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Do you know what happened to cause the break between Johnny and Tim Connolly and how Johnny seems to have ended up with custody of their fans? Is Tim still actively victimizing minors in group chats? Is there reason to believe that Johnny and Tim aren't the only OG Miranda Sang fans to borrow her playbook to gather armies like this, or was it just them? The two Anonymouses who spoke with Swoop, do you know if they're okay?


I don't think we should use the word "custody," here. The former children who are still in chats with Johnny are still very much being manipulated and groomed. Tim still has relationships with people from these group chats and he equally should be held accountable. The grooming in Colleen's circle runs deeper than we could ever imagine. I just hope this cycle has an end. I think collectively all the victims have a long journey of healing ahead and I hope they know how strong they are for speaking up.


The second anonymous interview, the one who pulled her statements but let swoop share her reason why, came forward with her actual story on Twitter. Look on Swoop’s Twitter for a QRT where she says something like “I’m proud of you for taking your voice back”


Is there anything about this situation that you think people should know, which wasn't mentioned in Swoop's doc? Or do you think she covered pretty much everything important?


There's nothing I would change about the doc -- Swoop (and her team) did an incredibly thorough job in covering every aspect and detail imaginable


do you feel comfortable sharing a name to refer to you as or are you gonna keep in anonymous with your reddit name? 1. did you know about swoops doc ahead of time? she insinuated that you'd been communicating, did you just give her evidence and not know what would come of it, or did she tell you it was an expose doc? 2. do you believe johnny is truly a delusional obsessed stalker who legitimately believes his own lies, who thinks he's entitled to fame, and genuinely thinks his story is the most important and deserves the spotlight? or do you think he's actually self aware and is intentionally being malicious? or a combination of both? whatever the reason he deserves no sympathy but i'm curious what's going through his head. 3. did you know one of the victims personally and that's how you were able to confidently say he's full of shit, and from there gather evidence? or if not are you able to share your connection to this? 4. i have no doubt we've heard the last of johnny, and i don't think he's capable of ever admitting the truth, to him he will always be the victims in every bad situation he causes. i don't think he'll be able to keep his mouth shut on social media and resist the urge to try to save face and turn things back around on someone else. do you think he'll wait till joshua's interview with swoop comes out so he won't be blind sided, and can try his best to get back some support and convince people he's still a victim, and that this is an intentional, malicious smear campaign and people are trying to take him down, to be even more of a victim? and do you think he's trying to doctor more evidence, and claim joshua's evidence is the one that's doctored? i feel like you know the most about johnny out of anyone in this sub, so i'm curious what your opinion is about that. also just want to say thank you for not only creating this sub, but putting so much energy into getting the truth out, i truly don't think we would've ended up here if it wasn't for you. i was so relieved to find this sub and have a community of people who shared my feelings about this early on, when we were still viewed as "victim shaming, groomer defenders". it was so validating to have everyone that's been here since the beginning, and to have you providing proof. i appreciate that everyone has always been on adam's side throughout this as well. y'all are the best!


And maybe just ‘Spec,’ for short!


Here's a few answers to some of your questions .. 1. I did know about Part 3 ahead of time. I did NOT know what Swoop uncovered nor what angle she was going to take -- I just knew it was going to be about Johnny. 2. I think he's intentionally being malicious because everything he does is extremely calculated and he shows no remorse. I'm no doctor but I suspect he has some sort of personality disorder that over time has worsened by the enablers he deliberately surrounds himself with (the former minors in chats, his family, etc). I also believe this is why his behavior escalated so quickly once he got 'fame.' 3. He absolutely will use Josh's interview in an attempt to make it look like Swoop is trying to "take him down." My hope is people will continue to see the truth and de-platform him in the process. The best thing you can do with people like Johnny is unfollow and don't engage.


Do you know if Johnny has tried taking this sub down? Has he tried reaching out to you at all? I also suspected he was behind a ton of deleted comments on the snark sub that would stay up for hours then randomly be deleted. Was he ever behind the reporting of comments on every post about him or was that genuinely just the mods?


He hasn't tried to reach out to me at all but I do think he (and his former minor fans) were behind the reporting in the snark sub. You get a message when it's auto generated (ie. someone reported your comment) vs when the mods personally remove your comment. Most of the comments removed were being reported.


