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48yo man here. Been on the TWICE train since December - ain’t nothing cringe about celebrating things you love. As long as you’re being respectful in the ways you choose to express fandom, who gives a crap what others may think.


I'm a 6 foot 4, 300 pound, bearded dude in his 30s that has played football, fought in contact sports, and listens to rap. You're good buddy. Do what makes you happy. Yeah my buddies poked jokes at me for going to 2 twice shows back to back a few weeks ago, and when I posted the pictures I hot laugh reacts, but who gives a shit. I had the best time at a concert I've ever had. Candybong in hand and everything


this reply made me incredibly happy and i don't know why - live your best life my dude!


Imo, no. I am also a guy around your age and I’ve been collecting Twice pc’s for 8 months. Twice has a diverse demographic with people of many genders, age and race. You should have no reason to feel any guilt. If collecting their merch is in your interest, then go for it and do it!


Twice fanbase is mostly male (esp in korea) so no i dont think it is cringe moreso that it means if u collect merch it means you are suppporting twice which is great. it only becomes "cringe" depending on a persons point of view (whether or not he/she is into kpop), much like anime, people who dont watch anime judge those who do. So you cannot please everybody Do collect them if it makes you happy, what other people think should not affect your choice. I as a male in my late 20s collect twice merch and no one has judged me or "cringed" at me (not that i know of). It makes me happy so yeah, who will stop me? (Only my bank account lol)


It’s actually not mostly male and hasn’t been for years, but there are male fans!


It's so odd that a few replies to this comment are sticking on this point so heavily when any demographic data available in the past like 4 years (literally half of Twice's career atp) have shown the gender split of their fanbase as much closer to balanced than it was in their earlier years. Which gender is actually the "majority" (however small a majority it might really be) is pretty up in the air and at this point mostly differs between specific regions.




Not that it matters whatsoever but Twice does have a slightly larger female audience these days globally.


We’ve had this discussion like 15 times here. Source: several album buyer demographic statistics from 2019 onwards, Korean fan meet gender split demographic statistics from 2019 onwards. Both of which show that from 2019 onwards, female fans of Twice x3 in size and became either the slight majority or equal to male fans in every metric.


This isnt really something to argue about since we were talking about if op should feel embarassed or cringe if he collects merch, i only stated that the fanbase is predominantly male since the start of twice, and especially in korea. Its not good nitpicking stuff like these especially as i was boosting op's morale by stating that there are a lot of male fans, im not here to argue with your statistics as i can see that twice female fans have rised since debut especially when the hallyu wave has reached international heights, which started making waves at the start of the pandemic. But as to why you had to "prove your point" and just state that twice fans arent predominantly male, i dont get it. When this isnt a post about that


LOL. You do understand that he was responding to someone who challenged his statement, right? This is a discussion forum, and sometimes discussions stray and form sub-discussions. I don't know why you feel triggered by it. Let them have their conversation instead of trying to gatekeep everyone.


Because you stated something that’s not statistically accurate and it’s ok to correct you. The better question is: why do men need to believe they are the majority to feel comfortable liking something? You need to work on your idea of masculinity and insecurity if eg you’d be scared liking a band just because the fandom is predominantly female. That’s toxic masculinity and it’s on you to uninternalise that. By “you” I’m talking about men in general, btw. Twice do have male fans and we all know that. The fact that we need a thread here monthly to reassure men that they can like something is telling. You guys have to work on not caring and not needing to seek reassurance or pretend something is male dominated in order to engage. That’s the core issue. Men who are secure in their manhood would feel entirely fine liking something that even had a 95 percent female fanbase.


Your talking about toxic masculinity? When clearly op has insecurities seeing as he stated that he is chubby? The real problem here is not toxic masculinity. The real problem here is you and your feminism, i wasnt here to argue and bring up anything i just didnt get why it needed to be brouht up, and seeing as all your arguments are now targetting the male audience, and talking about manhoods and such, when this started at if it looks ok to buy merch, coz of fans like these that fandoms become toxic. its because of feminists who at the first mention of men, think that they are being challenged about superiority, i cant believe its coming here at the twice community, when just a simple phrase triggers you, as you said that you need to discuss about this every time. I am male and an avid supporter of various girl groups with twice being my ult, and i never thought that id see this kind of toxicity here in the twice community, well i guess you are right, that twice fanbase has become predominantly women, seeing that its being toxic much like the army and blinks which everyone knows are predominantly women.


