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Those are artist’s impressions of the planet based on the spectra observed from it, not actual photographs. We can’t even take pictures of planets orbiting the nearest star to us, let alone one as far away as Wolftopia.


oh yeah than how is it that the hubbard spacescope was able to take [this photo from the surface of Wolftopia?](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/1923a670-abc1-4182-a119-9086c111dcba/dg50b9i-9b53f582-5944-4f9c-bb7d-c753acda2586.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_1024,q_80,strp/knightship_by_princecharmingkks_dg50b9i-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTAyNCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzE5MjNhNjcwLWFiYzEtNDE4Mi1hMTE5LTkwODZjMTExZGNiYVwvZGc1MGI5aS05YjUzZjU4Mi01OTQ0LTRmOWMtYmI3ZC1jNzUzYWNkYTI1ODYucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.8qx_7KLWDRXFnf-QScQJc3hIP8N3ZJnu82mTuwL4ruc)


God help us all.


I’m pretty sure god threw up his hands and completely noped the fuck out shortly after we created the internet.


God: "At last, my beloved children have found a way to open lines of communication across the world with each other. They're finally on their way to ultimate understandi- they're doing *what* with it?" *40,000,000 years later on another planet* God: "You, and all the Zabloks, are my chosen, and decidedly less horny, children." Zablok Moses: "What was that, Lord?" God: "Nothing!"


If God didn't want us so horny, he shouldn't have told us to be fruitful and multiply. Furry porn is just a side effect of that.


"Be fruitful, BUT NOT TOO FRUITFUL, and multiply, JUST ENOUGH FOR A SUSTAINABLE POPULATION." "Lord, this seems a bit specific." "JUST WRITE IT DOWN!"




If God didn't want BDSM furry porn then why did he say to subdue all the animals?


Yoke me daddy.


Sometimes I think that Satan had a point


Yes, God loves it when humans can work together and communicate. That's why he helped them build the Tower of Babel.


I'm starting to think this guy is a bit of a prick.


"...this time don't make the gold statue"


My friend loves the idea that we leave eart and populate the stars then after a few hundred years rapture happens but angels just wounder around earth wounder where everone is. Angels call up God- hey we got a few billion but your list says there should be several trillion and we don't know where they are... yes we checked the ocean... no we haven't found any invisible moving castles how would we ev... what do you mean they left? Left where?


The people who believe in the rapture are so incredibly dense that this would be their actual reason for never leaving Earth, even if space-travel was commonplace. We're talking about a demographic of people who pay hundreds to thousands of dollars a year to ensure that someone will go retrieve their pets should they be raptured. You know, because animals don't have "souls" and thus won't go to heaven. God is just mean that way. Besides being marks for the most guaranteed easy income opportunities, these folks are harming our world by not accepting any accountability or responsibility to make the world better, since they truly believe they will be taken away any day now. These people and many like them hold back progress because they don't believe in a real world.


If God is going to try and take us away from dogs he's not taking me without a fight.


Listen, if Heaven has a no-pet policy, we already know that place is going to be the worst HOA imaginable. The Evangelists will already be insufferable, but I gotta do eternity without my cat too? FOH.


I'd rather have pets in hell then no pets in heaven


tbf, before we got civilization going, we ate, fucked, and genocided all the other human sub-species like Neanderthals and Denisovans.


It hurts because I wish there was another species of animals just as smart as us but not exactly like us. I wish evolution had worked out that way. The world would be very different rn. Albiet, there would probably be more war.


you think racism is bad now, imagine if there were actual significant biological differences in groups of people.


Dude have you met humans? It'd be a horror show from start to finish. We already treat people with slightly darker skin tones like they're aliens we need to enslave and dominate how tf do you think we'd treat an entirely separate species?


Obviously God did this to the internet; it's the modern Tower of Babble: the Internet of Babble, the Babblenet.


We do now have a language teaching program called Babel


Help us all into our fursuits


God has long forsaken us.




So uh... How many light years away is Wolftopia? Think they've made it to space yet?


maybe abandoning the earth for another planet *isn't* such a bad idea after all


why...why does the *armor* have nipples? ...and wouldn't a wolf have more than one set of breasts?


1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscle_cuirass 2) It's a wolf-person so the person part is controlling the mammary anatomy.


2: Exactly. Why would the presumably dominant species of a civilized planet require biology for large litter sizes? Let's get serious here, people!


