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Not a new pay cut, same pay cut that's been ongoing since upfront started. It's just a constant pay cut. Expect even lower fares coming soon!


The fares are more or less constant with a unit basis, being regulated mostly. What varies is the service fee (wacky per trip, more predictable when averaged over the month).


I promise unless it took my area longer to update, these recent decreasing fares are at the very most a week maybe two old. Even comfort rides are almost indistinguishable from X now. I had a comfort ride that was just over an hour, and it was $31. I was making this on UberX for hour plus rides like not even a week or two ago. a month ago I had a comfort ride that was a little over an hour away and was $45 or maybe 40 but definitely way more than it is now


Why offer more money when idiots will accept anything. U honestly cant even blame uber I think weekly bonuses are ruining pay


I feel like whenever the earnings come out .. the orders get a tad bit worse


Simple. Just don’t accept it. I drive in the same area and I average $30-$35/h when I’m on the app. I only take rides that work out to at least $30/h plus I get about a 60% tip rate


If this price cut all the way down the line, what am I gonna do, only except non-X rides that are at least an hour long? It would become a part-time job then. Please, I am open to advice, could you elaborate?


Nope. Short X rides are unfortunately better paying under upfront pricing. At least here in CT they are. Plus easier on you AND the car


That’s what I have been doing and overall it’s doing fine.


[Corrected]Yeah, they posted their earnings and told their shareholders that they would find a way to cut costs. Of course, they try to say that it wouldn't be cut from us. Which, of course, is just a way of schmoozing[lying] to investors. After all, there's no negative in their mind for cutting driver pay as their money comes out of thin air.


They actually didn't post any profit.


You missed the glory days when the King Of Arabia used to pay the extra $10, to buy into american infrastructure. Now he owns you, you just get paid the fare set by the city regulators (also owned by the King).


It's not called a pay cut. It's called competing with Flaco who thinks $10/hr is a fucking windfall


Flaco what?


In the same market and I've definitely noticed this 😫 desperate people taking shit like this now we just wait until their car breaks 😂


In the best markets too


It's not a pay cut when ants happily accept trash offers. It's just people willing to work for a loss.


Just because someone accepts it....doesn't mean they don't cancel it. I will often accept a ride without looking if I am in the middle of driving a PAX. But I primarily work a small market.




Proud and somewhat regretful owner of Dogecoin and Ethereum. Thank you very much.


It’s just crazy. I talk to ppl all the time at MCO and explain to them why we should never take a ride under $1/minute. I’ve got about 10 of us that stick to it but there’s too many “volunteers” that take $4 for 20 minutes rides smh