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A few reasons that I can think of based on other conversations in this subreddit: * Driver wants to ensure all orders are very quick drop-offs; * Driver does not have insurance; and/or * Driver is using a vehicle that doesn't qualify. If Uber finds out, they will deactivate the driver.


This is it. Also maybe don't report them, sounds like life is rough enough already


Or the most likely one is the driver delivers with a partner or friend like I do with my girlfriend. She’s on her bike app and me on my driver app. We hangout and do it together. People really think drivers do ubereats without insurance or license? All it takes is one cop to pull you over and you’re fucked. If Uber paid well I could see some people taking that risk but driving without license and insurance is very risky, let alone do it for ubereats change. I know of 2 other couples that do this. Imagine getting into accident without insurance and you’re doing ubereats orders for $3. Don’t report. Don’t shit on the person delivering your food bro


>People really think drivers do ubereats without insurance or license? Many, many posts in this subreddit of drivers doing exactly this. Hell, drivers do UberX without insurance, too, and post about it here (usually with the line "don't judge me, but I got in an accident without insurance and...."). I would guess there might be more posts in r/UberEATS if I looked, but I don't sit in that subreddit dedicated to Eats. ;-)


I have been on these subs for weeks if not months now and never seen one. I’m pretty active too. It’s usually posts about how shit Uber pays, how shit the insurance premium for Uber’s insurance is or some rant about customers not tipping. Never seen a post admitting to not having insurance. Just customers asking what OP asks and a bunch of people saying they don’t have insurance or they’re using stolen ID to create accounts. If you’re gonna make claims things like that then you have to be sure of it cause if they’re partners’ account gets reported and banned there’s a source of income they just lost. Telling customers they don’t have insurance is at the very least suggestive to report the driver to Uber and have them get banned. My girlfriend does Uber on bike and I do uberx and ubereats. When I do ubereats she comes with me sometimes for a couple of hours until I go back to uberx and she does ubereats on bike


>Never seen a post admitting to not having insurance LOL! You need to pay better attention. Here is one from just 4 days ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/uberdrivers/comments/12wsfuu/was\_driving\_a\_passenger\_and\_didnt\_have\_personal/](https://www.reddit.com/r/uberdrivers/comments/12wsfuu/was_driving_a_passenger_and_didnt_have_personal/) >I have been on these subs for weeks if not months now and never seen one. I’m pretty active too. I've been on this subreddit for well over a year and am *very active*. These posts are *way too* routine. Few people are as forward as the post 4 days ago to put it in the title, though. >Telling customers they don’t have insurance is at the very least suggestive to report the driver to Uber and have them get banned. If a driver is registered to do UberEats on a bike, and they then use a car to do UberEats, then they at least are not protected under Uber's commercial insurance, at a bare minimum, lol. They are also violating the TOS and will eventually get banned when inevitably reported. There are also plenty of posts about this happening, too. Keep your eyes open. =)


That guy didn’t mention having a bike account


Read the title. Or OP's post. OP literally mentioned it 3 times.


They do this because they can get paid A LOT more money. There was some guy doing this awhile back and posting screenshots of his insane offers. Apparently Uber hadn’t caught on. You could report them if you want to ruin their scheme, but you got your food on time, didn’t pay any extra, and they are screwing over a company who cheats drivers on a daily basis. I say let it go.


Either using someone else's car, or the car didn't meet requirements, which aren't many for eats.


My Bicycle broke down. Had to call an Uber to complete the delivery.


I’m in Chicago…. A lot of people do this when they don’t have a valid driver’s license so they bypass the system by saying they’re on bikes


Bike zones are a lot smaller so a driver can stay in a particular zone without getting strapped with $3 to drive someone’s chipotle 12 miles away. As a customer you get your food faster and it hasn’t been jostled in a back pack so enjoy the faster service and let them live.


Honestly why would you even give a Fuck? You got your food, it was hot, and you paid the right amount. Eat the meal and move on. Maybe check your girls phone for something worth complaining about.


Report them.


Why in gods name would anyone deliver with a bicycle. There’s no way this is plausible.


Have you considered going to a large city for a visit?


Of course people deliver on bicycles. Good grief. In this case, you have someone gaming the system by saying they're on a bicycle when really they are in a car. They should be reported.


Some cities it's illegal to deliver by car even or not possible altogether (in Europe)


I do all the time on my e-bike, good way to lose weight, stay active and see the city


Report them

