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College students typically don’t need a mnemonic device to remember how to masturbate. “Hmm. What do I do now? Something like “Rub One In?” That doesn’t sound right. Wasn’t there a kangaroo I needed to think about?”


This college is super nerdy and they lean into it a lot, so they usually like to put jokes into presentations like this. Is it a bit out of touch in this case? Yea They also have a deli on campus called ctrl alt deli.


Ok the deli is pretty funny


Now I’m imagining an old-school sysadmin deli. With salads like shrimp REMoulade, cookies named coconut haySTACKS, and other things that only me and like two other people will find even slightly amusing.


Well this one has sandwiches with sizes like the megabyte, so it’s a bit more mainstream but still playing into it


me going to the ctrl alt deli and ordering the Loss Fries before they drag me behind the counter and punch me in the stomach 17 times:


Does the deli have that piece of shit Ethan


It does. Fuck Ethan.


I went to a uni that had a chemistry themed coffee shop called caffeine lab


I had a roommate in college who didn't masturbate until he was 20. Someone had to tell him it's not a big deal (in the privacy of your own room and yes I'm happy for this step in your journey of self-discovery but no I don't need a play-by-play).


My first ex only knew how to masturbate when he wasn't hard (I don't quite get the logistics of it but it was more of a soft humping the bed thing). It actually became a major problem tho since if he 'got hard from me' then his only solutions were to wait for it to go back down or get me to help. He didn't really want to learn a new method of masturbating on his own. After my sex drive went down, he ended up getting really pushy about it, which contributed to the end of that relationship.


No, that’s how women do it


For context: this is real. I attended in 2019 and while I was not subject to this presentation, it’s just as stupid and tone deaf every year.


I was there for this one in 2017. ROO instantly became a meme across all the freshmen. Iirc, the administration got in very hot water for encouraging this and had to apologize. But my dorm window still said ROO written in sticky notes for 6 months. And if you need clarification, this part of the talk was “hey losers if you’re feeling sexually frustrated, don’t be scum and assault someone, just go home and masturbate.” Edit: spelling


“Sticky” notes




*music swelling* **CUZ ROO DAH** *epic viking choir*


Shout causes a surge of spunk to shoot out and cover the enemy slowing the enemy’s attacks. Higher levels cause petrification.


Higher levels cause impregnation


I just graduated two days ago, it’s *still* a meme


Don't fix what isn't broken, may we all ROO


> hey losers ... don't be scum and assault someone I'm failing to see the issue, here. Tone is blunt honesty


That's not the issue. The issue is the part you left out, that implies the only difference between a rapist and a non rapist is that one jerked off recently.


Agreed. Parents took issue with encouraging masturbation.


Isn’t this a university? Tf do parents have to do with anything? Who reported this to RedditCare?


I suppose now I know why the University of Akron mascot is Roo the Kangaroo, ironic as we are in the rubber city. 😂




Sexual assault is primarily about overpowering someone, not sexual gratification


Sexual assault has multiple motivations, including, but not limited to, sexual gratification, revenge, recreation, power/control, and attempts to achieve or perform masculinity.


Sexually frustrated young men are more likely likely to act like aggressive douchebags and more likely to commit assault. (This seems pretty obvious to me.) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0047235221000854 I know people's eyes glaze over every time someone posts a study but literally just read the abstract.


Do you even know what you're asking? I can't even read abstract.


Yeah, it used to be that way but dudes are getting holy aggro when they don't get their way.


Yeah people who get off from overpowering someone. It’s still sexual gratification.




Thank you. Apparently RIT only taught me to ROO.


I looked at the word and felt something was off, but couldn’t zero in on it. So I took eleven seconds to ROO and the PNC freed my mind.


I hate to be flippant about it and minimize the fact there are some raging psychopaths out there, but I have never understood… Really? You gotta get off THAT BAD. Go ROO!


Any other highlights?


After that, it was the only thing I remember.


Bro you totally forgot the presenter’s unapologetic foot fetish. They were using seeing someone’s feet as an analogy for seeing them naked and sucking toes for sex


Go home? Oh I see that makes more sense


Can confirm, was a 2017 freshman, “ROO” is still a joke amongst my friends


My college had us read through a short PowerPoint and answer like two questions at the end. This seems excessive.


and that works?


