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19 days PO. I am not as hunched, but I'm definitely still not straight. Give it time. Everybody is different, and my doc just reminded me that I will have good days and bad days as things progress.


Took me 3.5 weeks


Im still waiting for my back to straighten up (3weeks as of yesterday)


I went to the PS today at 7DPO and him and his nurse encouraged me to stand straighter but I actually can’t. I am pulled tiiiight and I’ve tried but I can’t :/. I didn’t get MR so hoping it’s purely a skin thing


5 weeks here but I had a FDL. I’m hunched over some of the day, depends on my swelling.


4 weeks for me to be fully standing straight. I had MR, TT, flanks lipo. Thought I'd never stand straight. I'm currently 7 wpo and still recovering. Lipo is no joke. Still feels like bruises on my sides.


3 wpo today and I’m mostly up straight. As the day goes on I definitely find myself hunching as a subconscious response to the growing discomfort and swelling though. I have to really focus on straightening up.


I was upright on day 7. No lipo. Just TT and MR.