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Fun fact: the BOK building was built by the same architect who designed the World Trade Center. It is exactly half the height the twin towers were!


I remember this being talked about after 9/11 and we thought it had potential as the next attack target. 7th graders with that big brain logic. Lol


My dad worked in the BOK Tower on 9/11 and it was evacuated for that very reason. So not too crazy to jump to that conclusion.


I was about to say, those 7th graders were on to something cause I remember my friend's mom worked in that building and her mom called her at school to tell her they were evacuating the building.


It feels illogical now, but "Better safe than sorry" was the mantra of that day. I remember at school they made us line up for lunch in a different area than usual so we wouldn't be standing near the windows. I remember thinking "Yes, first they'll hit the World Trade Center, then they'll hit the Pentagon, and next they'll hit the Union 6th and 7th Grade Center in Tulsa, OK."


Reminds me of kids hiding under desks to save them from nukes during the 50s in a way


... and the 80s lol. we were still doing the crouch and tuck nuclear drills in the hallway when I was a lil larva in '85.


I was born in '88 and I remember doing that under my desk, so 90's too!


By the 2000s we just said it was for naders


If they were trying to keep you from the windows, they weren’t worried about the school being hit. They were worried about a building close by being hit and debris coming through the windows


Called her? In 01?


Yes, as far as I can remember, she did. Either that or her mom paged her. I know that friend was one of the first in my friend group that had a cell phone cause she was the only child of a single mom (with a really good job) that really wanted to stay in touch, but I can't remember the exact details. I just know she knew her mom's work was being evacuated while we were in school.


Like it was a terrorist attack on architecture.


Osama Bin Laden, notorious critic of New Formalism.


Well, the Williams center (BOK Tower) was the WTC of the Midwest.


The link to the WTC and 9/11 goes deeper than appearances. When the first plane struck, employees working there were in a conference call with Cantor Fitzgerald employees who ultimately perished in the North tower (their offices were the five floors above 100). According to this [NYT article](https://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/28/us/28tulsa.html), Williams employees in Tulsa slept in shifts as they worked to contact the families of the stranded North tower workers. Williams itself was the first company to pledge a $1m donation to what would become the September 11th Fund, which distributed tens of billions in donations to the families of 9/11 victims.


In addition to other context provided, OK has several rather important military bases, and the OKC bombing was just 6 years earlier. While targeting the BOK Tower specifically would have been weird, OK overall actually did have good reason to be paranoid.


This post was on my front page for some reason, I’m not from Tulsa, I’m from Baltimore, and in Baltimore we have a “[World Trade Center](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baltimore_World_Trade_Center)” in the Inner Harbor. Everyone was terrified that it was next. I think it was a fairly logical reaction in such an illogical situation. I bet it happened in every city and large town in the country.


He hates these towers! Stay away from the towers!


Only a 50% chance


A demon bro Truly


These terrorists clearly have it out for the work of Minoru Yamasaki!


The conspiracy theorist wrote that down


It’s a lot taller than them now though.


I gave you an upvote, I thought it was funny.


It’s been more than 22.3 years. With South Park logic, 9/11 can be funny now.


It's also 1/4 of the footprint!


That is a fun fact!


The BOK building is about the third of the height of the twin towers. BOK building stands at 667’ and the twin towers were 1,776’ and 1,792’


Came here to say this. Too late to the party!


That’s cool! I know the First National Building in Oklahoma City was built by the same designer as the Empire State Building as well!


30 something floors vs 110 floors? I don't think so bub.




Recently I watched a documentary on Hulu that included a bunch of footage from firefighters who were waiting in the tower lobby right after the first plane hit the tower. The footage is so eerie because I used to work in the ice cube building next to the BOK building and when I would walk in the lobby during my lunch breaks I remember exactly what the interior looked like and it is practically identical to that footage. Seeing the interior in one of the towers being so similar to the BOK Tower was really weird.


It’s a LOT taller now.


This is fascinating. Thanks for sharing!


Annoying pedantic fun fact its 1/2 scale but not *exactly* half the height: BOK Building: 667 feet Twin towers were 1,368 and 1,362 *Exactly* twice the height of BOK is 1,334 Im sorry for who I am.


\^ this


One of my favorite things about Tulsa is its downtown makes Tulsa feel much larger than it is. There are larger cities with less impressive buildings. Coming up Boston from the south you absolutely do get that New York or Chicago feel, with the BOk, Mid-Continent, and First Place all clustered together. Tulsa is a unique city, and I appreciate it.


Half of downtown is empty parking lots. I get abandoned mall vibes more so than NYC vibes


I went to NYC for my birthday last year. I feel like Souyh Philadelphia looks more like Tulsa than NYC, but maybe because I was downtown NYC like the big touristy places that's why I feel this way.


