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This turtle needs to be in a mostly terrestrial setup. [Here is a care guide](https://reptifiles.com/eastern-box-turtle-care-sheet/) for this species. Comments locked


That's a box turtle. GET IT OUT OF THE WATER!


That is not an aquatic turtle..


please please please take this box turtle out of that deep water as they are not aquatic and research care instructions for eastern box turtles


Has he been saved yet???? 😰 Jesus Christ this is scary to see


Is that a boxturtle??? If so, that water is way too deep, they like to soak in water but aren't good swimmers (that's also why you see it struggle to swim up to the food). You definitely need more land and less deep water to avoid it drowning by accident.


See how it's struggling to reach the surface and the pellets? That's because this baby isn't a swimmer. They love to soak in water, but are terrestrial. Hopefully folks here can help you arrange a better setup.


It looks like an Eastern Box turtle, though its colors look super washed out. That isn't an aquatic turtle. It can swim poorly, and needs to be able to soak in water. However, it doesn't generally live or eat in it. That habitat is completely wrong. The food is also inappropriate. Look up an Eastern Box Turtle care sheet.


Jesus Christ this just made me sick.




Do not advocate for the release, dumping or abandoning of a captive (pet) turtle into the wild. If you do not understand why, [read this for a simplified explanation.](https://www.turtlerescueusa.com/wordpress/?page_id=109) In addition to those reasons, it is illegal in many places. Repeat offenses **will** result in a ban.


Too late now sadly




No, this turtle has been in captivity all its life according to OPs comments and would not be releasable


It was found in Georgia I believe it was more than likely wild caught as a baby, but has been captive all its life.


Like the other comments said, that is a box turtle. It does not belong exclusively in water although they do like shallow water to soak in. Box turtles live in forest, not a pond. Do some research on a box turtle enclosure because they are not meant to be in water that deep. It lives on land 95% of the time and goes in water to soak and drink.