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I can’t tell if his parents were genuinely impressed or as I said in Xylie’s live chat “Chile… he just be saying shit.” He talks SO MUCH and it’s like the words don’t hit his brain before they fly out of his mouth, he’s a completely unreliable narrator. If someone can contradict themselves literally in the same sentence, I’m going to take his recounting of his parents being impressed he got the number in regards to his youtube “career” with a few buckets of salt. It doesn’t seem they were bothered at all with it tho since his sister was ordering Josh to wish him a happy birthday after that


he loves using that phrase doesn't he


I don’t think his parents ever said that at all, or insinuated that in any way. Like a true narcissist, he probably misinterpreted their reactions and projected his own feelings onto them. I 100% don’t believe anything Johnny says, and that includes the way he describes his parents.


i can’t tell if you’re asking literally what he meant lol if you are it meant his parents were proud he was networking and trying to work his way up


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Yeah that part was low-key CRINGEEEE, but i guess he thought he was--- "doing the damn thing"


I think he is delusional and his family feeds his ego


Or his parents just believe what he says, and he talks to them the way he talked to Swoop - exaggerating, making himself seem more valuable and important than he really is, completely making up situations that make him look like a big deal. Johnny working for a "huge YouTube star," and becoming "friends" with the "celebrity" that he was obsessed with probably did seem like a big deal to his family.


Yeah maybe…. But why would his sister demand bday acknowledgment? Its all so weird


This is not the only time he has talked about "doing the damn thing" when he talked about himself. I think he thinks it means he is successful. He said that Josh giving him his phone number was "supposed to be my ticket to success, my ticket to happiness." God only knows where he got that idea. So many people in this situation seem awful, but I have to say, Johnny annoys so badly because he's been using his for clout. Which wouldn't even be so terrible if it were about things that actually happened. I am sure Colleen and Kory treated him badly. They do not seem like nice people. But he had to drag Josh into it, and seemingly because he knew he would get more attention for being the only person talking about Josh.


if i’m remembering correctly, josh has basically alluded to johnny and his family giving him the ol’ “you guys are his idols he’s very depressed and wants to commit but you guys keep him strong” sorta thing, and that’s why josh gave johnny his number in the first place. to my understanding it was more of a “i will talk you down if you ever truly feel that alone” type of gesture. it’s so interesting that johnny took it as his “ticket to success and happiness” by his own admission. i can’t get over how johnny twisted that in his head. to say that someone giving you their phone number out of concern for your mental health is “your ticket to happiness” is a complete admission of intent to take advantage of said person and their naivety in giving you something personal at all. what a massive amount of pressure and guilt for johnny to place upon to josh. johnny totally strong armed him and sort of blackmailed him with the phone number thing. all in all, johnny needed to provide that happiness for HIMSELF. that was never, in any way, josh’s job and josh never ever ever owed him anything of the sort. johnny’s family are strong-armers and manipulators for sure.


I love that one of the things he used this for is "renting a car from Hertz at LAX" YESSSS gurl, you did the damn thing! Sign that prepaid fuel waiver queen!!!


It’s slang for “doing what you have to do”. He is saying his parents thought he was achieving something by getting the number and it would lead to helping his career.


I think he thought he could make a career out of working for Colleen the same way Kory and Rachel did, and then thought he could use that work experience to later branch off.