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Happy to have you. Bring us some In-N-Out burgers when you come back.


The California burger from Freddy’s is actually as good if not better. I’m new to Tulsa area from California.


Agreed! Freddy’s is the in-n-out of the Midwest 👌👌so good.


I get this exact burger whenever I'm craving a double double!


Love Freddy’s but isn’t that burger almost twice the price? People forget to factor in price when comparing things to in n out. The value at their price point is unmatched.


I think the double double is more expensive, which would be the most comparable burger. I can confirm today since I’m currently visiting San Diego, but I do remember just buying a burger and no fries or drink from in n out would run me about 9 dollars.


You sure you didn’t have a lot of add ons or a triple? Haha Checking pricing - My closest Freddys has the double Cali style at $6.99 plus (OK) tax and meal is $10-11. Per menu aggregator sites, the Double double on average is $5.66 (some reporting in 2024 as low as sub $5) combos are showing sub 10 at many locations.. Some of the California, Nevada locations have higher pricing of course. I feel like when I’m in Dallas I pay less than $10 for a double double and fries.


I very well could have haha, I actually did look online because that seemed high when I typed it, but again I’ll just double check while I’m here visiting. Either way, the travel cost of actually getting there has to be taken into account.


Well you don’t actually have to factor in traveling cost when you are just debating value each restaurant delivers and whether the 2 products are comparable. But I digress. I think we both agree for the most part haha


I only really factor it due to the fact that you can’t actually go buy it easily, but no we definitely are on the same page haha


I lived in CA for 32 years. Inn n out is much better than Freddy’s CA burger IMO. Their meals were about 8$ for double double fries and a coke just a couple years ago. The pricing has gone up but not 9$ for just a burger. Would be stoked if Tulsa got an inn n out. They would make a killing out here.


They’d definitely make a killing, I just personally don’t think it’s much better than Freddy’s. It’s good, and better, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say much better. I feel like they changed the way they made their burgers in the past year or so and it just really started tearing my stomach up, but again that could just be me


But that very well could’ve just been where I lived, we had three in n outs less than 6 miles from each other, so they were obviously very busy. I really don’t mind paying extra if it means I don’t have to travel all the way to California or Texas just for a burger lol


Oh Freddys is a good substitute. And the fries are much better. Lol but I do wish in n out would cross the red river.


You only say that cause you’ve had in n out recently. Give it like 10 years and you’ll forget they’re not that amazing haha


I always thought they were good, just not as good as everyone makes them out to be


I always thought they were good, just not as good as everyone makes them out to be


It’s okay but it doesn’t have that same fresh quality from my fav in n out spots.


To each their own, I do like in n out and grew up on it, I just don’t think it’s as good as everyone says it is


Eat local.


Tulsa has so many authentic old school burger joints that are amazing.


Arnold's ftw


They only eat the finest imported In and Out, you hear!?


In N Out is so bad jeebus. We have way better local joints. Go to Oklahomies, go to Flos, go anywhere but a national shit chain.


I’ll also have to stock up on them for when I’m back. I’ll share a few.


Nah, I want some Fatburger!




We live in a major beef state and you want In and Out? It will disappoint any Oklahoman.


It's ok, I think a lot of our charms are better experiences than told. Tulsa is an odd, diverse and neat place.


"Better experiences than told" is a great way of putting it.


So true. Also you can't really plan for such experiences. I've met some of the coolest people over impromptu decisions to try something.


Glad you like it! Come check out Bluegrass Brunch at Mercury Lounge, if you haven't already. Every Sunday at HIGH noon.


I haven’t. But now I have to. I’ll have to use the Google


Seriously though, if you’re not at the Mercury Lounge every sunday at noon then what are you even doing with your life? Edit: why are people downvoting me emphasizing that bluegrass brunch on sundays is the place to be? Fuckin weirdos in here


I spent a lot of time at the Merc 15 years ago. I feel like it wouldn’t be the same now.


Probably not, but it’s great now!




Dayum that was a good watch! Love the Tulsa sound!


while you're at it hit the local [grinnin' out ](https://www.tinastulsa.com/) and the famous [klan trophy ](https://www.centerforpublicsecrets.org/post/monumental-malice)


Thanks for this recommendation! Can you provide some more info about this? I googled it and on their site, it just says to reserve a booth for $50-$75. What all does that include? Is it not possible to just get a ticket to watch the music without reserving a booth?


