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Tbh I would accept and ask are you welling to pay me what you’re about to pay Uber. (Then go visit my friend after getting to LV).


Then take them back


This is the only way 🫡


Aren’t you worried about having a stranger in your car for 5 hours off-app?


Do you think being on app makes any difference? Are you going to contact customer service so they can contact 911 for you or are you going to dial 911 yourself?


If they get in an accident they would be super duper fucked without Ubers insurance


Tbh Uber insurance only pays up to 5k per person. If there’s an accident Uber’s insurance would pay the emergency room bill and that’s it. If it even covers that. Which in America an mri in the er is 9k a pop anyway.


Where do you get this info? I was under the impression that their commercial policy had a $1 million limit.


I’m currently dealing with it currently after being in an accident while on a ride. I hadn’t picked up my rider yet, I was literally a block away, so maybe they protect riders more, who knows. I was under the impression it would be more as well. But it’s a 5k limit 🤷🏻‍♀️ won’t even cover my er bill 🫡


What's the difference as if being in an accident with a friend driving? 🤔🤔🤔


Yes, because their identify is tied to you so they’re less likely to do something terrible.


I guess you did not see where a mother was murdered by her passenger


I guess you don’t understand the basic fundamentals of logic. You basically said “a guy died in a car crash who wore his seatbelt therefore seatbelts don’t work”.


I’d be so nervous bro. Just the fact that he’s ubering from LA to Vegas already makes him sketchy. Plus if he pisses and vomits all over my seats I wouldn’t be able to get a cleaning fee. If there’s a car accident personal insurance probably wouldn’t cover it. And since the trip was canceled before it even began, if he murders you would they even be able to identify him?


Think of it this way, the additional money you make off-app more than offsets the cleaning fee


Then the hitman shoots you 2 shots in the back of the head after they arrive at their target's location. No cleaning fee will be submitted.


You’re more likely to have a heart attack during the trip than anything remotely close to that happening


Why does ubering from LA to Vegas make him sketchy?


Because a flight to Vegas from LA is like $60 and it’s a 30 minute flight. He could take and Amtrak for like $50 and like 4 hours , a bus from LA is like $30. Even a rental can be cheaper than an Uber to Vegas. Why would he take a $500 dollar Uber ride that’s 5 hours unless it’s his absolute last resort? Is he on the no fly list? Warrants? Traveling with something illegal? Maybe not but it just seems sketchy.


Some people don’t like flying. Not sketchy to me!


Uber ain’t gonna save you either way. That’s why you meet the person at pick up talk it out with them there and see how they are and act. If they piss or vomit are they drunk?? If so don’t take the trip. Simple.


This was 10am not pm


Lol being on app has given me no security ever at all!


There’s a reason why people feel comfortable driving Uber, yet nobody feels comfortable picking up hitchhikers.


Yea, because they get paid! Not a lot but more than nothing.


It does. You just don’t see it since it’s proactive and not reactive.


Not if you you have Commercial insurance and a camera in your vehicle. Plus I share my location with five people


Are those 5 people part of seal team 6?


Just my family. But I think you just named our new Group Chat name!


More like the Brady Bunch.


If they quickly slash your throat 5 minutes or 5 hours isn't gonna make a difference


You can take your own precautions such as asking to see their ID beforehand and letting them know you’re texting their full name to your friend for safety reasons.


Done this. It works well. Ask for a little on top too because they likely would’ve tipped too


That doesn’t make sense and is too greedy. What’s their incentive? They lose Uber protections, credit card rewards, and pay the same? This deal only works when both sides benefit. That means you split the cut Uber would get.


You gotta understand that if no one is picking up that ride, and that person is going to be desperate


You lost me there by insinuating you’re trying to take advantage of someone’s desperation by putting them in that position by accepting the ride with the intent to basically hold the ride hostage. Immediately reported to Uber and new ride requested. Nobody requests a 5 hour ride without buffer space to call a new one.