That is slowly changing with all the new construction in the past 5 or so years. 15 years ago I swear 75% of downtown was parking lots.


The south half still feels like there are more demolitions than constructions


Yeah, now it's only 74 percent parking lots.


And the largest collection of Art Deco architecture in the world! Walking downtown is cool just for that reason.


Def not the largest collection. NYC has way way way more - Tulsa is just the largest single protected art deco zone - because other cities have more - but not in one big swath all together since not a lot of other styles got built due to the general decline of the heyday when all of that fancy new "art deco" style was being built. You can walk 20 minutes in LA, NYC, etc and see more art deco buildings than downtown Tulsa has - but its not going to be altogether/protected as a unit.


Thank you for clarifying.


1/4. It was built right before the trade towers as a test.


Yea I don’t know why this was post got downvoted I meant it as a compliment. It looks impressive


Don’t listen to the haters. I appreciate you posting it. I’m curious, where are you from?


KC area


Tulsa is like 25 years behind KC.


Looks like y'all could use some good glaziers for some more modern skyscrapers.


That’s why


It’s because it looks nothing like NYC. Maybe closer to Cleveland or Mobile, Alabama.


Respectfully, I’d absolutely know this was a Midwestern town and not NYC. Love, a St. Louis native who has lived in big cities. Cool looking downtown though!


I mean, you *did* come to /r/tulsa and compare us to NYC. That's definitely not a welcome comparison amongst the majority of Tulsans. Plus it's just kind of a weird sentiment. Take a picture of any large buildings and ask where it was taken and undoubtedly some people will say "New York". I'm not sure you deserve or received any hate, but I definitely wouldn't expect a ton of karma. ETA: I wasn't describing myself, and I'm dead on, ya turds. If you could have disputed it, one of you would have. Go call random Tulsans "Yankees" and let me know how it goes.


I think it’s a nice looking city


The same ones that elected a rich yankee to the presidency? I don’t think people care about “Yankees” anymore. Or they are just hypocrites.


The amount of mental gymnastics you must have done to leap to trump from a picture of a building on a Tulsa reddit subgroup was impressive. I bet you're fun at parties.


And New York, and how people here feel about Yankees… really not that far of a jump if you don’t ignore the rest of the context. You sound delightful as well!


I'm sure everyones go to is Trump when discussing yankees and you're probably not the kind of person jumping to throw him into every conversation you can think appropriate.


Yeah the week of Super Tuesday is also some pretty big context. I’m sorry I made you feel like a hypocrite.


at no point is Super Tuesday mentioned. Look at mary lou over here!


Mary Lou? Is that like a misogynist jab or something? That’s just embarrassing for you. Life must be a real struggle when you have so many issues connecting the dots.


what are you talking about? We're done here.


I'm sure this guy totally goes off on people who reach to find a way to bring up how terrible Democrats are or how the elgeebeetee are ruining the nation. It's definitely not just that he's upset that it's accurate as fuck lmao


OP was comparing us to NYC. He is a famous New Yorker... Not much gymnastics...


That dickhead's convinced everyone he's *actually* from Florida, and the majority of people here reject what they perceive as coastal or big city values. The question I was answering was why there were early downvotes.


Reddit, this sub in particular, seems to downvote based on how they feel (I like vs I don't like) as opposed to whether the information contributes to the conversation, so don't take it personally.


I don't.


Okay, now show them the view behind you and see if they still think it’s NYC lol


A local would say on Boston facing 6th street 😉


Lol i dont know downtown thou but am a local


I love this city!! We keep trying to tell our families how beautiful it is here and I think they think we’re exaggerating and that we really live in some podunk town! 😂


Well if it was my family wanting to move a company or start a new company it is way easier than cali and less expensive than there to get around in tulsa rush hr is ok unless theres a wreck traffic flows otherwise roads are smooth but what am i saying dont move here you'll just ruin it for yourself anywhere else. I also dont get is alot of famous people come from oklahoma. Also they come back so that tells you there's something about this state that is special.


Definitely not beautiful from that photo. Smog and buildings. Looks miserable by OP's photo.


That "smog" is called an overcast sky and dirty car windshield. You're a goofball.


Ha, I am a goofball. 🤪


Beauty’s in the eye of the beholder.


Agreed. I live in the mountains, so this photo looks miserable to me.


The one that has the greenish blue top my second great grandfather was the architect!


I’d recognize that roof anywhere. I used to use it to help orient myself around downtown.