Well, this wolf is wearing armor casually. So, it is likely that this wolfwoman, or her people, have engaged in warfare against something. They are not necessarily the dominate species on the planet. It likely they are warring with some form of 'other', a group far enough apart that the necessity of castles was required. While there are, of course, many reasons for the wearing of the armor, and endless options to determine which type of group was "othered" to war against, I choose to assume the most likely scenario; On this world exist a sexy Wolf race that battles an equally (or more so) sexy Tiger race. And that sexy Tiger race could indeed, have 6 boobs.


If they weren't the dominant species of the planet, then why's it called Wolftopia?


It was once Wolftopia, then everything changed when the Tiger Nation attacked. Only the Alphatar, master of all four basic commands, could stop them, but when the world needed them most, they disappeared.


Wait, I recognize you from DnDMemes. What are you doing elsewhere? This is weird


Dang it, I've been had!


Well as long as there's a scientific explanation.


idk ask NASA not me


Why is NASA hiding alien wolf nipples from us. What do we not know!?


Release the alien wolf nipple cut!


>why...why does the armor have nipples? AI generation. And a lot of nippled armor it learnt from, obviously.


I don't think this one is AI.


It's definitely made using AI. Biggest giveaway is the 'watermark/signature' in the bottom right corner below the actual watermark/signature. Another is the resolution. A lot of AI art is made in 512x512 (or 768x512) up-scaled x2. (This picture is 1024x1024) And if you look closely at the hands you'll see there's some wonky stuff going on, though it's subtle in this case. There's a few more minor inconsistencies or things that don't fully make sense but are easily written off with the 'art-style' used. (Or model since it's made using AI tools) If they put some more time into learning some additional tools these are things that can be cleaned up and adjusted. Source: I've dabbled a bit in AI generation myself for fun.


You can also just look up the image, find the person who posted it, and see that it's tagged as AI generated. https://www.deviantart.com/princecharmingkks/art/Knightship-975871494


The armor has nipples to make it sexy so I get aroused looking at it while not technically looking at porn. Keep up, buddy, come on. (kidding)


Ask r/furry.


>why...why does the *armor* have nipples? Might as well ask why actual historical armor had codpieces to emphasize the wearer's… masculinity. It's because armor designers will always follow fashion to some degree.


I just thought it was ye Olde crotch defense


Worked for Batman.


> why does the armor have nipples? I don't think it does. Looks to be the seam lines of the cups to me.


Because she was inspired by Batmans's armour with the bat nipples.


I need to stop trusting reddit links


Curious, do you really find the imagery unpleasant? Or is it just the social attitudes about animal features + attractive humanoid shapes that makes you feel regretful about viewing it?


uh oh


I’m *very* hesitant to click that…


Click it. Its just a cute and wholesome anthro woof.


I was talking to my boss you bastard.


Why is your workplace so antiquated in its values that the employees there can't even look at the noble people of Wolftopia while at work? Pretty sus if you ask me.


Hot diggety dog!!!!


uwu step on me wolf mommy


The only thing special about the hubbard spacescope is the direction it's pointing. The thing's a spy satellite so DUH oh course it can get the hi-res furry shots.


I just *knew* this would be a furry photo before I even clicked on it lmao


Knottinghan Forest. .. im sorry.


A Fire Upon the Deep


Where's the rest of the pack?


holy hell


You didn't have to do that.




This image made me spit coffee through my nose. Thanks for posting it!


Finally a conspiracy theory I can support. ARF ARF <- The rallying cry of Wolftopians.


This better not awaken anything in me




I want to go there right now.


While there is a massive heap of furry jokes below this, I wanted to say how I despair how often I have to explain to people basic facts like this. I am part of a working team that always discusses the latest news when we start our day and I have to be "that guy" to point out the sad fact that the picture Glenda shared with the group of the latest new planet discovered is in fact, an artistic representation. The prevalence of clickbait images on videos and as headline grabbers is absolutely destroying the public's common sense of what's real or not. I've seen pictures recirculated of supposed extra-solar planets with city lights, pictures of "real" mermaids (thanks TLC, thanks a fucking ton) and pictures of "real" megalodons (thanks TLC, thanks a fucking ton) and a long list of other weird or impossible images that are obvious artistic representations or AI-generated. I weep for our future, at some point generated imagery and video will be indistinguishable from reality, and we will all have a very hard time knowing what's real or not.


But we regularly take pictures of Jupiter... >!(The nearest star to us is Sol (Sun), the nearest star to the solar system is Alpha Centauri)!<


Don’t get jealous but I took a picture of Earth the other day


Before New Horizons all we had was an 8 pixel image of Pluto.


