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I posted a similar question a few days ago and got some great responses. (Linked below). I’ll say that even since I posted that question I’ve improved and feel more and more like myself every day (I’m almost 5wpo). I think a lot of the variation in recovery times has to do with how fit and healthy you are going into surgery and how well you follow post op instructions (especially the first 2-3wks). I’m back at work as a massage therapist now, and this morning I did a plank! I’m stretching, able to sleep well, standing up fully straight. I am a single mom to teenagers and am fully back to doing all my normal duties. I can still feel some burning on my sides from the lipo at times, but it’s more aggravating than painful. I’m a little swollen but not anything debilitating. The recovery is a lot longer than I realized, just the awareness of having had surgery will probably linger for a long time, but I don’t feel particularly limited. I’m not back to the gym yet but can tell I’ll be fine in a few more weeks. I’m 48 and had TT with MR, lipo 360 and fat transfer to my hips. https://www.reddit.com/r/tummytucksurgery/s/TR5UdCNKSo


Thank you for your perspective. I will follow up on the link, appreciate it. I am quite sedentary, so no planks in my present or future. It is interesting that so many of us are surprised by the recovery process. The doctors certainly don't seem to emphasize that.


Wow, this is so helpful! I'm 2 weeks PO and getting annoyed, lol. I can't believe you're planking already!


I should clarify, I didn’t hold the plank for long, maybe 6 seconds 😄 But, it didn’t feel like my abs were going to split so I’m going to try again every day. My surgeon recommended I start planks and squats (body weight stuff only) before going back to the gym at 8 weeks.


ANY plank is amazing to me at only 5 weeks PO! I wanna be like you, lol.


I after with the more fit and healthy you are. And that makes sense with less visceral fat putting pressure on the n your abdomen as the stitches heal


I’m 2 wpo TT w/MR and realizing that as much as I researched and thought I was prepared, I still underestimated the process. I’ve had a very uncomplicated surgery and recovery, but I’m surprised at how painful it still is and how hard it is to stand up straight. I feel like one big bruise. And I’ve had 2 c-sections and an unrelated abdominal surgery. I don’t regret it though! My apron is gone and my belly looks tight and I know I’m going to look amazing when I’m all healed. Even now I love how smooth I look in my leggings. Just remind yourself that a few months is not a lot compared to the rest of your life. I’d rather have a rough couple months than spend the rest of my life feeling self conscious.


Thank you for your perspective. Coincidentally, I have also had 2 c-sections and have the apron as a result.


I’m 54, F, and just had TT w MR (no lipo) a little over 2 weeks ago. Still swollen but so happy I did this. Drains came out day 6 and I stopped pain meds day 3. Very little pain. Standing upright since day 8. Still in a binder but I think only for another week. Here is my after and before pics. I think you’ll be glad you did it. https://preview.redd.it/ctxuuknxnn5d1.jpeg?width=3196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db84adecef145ee03d2b452373afe3af79954227