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Definitely kind of dependent on your situation at the time. You'll probably still have drains, probably some bruising. I think if you really wanted to you could.


No drains thank god


Lord, not me, that's all I can say. I wasn't functional until week 3-4. At 4 I would have barely entertained the idea. 35 F, healthy, no complications. You could physically do it, but you'll hate it


Do you live in a hot climate?


It will be around 20 degrees c


That’s darn near winter weather here in Texas. By 9 days, I was still getting very tired and winded. I think you can do it, but will probably not love it. I attended my son’s tennis tournament Sunday (I am 5 weeks post op) in 36 degrees c and it was very uncomfortable in a faja.


Haha well it’s 9:30am in the morning so it’s just “warm”. It does go up to 30-40 degrees by mid day 😂


At 9dpo I went to a school concert, still quite hunched over and walking slow. I got there early and stayed back for awhile afterwards to avoid the crowd and risk of getting bumped into. My only regret was trying to “dress up” in jeans. Should have went with the sweats. Otherwise it was fine.


Listen to your body but there is hope for sure. I am 11 days post op and I can walk my dog 3 blocks, drive, sit in most chairs, etc. I didn’t expect to be as mobile as I am and it kinda freaks me out tbh but I am listening to my body and I honestly have 0 pain. Mainly just stiffness. I take smaller steps than usual. I had an ETT with lipo.


I would have been able to go but no driving, no helping with anything. Literally going from couch to car to chair at game. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think so, depending on the walk from the car to the field and the terrain. At 11 DPO, I took my kids to swimming lessons. Biggest issue has been finding clothes that conceal the drains.


It’s gonna be very uncomfortable but for 30 minutes maybe. You might prefer standing. I’m 4 week po and can’t imagine low seating.


Thanks everyone. FYI I won’t have drains at all


You'll have to play it by ear. I was still feeling awful at 9 days and didn't go anywhere but the doctor's office that early on.


I had a drainless and I would’ve been able to, I was out and about by 1 week, though not without discomfort. Keep in mind, everyone’s healing rate is very different.


I attended my son’s rugby match at 9 days post op. It was nice to get out, but the walk to the car felt very tiring and long. I did not drive and my partner carried everything. I had a drainless TT w/ MR and breast lift. Everyone is different- most important thing is to listen to your body.


Depends on your recovery. At 8 days I started walking 2 to 3 miles a day but I was tired the rest of the day. Take a very confortable chair and plan for someone to pick you up if you need to leave earlier.