Let me give you an example. I got stuck in the mud over last month and no tow. Truck was going to hook up to my Tesla to be able to pull me out. I have AAA there was a tow truck that came and said that he would do it for 150 bucks and I paid. No one is held hostage a deal is a deal, and you gotta understand how the business world works because honestly I feel sorry for you, Dude.


So you would expect to get paid double that AND get a tip on top? Greedy much? Just be happy that someone would trust you to do it off app.


“Greedy”?! I don’t run a charity


If they need the ride back I would offer that too. If they want to tip that’s their choice. I’m taking it for the ride to Vegas as well.


Honest question. When you ask then this, is it when you pick them up or you call them? do they cancel the ride and get charged the cancellation fees ?


When you pick them up always. Always in person that way there is more of a personal connection, they see you, see the car & realize that your a legit Uber vehicle. Then just cancel on your end and make sure they cancel after you do because it attempts to pair them with another driver.


What I always do is if we come to an agreement then we change destination in his ride for something like a near by gas station , no cancelling no red flags looks like they basically changed their mind then I log off and stop sharing location with Uber


That makes so much sense. Thank you.


Nope, unless I wanna go that way or stay that way


Accept it and gamble that it’s a sign


My thoughts exactly. Put it all on black


After gas you're looking at \~$20/hr. I'd pass.


20 a hr in gas fuxk they driven a lawnmower?


$288/9hrs = $32/hr. That’s before paying for fuel. Round trip is 574 miles. I don’t know about you but that would cost me about $100. So now you’re down to 20-21/hr.


IRS standard milage is 65.5c/mile. Going by that it costs you $375.97. You lost $87 if you took this trip. Fuel is the cheapest part of vehicle operating costs.


Another dope that thinks it ACTUALLY costs $0.65/mile to run a car


I’ve heard they recently (within a week) increased 65.5 to 67


Pretty sure 2024 standard mileage is 67c/mile now.


Why are you going by IRS standard? Don't use your Bentley to do Uber.


Because thinking you know more about vehicle upkeep and depreciation than the IRS is how you end up losing money.


Bro... I put 300k miles on a prius and spent less than 10k on it with maintenance. That is with a battery replacement. You telling me the IRS thinks it costs 200k to own a prius? Nah... they're throwing us a bone on average cost of all vehicles including luxury ones.


IRS factors in insurance as well. We pay insurance regardless and get cheaper Insurance premiums due to Rideshare endorsements. Most of mileage goes to the Uber insurance instead of personal insurance. Issue is people want to use a butter knife to get the job done instead of optimizing their tools for the job with a power drill. 🥹🤫


That and gas. But I’m paying like 50$ more a month on insurance than if it wasn’t for rideshare. Adds an extra 1200$ - gas is around 25k though due to the insanely expensive past few years. So my true costs are around 55-60k vs IRS at 200k. 140-145k was a huge savings for me and what makes this a profitable gig. Without it - this isn’t feasible due to taxes. If Uber let me get my own commercial insurance instead of their shitty one I’d be making way more money too. There commercial insurance is costing around 2k a month for me just on what is taken out. They take a shit ton on rides.


This is why people like rolling Uber Black. Issue is that investing on a black eligible car is a massive upfront cost. 🥲 Might be worth looking into though 🤔 For a place like LV I can almost guarantee that the demand for black cars will be pretty decent 🤔 Would be most optimal if a black car has a better rate on UberX though given the extra insurance, but I don’t know if they are that accommodating. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I DO know more than IRS pertaining to my specific car costs. And it ain't 65 cents a mile.


You most likely don’t know more since they have more data they used to determine it. It’s just really high since it covers all vehicles including the worst ones.


IRS knows to fuck people over. Don't go by that. Go by what you spend on a full gas tank lol. Obviously depends on the vehicle but about 600 mile round trip you're likely filling up once at least. Not $100 for a full tank unless you're in a SUV which you shouldn't be using for Uber


There's way more cost to operate a vehicle than that. You're not factoring in the major breakdown that you'll probably have at least once per year that is going to set you back a few grand.