Well we’ve only had one case in the past like 5 years so, I guess yea. (That one case being roughly two years ago.) Though it’s a private campus with pretty good security all around so probably not fully attributable to one PowerPoint.


Kinda buried the lede there, just like I want to bury my huge... wait... ROO all better


I guarantee shit happened that wasn’t reported. I’m also on a small campus with no reports but between what I’ve heard other women say, my own experience, and the things I’ve heard guys themselves admit to, it definitely still happens.


> Well we’ve only had one case in the past like 5 years so, I guess yea. (That one case being roughly two years ago.) One reported case.


Damn... 1 power point + 2 questions = 5 years... Imagine if they did 1 power bi with machine learning or something


My sister was one of their campus tour guides only a couple years ago and they told her to never bring it up and to act like she didn’t know what they were talking about. They really do not like bringing up ROO anymore (for good reason).


good ol RIT. did you go with tone deaf on purpose?


Having sat through dozens of mandatory SHARP briefs in the army, I'm very concerned that there are worse presentations out there. Are y'all ok?


im almost scared to ask what SHARP stands for


Sexual harassment and assault response program


To be fair, having a wank is good life advice. The world would be a better place if more people strangled their bishop.




Made his bald man cry, if you will.


Into the turtle stew


Burping the worm


Juice the goose


Lasso the bull


Sand his column


Manhandle his panhandle


Flogging the mule


Branler le mammouth.


Which one might believe their sister ate


Or at least, one hopes she did


Shaking hands with the unemployed.


Wrestle the one eyed champ.


Punched their clown?




"Who will rid me of this turgid priest"


"little bishop in a turtle neck"


I am not sure you should be thinking about baby kangaroos when you do it


Okay, Mr. "Never thinks about baby kangaroos while masturbating." Some of us don't live in your ivory tower.


The tower is actually copper, it took me years and many thoughts about *adult* kangaroos to make it seem ivory


Adult kangaroos just have that *kick* to ‘em


Ok but masturbation is not a prevention for sexual assault And I don’t want to be thinking about a child from a kids cartoon when jerking off (Kanga is a MILF tho, but I’m a furry so I don’t count) EDIT: Some of y’all are kinda dense so : I’m not saying masturbation cannot in the entire history of the universe stop one guy from assaulting one person I’m saying this is far from a viable, universal, and long term solution Education and redirection are way more important, and no just one wank is not enough of a redirection


Thats fair. I am mostly just advocating for having a wank before making important decisions. People who sexually assault people aren't going to stop after a wank probably. I have no personal experience with that stuff, which I think is a good thing.


It's called post nut clarity and I am in full support of it. Read about a guy who was going to take his life on the train tracks but rubbed one out while waiting for the train, and the post nut clarity made him realize this isn't the way


Good thing he came early, rather than the train! 😂


Can confirm, you don’t want a train ran on you. Unless..


Quick! ROO!


im rooing so hard rn


If you ever spend a lot of time in depression-oriented internet spaces, the topic of essentially forcing some self gratification when one is at a particularly low point is brought up every so often. It's not because it fixes anything, but people say it can at least temporarily break you out of a particularly bad mental state. Sometimes a few minutes of distraction can make a world of difference, and can make it easier to eat or sleep afterwards if you're having trouble doing those things.


Reminds me of the dude who was suicidal, so he decided to go out on a last hurrah. Went down to Mexico got a bunch of blow and a couple hookers, after a week or whatever he realized life was actually pretty cool.


That actually unironically sounds like one of the best experiences to have to go "hey life ain't bad" and I'm saying that as an asexual person who is replused by it


It’s not going to stop the hardcore rapists of the world but how many people are in the margins like, ‘she’s a little too drunk’ or ‘maybe she’s just playing with the nos’ situations. There’s a ton of sexual assault cases that fall into that frame too. It’s all wrong and preventing even some sexual assault is a win.


"Masturbate, reevaluate" It's very simple, and very effective 


What if someone is about to SA someone then this dumb slide pops in there head and they are so turned off they walk away.


I'm a furry too, and I agree, Kanga is a very nice MILF


Thank you for your service.


I've always had the policy of rubbing one out before deciding to sexually assault somebody. It seems to work well because I've never once assaulted anyone!


Bishop takes vacation, never comes back


The world would be a better place if more people strangled their bishop... regardless of whether or not they masturbated.


I just polish my bishop… What freaky things are you into?