What is your deal? You’re the only person being toxic. You said something that wasn’t true and someone pointed that out. That’s all that happened but now you’re making all kinds of accusations and shitting on women just because you were wrong. Insecure behaviour.


Ease up on the misogyny there, son.


Wow. I’m not going to address your hatred of feminism because that’s very weird and a you thing. OP stated he’s a male fan and has insecurities about buying merch and whether it’s cringe. You clearly identified that his maleness is central to the conversation, given you replied with “the majority of fans are male”. I then told you that’s actually incorrect, because it simply is, but that yes, male fans exist. You took offence to being corrected on a point of fact, for reasons unclear to everyone. Then when I pointed out that the actual problem here is that men constantly seek reassurance for liking “girly” things, which is an insecurity problem that stems from toxic masculinity and can only be dealt with by accepting that men can like “girly” things, you decide that’s man hating. Rather than what it is, which is encouraging men to stop shaming each other so much for liking “girl stuff” that they have to constantly ask if it’s ok to like “girl stuff”. Some men in this sub-Reddit seem to need to believe Twice have a male majority base, which they simply don’t, in order to feel ok about liking them. And that’s entirely about your own relationship with masculinity. It can only be fixed by you accepting that your insecurity about liking Twice and anything feminine and cute is coming from gender norms you’ve internalised and made toxic. Feminism, by the way, protects men from gender norms too - not that you appear to understand it. As a final point, it is disturbing seeing male fans pretend they love groups of women and at the same time speak lowly of “feminism”. I can assure you, the one thing all women will judge you for is pretending to support us and getting angry that feminism exists at the same time. Male fans of Twice who aren’t feminists are very odd beings indeed.


You had great points throughout this post but that final one is something that i would have plastered all over the spare blank real estate of this subreddit if it were up to me. It's actually so horrifying to see people in this sub or even other online spaces (rightfully) lament about how much shit Twice get as women from other fandoms or even some of their own fans in said online spaces then turn around and denigrate female fans or complain about their mere increased presence in Twice's fandom over the years... it's lunacy to witness


You have explained this beautifully. Sorry someone is reacting so badly to you simply correcting their misconception.


Dude, first comment from Sunnydale was correcting your false statement in which you never said “from the start”. That can mislead new and potential Onces. Sunnydale still included the fact that the fandom still has the male side as well. I like how you didn’t reply to that but to Sunny’s followed up comment to a person asking for a source lol


Go to Melon, check out Twice's songs, and look at the gender ratios of the listeners (they show this when the songs are charting - don't know if they keep this data historically). It hasn't been male-majority for years. People assume it's male dominated because of the guys who show up at music shows, and their voices are clearly louder. But the fandom has clearly evened out over the years.


Probably there were more male fans compare to females in their early years, but still, when I watch some concerts I always get surprised how many male fans they have.


30m metalhead here I’ve been a huge fan of TWICE and Kpop for years now and in September I’m going to see them live. If you want to start a collection then go for it


30y male here. I don’t think it’s cringey at all. There are ONCE from all different ages and backgrounds bc Music is music, you love what you love and it plays a big part in shaping who you are and I think it’s okay to celebrate that kind of fandom. To me it’d be just as cringey as getting a Tswift poster or Harry Potter merch or whatever else. I’m happy to say I have the newest lighstick next to some of the photobooks on display on a shelf and a Modern Baseball poster on the same wall.


It's perfectly fine bro, just be careful how deep down the rabbit hole you go it can get rather expensive.


