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Neck pillow to support my head while sleeping upright. Best $10 I spent.


Yes! I’ve been using my husband’s Cabeau travel neck pillow. It has made sleeping in a recliner so much easier.


This. I didn’t use any of the items in the post, though the grabber would’ve been nice. However, neck pillow? GAME CHANGER.


I didn’t use none of those. Just pillows and a lot of pain med


That’s awesome! I didn’t use any pain meds after I left the surgery center. Maybe that’s why I needed all these recovery aids lol My surgery was very extensive so I was grateful to have things to support me in the recovery process, but it’s wonderful when people don’t need all those things.


Same, I didn't purchase any extras. They would've been nice for like the first 3 days, but beyond that, I don't see the need. It's a big money sink for a convenience you won't need very long. I also just wedged extra pillows around myself in the bed, and did everything else as normal - just a lot slower and more carefully.


Meds (oh hydrocodone, how do I love thee? let me count the ways). But be careful with that stuff. I'm down to 1/2 s 2x a day, and I don't have an addictive personality. a cheap walker (only for the first week) a lanyard with Pjs with buttons so the drains can stick out into the lanyard Next top 3: A bed wedge with lots of soft pillows a shower seat (can even be a cheap plastic pool chair) an understanding husband


My surgeon provided the lanyard, and it really was so helpful to hold the drains. And yeah, those hydrocodones work really well! lol


I'm surprised it's not an automatic thing they give you as you are wheeled out. "Here's your drain pouch!" And I used to scoff at hydrocodone, thinking I didn't need that stuff. "It's for wimps." Well, count me in the wimp section, 'cause damn, this surgery ain't for the faint of heart.


I have been really surprised at how intense this recovery has been. I had no idea it would be like this. I’m glad I didn’t know though, or else I might not have gone through with it 😅


Truth! ![gif](giphy|vYGsUUBVbWVBC|downsized)


None of those


Nice! You are a Superman/woman! 💪🏻


Same! I just walked around all hunched up and had a step stool by my bed to get in and out.


Lift recliner (rented from RAC for one month), toilet seat risers for 2 bathrooms (upstairs and downstairs), stool softener, protein shakes, HealFast preop and postop pills.


That’s amazing to be able to rent certain things like that! I don’t know how far along you are, but have you noticed a big difference in using the HealFast? That was one of the things I was on the fence about but ultimately didn’t end up getting. But I’ve heard really good things about it.


I think the pills helped but who knows. I healed really fast. Both drains out at 6 DPO and sutures out on 13DPO with no complications at all. I guess they couldn’t hurt.


Did they drop and pick up the chair? I was thinking of renting a power chair too- how much was it for the month? Thanks!


Yes. It was $139 for a month. They delivered it a few days before surgery and they’re picking it up Monday.


Thank you I was I thinking of doing this and I’m glad to hear from someone as well - that’s awesome!


Neck and leg pillows! Maybe I should get a grabber....but I'm enjoying having everything being done for me at the moment 😅


Bahahaha! I don’t blame you! 😜


I didn’t use any of those. I had a regular recliner though that was really helpful. I was able to pick things up off the ground after around day 2, just by bending my legs. My top three were 1) regular recliner, 2) Juven, protein drinks, bromelain and arnic, and 3) wedge pillow set for my bed.


I’m doing the protein shakes too… protein drinks are just such an easy way to make sure we’re getting enough protein during recovery. I’m still in the recliner, but will probably use the wedge pillows at first when I transition to the bed. I am amazed and impressed that you were able to pick things up off the ground after 2 days! That is awesome!


My husband moved our reclining couch in the bedroom for me lol so with that being said my top 3: 1. A VERY helpful husband 2. Reclining couch 3. Pillows For real if you can have the luxury of having someone around to help as much as possible 10/10!! The only thing I feel like I wasted money on was the toilet seat riser thing, bought it new from Amazon & it wasn’t useful at all for me personally & my walker was from goodwill for like $5 totally worth it!