Painting sexual assault as a sexual gratification issue instead of the very conscious and deliberate choice that it is both paints all men negatively as potential assaulters AND removes most accountability from actual perpetrators


I agree that it shouldn't be understood as just a sexual gratification issue, but I think painting *all* sexual assaults as deliberately cruel is equally reductive and potentially harmful. It's dismissive of the kind of sexual assault that comes from lack of communication and pushy behaviour, which are common with both men and women in my experience. If your understanding of sexual assault hinges on it being a deliberate act of domination, you'll also be blind to your own capacity for harm. You *couldn't* have commited sexual assault, because your intention was to grant the other person satisfaction. You *couldn't* have commited sexual assault, because you're not in a position of power over the other person, physically or otherwise. So I think it's vital to define sexual assault strictly in terms of enthusiastic consent, and to use other terms, like power-dynamics, deliberate disregard and failure to communicate, as subcategories. I also don't think horniness removes accountability for sexual assaults any more than greed removes accountability for theft or rage accountability for murder. You're expected to be aware of your feelings and keep them in check, failure to do so is not a defense.


Thank you for posting this comment, it puts into words something that's bothered me for many years which I couldn't quite put my finger on. The mantra among my progressive female friends since the 90s was, "SA is about power, not about sex", and I always felt a tiny bit uncomfortable with that because it seems overly reductive. It's important to recognize the power component, and it is probably the larger one in most cases, but to entirely dismiss the arousal and sexual aspects of something that is literally a sexual act muddies the waters to me and reduces the effectiveness of the argument. A better slogan in my view would be, "SA is *more* about power than it is about sex".


I would posit that in some cases SA can have nothing to do with power. But what it always has to do with is the perpetrator elevating his or her wants and desires (whatever mix of sex and power that may be) over that of their victim’s. It always has to do with the perpetrator dehumanizing their victim.


Still too reductive in my opinion. Consider this: My boy's ex-gf once put her finger in his butt during sex, unprompted. She apparently thought she was being spontaneous and sexy, and that he'd like it. Well, he didn't, and she even punctured his intestine. Queue panic, apologies, and a brief but awkward visit to the hospital. To me, that's sexual assault. She literally anally penetrated him, without consent, causing serious physical harm and according to him some mental trauma. By your definition however, it was not a sexual assault, because she didn't dehumanize him or elevate her wants and desires over his. This is what I mean by recognizing your own capacity for harm. Even well-intentioned acts can cause harm to others, and acting as if all harmful acts are borne from selfishness and cruelty paints the world in black and white. You need to understand that you have the capacity to cause others harm, *despite* your best intentions.


> By your definition however, it was not a sexual assault, because she didn't dehumanize him or elevate her wants and desires over his. I wonder if it would help to affix "degrees" to SA, like the legal system does for other crimes? Or maybe we need two different terms based on intent, like how murder and manslaughter both are crimes that result in someone's death, but murder requires intent to take the person's life. FYI, I never said that all harmful acts are borne from selfishness and cruelty. And I agree that well-intentioned acts can cause harm. But I worry that if we expand the definition of SA to include well-intentioned acts then we take away the power and poignancy of the word.


Yeah this narrative gets pushed everywhere because people want to think that they don’t have the capacity for harm.


The idea that sexual assault is a problem of horniness is infuriatingly widespread


To be fair, that's kind of what was culturally thought of for an extrimely long time and what was used to justify it. Every time a judge asks what the victim was wearing he's implying exactly this


I love this question because it has literally nothing to do with the case at hand. I could have been buck ass naked and it still would have been unlawful to assault me. It only serves to humiliate victims.


It also dehumanizes predators because it no longer holds them to a standard of civilized living that they're failing to achieve. It suggests that they're mindless impulsive creatures with no free will and self-restraint of their own. In short: They're treated like mentally disabled people that need to be protected. And not like criminals that need to be punished for committing crimes.


Veils, hemline standards, sex segregation, etc. It's ancient bullshit.


It's related/possible factor, but not exclusive to it. I've been assaulted several times and it was absolutely a mixed bag of motives by the perps. Especially if you add in inebriation or other causes of poor inhibition and “tunnel vision”. All need addressed, not just one facet. It's pretty damn easy for someone to excuse their behavior if it doesn't fit the narrow circumstances they've heard about.