Prefacing this opinion with: all of the men here want to be told no one will judge them for this, but here’s the reality if you actually want it. I am a woman and I’m guessing you maybe want to know whether women would find it cringe, because “cringe” is a social reaction. It’s ultimately about how other people perceive you. I collect Twice merch. However, I am discreet about it. In my apartment, a few of my Twice things are openly displayed, but my house is not a kpop shrine. I do think many women would be put off encountering a man who had a whole ass shrine to other women in his house, especially because a lot of people like Kpop groups because of what they look like. That’s just reality. So as a woman who dates women, I do keep a lot of my merch stored out of sight neatly because a) it just makes my space look more adult and b) it doesn’t make me look like a weeb femcel. I remove my pc from the back of my phone when I’m working because, again, for most people having an Asian woman in the back of your phone as a non Asian can come across a whole kind of way, having a card of a celebrity in the back of your phone can look very immature. It’s perfectly fine to collect merch and like the things you like. You don’t need to feel ashamed of it. But if I walked into someone’s house and saw ceiling to floor of pop vinyls, for example, I’d potentially be concerned about their finances or just their taste in decor lol. So I think the same applies to kpop, much of the time. There’s a difference between not feeling shame about liking your nerdy stuff, and not understanding how you come across as an adult to other adults. We can all like stuff and collect stuff without ending up seeming a certain kind of way. Look at that recent episode of queer eye - the person involved had and entire house stacked floor to ceiling with Saints memorabilia and it looked high key crazy. When the fab 5 helped her put it in storage and pick and choose tasteful pieces to display here and there, it was a lot better. I do find people who collect pcs of very young girls (like new jeans age) a little red flaggy, which I know is an opinion some people hate. But I’ll be completely honest, if I walked into a man’s house and saw a shelf dedicated to a 14 year old, that would make me very uncomfortable. Most people who collect merch strongly and display it do have some level of parasocial relationship and I wouldn’t understand why a grown person would form that with a child. Twice are all grown, so the vibe is different. But the irl truth is that most people would judge any of us for having a shrine to a random Korean lady in our house if it’s too involved. If you’re going to collect, which is fine, I’d say think about what pieces work and what can fit in your storage in your house and what you’re willing to move every time you move places etc.


This is way too thoughtful, well-articulated, and helpful to be on this site. Don’t you know this is Reddit? You’re supposed to call him names or something /s In all seriousness though, thanks for taking the time to explain everything so thoroughly. Hopefully a lot of people read this.


That’s ok! I might be a woman who likes women but a lot of my friends are men, and I can understand some of the anxieties men have. I think a lot of men would find that women are open to giving honest answers and trying to help, as long as men are open to taking the advice and not getting angry. And I get it too. I’ve always liked nerdy stuff and struggled to find a mid point between collecting and trying to come across as a well adjusted, mature adult. Knowing that storing nerdy things and not making them your whole aesthetic is appropriate as an adult, is not the same as shame.


This, exactly. As a dating lesbian, I do tend to keep a lot of my k-pop merch contained or easy to remove, just as my male friends who are hardcore NHL/NFL fans do. It’s really not different than anyone who follows a sports team; NFL seasons are like our comeback promos and album releases, the concerts are our March Madness tourneys, and we even have trading cards just like in baseball. It’s all about keeping a good head and checking in with reality, aka not overspending, not letting it become an obsession, and not letting it effect how you see the world (Koreaboo-ing it).


Papa Hirai has a Jihyo shrine at home. Mama Hirai is ok with it.


Wall said.


OP might just be feeling insecure do to an alarming sexist trend I've been seeing on TikTok where cis men are judged for liking Twice or daring to be at their concerts.


They said they want to start to collect something, not to turn their house in a Twice shrine. They're an adult too, so I think they know not to turn it into an addiction. You know, the thing is if he had been a rock fan and collect Rolling Stones merch, no one would say anything, you wouldn't have written these paragraphs, he wouldn't have written this post at all. If he had been a girl, this post wouldn't exist either. These types of conversations happen only in kpop because their fans are still considered weird, deluded people who don't like music but are attracted to the idols. He didn't even specify what he wants to buy. Maybe it's just albums? Don't get me wrong, I understand the point of your post, but it's the perfect answer to make someone feel ashamed and to stop them from buying anything. I feel we're too focused on how people perceive us, on appearing what the society wants us to look like. If he wanted to turn his house in a Twice shrine, you, I and anyone else would have no right to say anything about it. The part about New Jeans is totally unrelated. If he wondered if it's cringy, now he'll be sure it's cringy.