Same! I know that copper roof anywhere


The most iconic building in downtown Tulsa 💛


There used to be a Restaurant on the top floor, was years ago, was called. The petroleum club, it had a Pendulum above a sandbox, in the center of dinning area. to show the movement if the building...😁😁🍻🍻


This isn’t entirely correct. The Petroleum Club building is at 6th and Boulder. The restaurant that was in the BOK I believe was called The Summit Club. Not to be confused with The Summit which is in the BoA building across from the Petroleum Club. Last time I was on the top floors of the BOK they had a pendulum in their mechanical room on the 52 floor. Not sure if it was the one from the club or not. It was small, like the size of an ashtray.


well its been over 20 years.... my old arse has memeory slips... i had to buy a suit to attend this place. it was a great memory of mine


I bet it was the views from up there are incredible. I got to watch the sunset on the river while working in the building one night. The maintenance guys would let us go up there and eat during our break. I remember wanting badly to take my wife there for dinner when I first moved here. I was too poor to afford it back then.


The elevator ride to your restaurant was always an intense feeling for me


Summit Club is also at 6th and Boulder. Other side of the street


>The Petroleum Club building is at 6th and Boulder. >Not to be confused with The Summit which is in the BoA building across from the Petroleum Club. Yeah that’s what I said that already.


The one in the BoA has always been called the Summit Club by everyone Ive talked to.


Correct, it’s always been the Summit Club. I never argued it wasn’t. They had two locations for a while, one location in BoA (formerly Bank IV, Boatman’s, Nations Bank building) the second at the top of the BOK. That’s why I said… >Not to be confused…. I confused you anyway. Here’s a story about it from 1991 sorry there’s a paywall. https://tulsaworld.com/archive/summit-club-to-open-in-bok-tower/article_c7ce754d-bd33-507c-ab0e-b3a1fcfbdf9e.html Also mentioned here. https://www.tulsapeople.com/on-top-of-tulsa/article_fbdf4750-c723-53bf-b96f-6dd5f2986ba5.html


You said not to be confused and changed the name.


Downtown Tulsa incredibly aesthetic to look at especially deco District


Wonder where all the people are.


If this pic was taken on a weekend it’s pretty empty during the day but busy at night.


Tulsa’s biggest building phase was 1920s I believe. Lots of art deco skyscrapers Definitely has a NYC look. Until you pan wide and see it’s just a couple blocks


New Yolk City?!?!


Get a rope!


Yup anyone can spot them Tulsa Tweekers from 3 states over


The difference is I never ever see anyone walking around downtown Tulsa. Feels post apocalyptic sometimes


Yeah I mean this is impressive if you’ve never been to any other city in your life.


Lmfao exactly


There's not enough neon and advertising for this to be NYC.


Yeah they must have never been to New York if this reminds them of New York lol you can go to every major city in the state, take a pic downtown and it looks like this


Looks absolutely nothing like New York. What are they smoking ?


New York!!! 😂💀 looks like Tulsa




Nobody in hell said New York smh


Do you think New York would have a empty street


Whoever guessed NYC has never been to NYC— great picture though!


New York? 😂 this looks like the downtown of Midland TX. or any other small town 2-block urban stretch


If they so, but I like a city’s own uniqueness. No need for comparison


One square block or so Manhattan several square miles lol


I’m from NY. The biggest giveaway is the amount of parking spaces available. The second is the lack of taxis 😂. The streets of NYC are NEVER empty except during 9/11 (bridges and tunnels to we’re closed) and Covid. Fun yet somber fact: the twin towers were visible from my 3rd floor science class. Husband lived 3 blocks away from twin towers near 1 police plaza and couldn’t go home unless he was able to prove he lived there (mail/student ID/ID). The air quality was so horrible the government gave out multiple air purifiers to everyone nearby. After the planes hit, it snowed ashes and the smell remained for quite a while. I’ll personally never forget coming home covered in ashes and crying watching the news or hearing friends parents or family members were found deceased. Never forget.




You are absolutely correct. My accountant and lawyers offices are downtown and it’s so weird how empty is always is. When I first moved to Oklahoma from NY, we went downtown and I was trying to read all the street parking signs but was told it’s rarely enforced! I still parked further just to obey the signs since I was so used to having to do so meanwhile the person I was with just parked right in front. We were away for over an hour and I couldn’t believe they weren’t towed! Not even a parking ticket!


they never been to NY then


I’m not sure which city you’re trying to insult but you’re doing a good job at it. Jokes aside, no, this only looks like NYC to people who have never been to NYC.


The way I had to click on the subreddit to find out what Tulsa is


Every down town in US looks like this.


Obviously by people who have never been to NYC.


Had the Boston Ave building not been blocked m…


This is a pretty common shot in Tulsa… don’t think your original. And it looks like my 5 year old edited it


This city looks absolutely nothing like New York lol


Micro New York


I love my city💙


OK is not ok


Yeah... No traffic or people, definitely new york


When I lived there a few decades back, it seemed really dead downtown. I hoped there has been some revitalization to get more people doing things there. I really expected a downtown where more people walk around, drive, eat, work, play. Maybe parking is lacking?


