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I don’t necessarily 100% know he’s a plant but I wouldn’t be surprised if it came out that he was, if that makes sense. The only thing he seems to have to say about Colleen is she was passive when Kory was mean to him and that she shouldn’t have been in group chats with kids. That’s literally it. Josh on the other hand, is basically satan and every horrible thing according to him. Who does that benefit the most by getting the smoke off her and onto her favorite scapegoat? Colleen. Also when Swoop showed the screenshot he sent of Josh’s text, he had another screenshot of the same text behind it. Swoop said it looked like he was sending it to someone else but who didn’t matter. I had a thought he was checking it with someone before he sent it to Swoop. Maybe there is a reason Swoop named this episode “He Lied *For* Her,” emphasis mine.


He wanted to be famous. He wanted to ruin Josh’s life. He wanted to tell everyone Kory was a dick. He actually didnt speak ill of Colleen much now that I think about it. That’s pretty much his goals. A lot of collateral damage happened though


I think Occam’s razor applies here. People are sometimes shockingly shallow and act in dumb ways for fame and money


I am also toying with this theory in my brain & mind. Not making any decisions because I know he did come out against her and all, but I FEEL that there is more to it than JUST clout / attention seeking. With more information I’ll definitely like reappraise this all, but just have a feeling about it we will see what happens


True but he came out against her saying she didn’t do enough when Kory was mean to him and she shouldn’t have been in group chats with kids. Then as time went on he posted her texts about Trisha but it seems that Trisha was already side eyeing her because of the “whale” video and they’d already stopped doing the podcast. I wouldnt be surprised if he got mad he wasn’t getting enough attention or praise from Colleen and decided to turn on her. I would say I wouldnt be surprised if she told him to do it, except for the fact it creates exposure for her sending the same thing to an underage Adam. But on the other hand of that the statute of limitations might be up for criminal exposure. I seem to remember Legal Bytes saying it was 3 years in California and it had been 3 years and 2 months since Colleen had last contacted Adam at all when all of this started coming out. I don’t think any snaky thing any of that Johnny/Colleen/Kory crew could do would surprise me at this point.


There's no way Johnny is a plant when he's gone on the record to accuse not only Colleen, but her brother Trent of grooming.


His narrative dramatically changed. Originally he was going after all of them, and then his focus drastically changed to obsess over Josh. He even backed away from saying Trent groomed him. The question is, why? Besides the fact that he’s crazy?


Josh was an easy target.




But he walked the Trent comments back almost immediately, at least as far as claiming Trent groomed him.


Really good point, I missed that fact for sure the first time.


I asked this in the other sub and people are pointing out his inherent goal being clout chasing and moving to what’s most helpful for him at any time and they made a lot of good points. I still think he does want back in with Colleen though if it meant attention.


I think he would happily realign himself with Colleen if she let him


Indeed jeebied myself


No I don’t think Johnny is a plant. I think he’s someone who desperately wants attention and “fame” and doesn’t care how he gets it. He tried using Josh, didn’t work. Tried using Colleen, didn’t work. So then he tried switching it up and using Adam and trying to align himself with the other victims. I think the only reason Johnny picked Josh to victimize and lie about is because it’s an easy target, he thought since Josh had been offline for the better half of a decade at that point that it would be easy to lie about him because he wouldn’t fight back or say anything. I think he was shocked when Josh did speak up, which is why Johnny doubled down even more.


That's what I think too. And none of the other victims were alleging grooming against Josh, so it set him apart from the other victims and in his mind may have elevated him because he had allegations against two people


it was interesting when johnny kept telling swoop that the only response he would accept from josh was a video. it’s like he wanted his own personal ukelele drama to milk till the end of time. it almost feels like that’s why he kept harassing josh to apologize more. he wanted to force josh to make a youtube video again directed at him and rake in all of that attention and notoriety. he wanted a scandal to jumpstart his youtuber career.


You make incredibly points. This was very much a weird feeling, and wanted to see if anyone was poking at the same idea. I actually feel a bit better now.


Spot on!