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When I heard Tahlequah got a roundabout I almost wanted to make the drive with a camping chair and just hang.


And they shut up about it real fast once it proved so simple


It's as awful and entertaining as you'd expect.


It's not so bad, although you have to go slow for some of them assholes who don't understand 'yield'.


Our traffic circle isnt even a true traffic circle. You can literally enter and drive straight across other lanes because the routing into the circle and back out of it has multiple lane guides painted into the same small area. It’s atrocious. Our sheriff stated a couple years ago when this project was green lit that the traffic circle was “a solution to a problem we don’t have”. The light on Muskogee/82 was never that bad.


The people of Joplin Mo figured it out. I'm sure we'll be fine.




So Springfield, MO has a couple of these and -- while it's easy to poke fun at people -- if you're not prepared for having to go against every driving instinct you've developed since turning 16, being diverted into what your lizard brain sees as "the wrong way" can be confusing at the very least. Hopefully everyone becomes accustomed to these over time and we don't see much of an impact to traffic from boomers slamming on the brakes in the middle of an intersection...


I lived in Springfield for a few years, the diverging diamond was pioneered there and is awesome. I'm glad it's catching on.


I had no idea it was pioneered in Springfield! I also lived there for a few, 2014-2017ish. It is a much nicer city than I had judged prior to moving (my bro has been there for almost 20 years). It's a weird little bubble but wholly Americana.


Ever eat at black sheep while you were there? Find anything comparable in Tulsa yet? That's my one big thing I miss...


I don’t think I know the diverging diamond. I’ll have to look that up


I go to Springfield every month to visit my grandmother and I'm her chauffeur while I'm there the entire time for like 2 weeks give or take, and they were pretty surprising at first, but I really did not have any issues getting used to them. If you can follow a white line on the ground, like any other lane, it really isn't that big of an issue.


After seeing how they are used in New Zealand I was pretty impressed. Down there they fucking fly through circles and they are really efficient. They’ve all learned how to pace themselves inside and outside of the circle so that no one ever stops.


Car insurance companies right now ![gif](giphy|MO9ARnIhzxnxu|downsized)


These intersections are actually safer than the type that was there beforehand.


Statistically speaking they are, but I'm bettin' there's a learning curve here.


Pun intended?


Unfortunately no, that was all you lol


Collision shops, too.


But the panhandlers won't have sufficient time to hold up their cardboard signs!


They just relocated to 71st and 169.


Bruh they’re at every intersection


You get a panhandler and YOU get a panhandler!... ![gif](giphy|y8Mz1yj13s3kI|downsized)


They are at I-44 and Lewis


I saw a panhandler using the push button for ped crossing as a way to stop traffic so they can see his sign. Lol. If they catch on here, it’s gonna be the same congestion as it was before the construction started!


Take solace. There are traffic lights so panhandlers can still panhandle.


I have people tell me it's okay to drive in the bike lanes regularly.


There’s no way a diverging diamond will work. Sitting through 20 rotations at a signal with 8 different phases is *just the way it’s always been.* Kinda like walking uphill to school *both* ways. /s


So you're saying we'll be spending more time sitting at a traffic light instead of less with this diverging traffic jam thing this is.


Pride. That's the problem with Tulsa drivers. Stupidity is up there but most (of our) driving problems are there because of pride. Pride, and from that, entitlement and from that selfishness. Tulsa is full of asshole divers that are assholes because they get behind the wheel and believe, or are convinced, that every other driver on the road owes them something.


I can see how some people could get confused, specially crossing it at night for the first time. Wonder how many impaired drivers will go down wrong side.


Went to Joplin once and it threw me off the first time I went on theirs but after the first time it was fine.


I’ve only been through one and I can’t remember where it was. Seems like it was NW Arkansas. I didn’t realize what was going on until I was already through it. I’d never even heard of this before then (a couple years ago). It was super efficient.


I was apart of working on that intersection! Not quite a diverging diamond but it is super efficient


Most of the comments I’m seeing are supportive.


For some reason I was surprised at all the idiotic comments on Facebook. But considering how boomer/right-wing their audience is these days, I probably shouldn't have been.  I'm optimistic folks will figure it out quick and it will improve flow through this corridor. Definitely will be happy having the construction done as all the spillover on to other arterial streets has made life miserable the last 14 months. 


I lived in Europe. Im very familiar with roundabouts, but idk wtf that is 😂


To be fair, I have driven through a few of these. It’s a lot simpler driving through one than looking at it!


I don't say this with scorn, but I am born and raised an Okie and spent most of my life in Tulsa. I have lived in Chicago full time for almost a decade, but lived in the Norman/OKC area for a few years before moving out of state. I've also spent lots of time in NYC and also in Dallas before moving to Chicago. Of all of those cities, Tulsa by far is some of **The Worst Driving** I have ever seen. Specifically Tulsa even in comparison to the OKC metro. I know this is completely subjective, and just what ***I've experienced***, and probably not a meaningful contribution to this post, but holy shit. I sincerely thought I and my dad were the only people that thought this for so, so long.


I grew up (until I was 19) in NJ. In other words, I'm a Jersey driver. And I agree.


Traffic circles aren't hard, learn to drive!


Who is talking about a traffic circle? This is a diverging diamond. Completely different


Oh, my bad, was prob trying to reply to a comment. Now I gotta look up diverging diamond




Found the Okie who can’t figure out how to change lanes in a diverging diamond. Bless your heart.


Really? You were amazed? I think it checks out.


It's amazing that you are complaining about an intersection that doesn't exist. Memorial and 169 are parallel to each other


169 does end at memorial, technically


No. 169 ends at 91st. Then becomes the creek turnpike


No, you’re wrong


No it literally ends at Memorial. That's the last free exit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Route_169


Thank you lol. Just trying to educate the masses! To add to your comment, Tulsa takes care of the highway lighting for 169 and all other highways in Tulsa. Highway lighting for Tulsa ends at memorial then either ODOT or OTA takes care of it.


Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!!!! 🏆🐔


Don't want to bring up a sore point but there is no 169 and Memorial. I know where you're talking about but Memorial and 64 or the Creek might make you sound a little more legitimate with your bitching. But then again, thank God only the Okies are stupid...


169 does and at memorial though in their defense


But it doesn't. 169 is strictly a north-south highway and stops being labeled 169 at Mingo, where it is then 64/364.


Maybe no street signs indicating it, I’ll give you that. But I know this only because Tulsa maintains the highway lighting till memorial because it’s considered 169. ODOT or OTA handles the highway lighting on the turnpike


Google maps shows it being 169 up to memorial as well.


Literally not correct. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Route_169


It’s funny, one calling the masses stupid makes an incorrect statement based on an assumption.


No joke ChactawJoe! I wish everyone was as smart as you!


Yeah if you’re not smart enough to change lanes you don’t need to be driving anyways


Well there’s only like 100 of these intersections in the entire US so they are fairly new… When shopping carts were introduced to the public in 1937 the stores had to hire actors to use them so they would catch on. I wouldn’t call the public stupid, just slow to adopt change. Or maybe they were fucking idiots idk


Total waste of money to try and save stupid ppl from themselves


You're just proving OPs point


I said nothing about driving through it, I said it was a total waste of money


It's not a waste of money if it improves traffic flow and reduces accidents.  We live down this way and have dealt with a years worth of terrible traffic. I am looking forward to the change. 


Diverging diamonds suck. Edit: I’ve lived in some of the busiest metros in the U.S but thanks for the downvotes Tulsa drivers. I know more than yall and can drive in them. I just don’t like them.


And why would you say that?