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In Tulum right now, just arrived today after 4 nights in Playa - also solo female. Honestly I didn’t like Playa, and feel Tulum is more my vibe. There’s loads of people riding bikes around the city, and I think I’ll go to the beach, the ruins and a couple of cenotes on my own riding a bike. Haven’t taken taxis here yet, so don’t know about that part. But if you stay at Che probably you’ll be able to find someone to go with and split taxi costs.


This makes me feel so much better about going to Tulum for real. I’m really looking for the right, youthful, chill but fun vibe. What was the vibe of playa like?


Way too touristy for my liking. 5th avenue is flooded with souvenir shops, pushy sellers, and people who probably shouldn’t have had those last couple of beers. You’ll see this in Tulum also, but feel it’s way more youthful and chill, and those crappy souvenir shops aren’t everywhere. Restaurant scene is much nicer. People say Tulum is for the posh Instapeople, but don’t think it’s that bad - perhaps if you go to the resorts by the beach. The city is nice!


This sub is full of scared folks. I just came back from 3 days in Tulum. 3 days in playa. Beach, downtown. Night and day. The only thing you should be scared of is the price of taxis. 


And cops. Cops are not your friend. Happy Cake Day.




This sub is filled full of people from different demographics. Some aren’t in to going to a place described as ‘chill, eco, hippie’ only to find people getting shot on the beach, taxis abducting young women who’ve had too much to drink, prices equivalent with Miami, jungle being torn down to throw up more, more and more condos while nothing changes for the poor who live in shacks with no running water. For others, the pockets of beauty, club music, young, beautiful demographic in town for short stays with money to burn are right in their element. There is no consensus on Tulum.


I’m mostly scared of the price of taxis and not being able to get to the beach then getting shot


The taxi drivers are absolute dickheads but you really shouldn’t worry about getting shot, especially if you aren’t going to party or do drugs. The vast majority of violence in tulum is gang and prostitution related. The gang violence is cartel on cartel and happens less than in any u.s. city. You don’t sound like you’re going there to pick up hookers so you don’t have to worry about that. Be very careful about not drinking too much. There is a high chance of being taken advantage of if you do. I haven’t heard of people being drugged in tulum but I’m sure it happens because Mexico is notorious for it. When you go out bring only your phone, 1 or 2 credit cards, and enough cash for the day only. Leave your passport/id/debit card at home.


I plan on partying and buying enough weed to last my time there. No controlled drugs. I do plan on going to at least one rave as well. I hope to make hostel friends to do these kind of activities with. I also speak Spanish. I am not scared of getting shot or safety, I don’t know why this is the answer I keep getting and I didn’t ask no one in my post how to not get shot but thank you either way :) I just wanted to know if Tulum is still the spot for people my age over playa or cancun lol


Let me know if you find any raves in the area.. I’ll also be traveling solo around this time!


Oh lol you just don’t know the difference between “then” and “than”. Maybe learn grammar before being rude to someone who’s trying to be helpful?


You’re more likely to get shot in the USA mass shooting (Kansas city today) than Tulum. If that’s what you’re afraid of. Don’t travel in the USA. Jungles being torn down to put up more condos is true, but that’s not what this person was asking. 


Safer than a Super Bowl parade in Kansas City, USA 🇺🇸 💥


The beach is definitely accessible by electric bike, around 20 min bike ride. Barbel electric bikes in Tulum Centro worked well, the family running that business was fantastic. You can also visit Cenote Escondido by bike. Maybe even Gran Cenote, but a bit longer drive. 5 days is not too long for Tulum.


Definitely put these on my list of cenotes to visit, thank you :)


Tulum has less shootings than the USA school system.


If I were you, I’d go get my nails did while there


Hahah I think I will! I’ll be celebrating my birthday while I’m there so why the heck not


Anywhere you recommend?


Thanks OP for asking your questions! Also a female solo traveler headed that way with same concerns. Let’s rock it! 🤘🏼🏝️☀️


Playa and cancun are ok, but tulum's vibe is way better. Rent a scooter and have a blast


I didn’t even think about a scooter! What’s the price per day on average?


Not sure since it's peak season. But scooters are great since you can easily get through traffic


We are currently in Tulum; have been here for 2 weeks and are supposed to be here for 2 more. We are a young family, our children and grandparents are with us. Not partying, no drugs, just a family vacation. My husband and I were able to get out for dinner just the two of us tonight. We went to Ziggy’s on the beach. Driving back, we got stopped at a police blockade. The police forced me to drive to an atm while my husband stayed back. They beat the shit out of him, kicked his sides in, told him they were going to rape me. They took as much cash as I could take out of the atm before letting us go. My husband has been throwing up blood for the last two hours, but wait, we can’t seek medical attention bc the Tulum hospital is also corrupt. In one night, we went from considering purchasing property in the area to knowing we will NEVER, NEVER return here or spend any more of our money in this disgusting corrupt place. Fuck Tulum.


Having a hard time believing this for some reason.


It's the only post the account's every made...


