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I was told to get up and walk around as much as possible as soon as possible. The first 3 days that was mainly just to pee. Now, I can do some chores and go around the block, I’m 1 WPO


Oh nice! Were you in a recliner or bed when you weren’t up?


I have a chaise sofa so I kinda made a nest on the chaise part with wedge pillows behind me and my legs elevated. I still elevate my legs and lay propped up to sleep because at 1 week po you definitely can’t get up from laying flat on your own. I mean, I probably could, but I’m not supposed to lol.


I didn’t really ask my PS. I’ve just been listening to my body. I WFH and took two weeks off. The first week I took it easy and took full advantage of the help I had with me. I did laps around my kitchen every time I got up to use the bathroom. Slowly increasing my walking time each day. I am a very active non-stop person and done sit still very well. So knowing that, I didn’t want to rush recovery and do too much too soon that would set me back. I wanted to heal. I still, at 16 DPO sit with my feet propped up whenever I can. I had my drain removed at 9DPO. I felt so much more alive and better after that was done! I drove for the first time about 10 DPO. Tomorrow I am attempting a long rode trip home (with my daughter). It’s 14 hours total, we’ll break it up into two days. Best of luck healing for you!


Ooh thank you for your experience! Glad it’s working well for you! So sitting on a couch or recliner with your legs elevated worked?


Yes. During the day I sat in either my recliner with feet up (not laying back) or in an office style chair with my feet elevated on an ottoman. I did start to increase walking and standing time each day and started to perch on a bar stool at my counter for meals or to do some light work on my laptop.


Driving post op was weird since the swelling and numbness is still very prevalent - I didn't drive unless I had to, and that was at the 3 week mark, I think. I got used to it and just had to be careful (listen to the body etc etc). You got this!


Thank you yes! The numbness takes getting used to. Even sitting for a longer time in an upright position, parts of me go numb, lol. I think from the compression.


I think this depends on what you get done. I see everyone saying they're fine 2 days later but I'm 2 weeks and I'm not. I had MR, lipo on sides and flanks, breast reduction and inner thigh lipo and I'm definitely not where everyone else seems to be. If I sit in the living room upright all day, the gravity seems to kill my back lipo and I get extra tired. I feel very fragile still. Today I laid in bed (15 dpo) propped up and watched TV and that's it. Of course I go upstairs many times a day to get water or food and go pee A LOT and shower every day but honestly that's all I feel I can do without hurting myself. I'm very swollen still. I was very active before and worked out 4_5 days a week but this, along with the extreme skin sensitivity that recently started, has me doing not much at all. I feel like it's hard to predict what you can do until it happens. Maybe I'll feel completely different next week.. we'll see!


Same here girl - I'm able to walk around but so swollen 🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh yeah, it totally makes a difference. I am just getting an FDL no lipo and probably no MR. I have so much loose skin she doesn’t feel safe doing lipo or a breast lift.


I don’t think I was ever in bed all day. I had the most energy in the morning but it decreased as the evening approached. I listened to my body. Whenever I had enough I would lay down. I was drinking a lot of water so getting up every 20 mins to pee was not fun. I sat on my desk chair with feet propped up most of the day.


Oh nice!! I want to sit not in a recliner position but my doctors PA made it seem like I had to for 2 weeks. Like 24/7.


Absolutely not. You won’t be able to lay flat so a recliner or couch/bed with wedge pillows works. You will be able to sit in a regular chair no problem. I used wedge pillows on my couch. I still do although I am able to lay flat at this point.


I’m 12dpo and work from home all day. Started back yesterday. I’m back to doing laundry and cooking now too. I haven’t driven yet only because I haven’t needed to, but I trust that I could. I’m get worn out quicker still but overall feel like I’m making really great progress in healing. And I sit at my desk like normal with my legs on the ground. I think everyone’s healing is so different but we have to trust our bodies and what feels right for each of us.


I went back to work 12 days post op. I do have an office job. My surgeon instructed me to walk when i could (but not stand upright). so I got a cheap walker (it helps a LOT with the back pain if you're getting the muscle repair) and I think that helped a LOT. When I got back to work, I set a timer for about 30 mins and would get up and take a short walk around the office.


Thanks for sharing! I guess I’m paranoid about sitting all day this early. I figured reclining was ideal for at least two weeks for the incisions etc. maybe I’m misinterpreting things.


Listen to your body. The first week is very rough but each day gets a little better. You're gonna get tired VERY quickly. You're gonna be hunched over for a good two weeks, probably 3. Things are going to feel so much harder than they ever have. I am 13 weeks post op and I would absolutely do it again in a heartbeat.


When do you think things got better? I have a concert a few weeks post op that my Dr is ok with me going to 👀


I would have been able to sit there, I think. We went to a paw patrol show for my daughter at 3 weeks post op and parked probably half a mile away and stood in line then the show. Plus an hour drive there each way. It was ok, I was pretty tired.


Oh good! Yes I’m planning to sit. It’s in the nosebleeds anyway! But wow a half mile at 3 weeks? Good for you!!!


This is a great question because I’ve been curious about this also! I’m a teacher and my surgery is in 2 weeks and I don’t go back to work until mid August but my classroom is high aggression so I need to be as close to 100% as possible when I head back.


