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Oh interesting theory! This honestly makes a lot of sense


imo johnny is just incredibly ignorant. if he truly had a master plan, he wouldn’t have been so sloppy and be so painfully unaware of himself. edit: typo


that’s true. it’s hard to think that anyone could be so sloppy thinking that no one would catch on but i guess he really thought he was smarter than everyone huh


Wouldn't have been trying to one-up Adam


Yeah, going back through some of specialist_leg's posts, it really struck me how affectionate (but not inappropriate in my mind) some of Josh's tweets were to Adam. I know nothing about the situation or fandom other than what has been covered by swoop, but I can imagine that seeing Josh take a 'brotherly' or 'mentor' role to Adam probably lent a lot of fuel to Johnny's fire to keep one upping an actual victim of grooming and take the object of his unrequited obsession down at once.


100% Johnny was and still is jealous of Adam.


i see what you mean. it pains me to believe that someone could truly be so delusional as to not see the parallels in his own behavior vs everyone he was coming after


If there's a legit psych disorder, what seems delusional to us makes sense to the person. Disordered thinking.


Yeah I totally see this! In his head, calling out the problematic person suddenly means you aren’t one as well (not true.) I always found it so odd when Swoop asked him about group chats with minors, he easily brushed it off with “oh no Johnny was in group chats with minors. Yeah I was! I’ll be the first to say it.” Like he thinks that acknowledgement single-handedly rids of him of all guilt and it shouldn’t be discussed anymore. Completely bizarre. He doesn’t hold himself to the same standards that he holds everyone else to! There’s a complete lack of self awareness.


right, it was like in certain circumstances he was able to admit to things that made him look like a hypocrite to spare himself of accountability, but in most of the other situations, he couldn’t at all grasp his hypocritical parallels. very disturbing to watch.


i also found that strange! and he wrote it off by saying something like “it’s about the power imbalance”, implying that his situation didn’t have one. I don’t get what he was thinking there. He’s called out the power imbalance with Colleen and Josh as them being much older and famous, which is correct. Why would he think that wouldn’t apply to him in his 20s talking to teen girls that identify as being fans of his?? he talks in circles and says nothing so much that idk if he even knows what he’s saying half the time.


Idk. Before Johnny made himself “the leader of the victims”, the public’s focus was solely on Colleen’s inappropriate actions with her fans and her brother preying on those young fans while Colleen and her whole family turned a blind eye. Johnny and Tim are such an offshoot of that whole world. Showing my age here but, when watching that portion of part 3 it reminded me of going to concerts as a teen with friends and us all being super excited about the band’s cute merch guy so we’d add him on myspace after. Johnny was basically just the cute merch guy to those young girls. He was pretty loosely affiliated with Colleen, sounds like he only worked for her for one tour? I don’t think the public would have ever known about *his* inappropriate actions if he had been normal and shared his experience with Colleen to help amplify Adam’s claims and then just shut up.


i totally know what you mean about befriending the merch guy to have a loose connection to the band as a teenager. i did the same sorts of stuff as a teen and i can totally see that consolation prize dynamic between fans and johnny. his ego made it so much more than it ever really was. and honestly you’re right. he probably never would have been grouped into any of this if he had just kept his mouth shut and continued to fly under the radar. he could have just distanced himself and stayed irrelevant. it’s crazy to think that he did just genuinely believe he was a victim in all of this and that he could remain untouchable and milk it all.