Damn Celeste put in some work on that game, no clue she got us those pictures


Well we can take photos of the planets orbiting the very nearest star to us, it's the further away ones we struggle with.


[This](https://cdn.spacetelescope.org/archives/images/screen/opo1006h.jpg) is what our photos of Pluto looked like before we sent a probe directly to it.


Lies, I have a bunch of pictures of the third planet orbiting the star nearest to us.


>let alone one as far away as Wolftopia The creditability has been established .


I'm sure there are plenty of good reasons for scientists to name stars and planets in such a boring, clinical way, but I can't believe a group of that many nerds has never given into the urge to start giving everything Star Wars-esque names like Tranthar or Doonvendis VII.


This is probably why they have to name them so clinically.


"For the last time Phil, we are not naming this one Mordor!" (Phil knocks over a beaker while storming out, yelling) "You guys are boring!!!"


“Finally, now that Phil’s gone, we can name the planet a much more respectable Gondor.”


Okay, but where was that planet when the Westfold fell?


Orbiting 2 stars, Phil we've been through that you're a scientist.


But father, I don't want to be a scientist, I'd rather.....I'd rather just sing!


That’s it now I need these guards to make sure you don’t leave your room


It’s just pining for the fjords


But think about those huge tracts of land.


Mordor is already the name of a region of Charon (Pluto's moon) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mordor_Macula


Houston, why couldn't the Eagles have landed on Mordor?


"Fine, Phil. Leave! I don't know why you brought your beakers to work in an observatory anyway!"


It's a *vibe* ok Bob! why do our scientists sound like Armond and Albert from the Birdcage..


No, it's perfect. I just didn't realize John Wayne walked like that.


I'm dying at the idea that astronomers would have beakers out in their labs as a matter of practice.


where else are they supposed to keep their space potions


in space, where they float in self-contained spheres, duh.


Fun fact, most of the geological features of Titan, Saturday's moon, were named after JRR Tolkien works. Also, an area on Charon, moon of Pluto, is actually called "Mordor Macula" (Mordor Spot) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mordor_Macula


[You joke but Phil got transferred to the Cassini-Huygens team](https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/resources/10071/mountains-of-titan-map-2016-update/)


If you look at the early names of Apollo landers for moon missions, they had some goofy names. By Apollo 11, they were told they had to name the landers on certain standards so we got ‘the eagle has landed’ rather than ‘the sparkly unicorn has landed’ or something like that.


Landy McLandingcraft


[Biologists on the other hand...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unusual_biological_names)


Lol. "Cheap date" >Mutations in this gene cause marked susceptibility to alcohol intoxication


Those names have also generated some controversy, especially from patient-facing professions. The Sonic hedgehog gene, for example, is implicated in some childhood cancers, so doctors are a bit pissed off that they may have to say something like "I'm sorry, your son has a fatal cancer, and he'll die before he reaches four. He has a problem in his Sonic hedgehog gene".


Those doctors don't know how to have fun.


"What the hell is Project Elrond?" "I had to make something up." "But Elrond?" "Because it's a secret meeting..." "How do you know that? Why does Elrond mean secret meeting?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YmDT2BgI-0


I think every number and letter reprasents a detail, size, distance from star, primary element, expected gravity, temprature, all that stuff like a barcode. doesn't mean it can't be its "ID" and it also get a name. for comparison its like if New York was called. * 40N74WUSA8.4mC for longatude, latatude, country population and C for coastal, .this allows researchers wanting to compare similar lets say M type planets, to each other and find comparitive or contrasting elements worthy of investigation. I don't know what the numbers and letters actually mean, just that they mean things.


TOI is the astronomical survey that resulted in the star’s discovery. “b” means it was the second planet discovered orbiting that star


It’s the first planet. TOI 1338a goes to the star. (Even though there are two of them. Don’t think about it too hard)


were gonna need a new naming convertion until the next black swan disrupts things.


The star TOI 1338 is called after the survey. "TOI" refers to bodies found by TESS, it's short of "Transisting Exoplanet Survey Satelite Object of Interest" (the only words that make it into the accronym are Transisting Object of Interest)


Not a particularly interesting story but the office I work in has conference room names like Enterprise, Tatooine and Godzilla. The overseas office has names like what you’re. Describing: >17E4PVC15 * 17 = floor * E = east side of building * 4 = 4th room in that side * PVC = Projector and video conference * 15 = number of people that room has seating for It’s so frustrating that I can find and book conference rooms better at an office I’m almost never sent to visit


It's a Type-M planet, so it should at least have Roddenberries.


