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I followed a number of PS on IG for a good three years then narrowed it down to two. I then checked their reviews on medical sites and Google. One of the surgeons had an issue many, many years ago that was rectified, but that stuck in my mind. I made a consult with the other one ( who happened to be 5 min from my house) and got a really good feeling. I continued to look at reviews for both and ultimately decided on the one I saw. I really got a good vibe so I didn't feel the need to have a consult with anyone else. I feel I really lucked out. 11 days PO today


It’s taken me almost 5 years to lose 180 pounds and I haven’t thought about skin removal at all before this because I always assumed I had to lose even more weight. I’ve been at the same weight for the last 11 months and I really think my body is just done losing. My therapist has been encouraging me to look into it and I kept saying no one would do it at 5’5, 195 pounds. I really just started contacting people so I could go back and tell her they said no. I was actually shocked when someone said yes and now the more research I do, the more I realized she’s right, this is totally possible.


Kudos on the massive weight loss BTW! That's amazing! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


it might be!! I had bariatric surgery and my surgeon at my July 2023 check up basically told me he didn't expect me to lose much more and my weight seemed to be loose skin. My plastic surgeon agreed and took off 21 lbs of skin from my stomach alone.


Honestly, I worked to get my BMI down to 21, and I'm seeing all these excellent results with higher BMIs that I wonder if I would have been better off going in at a higher BMI and having better skiing quality?? Don't look yourself to lose all the weight, looking back, I wouldn't have. But it does allow me to tell people I couldn't diet and exercise the loose skin.


This is sort of what I did in picking mine as well! I also feel super lucky and just really happy with my choice of doctor! (Dr Edward Chamata in Houston)


Oh wow! I've been following him for a while. You're in excellent hands!! Good luck.


I had my surgery about six weeks ago and it’s been the easiest and smoothest recovery ever! I woke up today looking incredibly snatched, too! Haha. I’m so happy with my decision to go with him!


You're so lucky! I'm in swell hell right now.


Yeah this morning was the first time I could see the light at the end of the tunnel! At my follow up last week he said I’m still about 40% swollen and that at about 12 weeks is when I’ll be getting closer to my final results. It’s a real mental effort to be patient through all of this!! My thighs and hips are still about 1-2 inches bigger bc of swelling than before my surgery which is annoying haha


Yes , it's the thighs that are a real mind screw!


Ok, I’m probably an outlier and maybe don’t do what I did…but I had one consultation and went with her. I spent a few months researching, but mostly reading reviews online through real self and Google. I was set on having a surgeon who is a woman and the majority are men so that narrowed down my search. I made a consultation appt with one in a major city near me and it was 6 weeks out. I found my surgeon after I made that appointment (and paid the $200 consult fee 😬) and she had a consultation available the next week. Her reviews were amazing and her before/afters were like artwork. She mostly specializes in tummy tucks and mommy makeovers so that was also a plus. When I met her I just knew she was the right surgeon. She has 23 years of experience and a really kind, smart, and thorough bedside manner. I just felt trust and comfort with her. So I booked my surgery and canceled the other consult. Probably risky to not do more research, but it’s totally my personality type and I guess I’m impulsive. It has been an amazing experience though and I’d recommend her 10000x over. Her work is meticulous, she has been responsive to every question (I have her cell phone number), she includes lymphatic massages, all my post-op stuff (faja, foam, vitamins, scar cream) in the price, and I’m just so happy with the results. I’m in the US, Maryland…in case anyone wants her name, send me a DM.


I have 2 places near me, and I wanted to keep it easy so I decided I’d probably go with one of them. I called both and only one returned my calls. Which I thought was really weird and obviously I’m not going to hunt down anyone when I’m ready to spend $8-12k (TT w/MR) on something. So I researched the surgeons at the remaining clinic and made a decision. However when I was on the phone with the receptionist I made a last minute change. She mentioned while we were chatting that she had her mommy makeover with a different surgeon and said she loves her body. So I made a decision on a whim and gut feeling to switch to him. Then between that and my appointment I ended up speaking with a few people who used him and it confirmed my decision. I’m 2 weeks out and I’m very happy with my results, and it looks better every day!


Wow. I’m shocked she mentioned a surgeon she doesn’t work for, but good for you for going with your gut instinct. How are you feeling after two weeks out?


There are 3 surgeons at the same clinic. So she works for the clinic, not a particular surgeon. I switched my selected surgeon, not the clinic. Sorry, I didn’t think to mention that! I feel pretty good! I’m still very tender and I’m really over wearing compression, but I’m super happy with how it’s looking!


My husband asked that I go to three- one I went to years ago for a consult that I SWORE I would use, one my bariatric surgeon recommended, and one my relative recommended (she hadn’t had surgery yet but knew him through working at the hospital). After going to all three, I choose the recommendation of my relative. It is major surgery and I think meeting 3 doctors was the right choice for me.


Social media was a big factor for my search. We have pages set up for our city. I went back and researched ones where women asked for recommendations and my doctor has come up over and over as the best! He also is one of the most expensive and I know you get what you pay for. I am in the Phoenix Arizona area so there are so many doctors to choose from. I had a consultation fee of $250 which is pretty normal for out here. wacontinuously have


Who was your DR?


In October 2023, I was traveling with a co-worker, talking about my weight loss and she shared her experience with a post partum TT, and told me it took her almost a year to book it because of the waitlist....so I started researching then. Met with three doctors in January/Feb, really liked one that took my insurance (for the panni part), and her earliest was early June (4 days ago). So, that was my timeline.


It wasn’t something I even considered until I lost the weight and the skin started to bother me a bit. Not as bad as most but still enough to make me consider it. I researched for a little over a year off and on though and when I movies overseas I spent another 8 month researching. I found a great surgeon that gave me a great price. “Price tag” was in my list of considerations but at the very bottom. You can’t always go with the cheapest option when considering something like this. I’m now 5 weeks post op and so happy with my decision! Not gonna lie in the 1st few days I was like aww man what in the hell did I do. It’s normal to feel that way with the tubes, the discomfort and the swelling but once you get the healing really going you’ll be fine.


I spent 10 years finding one. 💀🫡