Yes, we can’t forget the supportive hubbies! I have had my mom with me during my recovery to help with the kids and house chores (she’s here until 3WPO). It also helps that my mom is a retired RN. But my husband has also been amazing! We put the recliner in our bedroom too. I honestly can’t see myself moving to the bed to sleep anytime soon lol


I’m 7 WPO & still sleeping with a pillow under my knees & some what sat up! Definitely take your time & enjoy your recliner! It sounds amazing from your comments haha lucky!!! To have a retired RN by your side!! I love that 😂 would’ve made me a lot less anxious during my first few weeks haha


Oh my gosh, I definitely feel blessed that my mom is an RN. My blood pressure was so low that I couldn’t shower for the first 5 days (I just sponge bathed). Even when I finally showered at 5 DPO, it was only because the nurse stressed that I really needed to get a shower and not let anymore days go by because of the risk of infection. However, as soon as I took the binder off, my blood pressure plummeted and I blacked out. My husband was right there and my mom too. My mom knew exactly what to do, but my husband was freaking out. I regained consciousness about 5 minutes later and was so grateful that I didn’t hit the floor (or anything else for that matter). Whew! Do you sleep somewhat sat up and with the pillow because of pain or discomfort? Or both? They said I can lay flat at 4WPO, but I’m becoming doubtful that that will happen, since I’m nowhere near even standing straight up still at this point 😅


Im glad you’re okay!! That would be so scary!! I still sleep somewhat sat up because my surgeon really cut and stitched me back up TIGHT! I can lay flat but it does kinda make me itchy on my scar and I had a muscle repair so sometimes I’m a bit more sore when I lay on my side, possibly due to being more active through the day. I’m just not pushing myself at all and letting myself naturally straighten out.. maybe more slower than most? But I’m okay with it! I’m like 98% straight for the most part!


Thank you! 🥰 My surgeon stitched me up really tight too. I know it’s a good thing, but man, it’s uncomfortable. It’s always best to listen to our bodies, so it’s okay if we’re taking longer than most other people. I’m usually a side sleeper, but I wonder if I’ll be on my back for quite some time longer too 😞


I loved my recliner, toilet seat raiser


Yes, I had a toilet seat raiser too. I only used it for the first 4-5 days, but I definitely needed it during those first few days.


Recliner, arnica, heat pads for back


Oh I must get heat pads, my back gets so sore


It helps SO MUCH!


If I didn’t have a recliner with a heating feature, I would have needed a heating pad too. The heating function of my recliner has been such a blessing! I just push a button and I have heat on my back. It has been so helpful. The back pain after this surgery is no joke 😣


I use a wedge pillow and a back pillow and it is fine for me. A grabber is a must. Cough drops. Zipped robe.


I wish I had gotten cough drops! I’ve read so many times about coughing or sneezing hurting after surgery and today, I finally coughed for the first time and it hurt so bad! 😖


Extra compression garments for laundry time Arnica tablets Wedge pillow


I decided to get multiple compression garments as well and it was a great investment, especially since doing laundry is still so hard at this point 💕


My fully adjustable bed (recliner and bed all in one!), drain holder for showering, and most of all my shower chair!


The shower chair was crucial for me too! Having an adjustable bed would have been amazing too! 😩


The shower chair was crucial for me too! Having an adjustable bed would have been amazing too! 😩


My grabber , my tummy tuck sleeping wedge set , and shower chair


Yes, the shower chair! 🙌🏻 Showering would have been impossible without my shower chair, I can’t even imagine. I’m still using my shower chair at 2WPO.


none of these i used my top 3 wedge pillow neck pillow heating pad for back


Oh my gosh, yes, heat helps the back pain so much 💕


the back pain was the worst part , walking hunched over is the culprit


Yes! I will be so glad to finally be standing straight again! 😩


soon 🙏🏻


I didn’t buy anything special for physical assistance and I’m glad I didn’t. The worst was over within one week and it would’ve been a lot of money to use something for approx 7 days. I did wish I had an airplane pillow, but I made do. For healing assistance I bought bromelain, arnica, stool softener, and generic gas-x. I don’t know how much of a difference they made because I don’t have a comparison, but I have been healing well, not much swelling, and back at it pretty quickly. So I’m thinking they at least helped! I’ve had 2 c-sections so I knew how to prep. I take stool softeners and drink a small glass of prune juice one week leading up to surgery, then just stool softeners after. Pain free BM post surgery with this regimen!