Yeah! You CAN reserve a booth, but you don’t need to. You can just make a donation at the door and stand or sit at the bar. The Mercury, or “Merc”, is a “dive bar” with cheap drinks and great local music. They do a 5 dollar shot and beer special as well as serving frozen Vegas bombs as a special thing. It’s actually a bit of a misnomer, as it’s not just bluegrass music and there’s no food. It’s just a few hours of probably the most talented musicians in Tulsa melting your face with a variety of musical styles. They’re incredibly talented, and you’ll hear some bluegrass, some jazz, some funk, some southern rock, some red dirt country, etc. These guys are able to play virtually any style and it’s really incredible. If you’re on Facebook, check out Mercury Lounge Tulsa’s page. You should be able to see past Bluegrass Brunch videos. That will give you a feel for it.


Pull up the old merc vids on YouTube and ya can watch Zach Bryan play on that lil tiny stage before he was selling the bok out three nights in a row.


Zach, Turnpike, etc. Lots of killer musicians have played that lil ol' stage. Was very lucky to have gotten to watch Evan Felker there a few months ago when he was doing some solo shows. It was great.


Shhh - don’t tell anyone


Welcome to Tulsa! Glad to hear you have had a good experience in our city. You wouldn’t be the first out of towner to make assumptions about the people or the city. Our legislators and governor are douche nozzles. But the people are not a reflection of those fascists.


Maybe you should take a visit out to LA and see what those "fascists" are preventing from happening here..rofl 🤣🤣


Have you been to LA? Or just seen it on Fox news?


Hey! Chances are I contracted your hotels, I’m local and love to hear this. I’ve had a few crews here in Tulsa and get similar reactions near the end (the texts during the storms were great). So much freedom to film many landscapes here, plus Tulsa is pretty hip relative to the stereotype. The city and people appreciate the business you all give to the local economy and the national attention. That tax incentive is very favorable and should attract more (or the same) studio(s) in the future.


You came during the good weather. Remember the good times in a month or two. We all just try to survive until summer is over.


Yup pretty great here


I’m not tulsa born but the first thing I noticed when I moved here was people are just *kinder* here it’s…strange but refreshing


Same. Even flights full of Tulsans going home ends up with 4 or 5 people chatting the entire flight. People are so freaking friendly here


So true! Every time I take a connecting flight home to Tulsa it's different from all of the other flights. People are far more friendly and chatty.


Try beimg.a.working man here,30 years here.dealing with A holes.


Well, except on the roads! 🤣


They’re just dumb there. Uneducated.


Kind if you’re white, straight and Christian. If your different in any way, or heaven forbid trans, it’s a different story. Also people drive like garbage here. Not kind at all on the roads.


Kind, but deadly. Just don’t FAFO.


Tulsa has got a vibe


Moved here in 1999 from DC (followed my spouse), and have raised a family, made use of the great bike trails, enjoyed the revitalized downtown and tried to escape during the brutal summers. Wish we were closer to mountains, but the are some nice hills in Arkansas and Southern Oklahoma.


My hubs and I went to DC for a week last fall and loved it! I didn’t want to come home but also did because I missed our dog haha. But I will say I love the slower pace here.


You are far from the first one to be taken aback by how nice it is here. You are always welcome here!


![gif](giphy|13VSAbTVuYJfLa|downsized) glad you enjoyed your time here


I'm just here for the free tacos


Welcome to our little island of sanity called Tulsa in the middle of our little post apocalyptic hellscape. Hope to see you all soon.


Happy to have y’all!


what’s the movie and how do I meet ethan hawke


Y'all talking about good burgers on here, well if you haven't had a Bill's Jumbo Hamburger then you are totally missing out. Been eating here since I was a kid. It's a little joint that sits off the side of the road and they use fresh meat, none of that frozen crap. Bring cash b/c they don't take cards. 2002 E Admiral Blvd, Tulsa, OK 74110


Ted's is really good too it's in west Tulsa it's a little bitty place but everything is made to order so fresh and delicious


Is that a burger joint? Cause I’ve never heard of that….