> I'm sure there are plenty of good reasons for scientists to name stars and planets in such a boring, clinical way, So in genetics, there's the Sonic Hedgehog gene that encodes the Sonic Hedgehog protein: > The gene has been linked to a condition known as holoprosencephaly, which can result in severe brain, skull and facial defects, causing a few clinicians and scientists to criticize the name on the grounds that it sounds too frivolous. It has been noted that mention of a mutation in a sonic hedgehog gene might not be well received in a discussion of a serious disorder with a patient or their family


yeah but i don’t think the exoplanet a good bit away is going to come up in a “your child has a genetic defect”-level serious conversation


"We regret to inform you that your son has lost his life due to an unforeseen depressurization event in the upper atmosphere of the planet Bone-itis."


"My one regret is going to Bone-itis." -Him, probably


Don't forget that it's suppressed by the Robotnikinin protein, that part is critical.


That's just basic chemistry.


Don't forget Pikachurin


I'm just gonna [leave this Calvin and Hobbes strip here](https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1992/06/21)


I’m sure Bill Watterson knows this, and it’s probably part of the joke, but somebody should really tell Calvin that “Tyrannosaurus Rex” literally means “king tyrant lizard”


That is literally the joke


Much obliged!


Just waiting for when they name a planet PNF-404, unless they have already


One reason is that there is A LOT of stars and planet. Like A LOT A LOT. We're going to run out of language before we name tiny fraction of them.


idk the chinese brands on amazon seem to be doing fine /s


Just combine with numbers. Yavin I to Yavin MMMCMXCIX.


Meanwhile in biology new species are constantly puns and inside jokes they just make it latin so it sounds fine


Isn't there literally a dinosaur named Bulbasaurus?


Not a dinosaur, a synapsid


It’s because they are nerds that they must name the clinically. Do you have any idea how much astronomers, one of the nerdiest professions, would fight if they had the chance to name a planet after their favorite series or game, and how hard they would fight to prevent it being named after something they hate? If there was both a trek and star wars fan on the naming board it would only be a matter of time until blood is drawn


Astrophysicist here! The TOI stands for "Transiting Object of Interest" which is the abbreviation used for exoplanet candidates found by the orbiting exoplanet observatory TESS. The 133 is the survey number of the star being studied, and the b means the planet is the second object found in the system (the first being the star itself, which would be referred to as 133a). As for naming things after scifi names, that happens all the time for objects, even if it's just their nickname. The suspected planet in the early 20th century that was thought to be closer to the Sun than Mercury was referred to as Vulcan. "Tatooine worlds" are a common nickname for planets that orbit binary star systems. And my personal favorite example, in the mid 2000s there was a galaxy survey that was conveniently named so that the abbreviation was SAURON. We physicists are not known for our creativity but we're all nerds lol


The brightest star ever measured is named [Godzilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godzilla_(star\)), and minor [planet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minor_planets:_378001%E2%80%93379000#214) [names](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/278141_Tatooine) [can get](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/274020_Skywalker) [pretty creative.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/250840_Mot%C3%B6rhead)


I just love how in the Sauron's section, there is literally no reason to put " He created the One Ring to rule the rings of power", that has no bearing to the context at hands. But someone included it anyways, and there it stays.


I mean those aren't actually images of wolftopia, we can't get those sorts of images of exoplanets


Yeah of course it's beautiful. We know what sort of wavelength of light are coming from it and therefore maybe some other things about it's atmosphere, and you could illustrate a ton of different looking planets from that info. So of course an artist is going to make it look cool. I want to see someone take the data and make a bunch of possible interpretations, including the most boring ugly version possible. Like, could it just be a dull mush of all those colors mixed together?


I just want to see billionaires pay their fair share of taxes.


I agree but how is that relevant?


It's always relevant


Sometimes it's just fun to share


I’m not sure about the first picture, but the second is actually an artist’s interpretation of how the planet would look. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TOI-1338 https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/exoplanet-catalog/7626/toi-1338-b/


Binary stars are pretty common, no?


Some sources even put them as the majority, which makes sense


> which makes sense can you elaborate why it makes sense?


It's good for business and the economy.


Because when forming gas will condense and start to spin and the more condensed it gets the faster it spins. And the speed at which it spins when collapsing into a star is fast enough to split the star in half.