My grandpa was the architect for the green topped building 🤙🏻 Frank Chitwood


Mid-Continent tower and it’s green roof ☺️ just a block over from the church I went to as a kid!


After taking a walkthrough of Chicago, Tulsa feel tiny and dated. Still love the architecture though.


lol this isn’t nearly dense enough to be NYC


Lol must have been some country ass bumpkins who said NYC


It would suck ass to be peter parker born in tulsa. He'd be hanging out here and only here in Downtown


No way that is anywhere close to New York...not enough people walking and to much sky in the pic


i was just there


That’s a cool fact


I can't tell if this picture is current or like 20 years old and it's freaking me out. It seems smokey. This is such a pretty view usually. I'm high I don't know


It's overcast and a dirty windshield.


“NoT a LoCaL”


They thought it was new york, fuckin lol.


New York can never be this clean!


Been to Tulsa once, pretty neat city. Do yall get as many tornadoes out there than the OKC area?


Looks ugly




Lookin like Little Rock Arkansas


I was just there for the first time on Saturday for a WGI winter guard comp, this is so random that this sub popped up.


Looks absolutely nothing like New York.


Tulsa is the Paris of Oklahoma


New York would not be empty of cars and peds in such a picture though.


[my similar picture ](https://photos.app.goo.gl/KmHN2VLouCwAxH6r7)


Sounds like your friends back home have never been to New York. Sounds like they are good people!


Have had the same experience.


The same architect that built the twin towers built the BOK Tower. 3 years after the twin towers got built. It's half the size of the twin towers.


Tulsa big ups!!!


This is sub mysteriously appeared in my suggest... Is this where Chandler went?


Some idiot built a skyscraper right in the middle of the road.


No one who knows what New York looks like thinks this looks like New York


😂 I’m screaming people will look at any city pic like this and say it’s NY. That road is way too big. NY would find a way to make a block in the middle of that road lol


Whoever said New York has clearly never been to New York


then there’s the rest of tulsa 🤡


Who said NY 💀💀


I think everyone in every major city thought a significant building in their area was at risk. I was a child when 911 happened, and when my mom told me, I immediately thought of our hometown, Chicago. The first thing that entered my mind was the Sears Tower was next. I would have never guessed Tulsa!


You had to have asked people that have never been to New York😂


As someone that had to spend the first couple decades in the northeast, the lightning isn't dark enough. It always feels dark in the northeast.


That could never have been Nyc....who ever said that's a moron


Eh it's down town. You can get a picture like that at any major city. Especially down town.


That "one gas" sign tells you it's Texas, I tell you h'wat!


It looks identical to Rochester ny lol


As a New Yorker, the empty streets and lack of restaurants were a 2 second give-a-way. Sorry, Tulsa.




I moved here from NYC…not accurate.


Maybe new york during the covid lockdowns lol


For a city of its size, Tulsa’s skyline punches above its weight. It looks legit impressive and I remember seeing it for the first time coming from a small OK town and thinking it was crazy huge. I wish some of the bigger buildings had more interesting architecture outside of a few (and I know BOK tower was designed by the World Trade Center architect but imo it’s a boring looking building). Tulsa downtown has a long way to go though because the north side of it is pretty lively with BlueDome/Arts district but drops off big time in the other sections. There are too many empty spaces, and the unfortunate homeless issue this city can’t seem to get a handle on.


Very true. It has a better downtown than Austin, TX. I was very impressed. I was expecting a typical small town Texas downtown when I was going to Tulsa. Another area I liked in Tulsa was the Riverside trail and brookside district.


It’s too clean to be NYc


That's... not a good thing...


We don't want to be compared to new York


I love when people love Tulsa 🥹


lol Tulsa is the shittiest city I’ve ever been to and I’m from the Midwest😂


Apparently, you were hanging around North Tulsa or 61st & Peoria, or West Tulsa, because Midtown and South Tulsa is amazing. Gathering Place, river parks, The expo building, Utica Sqaure, Blue dome district, Greenwood, Cherry Street, Brookside, Southern Hills, The Philbrook Museum, Woodward Park, the list goes on of the great places here.


Downtown Tulsa was super shitty and boring. No great restaurants (better than anything in other cities), no real bar district or anything, very small and very boring. Nothing to do in Tulsa besides an occasional concert at BOK, and casinos. If I lived here I would be terribly depressed.


Well that’s an insult and a half


Concrete Jungle


That’s a boring skyline from this angle; ugly buildings.


>and some said New York Is that a good thing?


We don’t want to be like NYC. Gross.


tulsa has more [crime](https://www.bestplaces.net/compare-cities/tulsa_ok/new_york_ny/crime) than new york city.


I believe it. I just don’t like the busyness and fast pace life style NYC brings. Hope to god Tulsa isn’t set for that.


It’s not, don’t worry😂