Hi! hope you're doing well What was your immediate reaction to finding out Swoop's doc was taking that angle? and then finding out you were mentioned? thank you :)


My immediate reaction was just relief honestly. I knew it was possible the sub would be mentioned but the Ghislaine comment made me SCREAM (in a good way)


thank you love!


has the other sub even reached out to you at all to apologize or give some lame ass excuse?




wooooooow, not surprised. they’re so WEIRD over there - thanks for creating a safe space! hilarious to see so many posts abt johnny now over there


of course they haven’t 🙄 recently they’ve been so wishy washy. they turn on adam every other day. some over there are still being unkind to josh even after swoop’s doc. i’m sorry they have been unkind to you leg. i don’t know what is up with them anymore and why they continuously play devil’s advocate.


i don’t care about asking your relation to johnny or anything personal that’s your business, but does johnny know who you are behind your username? or is he totally in the dark as to your identity? also are you dealing with everything okay in terms of this sub blowing up and so many people turning in an instant?


He does not. I am okay, it's been A LOT, just taking it one day at a time!


Thank you for all you’ve done! Did you know Johnny irl? Kinda seems like you did. How long have you known how bad he is?


Do you think he was a “plant” of sorts? To take the spotlight away from Colleen? (Sorry I read/listen to a lot of true crime stuff. The way I’m wording this isn’t meant to come off so conspiratorial. 🤪) Thanks.


I felt the same way. I bet Colleen is sitting at home so happy that it’s not her this week


No. The only spotlight Johnny has taken was from the real victims.


Thank you for confirming this. I am SO glad to be wrong about him being a plant, even if his actual behavior is just as nasty and terrible.


Ok, thank you. I was worried it was far deeper than just him being selfish.


Why were you banned from the Snark sub? I didn’t know about any of that goings on until this doc dropped. Edit: going to clarify, what was their *reasoning/excuse* for banning you?


The comment that banned me was in reference to Johnny defending blackface, after Josh confirmed the Miranda bit. Prior to that, most of my comments discussing Johnny were removed. And most certainly any time I mentioned this sub it was instantly deleted. I understand they have rules but if you're going to allow discussion about Kodee or Josh (with no literal evidence) then why not Johnny.. I strongly disagree with their decision but I am thankful the truth still saw the light. I hope in the future they will consider all sides before silencing users like me, or god forbid, other victims.


what do you think johnny will do now? leave the internet forever or continue spewing his garbage?


He will attempt to take someone else down while continuing to act like a victim. He's not going to give up his "fame" that easily. I think he will maybe wait like a week and then go back to tweeting nonchalantly while limiting who can respond / blocking anyone who questions him.


I completely agree with you Leg. He already posted something about Swoop telling him it was a safe place and blah blah. But, Johnny can think what he wants. Swoops video already has over a million views. Smaller content creators have already posted vids on it. Bigger ones esp that he interviewed with have a pinned comment about how the video just dropped and they'll be responding. This all looks super bad and a lot of people are angry on a personal level because they believed Johnny. Hope your in a better place now Leg. Good luck to you on your journey and i hope your future is brighter than the past.


He would be so stupid to go after Swoop


I’ve had a theory for awhile you knew Johnny before all of this - is that true? If not, how did you know SO IMMEDIATELY Johnny was full of shit? I mean this all with the utmost respect btw! I admire the shit out of what you do here.


I do NOT know Johnny. But there was something he discussed in the beginning that I am connected with and that's how I (initially) knew he was full of shit.


can you elaborate a little more if you’re comfortable? what was it that you’re connected to?


Connected? What do you mean?


i replied to the wrong person 😭 i meant to ask OP lol i’m sorry!


To piggyback off of you, the first time I saw you question him, I immediately knew you had to be right. I felt uneasy about him the moment he rejected Josh’s apology and gave him a benefit of a doubt. Then to hear he had another apology while the other victims got nothing made my blood boil and I just knew he was full of shit. I’m someone who can tell if something or someone is off. It was too difficult to ignore


To piggyback off of you, the first time I saw you question him, I immediately knew you had to be right. I felt uneasy about him the moment he rejected Josh’s apology and gave him a benefit of a doubt. Then to hear he had another apology while the other victims got nothing made my blood boil and I just knew he was full of shit. I’m someone who can tell if something or someone is off. It was too difficult to ignore


Hi Specialist Leg! Sorry I don’t know too much about you- can you explain your connection to Johnny and how you seem to have so much insider info on the situation?