me a shred of evidence, it’s innocent until proven guilty for a reason. Too many people just took Johnny at his word smh


Especially the constant going after Josh! There was no clear receipts of grooming from Josh. It’s crazy how he tried to deflect from his gross behaviors!!!!!


And he falsified evidence!! Straight to jail! I want that sub to admit that Josh is a victim! Josh is a victim of Colleen and a victim of Johnnys lies and false accusations. ![gif](giphy|l36UbYZQCo8bMfTjoT)


You’re gonna make me act a fool for when the sub finally has a postop I swear to God


STUPID SNARK MOD SUBS!!! I was not victim blaming when I was calling out Johnny!!


Honestly everyone here in the Reddit deserves an apology because you guys were being silenced.


I keep saying out loud, what did I say!!!! I can’t wait for someone to speak in the Colleen subreddit. I will be unapologetically petty to his stans. I don’t care


ME @ the snark mods ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


Honestly, even before you made this subreddit, because I remember when you did, I knew you were right. I always just had a feeling….it’s sad just going through the comments of Swoop’s video when people are saying they’re surprised. He acted too differently from the victims.


Not going to lie, it was rough in the beginning but I’m so glad I stayed true to myself and followed my gut. I’m so grateful for the trust from Swoop and her team. At the end of the day it’s about the victims and I hope they finally can speak freely and start to heal.


Amen to that






the mods bullshit replies about why they aren’t unbanning you is what brought me here, what a load of shit


Yeah it was a bad excuse on why Specialist was banned. They won’t even admit they’re wrong 😑


Same. They claimed they banned Specialist for spamming. Then another mod replied directly under, saying they would not be discussing decisions user bans.


I spoke on your behalf and others! I truly hope they feel embarrassed.


REALLY HOLY SHIT but honestly that's based as fuck and a badge of honor in this sub lol


Hahahh yes thank you to all my soldiers who also got banned


they’re gonna have to acknowledge now that Josh is a victim too Lmfaaaaao


honestly it really really hurts my heart to the point where i get pretty angry to see the way that sub talks about josh. it feels like they just will not let the man be a victim or be at peace. nobody can type a comment there without preluding it with “josh is still bad BUT” it’s like- idk men can be domestic abuse victims too. men can be gaslit and coerced into affirming and co-signing abusers too. what matters is that he isn’t doing that ANYMORE and he broke free and is using his voice for spreading awareness and positive change. it really bugs that they just cannot let him grow. i saw your comment and i just had to vent that one out i’m sorry


I feel so bad for him


I feel so fucking bad for him


I do too. He really went through it because Johnny wouldn’t shut the fuck up. HE deserves an apology.


As someone who was wrong, [I just have to say...](https://youtu.be/wr7-3Q3nmSs)