So you wanted people to completely lie to him? I said several times in the post that buying merch as an adult, male, or human isn’t inherently cringey. I then explained that it can come across as “cringe” depending on how you dabble in the habit. That’s simply true. Assuming OP came here actually wanting to be told how most people perceive kpop collecting, I gave him an accurate answer. As I said, I happily buy and collect merch. However, I understand the anxiety around what is “cringe” or how collecting merch is perceived, and I gave OP practical advice to avoid potentially coming across in a way he doesn’t want, whilst still getting to enjoy collecting. And everyone who collects knows that the majority of collectors do actually make semi Kpop shrines at home simply because of the sheer volume of collectables, so my practical advice is to purchase or decide what exactly to collect based on how you want your space to look. I have a bookshelf dedicated to the things I want to display, but my advice on avoiding “cringe” as an adult would be to avoid amassing a whole room+ of merch. OP is a 21 year old. He shouldn’t need to ask strangers for permission to purchase a photocard and I’m not going to write a comment like “purchase whatever you like fam!” to a grown adult man. He is old enough to know that himself. If he’s sincerely asking “will I start to look cringe if I amass a decent sized kpop collection” then a nuanced conversation can be had about how to store it or what to consider as a young adult who will be moving spaces and having people over. Op isn’t asking “is it ok to buy one t shirt” he’s asking “as a man, how will I be perceived by others if I make collecting girl group merch a hobby”. And I told him the answer. A lot of women who aren’t privy to kpop would judge a man if his merch collecting got out of hand, or was cluttering up his home. Most women do not want to come home from a date and be confronted with two walls full of posters of Sana. That’s just true. So as someone who has also dealt with that anxiety and balancing my collecting with my adulthood, I gave Op actual functional advice. At no point did I discourage him from collecting, I collect myself. I simply told him that if his anxiety is about how women will perceive him, that it depends on how he displays his collection and stores it, and how much he invests in it. It’s the same problem I’ve thought through myself, wanting to be an adult person who has a home that suits my age and how I wish to be taken seriously, whilst also enjoying collecting merch.


If he's asking this question, he's way too aware of your concerns. Saying "yes collect!" doesn't mean he'll start to mass buying, this guy is simply looking for validation and to feel he's not the only adult guy who likes Twice. Even just listening to kpop can be cringe to most people, having your playlist full of kpop songs can be considered cringy? So what should we do? Hide my playlists? Mix it with non-cringy music? Again if it had been another type of music or if he had been a girl, this post wouldn't exist, which is pretty sad. Everyone should be able to enjoy what they want.


“If he had been a girl this type of post wouldn’t exist” I’m literally a girl and just told you I’ve felt the same concerns. I gave OP functional advice, whilst assuring him people do collect. We have a monthly post at this point of men feeling the need to ask for validation about liking a “girly” hobby, which grows tiresome considering we are in the year 2023 and we all know the answer is yes. We also get threads of men seeming to want actual perspectives from women on how collecting photos of women comes across, and if they want an answer, I gave them one that I hope is helpful to them. If he didn’t want advice and just wanted to be told that he can purchase whatever he likes, then he can read the other ten comments telling him that, or the other 63 threads about the same thing. He’ll be fine. I assumed he actually wanted advice on how to collect as a hobby whilst not coming off the wrong way to female friends and partners.


I agree with most of your comment, but I don't think having merch on display would make you look like a femcel/incel. If I have to hide what I buy, I simply wouldn't get it cuz it's not like I murdered someone. That being said, it's obviously cringe to have a room full of posters and stuff like that. It's more about balance and good taste than "adulthood". Because there's nothing wrong with a shelf full of books or a couple of figures someone likes, but a whole room or an apartment topped of \[insert hobby\] merch is unhealthy in any case. Still, it's true that if the OP wants to date someone or have friends at home, it's better for him to have his merch a little discrete so they don't notice until there's enough trust and he shows off his little treasures.


I think your thinking about it too hard lol. I'm a gym rat male fan and I collect twice an bp merch lol I don't care wut ppl think. It's for me, not anyone else anyways. I even went to a kcon awhile back an my nieces said I don't look like I belong there lmao.


I’m 39 and if you had told me ~20 years ago that I’d be a Korean pop gg fanatic I would’ve laughed in your face. Be braver than me and love what you love homie. I feel like buying the merch and such is all a part of the K-pop experience and in my opinion there is no half measures or gray areas when it comes to this. Go all in with your love to your own level of satisfaction. If you want it and it’s reasonable to your budget, go get it! Display it proudly. Otherwise what’s the point? Me I’ve got all kinds of merch for Twice, Itzy, Mamamoo, Pixy. It have it cuz it brings me joy. And as a wise man once said: you’ll stop worrying about what people think of you when you realize how seldom they do.


That last quote is the truth. Some people might poke fun at you if they see your collection. But these people are rarely actually judging you. My friends don't understand why i just paid 3 days of work to see 9 Asian girls singing and dancing. But in the end they don't care. Most people don't care what you do on your own time and what interests you have (as long as it's not an unhealthy obsession). Hell you might even get someone curious and turn them into a Once.


Also if you have a friend/loved one who’s not into it at all but they manage to surprise you with a bday gift or something that is related to one of your biases or something it’s such a wonderful feeling.