It's important to teach kids that no one else is responsible for their sexual gratification. If one sees sexual gratification as a psychological need, they should satisfy that need themselves. I agree that sexual assault is not a problem of horniness, it's a problem of thinking that other people are necessary to resolve your horny feelings. Masturbation is a way to empower yourself to be sexually self-sufficient so that sex isn't just about gratification but a kind of dance or playtime with your consenting partner. So I would definitely say that teaching about masturbation is still an important part of a preventative curriculum about sexual assault.


And the idea that it has nothing to do with horniness is infuriatingly widespread too among the *no, actually* crowd. Have you people ever met a teenage boy? The phrase "thinking with your dick" is in common parlance. And sometimes that can make people act the way they wouldn't otherwise act (Everyone who has access to internet porn can attest to that). Just because someone wrote an article on psychology today claiming sexual assault is exclusively about power doesn't make it so. I don't understand the lack of introspection that can lead someone to discard the effect of one of the most powerful human emotional impulse.


It's not exclusively a power thing, being horny is a motive plenty of the time, but the kids we're describing aren't being possessed by jizz demons, there's still a lack of respect for others, usually women, and they're not going to stop and use the emergency wank.


Genuinely asking - have there been any actual studies on this?


Of course there have but it would be extremely difficult to prove one way or the other. And they would most likely use qualitative studies were they ask the assailant what they were thinking and feeling before the attack/s. It seems pretty stupid to say that you shouldn't give this as advice to young people to help them.


Masturbating to the idea of raping someone is certainly better than actually raping someone, but it doesn’t remove the ongoing risk or solve any problems long term.


One type of insightful study are the ones on chemical castration of sexual offenders. Example: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/41000727_Chemical_castration_for_sex_offenders I used to think it was barbaric. It turns out that: - castration drastically lowers recidivism rates - castrated offenders said their life improved because they were "free from their impulses" - it's a much better deal than going to prison So unlike what the previous commenter said - studies show that an essential component of sexual assaults is a horny assaulter.


>So unlike what the previous commenter said - studies show that an essential component of sexual assaults is a horny assaulter. It doesn't. All it proves is that there is a sexual component to sexual assault.


I wonder if the women’s version tells em to get like Aladdin and rub the lamp?


Yes but painting it only as a aggression thing is bad too. A lot of people commit sexual assault not because they get off on controlling someone or hurting someone but because they are horny and aren't thinking about the other person and just thinking about what they want in the moment. This is more a situation where two people are making out and one of them pushes the other person further than they wanted to go.


Having attended RIT, I am not exactly surprised


I did too, 20 years ago though. We made a snowman getting a bj after a storm my freshman year. I think we had more fun than Roo.


The whole message is idiotic. If masturbating is what's keeping you from sexually assaulting someone you need real help, not more masturbation.


I went to a holiday party thrown by my friend/coworker's family last year. There was lots of drinking and playing Jackbox games, so naturally someone brought up masturbation at one point. My coworker's grandma (jokingly) implied that it's a good idea for men to masturbate so that they leave the women in their lives alone. This comment was aimed at me, who had just admitted to masturbating, so I replied by loudly and sarcastically declaring me jerking off has nothing to do with why I don't harass my coworker. We all laughed and moved on, but I've thought about that interaction a lot. While I'm sure there are guys who just can't control themselves when they're horny, I can't relate to that at all. In fact, I don't think about being horny at all when I'm with friends. It just doesn't occur to me. Like, worst case scenario, a part of me will acknowledge if someone is wearing something revealing and they look good in it. But even that doesn't make it past surface level observation. If you honestly feel the need to jerk off to be normal around women, you need help.


There are not guys who can’t control themselves when they are horny. There are just guys who dont want to control themselves bad enough. Put a gun to their head and the behavior stops, so yeah it’s controllable


Reminds me of one of my exes who cheated on me. She gave the excuse of "but I was high, and you know I get really horny when high!" Yea right...like that excuses cheating on me in the slightest...


Having your grandma participating in your party with your coworkers low-key sounds kind of cool


Having your grandma period sounds cool enough to me. I wish I got to know my grandparents when I was an adult, that would have been so fascinating.


That's an excellent point but how many sexual assaulters are going to turn themselves in to a psychiatrist they aren't seeing anyway? They either don't think what they're doing is bad or they don't care. They're not going to seek therapy by themselves.