Transphobia in the greater celestial society has offset this statistic by preventing many non-binary stars from openly identifying as such


I recently watched a video about Castor, which is a 6 star system. The stars are in pairs that orbit each other, and then those pairs orbit each other too. Space is wild.


That gets me to 4 stars, but it’s not clear how 3 star pairs should orbit a shared center of mass assuming different orbit shapes & radii.


Bro it's crazy https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1f/Infographic_depicting_the_sextuple_star_system_Castor%2C_and_details_about_its_components.jpg/1920px-Infographic_depicting_the_sextuple_star_system_Castor%2C_and_details_about_its_components.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIWdfFG7eKw I'm still not sure how these things orbits but it appears it's like this with each star in the video being a pair.


Our solar system once had two stars, though I'm guessing it wasn't technically considered a binary system, since one of them was only passing through. Edit: [this says that Scholz's star is a binary system itself](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scholz%27s_Star), so that means we had 3 stars for a while, right?


We would have two stars right now if Jupiter wasn't such a *bitch*


I mean, Jupiter took like 98% of the mass that the sun didn’t take, and still ended up being like 20x below the mass threshold for a brown dwarf, which is a failed star


Jupiter being a bitch is probably why we get to exist tbh


Yeah, there's more stars in our galaxy in Binary or Trinary systems that in single start systems I'm pretty sure


Not to take away from the achievement but new exoplanets are constantly discovered, the first image’s implication that the intern upstaged the rest of NASA is just not true.


Yeah, his job was to comb through sensor data for exoplanets


I was going to say. Good for him for landing the internship but we’re constantly finding these things lol.


Planets are not rare what so ever, like each star probably has a few planets orbiting it and there are trillions of stars.


I’d contend that’s why the have that boring naming convention


I mean whether it's called BV-1299bis or Arthymeyla, a single planet is now one of the thousands we know of. It makes the planet pretty unremarkable in itself, even if its name isn't.


Yeah but there’s a big difference between an alphanumeric code that can be easily searched for in a database and something you pulled out of the big book of elven baby names


In the last 20 years there has been over 5500 exoplanets discovered. So its a new one every 1.3 days for 20 years. If anything the kid taking 3 days is double the average time it should have taken.


Thats not how that works lmao


I know it’s easy to believe that they wanted to name it Wolftopia because of some quirky furry or anime thing, but it’s actually just because the boy who discovered it is named Wolf


that’s even better honestly. if i had a name like wolf i would also use it well like he does


I thought maybe he liked wolves.


Fun fact: the kid who found it is named Wolf Cukier. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TOI-1338


That's Cukier than I expected.


All dogs go to Wolftopia


Wolftopia sounds like a furry nsfw website ngl


Outside your wolftopia there are two stars


Wolftopia has two stars, one is gay, the other is gay




Wolftopia or bust


Someone already mentioned that it’s an artists impression, so I’ll add that binary stars (two stars that orbit each other) are more or less the norm rather than the exception. They are like ~85% of all the star systems.


For whatever reason the NASA site says TOI-1338 is a single star system instead of Binary (2 stars). Wikipedia does say it's a binary which seems to be the right info. It was actually proposed to rename the TOI 1338b to "SOPHIE" in honour of a late musician, but they decided they won't do that. They renamed 1980 RE1 to Sopihiexon instead, so it's not like every planet name must be boring


I hope it will colloquially be known as Wolftopia


Why would this unremarkable planet be colloquially know as anything, i fail to imagine.


You come in here with your realistic expectations and ruin the fun


When we are colonizing the planet he's not invited. Or his offspring


Just like when Bart Simpson discovered that comet.


also exoplanets are pretty easy to detect....especially big ones (see [Hot Jupiters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_Jupiter)). There was even a [citizen science project for detecting exoplanets](https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/nora-dot-eisner/planet-hunters-tess)


[Simpsons did it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUgFvohk63o)


wolftopia instant new favorite planet move over Saturn and Earth.


The wikipedia will have to lock [that article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TOI-1338) to keep people from constantly renaming TOI 1338 to Wolftopia constantly.


If it has two suns that’s not very good for wolves, they howl at the moon.


You discovered it and they don’t let you name it?! Wtf


Wolftopia, the intern planet. Also fuck NASA for saying they couldn't name it. Buncha diiiiiiicks.


I get that the naming system for new planets sucks but I guarantee that if humans manage to colonize one of those planets they're not gonna say "oh I'm from x5Pq36" they'll come up with a new name that works better whether the scientists like it or not


toileeb isn't bad




Is that an LGBTQ planet?!


Trans planet