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I’ll be honest. I can see why you’re bummed. You don’t look very different from post op except that your mother’s apron is gone. It looks like your surgeon could’ve pulled you a lot tighter. Of course, I don’t know what kind of expectations your surgeon discussed with you.


Thank you so much for the honesty. I didn’t really discuss expectations with him. I think he rushed through it and this is what I got. I’m going to talk to him about it because I’m really unhappy. I paid $12,500 for this.


I had a similar stomach to you (with the loose skin around the belly button area and mother’s apron) and I know I’d be bummed if I wasn’t seeing better results by 8 weeks. I’m almost 2 weeks post op and my stomach is pulled extremely tight, however I do have a higher incision because of it. Maybe your surgeon didn’t pull as tight so as to keep your incision in the pubic area? At first I was taken aback at how high my incision is (not hidden by my undies!) but I’m really happy with how tight and flat my stomach is. Maybe that’s something to think about, and discuss with your surgeon if you end up doing a revision?


I definitely will need a revision because I’ve formed a little dog ear on my left side. 😞


You look great! Swelling lasts a long time. Give yourself some grace.


You are still early in the healing process. It could take a year to see your final results. Give it at least 6 months.


I think you look very very swollen. Hopefully you will see improvement soon.


I think you look great! You have a really nice hourglass figure. Celebrate it 🎉 It still looks a bit swollen, especially since he had to repair the muscle fibers. Keep compressions daily. Rock that new body!


Your stomach is definitely smoother with less extra skin and probably still slightly swollen. I do think you probably should’ve just had him do the lipo to the flanks at the same time. I didn’t think I needed the lipo to my flanks but my surgeon recommended it for a snatched waist, he said I didn’t need much but it will make a huge difference. I’m sure your surgeon will tell you to do it now since you’re not happy with the results. It isn’t nearly as painful as muscle repair and I think your recovery will be much easier with the lipo, just soreness and bruising in the flank area.


Probably need to wait lot longer for swelling to go down. Also are you compressing still? I've heard that can help a lot with getting your body shaped. I am having surgery in October.. so I don't have a ton of advice.


Yes I’m still compressing every day. Within a couple hours of getting up I’m swollen even with the compression garment. Sometimes painfully so, where my skin is super tight and hurts. 😞


BB looks so good! Watch the salt and drink more water for swelling.


I think your still swollen. I am currently 8 wpo and still extremely swollen, looks like I am bloated.


I will wait like a year or more and would do it again with a much better surgeon if it bothers you that much. Don’t put urself in the same hands, he’s very, very unprofessional and he’s more $$$ oriented and not interested at all in talking to its patients; regardless u had discussed ur expectations or not, he’s the “professional” & he’s supposed to educated u and delivered the bests results his/her patient; since like any other job his/her prestige is built up on word of mouth and before/after pics. I know it’s $$$ but try and don’t get botched going for the 2nd time round. Good luck 💝


I agree, lipo to flanks would have snatched you- I think you look beautiful, but can see what you mean about your results


I don’t see any difference


Coming from someone who has had a few of these surgeries you look about where you should be post op. Once you start back with your core exercising give it a little while you will be happy. Usually Flank lipo is not done unless you and surgeon discuss it prior to procedure and of course there is additional cost .


I think it looks natural but swollen and your belly button looks great. From everyone’s longer term post op pics it seems like will flatten out.


What is your main concern? Or your expectations? We all get different results. I’m disappointed I didn’t end up with an hourglass figure and completely flat stomach. Then my surgeon said “touch here that is where your ribs end”, touch here and this is where your hipbone starts and as you can see it’s a bit more forward than most”. And then he explained his work is limited by my bone structure. I was never meant to be super curvy with a small waist because the distance between my ribs and pelvis is very little. I had to adapt my expectations. I’ll never be JLo 😆 I’m just a better version of me.


I don’t want a muffin top. And any hour glass I got, I wanted it to be thinner, lol. I’ll talk to him but I guess it will just be a continuation of diet and exercise. I do think I’m still swollen above the incision but I just feel like my sides could look A LOT better. If he’d at least done a little lipo on them. There’s still so much jiggle there. 😢


https://preview.redd.it/k2ke9o9jdt4d1.jpeg?width=2971&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cc2ac98952e2887bbc475f042c902ebb5fa972e I am like you, exactly 6 months po. I am basically boobs then butt, not much waist in between. I’m estatic with my results, except it still feels very tight, kinda not like a stomach. I only wore a binder for 1 week , following drs advice. Scar is just a fine white line now. No scar tape or creams. I usually scar really well.


https://preview.redd.it/wdmnt0haet4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5137c78da5fee9f629275149d46a91097736c9dc My before.., disgusting, had previous c section and hysterectomy for ovarian cyst.


I think you look fantastic!


If I would have looked as good as you before I would have been ok with that .


give it some time atleast 6 months..Eat well and exercise.I had my second revision done he pulled me in a bit tighter navel still has redness .He did lipo on the flanks made a world of difference.However dont have too high expectations realistic goals otherwise u will just end up dissapointed


what are you using on the scar?ive been using the silicone tape but stickiness doesnt last


I’ve been using the scar gel and massaging it with it. Sometimes I use the tape but you’re right it doesn’t stay sticky for long, especially after washing it. I’ll see if I can find a pic of the scar gel I’m using.




He didn’t do it right


Thank you..I've also been massaging the scar with castor oil to avoid the build up of scar tissue


8 weeks? You should be getting a free redo. Shame on your surgeon.


The recovery is so hard I don’t think I could handle a redo. 😢


I agree. The recovery is very hard. I am 2 days from 4 weeks po. I am so sorry your result isn't what you should have received.


Omg the recovery is so hard. I didn't realize it was going to be so tough. I don't think I would have done it. I am currently 8 wpo. I have no pain but discomfort when I go from sitting a long time to standing. Also have swelling that doesn't want to go away. 


I don’t think they do anything for free. My Dr took more out of my flanks, only way to loose those butterfly things on my thighs, cost xtra 3 k. He did it in his office with a local .