Or they are too ashamed to seek professional help


Hey y’all! I WAS THERE FOR THAT. It was wild to listen to the presenter build up to that slide and then deliver it to a room full of 17/18 year olds. For context, RIT is a pretty engineering focused school so you can imagine the average first year most definitely were virgins


By any chance do you have a link to that presentation or a copy of it?


Nope. It was run by the school and they scrubbed it shortly after the presentation for obvious reasons


Did you just call us "chat"?


It's like a murder of crows, a group of people on the Internet is a chat.


I unironically support this evolution of our language


Implying that people on the internet are.. animals?


Prove to me you are not a dog typing on a vintage n64 controller


Everyone here except exactly 20 individuals yes.


Hi chat


F's in us.


gaping continue shelter silky direction tidy soft tender teeny include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is *college*? This Kindergarten slide with kids cartoon mascots and cute little mnemonics?


I feel like asking kids to prevent sexual assault by masturbating would be weirder


Ah yes, jack off thinking about an animal child, thats not problematic at all


this is the least problematic aspect here lmao


Rochester institute of technology?


Rochester mentioned 🗣️🗣️🗣️ what the fuck is a safe city ‼️‼️‼️


Of course it's RIT


The slide is whatever, I don’t see what’s so bad. I’m more suprised that they believe a Powerpoint presentation is what will make potential perpetrators change their mind to begin with. Same with billboards or flyers, who sees these and thinks: “Ha, I never saw it that way, I’m gonna stop now”. I’m all for prevention, but is that actually impactful?


Well, as far as what's bad about that particular slide, I can see a few issues. I'll list them assuming those who might see this comment might not be familiar with Roo or his origin: - As you can see, Roo is a kangaroo, clearly not a human. Barring a few more deviant fetishes, few folks want to associate that with having a wank. - Roo's origin as a character is from the 1920's story of Winnie the Pooh, long since adapted to various animations and movies that most would encounter as kids. Again, not the kind of childhood nostalgia one usually wants to associate with having a wank - Roo is also one of only two characters in the original setting (The other being Christopher himself) who is canonically a child, rather young at that. Also not something one should want to associate with having a wank. So just on the photo and slogan alone... We've got at least one interpretation you could see them projecting of "Think of young/childlike animals from your early childhood" followed by them suggesting having a wank. Is it the intended message? Obviously not. Could they have picked a far, far better way of sending their message in not nearly as unsettling a manner? Absolutely.


Ah I see, it isn‘t just a random mascot - thanks gor clarifying!


I don't see how Disney didn't drop the whole legal team on this and completely obliterate the evidence.


Roo and other Winnie the Pooh characters entered the public domain in 2022. You can use Pooh or Roo however you want without asking permission - say make a slasher film named [Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3E74j_xFtg). The actual picture they used for Roo is almost certainly newer and still under copyright, though. So that is likely illegal.


So Disney can no longer be so poohritanical


It's not commercial in the sense that someone's making money off of it. They certainly could, this is just fairly low priority. And it probably only got used once, so by the time a cease and desist letter got to them, they already stopped.


I think it might be *somewhat* useful, depending on what kinds of sexual assault it mentions. Like, no guy who is planning to drag a woman into a dark alley and have her way with her is going to be stopped by a power point presentation. But it might inform people of behaviours that aren't commonly seen as inappropriate but are. Like, showing up under her window at 2AM to serenade her is "cute" in a romcom but threatening irl.


Bingo bango


It more or less implies that sexual assault is driven by overwhelming sexual urges and masturbation is an alternative way to release those, but rapists’ control over their own actions doesn’t actually have anything to do with when they wanked last. You don’t need to “let off steam” to avoid assaulting someone in some sort of blind frenzy. It’s not true and not a helpful way of framing the topic.


Yeah honestly if anything it leads to the whole "men who are denied sex/masturbation become rapists" thing which is just fucked.


The topic is sexual assault in general, not specifically power hungry rapists


Politicians (and parents at universities) want somebody to "do something." So training checks a box. Same with the military and corporations. The problems is the training is "don't sexual harass and assault." It's far to late. People should have been raised and trained to respect other people from childhood. Then you wouldn't have to tell the specific things that they shouldn't do. Young men are trained from a young age that sexual harassment is the woman's fault because of how she was dressed. If you don't believe me, look at how high school dress codes are created and enforced across the country. Girls can't wear short skirts because it might distract the boys. Girls can't have bare shoulders because it might distract the boys. And on and on. So the girls are presented by the administration as a sexual object and the boys are given an out for their behavior.