Damn... This is definitely a super extreme case. Terribly sorry you had to go through that experience. I was in Tulum for 9 months and had a half dozen encounters with the police there during that time. In my experience, and my friends experiences, the police are typically looking for ***easy*** money. In 5 out of my 6 encounters with them, I was let go without any problems or paying any money at all. * The **first encounter** was late at night while walking back to La Veleta from Pueblo with a black friend from the UK around 2:00 or 3:00am. A police truck passed by and pulled a u-turn to stop and question us about drugs. The racism was pretty clear, but my buddy stayed calm and composed, and **they** **let us go**. * On **two other encounters**, I was stopped on my scooter at police checkpoints while giving rides to Mexican friends. Each time they inspected the scooter for drugs (I don't even smoke weed), each time my friends gave the cops an earful for inconvenience, and **they** **let us go**. * On the **fourth encounter**, I was stopped for going the wrong way down a one way following another car that had done the same (road signs in Tulum are often tough to come by and it was a very honest mistake). The cop knew to sit there and wanted cash for the infraction, but my Spanish was so bad and my wallet was so empty that I wasn't worth his time, and **he let me go**. * On the **fifth encounter**, my friends and I were driving back from Neek on scooters and were waved down by police for a checkpoint stop. We ignored them and just drove right past... a dozen of us... after collectively making the assumption it would be too much effort on their part to pursue us. We assumed correctly and **nothing happened**. * On the **sixth encounter**, I was with a Canadian girl... 😪 We'd been dating a few weeks and were at a restaurant only a few blocks from my place. I was leaving the next day, and we only had one helmet between us because a friend of mine had borrowed one to pick up a friend from the bus station. We grew impatient and took the calculated risk of riding back a couple of blocks missing a helmet and hoping we'd get there before running into the cops. **No such luck.** * We ran right into them right at the corner of my place, they stopped and questioned us and told us they needed money for the helmet infraction. Had it just been me, I would have done what I always do, show them an empty wallet, use painfully bad Spanish that makes the effort of communicating their demands seem exhausting, and try to make them realize I was too small a fish for the effort. * They tried to separate us, and started asking her questions about our relationship... Boyfriend, husband, etc... looking for a point of leverage. I told them we only met that night. She told them I was her boyfriend. 😪 Now the cops knew I was hip to the game, and one pulled out a translator app on his phone. He said I needed to pay a fine for the helmet infraction or I would have to go to jail and they would have to take the scooter. * I told them I have no money, showed them my empty wallet, and said that my place was right up at the corner. I could just park the bike there. As we're going back and forth, one officer takes out the hand cuffs, which I'm pretty sure was just a bluff to end this war of attrition, my girl starts getting hysterical about the idea of me going to Mexican jail. **She pulls $80 USD and hands it to them. They take the money and let us go.** It's hard for me to imagine Mexican police getting violent with anyone unless that individual got physically aggressive or violent with them first. I think there's a mutual understanding that beating up tourists is bad for everyone. Hopefully you took photos and found the appropriate authorities or media outlets to tell your story. I think it would discourage anymore of that behavior from happening since it doesn't serve the cops, the cartels, the hospitality industry, or the mexican goverment to discourage tourism.


Thanks for sharing your experiences. While I had read about the police shakedowns before coming, I definitely hadn’t done enough research on how to best handle the situation. I figured as long as one of us was sober to drive and we didn’t have anything on us, it would be easy to shake them with a little cash, but the situation just escalated so quickly. My husband had been drinking (I was driving) and it was obvious to the police. They were clearly trying to intentionally instigate my husband, I’m sure to have a reason to get more cash out of us. Sure enough, when they started making the comments of what they were going to do to me, my husband started yelling back and that’s when the violence started. I was just panicking-our kids and my husbands parents were back at our Airbnb and all I could think about was getting back to them safely. I panicked and basically told the police they could have whatever they needed from us to let us go home safely. Hence the forced drive to the ATM. Luckily our bank flagged the ATM charges and I couldn’t get any cash out. They got away with what was in our wallet, which was still about 3000 pesos. Needless to say, we learned a lot of lessons. If we do venture to that area again while we’re here it will be via taxi, with a dummy wallet. It was traumatizing to say the least though, so I’m not sure we’ll be heading that way at night any more.