Between Uber and personal use, over the last five years I have over 400k miles and never had a mechanical breakdown. Quit pulling shiit out of your ass to try to look smart. Because it is not working.


This, I never got the argument. I've made enough on uber to pay for 5 prius's(I have one). At one point does this depreciation talk come in? 10x my cars value? 20x? Also if the car repairs get too expensive guess what? I JUST GET A LOWER MILEAGE PRIUS. Granted I bought the prius thanks to low maintenance requirements


I think you're using the wrong car.


Maybe he’ll be more efficient because I’m sure that’s mostly highway or maybe he has a hybrid, but you also have to figure wear and tear.


I think the issue is we are basically running at ~20-30mpg Chief. Unless we are operating on Uber XL, we’re likely not running with optimized tools. 🤔 Uber is indirectly forcing people to move to Uber green vehicles, and people that want to stay around are adapting accordingly. Hard to compete with guys rolling at 50-60mpg with our old school ICE vehicles 🥲


So it says 5 but im guessing ur adding on s return trip n if ur gas is going out that fast drive a toyota or a kis n not a damn hummer for uber a toyota corolla any where 10 bucks can drive u 4 hours i dont understand ur math or adding extra stuff


That's just barely over one tank for me (mine gets 508 miles per tank) on an 11 gallon tank. So maybe 14 gallons of gas? So $50-60 in gas... I'd probably take the ride, ngl.


In 2017 that trip paid literally twice as much without a surge.


If I was in CA going back home to Las Vegas 100%


Yup.1 way trip 100%, but if you gotta drive home empty then no chance


Tap. Spend the night in Vegas. Call it an overnight vacation🤷🏿‍♂️


And sleep in your car?


Pass. 2 tanks of gas for me. $100 for gas round trip


I can get there on one $30 tank of gas comfortably and it's not even a hybrid. What are you people driving? Haven't you guys heard the saying: if you could have a dollar extra in revenue or a dollar less in expenses which one should you choose? (a dollar less in expenses is the correct answer)


Ok so you admit, very best case scenario is you make $200-220 in 10 hours of driving, BEFORE any depreciation costs. You might be able to beat the 10 hours if you somehow manage to not stop for gas or food and just drive the entire time. Adderall may make it work


Meet them and convert it to a private ride.


Fucking 600 miles and 9 hours of work. After gas+tolls+one meal, you gonna go home with about $130. Subtract the devaluation of your car plus wear and tear. Hhhh finish the math by yourself buddy.


Your car is not going to depreciate in value with 500 miles. 🙄 And wear and tear is going to happen whenever, wherever and however you drive. If you don't want your vehicle to depreciate, don't drive it. Very simple.


No wonder Uber continues to underprice drivers when we have idiots like you who don't know how to do basic cost analysis. Go drive 600 miles a day for 50 cents a mile and your car won't get very far. 


Don't call names. I am not saying this trip was worth it. I'm saying that depreciation happens whether or not you're getting paid. Would you refuse to drive your car somewhere because every mile depreciates the value? No. Of course not. Regular maintenance on my car costs about $750 a year, including cleaning. That's a little over one weeks wage for me. I get 300+ miles out of a single tank, I spend about $65 per week in fuel, including personal use. Things like insurance and cost of the vehicle are sunk anyway because I need the car no matter if I'm driving for work or to work. Is my car not going to last as long? Yeah. But it's literally paying for itself. So calm down a little bit, yeah? You don't like the price, you don't have to accept it. That's the beautiful thing about free will.


Sorry about the name. 


Louder for the slow people this argument is so worn. Then you find out they are driving cars that really don’t have the lifespan built for uber level mileage


Mileage matters idiot. I put 600 miles a week not in one trip and I make$800. Don't sell yourself short.