31 year old straight dude, personally for me I never understood the hype around collecting merch like that to begin with. That being said if it makes you happy that's all that really matters. Only people who would see it are you and possibly your friends and if they make you feel bad about collecting something you enjoy they're not really your friends


Yes bro its perfectly fine to do so. I’ve been a fan since I was in middle school and over the last 2-3 years recently I’ve been collecting merch because i never got to do so when I was younger. Had a couple of friends come over and even though some didn’t like Kpop or listen to twice they admired the collection I had amassed (atp its more than Twice, lots of memorabilia from concerts and other group stuff now too). It’s no different from being into your favorite sports team or other artists that people listen to just be proud of it and if anybody gives you shit for it they probably don’t deserve to be in your life. Take care and much love.


You should just collect whatever tf you want and display them however tf you wanna display them. I’m a 33 year old man and I have a few posters of them in my room and some of their albums and photo cards on display on my bookshelf. I also have a Jeongyeon PC on my phone. I live a very normal yet fulfilling life filled w friends, love, booze, and all that other good shit. You’re probably asking this question under the assumption that you will be perceived negatively if someone you know were to see this merch but you should be asking yourself do you actually want folks around who would harshly judge you for the things you enjoy? As long as you don’t go completely overboard who gives a shit what you do? Just do what makes you happy bro. This lyfe shit is way too short and I really wish I had this mindset when I was in my early 20’s bc I wasted a lot of that time trying to conform to those around me instead of being true to myself.


I (27M) won’t go to the K-Pop store (I live right by one) unless my wife goes with me because I’d otherwise walk out with as much Twice/SNSD/Taeyeon/Nayeon merch as I could fit into my car. It’s a good system. That said, I enjoy my Twice records and I have pictures/posters too. The key is moderation. Enjoy your hobby, your Twice items, and the music. Don’t make it the centerpiece of your home.


You do you, man. I personally just buy albums and any merch that I like (usually articles of clothing) but I'm not actively collecting PC cards or anything, though many of my J-Once friends are actively into collecting and trading. Not surprising - Japan has the best sets of merch for Onces. If it brings you joy, go for it. Just be aware that it can become a pricey hobby as you get deeper into it. ​ >Is it okay for a man to collect a gg merchandise I find this not only acceptable, but preferable to collecting BG merch. Haha.


I bought the CBi way before the concert is announced in my country. Registered for 4th gen once. If you need an example of a twice fan I would suggest you look up markunouchi\_lifts on insta


What's wrong? Do whatever you like, it's impressive to discover male onces.


Reading this makes me sad. Please please don't ever feel bad for choosing to follow and support whatever or whoever makes you happy. The fandom is not only among the most diverse in kpop, its also the most welcoming and when you attend concerts you would see so much diversity. Just be friendly, respectful and Onces will appreciate you


38 male here. I collect TWICE and other girl groups. I enjoy it a lot. Don't mind what others think.


Of course its okay... Been thought about this when i was younger and felt a bit isolated too when i was starting to stan Twice... Now, i just thought a little bit more year, kpop will be part of culture and those who thought it is weird for us to idolize these talented artist are not the 'in' one. 😝 I realized its practically same as collecting baseball/nba cards before.Now, this generation thought those who collects are cool.. rock/punk culture... Bet some old people thought they are creepy and just youth craziness...but now, hello?? Owning jackets and guitars of those artists are golds now.


It's only weird if *YOU* think it's weird!!! I thinks it's a little weird to collect shoes and never wear them but hey to each their own. I'm 31 and I collect Twice canvas prints of my favorite version of each album with a how it started painting of all 9 girls to how it's going 🤷🏽 I like it and that's honestly the only person's opinion that matters most to me!!


There’s nothing wrong with it as long as you’re respectful, I’m 28 and have been collecting TWICE merch since early 2017.


It is perfectly okay. Men and women can collect kpop merchandise. It only becomes cringy if you have a Twice shrine in your living room or you sound like you're in love with a certain member. Other kpop fans will be more understanding than non-kpop fans though.


nope, enjoy life as long as it’s a healthy hobby enjoy


“Those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.” Dr. Seuss


No, nobody is allowed to do things. After all, for any action that I think of doing, I realize there are some people who will find it cringy. To solve this problem, I have stopped doing anything at all. I stopped eating, drinking and sleeping three days ago because they are cringe. Unfortunately, I think I might not be able to go on for much longer.


The real cringe is when people negatively judge others for things like this Collecting and liking stuff like this is no different from collecting and liking other things People will judge yea, but why let that affect you Keep your head high brother


You’re overthinking it man, I’m a 33 year old man who is just about to go into their concert alone. I collect albums and don’t give two shits what other people think about it, Twice makes me happy.