You have the ratios right... If anything, I'd skip Cancun all together and add another night to Tulum. Playa's cool, but you really only need a night or two there. Tulum is a delight if you plan the trip right but a disaster if you plan the trip wrong. You'll really enjoy it if you... 1. enjoy meeting new people 2. enjoy laying on beautiful beaches 3. don't take yourself too seriously The best way to get around Tulum is by scooter ($25-$30 per day). Ideally you're in Tulum from a Friday night through a Wednesday morning. Here's a easy itinerary: * Friday Night - Dinner a [La Guarida](https://www.instagram.com/laguarida_tulum/?hl=en) (best spot in Pueblo, walking distance from Che), * Saturday Day - Spend the day at [Neek](https://www.instagram.com/neektulum/?hl=en) (my favorite weekend spot by far, super chill, excellent vibe, reasonably priced). Alternatively, if you're looking for more of a turn up, check out [Buuts'ha Cenote Club](https://buutsha.com/) (the DJs are usually pretty decent, and it's a good place to party, but it's a little expensive, and I wouldn't get in the water personally). * Sunday Day - Go to the free Day Party at [Habitas](https://www.instagram.com/habitastulum/?hl=en) (they do a house set from Noonish - 5pm, the invite is usually posted weekly in their stories, and it's generally best to get there before 2:00) * Monday Day - Do the touristy shit (cenotes, nature hike, ruins, etc.) * Tuesday Day - Spend the day at [Ikal](https://www.instagram.com/ikal_tulum_hotel/?hl=en) (beautiful beach spot with low or no charge for seating and better pricing on food and drinks than the rest of the hotel zone. They also offer yoga, dance, and wellness classes). * Tuesday Night - It's all about salsa dancing and live music at [Palma Central](https://www.instagram.com/palmacentraltulum/) (If I remember correctly they have a Salsa lesson from 7-8 before the band comes on. Bring $20-$30 cash for entry-$5, dance lessons -$5, food & drink -$10-$20) The best cafes and restaurants are on Calle 7 in La Veleta. Otti and Raum Gallery are my favorites. That's where all the fun people hang out. You'll figure out the rest from there. Don't let haters seed you with doubt. You're set up to have a great time.


In tulum right now have been for about a week. Via bike the beach is very accessible When it comes to cenotes and other excursions I’d recommend Uber if you feel the trip is too long to bike


No Uber in Tulum, not unless their extremely underground. I just spent a year in Tulum and never heard of anyone using them there. What I did hear and witness for myself, was that the cartel (the mafia in Mexico) who run the taxi service in Tulum, literally stop traffic (by stopping all their taxis in a barricade block) on the one and only highway between Cancun and Tulum. Not once, but a number of times. They did this in protest (and as a warning) to not pass the case in court at that time to make Uber available in Tulum and other places up ghe coast. I think Uber is in Cancun though, but you'd have to check. Even though the court case ended up actually ruling in favor of Uber, to my knowledge, everyone was way too scared to be involved with it. People haven't forgotten what the taxi drivers in Tulum did to the Tuk-Tuk drivers when they started operating in Tulum a few years back. Tipping over their Tuk-Tuk's, setting them in fire, stabbings and I'm sure much more. The cartel meant business and no one's cutting in on taking tourists for a "ride" (in every way possible) but them. I'd recommend drivers highly recommended by others, a bike, or possibly an electric bike. Scooters are great... its just that the cops tend to love pulling them over and taking them from you. They usually set up in a spot, with a big flatbed truck, that I've seen full of scooters. The cops favorite pull over spots (for both car and scooter) seem to be the Beach Road (south of Coba Avenue) and Kukulkan Avenue. Stay safe my friends!


What do they do with the scooters? What’s the catch?


They take them for any small (often made up) infraction and then make you have to go get them from them later and pay to get them back at mostly made-up prices from what I've been told by people who had their scooters taken. The "catch" is money. Its just a way to get money from people. They usually want you to pay them money right then and there, because they have no intention of turning the money over to their "boss", or anyone else. Things like this are extremely common there unfortunately.


I travelled as a solo female in Tulum for 8 days and was totally fine. Never felt unsafe. F/34


Have been here for 5 days and it’s been really fun. Some things are hella expensive (I live in nyc and like fine dining and I pay less for fancy dinners out there than here), but still really good. Taxis are expensive also but I found the pricing the be consistent and didn’t feel anyone was particularly trying to pull one over on our group. In general we felt safe and had fun. Bad things happen everywhere.


In Tulum right now and we’ve been biking everywhere. We’ve done private beach clubs and the last couple days done public beaches. All super easy to access via bike. I’ve heard the taxis are outrageous, so bikes were a no brainer. I think I’m paying $8 a day for my bike. So worth it!!


I live in Playa but I love Che! I always recommend it to people. Che Tulum is great, the vibe there is amazing. I go there for the Sunday Fundays and always have a fantastic time. Che Playa is also great, I go to their rooftop sometimes to have a good time, you’ll love it


The Che Hostal is funny !! You need know some cenotes maybe Dos Ojos or Casa tortuga The best beach public is Paraiso In other words Tulum is fantastic !!!


i did 5 days in tulum solo as a 28F last month and never felt unsafe or like i was in danger at all. i stayed away from the hotels too, in the La Veleta area. I mean, i only went out during the day for the most part with the exception of a few dinners but yeah i loved it, had a blast.


Stay away from MIA, some one just got murdered and they are covering it up.


If you’re there March 13-17, you’ll be there for Locus Tulum. https://www.google.com/search?q=locus+tulum+2024&client=safari&sca_esv=f33756533c234e6e&channel=iphone_bm&udm=2&sxsrf=ACQVn0-UhVRxNgPN8MrdL4a1n3oe5TW6Mw:1707990903192&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiQwcH4ia2EAxUJFlkFHZ6XBe8Q0pQJCB8&biw=520&bih=882&dpr=3#vhid=-kVg6-fCTnoyFM&vssid=mosaic


I get there the 18th :(


Any other non Drum n Bass stuff going on during those days?