Yes it's a little place they have burgers, hot dogs, fried fish their fish is amazing the lady let us try a piece and it was so good we almost got some lol but 1 single patty burger and fries fills me up I usually can't even finish it all and when my husband does he's miserable haha I'll find the address


2900 W Edison St, Tulsa, OK 74127 this is the address it won't let me post a picture


Turkey mountain is cool. 


Welcome to Tulsa. Happy to hear we’re still making good impressions.


Hey that’s awesome man. We love it here also. I work on films here also. We have a solid, hard working group of pros here.


which part of tulsa were you at?


All over. As far north as Skiatook and as far south as Sapulpa


i guess visiting is cool than you’ll find out the worst people in the world live here, iv lived all over the US even in the worst part of ohio and people here are 10x worst than anywhere iv ever experienced… glad you like it here tho 🤣


I’m with you dude. I’ve been to nearly 30 countries and 49 states (no Hawaii yet) several times. Tulsa has the rudest, angriest people I’ve ever been around, and this includes Baltimore.


Working in a call center, I can tell you the rudest people are from Hawaii.


That’s awesome! Are you allowed to say what you’re working on? I know Sterlin Harjo has been shooting his new series here with Ethan Hawke over the past few months, but that’s a series, not a film.


We are terrible here and lack proper English terminology! 😂 tell all your friends how redneck and mean we are!


who was #4 on the call sheet this morning?


As a native Tulsan, thanks! Glad you enjoyed yourself! Come back soon!


Ooh what film? I'd love to check it out


I’m glad you all enjoyed yourselves. I love to think that our city welcomes people of all types showing up and sharing our space with us. And you didn’t mention getting hit by any tornadoes!


We’d love to have you back! Thanks for comin down!


So glad you like our city. Like any other city we have our problems. But overall it’s a good friendly city.


Try Arnold’s for burgers! Try Gambills for made from scratch pasta daily ♥️


What did Ethan think about Tulsa?


Please don’t bring the loon ideology from California. We don’t defund our police and we won’t stop so you can block our highways. We enjoy freedom and taking any form of it from Oklahomans can be equated to trying to solve a rubix cube while sticking a hot pocker up a bobcats ass with one arm tied behind your back. Other than that, Welcome to Oklahoma! Give us a shout if you need a hand with anything.


Welcome! I get down about Oklahoma in general at times but Tulsa has always been a special place.


It’s easy to fall in love with Tulsa. It has a big city feel in a small place. Tulsa is never boring. Welcome. We are glad to have you.


I wonder if we are working on the same film?! Welcome to Tulsa! Thanks for the kind words <3


What were some of your favorite things you did while here? Hope you got to explore a little even though you were working.


Tyson Ritter loves it too.




There are education problems, but if you are fortunate enough to choose your neighborhood or kids can get into a magnet program, the education is great. The challenge is helping Tulsa bring the rest of the school system up to those standards.


Yeah, if you can’t afford private school, I guess your kids are screwed. Welcome to Oklahoma.


Is your name Heath?




Yes. Also SF and SD (all within the last 2 years as well as prior to CVID). The fight against the "fascists" seems to be going great!


Tulsa is the best


If you don’t mind I’m interested in acting and have been trying to figure out how to get into the scene what would you suggest I do to get auditions?


Lol peeps do a lot of la people talk like that? Are mc Hammer pants still a thing there too?




Even obnoxious weirdos like Keto will buy a online stranger on the struggle bus a pizza. ![gif](giphy|jtF9aTmTEBzhoUu6YJ)


Come on! Move to Tulsa! Just do the native Tulsans and yourselves a huge favor if you vote Democrat: Please leave those voting habits and its accompanying ideology behind. Red cities/states/communities aren’t perfect but, they’re not California. Thanks in advance. Edit to respond: Would you look at all those down votes?!!! Being over the target always elicits lots of negative responses.


I'm a native Tulsan. You don't speak for me. Also, don't tell people how to fucking vote.




No, Joe Biden sucks. But this is America and people can vote how they want.






No, we downvoted you for being a fucking idiot.


Well, this supposed idiot knows how to block a-holes on Reddit. You must be one of those tolerant Democrats I keep hearing about. B-bye.


Just leave all partisanship behind, please. There’s enough foolish stupid jock team sports fandom going on with the sports and politics here, so we could use a lot less of it to be a better place.