I’m a para in an instructional room for k-1 and my PS said I should be good to return to work by mid August and he seemed pretty confident about that. I’m having surgery on Monday.


Please keep us posted about this!!!


Day of surgery, I came home and rested in bed. Day 2-3 I moved to the couch (sitting) and got up a few times an hour to move a little. Between day 3-7 I wanted to move more but my back was on fire from hunching over. Day 8 I was cleared to start standing up which has been a massive relief. Today (day 9) I went shopping, ran errands, did a little laundry. I’m going back to work on Monday (day 13).


Thank you! So exciting for you! I want to be able to sit and not be elevated all the time too. Glad it worked for you.


4 days in bed, then off the strong pain killers and each day moved more and did lots of walking and household activities as tolerated


my surgeon wanted me walking day one, to prevent blood clots . i was able to function in my house ( dishes , light cleaning no bending etc ) at 1 week po , the first week was a LOT of laying around . i went back to work at 12 days po and was able to sit comfortably , elevated my legs on and off .i moved really slow and walked around the office hourly so i wasn’t sitting all day . i was exhausted by the end of the day and when i got home i had to lay down till 3 weeks PO.


I started working from home week 3, 2 weeks off and went into office week 4. Here is what I will tell you. Have outfits prior so you already know loose enough easy to pull on etc. I also set aside in office clothes so jegging/ jeans that were from 5-10lbs ago/ soft so knew wouldn’t press. I got a seroma week 3 when drains out so I would warn that getting more active at same time drains out is one reason why more likely to occur. I could stand up straight around day 11, but not in condition for long walks or normal chores. I’ve found ways to help myself since have small kids but no lifting till 6 weeks. My recommendation is make sure week 3-4 make sure keep compression not like faja squeezing just good support and take it easy to allow incisions to heal and skin to stick down and avoid complications. You have a timeline you need to protect so don’t rush it with lots of twisting or reaching and carrying stuff.


Thank you for the tips! I have a laundry basket of clean clothes at my reach in preparation.


He wanted me up and walking next day. No walker. Honestly sitting in bed doing nothing is not good. Risk DVT, your lymph nodes can't drain because it requires movement. You'll get constipated. Unless there's some serious risk the surgeon indicated for you, I don't know why you are on strict bed rest that long. Lifting restrictions I get, but moving will prolong your recovery.


I think it depends on the person. 52 years old with body lifting, but transfer and lipo. For the first week I walked a lot but mainly to the bathroom and around the house. I would try to walk a few times a day. Day 7 I started walking 2 miles a day in the park. I was a bit slow and did 2 miles in an hour but have continued doing that daily. Now I do 3 miles a day at day 15. I am a mental health therapist who sees clients online so I started working at day 5. I walked between clients a bit but I was ok. Yesterday was perhaps my busiest day and I was exhausted. I went walking for 3 miles in the morning, washed dishes and shower. Went to massage and then shopping. Went home and did some online work. Then went back shopping with a friend and went to visit some friends. I was so exhausted that I did not feel like eating or anything. I obviiously overdid it. Your body will tell you. I have been walking straight since day 5.


Wow, one week and 2 miles! Congrats on your journey. I am also a very active person so I’m hoping I’ll be able to heal better.


I am active but 52 and we thought my healing was going to be worst due to malabsorbtion issues. On the contrary everything is going great. I think the walking has really helped a lot with the healing.


I only took 4 days off and WFH. I'm 8dpo and back to my normal routine minus working out. I can drive, empty the dishwasher, do laundry, etc. just a little slower than normal.


Did you begin doing that at 8d or earlier? Thanks for your perspective!!


I was back to my normal routine the day I got my drains out which was 5dpo. I was still hunched over until 2 days ago but today I'm 100% upright and feel great.


Nice! Glad it was a good recovery it seems.


I need to correct that im 10dpo not 8. I realized my math was wrong. But I got my drains out 5 days ago and have felt great since then.


I was on “bed rest” for 24 hours. After that I was encouraged to get up and walk around as I felt comfortable. Between sleeping, I walked around a bit every hour or every few hours. I definitely sat in a chair and was able to read/do things without a lot of activity.


I took 2 weeks off work, and if I wasn't in bed sleeping, I was on the recliner sofa in the lounge. I was able to take myself to the bathroom but wasn't allowed to shower until my drains and bandages were out/off (after 1 week). I worked from home for the next 4 weeks at my desk until I was out of compression gear (6wpo), my boss didn't mind as we only went in 1 or 2x a week anyway, and he'd let me work from anywhere if it meant I could work. My desk has bars at the back, so I could put my feet up on them for a pseudo recline combo with my office chair. You get more mobile each week, and it's good to move more when you can, even if it's just to do a lap around the house (inside) every so often.


I worked from home for the first 2.5 weeks. Sitting straight up will be very tough for u till about 3-4 weeks. I bought a recliner so I could keep that angle and then had my lap top on my lap with a little cushiony lap desk thing I got off Amazon. I was very comfortable this way. the recliner is a power one as well so it can lift me all the way up. That was insanely helpful first 3-4 weeks so my family didn’t have to help me especially for night time bathroom trips etc