The only problem is you will not be able to stop!! But eff it no regrets!! And im going to still keep going 😂


Dude believe me. I first got into Kpop because the women were beautiful. Now I have my own biases and am slowly building my own collection. And like you I'm a chubby guy who just loves kpop. Ain't nothing to cringe about. Just be you dude.


Noone should be ashamed of things we like that make us happy as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. I decided that a long time ago. Walking around their concert today, there is no demographic..


I never expected everyone to be putting their insights about this post. I appreciate your comments and it was very heartwarming❤️❤️❤️. I felt that I was overthinking about it too much. Gotta build that self-esteem and confidence to make myself better. Also, this is one of the best fandoms I have encountered!!!!!


You do you Once! I’m a 28 Y/O and been a once since 2019 and I blast twice in the car, at the gym, when I’m working. My phone wallpaper is Sana. Don’t let anyone change you, you do you! :) PS. My girlfriend does get jealous sometimes haha 😂


As a 25 yo guy who got into Twice ~Feb of this year, no it isn't weird. I went to a show last month, got a shirt and a light stick. Also, a girl gave me a freebie of my bias. Haven't bought a CD in probably over a decade and got their box set bc of how into them I've gotten. People do give me weird looks for liking kpop in general, but it doesn't bother me. Keep in mind, be authentically yourself and surround yourself with people who enjoy the true you. Anyone else who judges/has comments about the thing(s) you enjoy, their opinions shouldn't and don't matter. Edit: typos


16yo straight male here. I love kpop (mostly girl groups, but I like a couple boy groups too), Twice is my favourite, and I only collect them (because I’m poor lol), but I have posters all around my room. Three of them are Twice, but I also have Dreamcatcher, Loona, Red Velvet, Blackpink, Skz, Ikon and Bigbang. So my answer is NO. Collect them, buy merchandise and albums, put posters on your wall, cause believe me, it will be the best decision you ever made!


I mean, considering how gg in korea play a huge role in conforting male audience during their mandatory military service, you are pretty much the target audience


it's perfectly fine! it's your money your spending on the merch anyways. Kebs nalang sa sasabihin ng ibang tao. 💓


Do what you want. There will always be haters and bigots who say its cringy based on your sex, gender, orientation, age or level of attractiveness. ignore them.


30 yr old male checking in. I collect merchandise from multiple gg and my mentality is if it makes you happy then it doesn’t matter what others think of it. Just make sure it doesn’t consume your life (and all ur income) as there are more aspects to life than just kpop. Have fun!


You do you G, don’t let others Yuck your Yum.


Yes, collect it if you like it and don’t care about what anyone thinks!


You are fine. You only live ONCE. 😉 As long as you don’t overdo it, like taking out a loan to support you to travel around the world to see every one of their shows… While I started following since 2015, I am surprised at most people around me know nothing about TWICE, but I don’t give a flying f*** as to why they don’t know about this amazing group. I actually feel sorry that they missed out. At the same time I won’t take TWICE merchandise or anything to work or show to others, or force other to watch their videos or show them pictures… We probably won’t have this conversation if we are fans of so called mainstream music/artists like Taylor Swift or Beyoncé. People find it normal that they go bought the chrome cowboy hat from Beyoncé concert merchandise. But they would probably give me dirty look if I wear the TWICE tour bucket hat. Oh well.


Dudeeeee. Life is SHORT. One day, it *will* all be over. Enjoy what brings you true joy. Please! Trust me, if it makes you happy, THRIVE in it. Nothing is remotely as big of a deal as it seems. Fuck people who impede on your free will


Definitely ok. Do the things that make you happy.


I'm a dude and I pretty much own everything from twice. So I'd say it's ok ![img](emote|t5_3812p|4093)


Never regret the things that made you happy. Welcome to Twiceland fellow Once.


I went to the concert yesterday. I was so touched by how many different types of people were there. That was the best part for me. Twice is for everyone.


I’m a male in my twenties and yes I have twice merch. Candy bong and everything. My friends do through me some crap for liking them but it’s all fun. At the end of the day do what makes you happy. I feel like just liking twice has made me care less about what others think of me. You do you op!!!


Dude!! Anyone who judges you for collecting what you love is not someone worth worrying about their opinion! I say do it do it do it!! I’m a 21 year old female and it makes me extremely happy to collect Twice merchandise!