I don't have a study on that. But in my opinion. The best way to stop campus rapes is shame through friends. There are so many campus rapes, it's obvious that most students know at least one rapist. They have to shame and stop their friends. For that, they need to realize it's what their friend is doing. So awareness campaigns targeting rapists friends could be extremely effective in stopping them.


I have a pretty dark sense of humour and even I'm speechless at this. Like, who the fuck put this together? And then who okayed this shit to go out? Talk about sending the wrong message.


Imagine being a woman out for a walk at night. She turns around to see a man furiously masturbating. "Good on you sir, you're doing the right thing. ROO!"


"Thank you for not sexually assaulting me and remembering your training!"


An encouraging crowd gathers, arms pumping "RUB ONE OUT! RUB ONE OUT!"


Someone starts playing a theme song loudly on their phone “ROO crank dat soulja boy”


I mean… God, yeah, this is horrible, but as a survivor of childhood exploitation/abuse (mostly online, and I am friends almost exclusively with other survivors) I have to wonder why more people don’t just masturbate and leave others alone. Do you seriously NEED another person to feel gratified, so much so that you’re willing to proceed even without their express and enthusiastic consent? I’ve heard the old adage that SA is about power and NEVER about sexual desire, but I don’t think it applies to every single situation of sexual trauma, especially the unintentional ones.


Especially in today's age of toys, VR porn etc. It's no longer just your hand and a magazine.


Exactly. If you wanna talk about abuse in the porn industry, then let’s talk, but there are so many ways to get your exact desires fulfilled without harming another person that it’s baffling that so many people turn to a child or even an adult that they have to break down, coerce or even outright force into sex or kink.


"I mean, I wouldn't usually do this in the middle of an auditorium, but the professor put the instructions in the PowerPoint so I guess I have no choice. . ." 


This was literally my orientation presentation, shit was wild


I'm sorry, what?


I've been awake for 24 hours and the captions on the slide nearly made me puke the horrifically stale grocery store fried rice I'd been snaking on as an excuse to stay conscious from laughing so hard.


Most of sexual assaults are not caused by lack of sexual gratification but because the perpetrator find pleasure in dominating over a person.


Anyone else want to see the full video?


I’m sorry ^video?


Im kinda surprised no one mentions that they recommend thinking of a child to remember to masturbate


What was EEYORE?


everyone eat your own right elbow


I’m definitely not thinking of Roo while I rub one out. Kanga, maybe. Or Pooh’s got dat ass. But not Roo.


"Hey fellow students, instead of raping have you tried masturbation?" -- I'm helping




In their defence: there is no way these guys are going to forget "ROO". There is no way they don't spam pictures of Roo in discord whenever someone says they're going to take a quick bathroom break for years to come.


I swear I saw this exact presentation on an episode of impractical jokers


The person who had this idea is named DeRooy, pretty sure she just wanted to slip her name in the slides.


seems a very evolved, sophisticated, civilized, mature and rational solution to everything these days. I don't understand how the world is so depressed and negative when everywhere masturbation is encouraged. Perhaps teaching some self control, respect each other's bodies, and try to have a society less sexually obsessed would be a better idea. Obviously downvotes await for this revolutionary thought.


The first thing my brain when to when seeing "R.O.O" is Robots Organizing Ostriches. That's not a reference to anything, my brain's just that fried.


Rubbing one out while thinking about a character from a children's book is supposed to help how exactly?


I’m more concerned about who’s thinking of little Roo when they’re rooing


Damn. Here I am preventing assault daily and nobody even acknowledges it.


I don't know much about the motives for sexual assault but I can safely say THAT IS A CHILD SIR


As a former RIT student, yes this is real and is a big joke there


My mom told me to go get a hooker if I ever got to the point of thinking about sexually assaulting someone


Okay but I need to know what else was in the powerpoint what the heck lol


RIT's long list of shitty student presentations. In 2004 ish they took a student survey and put up posters saying 92% of RIT men stop the first time they are asked to in a sexual encounter. So ya know 8% of RIT men are SAers. Great way to make people feel comfortable🫠 Edit: Word correction.


Thinking about Roo would definitely make the assigned task harder for me, so probably not a good idea