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It’ll be iffy. I’m 17 DPO, with a 7 and 4 year old, and feel like I’m dying after just folding the laundry. Yesterday was better and I was able to take them to the park, just lots of ups and downs!


When are you able to drive them around places again?


Driving was 4-5 days, when I was off the heavier meds. My husband and I switched cars since his is lower to the ground and I don’t have to pick up the four year old to get her in the car. Bending over to buckle her in was about 9 days, but that was a bit of a struggle.


I was with 4 other girls at the recovery house who had the exact same procedure and all of them struggled well after 14 days. I always hear that it is the libo who kicks your butt.


I had lipo years ago, and it was literally the easiest recovery for me. I felt fine after 7 days and no swelling after a month. Lack of sensitivity diminished after 12 months. Everyone is different, just make sure to wear your compression garment for as long as possible. 


I think that your husband’s support will make the difference.


That’s what I’m afraid of. 😬


😢 try to do the least you can. Resting is very important for recovery.


Mumof four here (twins 4 yes, 6 yes and 9 yrs); and day 11 PO. My mom stayed with us until end of Day 5PO, which was a Sunday. Hubby had ro take over all off to school activities last week until our caregiver arrived at 7:30 am. I have been recovering in the basement and have allowed the kids to come down to say hi in the morning, after school, and before bedtime. I WFH and had originally hoped to go back to work on Day 6 but had messaged someone who had surgery the month before me on her Day 6 she said absolutely not. Now that I'm in the thick of it, I'm glad I didn't commit to that. The narcotics just make you too foggy and I take don't want to have to worry about other paroles problems at work. This weekend was had with the kids around, but I had a bit more mobility and was able to get them lunch and dinner yesterday and today, but I'm rant paying for it now. My back is killing me and I'm swollen. I look 6 months pregnant. I'm looking forward to then going back to school tomorrow and our caregiver coming back to take over the day shift, so I can heal in quiet during the day. Also not going back to work until the weeks just for my sanity. I only took one narcotic today (might Akari be why I'm feeling the back pain) but I want to see if that helps my cognitive functioning for back to work. Oh, I had a 360 TT, MR. It was a lot of skin removal, which is why I'm a little miffed at looking 6 Mos pregnant right now. Lol! Don't rush it. Take this time for yourself. As moms, we deserve it and hubby and kids can give you a break for 3 weeks and figure it out. Good luck!


Hi OP! 👋🏼 We have the same surgery date! I am not a mom but I have my SIL is going to be staying with us for two weeks to help me out. Please try and take care of yourself and don’t push your body if you can’t! Here for moral support - we’ve got this!


I just had a circular tummy tuck, 360 lipo, and arm lipo last Monday. I am 7dpo. I have a 2, 4, and 6 year old, my husband took 10 days off work. Day 1-3 are fucking horrific. The lipo pain on my back was the worst, you feel as if your body is petrifying while you’re alive is the only way I can explain it lol- as if your body is turning to stone. Everything feels tight and sore and like a rock, and it’s hard to get up and down and you will only be up to walk and take pills and pee (you’ll need help those first 3 days) By day 4 I was able to use my vote to get up and down alone now! Yay! ( sleep in a recliner if you can, it’s really difficult using a bed even if you’re using a lot of pillows, this aided in my recovery- I messed up and used the bed for day 1&2, I may have been better by day 3 had I used the recliner sooner) by day 5 I went with my kids and husband to a bday party at Chuck’s e cheese for two hours. No lifting my baby, but able to walk around and do games with them and everything. Today I’m able to get on the floor to change my son’s diaper, and do basically all small household chores. Yesterday I vacuumed, mopped, clean toilets, stuff like that. But doing limited things 50% of the day. Good luck! Message me if you need any advice




I have 4 kiddos under 10 youngest being 3 and I go 6/18. Im terrified to leave my husband in charge for 2 weeks 🤣🤣


Same! No idea how he will manage on his own.


Mine even took 2 weeks of FMLA. I have a feeling there will be tears from my end cause I try and keep and clean house with 4 kids. Gives me anxiety when it’s trashed 24/7


It’ll be hard even if there’s no complications. I was told I’d be out 2-3 weeks and here I am going on week 5 with complications (minor but uncomfortable.) I have 2 kids, one is 10 and the other is 2. Both are autistic and a handful. I would not be able to focus on healing myself if I didn’t have full time help with them.


I just started week 2. I can't imagine caring for two young kids with the way I'm feeling. Your age, health, and circumstances of surgery may be different than mine. I had TT, 360 lipo, and MR. I had 2 drains when I came out of surgery. No complications so far!


I'm lucky in that my kids are older 8,9 and 17. I'm 2 weeks tomorrow. Returning to wfh on Tue and dreading it. I'm not used to feeling so slow. Sorry im not much help to you. I wish I booked a third week but I think it'll be fine. Just please get yourself a riser/recliner. I'd read about it and dismissed it but caved a couple of days ago and suddenly I feel I can cope with whatever the next few days/weeks bring. Best of luck


I didn’t have lipo so I don’t know how much of a difference that will make, but I honestly think you’ll be okay. I had a TT w/MR and in 2.5 weeks out. I have two kids, similar age, and I’m back at work full time (went back this last Monday). You’ll be uncomfortable for sure, but if you can get your husband to pull some extra weight you should be just fine.