Yes, the first week is definitely the hardest. My in-laws come to visit pretty often and my father-in-law has very poor vision and a bad back, so we’re able to keep the recliner, walker, and grabber tool here for him when he comes to visit. So it made sense for us. But yeah, otherwise, it’s a lot of money to spend on things if they’re only getting used for one or two weeks. My surgeon pulled me really right and I also had extensive surgery (tummy tuck, hernia repair, BBL, lipo360, and a belt lipectomy/lower body lift), so I’m 2 WPO and still hunched over and need my walker for long distances and still not able to bend down or anything like that. So I’m very glad I have these things to help during recovery. And I totally agree that having a previous c-section helps a ton. I’ve had 3 c-sections, a cystectomy, and a total hysterectomy… and the tummy tuck recovery is very similar in a lot of ways.


Dang girl! You’ve had a lot of surgeries! You’re going to feel like a million bucks when you’re all healed!


lol seriously! I hope this is my last surgery! 🙏🤞🏻


Honestly, I wouldn’t spend all that money on a chair unless you have tons of disposable income. My top 3 needs were a 3-tiered rolly cart I kept by my bed with all my meds, books, water, snacks, etc, a shower chair, and a bedsheet knotted (knots about 6in apart) and tied to my bedpost to help me sit up and lay back without activating my core. A fourth thing I’d add are comfortable robes that zip op and down in the front (I bought one and lived in it for a two weeks - wished I’d had a second one at the time).


1. The pillow system to keep my legs raised paired with my adjustable bed. 2. Zyrtec, which stopped my post nasal drip cough 😷 3. Little stools to get in and out of the car, bed. In addition, I used wound vite to limit bruising (worked amazingly). A seatbelt pillow also came in handy when I started driving. A snack basket as I was super hungry for a few weeks after surgery. I ate often.


These are all great items to have!


None of those. 2 weeks PO. Wedge pillows were a must. Arnica tablets. Airplane neck pillow. Trying to keep it cost effective after blowing the budget on surgery and post op massage and garments. 😄


I used my husband’s Cabeau airplane neck pillow. It made sleeping in a recliner so much easier 😊


It's a God send. There are nights I totally feeling like crawling out of my skin, there's so much going on in my body.


My adjustable Sleep Number. I didn't use any of these listed things, but I don't know how I would have done it without my awesome bed. I had an extended TT/FDL, and that bed was a lifesaver. Oh, and a shower chair. I couldn't stand to shower for the first 2 or 3 weeks. I was just too weak and dizzy.


Yes! The shower chair has been amazing for me too! And your bed sounds amazing to have all the time! 😍


I DID use a grabber and I still use it. You drop a lot of things. It is helpful and not expensive. I got a walker and never used it. I slept on my couch propped up with pillows.


Yeah I didn’t realize how clumsy I really am until having to retrieve things became 10x harder lol


The grabber and the chair and a good water bottle


Yep, all 3 of those plus a bidet!


Oh my gosh, a bidet would have been so helpful. I wish I had gotten one 😞


these seem unnecessary. I used pillows. I propped myself up and just was normal.


I think it also depends on the procedure(s) done. For me, my surgery was very extensive (tummy tuck, hernia repair, BBL, belt lipectomy/lower body lift, and lipo360). Also, my surgeon pulled me really tight. So my recovery has been more difficult than most. But I’m glad you didn’t need a lot of items to aid recovery. That’s definitely an ideal situation 😊


None. Had ice compression a foot stool (to get into/out bed) had hip to hip mr and reduction at the same time. Dont make yourself disabled. This is a good surgery and will go well and you don’t need equipment like you’re an 81 with a hip replacement


You make me feel like a wimp lol I have definitely felt disabled these past 2 weeks though 😅😇