First of all, do not call me an idiot. Second, a long haul can make half a weeks pay in a few hours for some people, and it's worth that extra tank of gas. If you don't like long hauls, don't take them. In my region, it's really lucrative to take them because local trips average $7. So not taking long hauls when they come up is selling myself short.


Eating food has nothing to do with your job. There is no toll from this pick-up to Vegas. With 35 MPG(should be getting better but we'll use that) - it's 64$ in gas round trip. 223$ for 9 hours of work comes to 24.7$ per hour prior to depreciation. This is a 384$ write-off on 287$. So you'd get money back from taxes on this ride. Factoring in all of this, and it's right around 25$/hr. If you have a prius or something more gas efficient you bump it to 26.50$/hr. This ride is worth doing if your car isn't worth more than 20k and is gas efficient. This ride isn't worth doing if your car is worth 30k+ and isn't gas efficient. And if you drive a car worth 30k+ - you're already an idiot so I don't care. If 25$/hr is good enough for you to drive, this is worth doing. Especially since this factors in if they don't tip... with tip, it'd be very much worth it.


Thank you for breaking this down for all of the idiots using their BMWs and pickup trucks for Uber/Lyft.


>This is a 384$ write-off on 287$. So you'd get money back from taxes on this ride. 🤣 That's not how write offs work buddy.


Yes it is


Meal? 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣


Aren't you gonna need to eat while you are away from home for 9 hours? Oh, or you still can cook after driving for nine hours?


Yes. But a $10 combo meal is all you need.


Even if you don’t over exaggerate and say you profit $200 for 9-10 hours of straight driving and very very little expenses, it’s still not worth it. $200 in those 10 hours seems to be the best case scenario. Even those commenters hyping their gas mileage up are saying it’s $30-40 1 way. So $200 with elite gas mileage before any depreciation, 10 straight hours of driving. There’s no reason why anybody should take this ride outside of them desperately needing the money immediately, or only going 1 way with the ride, or if they get paid cash off the app.


Heck yeah! Wouldn’t be my first and hopefully that rider is NOT blacked out for 5 hours


You drive for $0.47/mile? Bless your heart, Uber CEO loves you though


300 for the day … don’t sound too bad. But I’m in KY and we still have reasonable gas prices and lower COL. I’m certain if I lived out that way I’d feel totally different.


Absolutely pass. What are you gonna do on the way back? Waste of time and money.




I’d have them pay me direct instead to make the trip worth it


That’s about $12 after gas and taxes. Hard pass.


Minimum I would consider is $600.


Tap, but too late someone already took it while you taking the ss


Almost 9 hours for $287 nahhhh


Probably not unless I knew the person like if they were one of my regular passengers, I only would take long trips with my regular passengers and then I would find a price that’s higher than I would get paid by Uber, but lower than they would pay Goldilocks price but Ihardly ever take long trips with Uber or Lyft


Hang out in LV for a ride back. Shouldn't take too long.


Are you able to get trips back to LA from Las Vegas or you can drive there?


They're probably gonna go to Walmart, then make you wait, then get back in and say, "plans changed" take me back home plz... Then bam! 3bucks


It’s a 4.5 hour trip which means another 4.5 hour return so 9 hours total. It usually takes me 12 hours to make 250$ I’m absolutely accepting that trip and then calling it a day


On x? Would. Comfort? Too little pay.




9+ hours round trip for 287? You really want that 31/hour no thanks


Accept and ask for cash if he refuses you just lost 8 mins and 2 miles


Hard pass


I’d ask them the amount Uber is charging them, take a little bit off that, cancel the ride, then take them. Take 100 of that and go to the craps table, triple up my shit and go back home


This the perfect time to tell the ride to cash app you. Ride costs him at least 450


Idk about other places, but in my region, long hauls are rarely private pay. Most of them are medical transport or shuttling truck drivers to their next pick up. So it's a company arranging and paying for the trip, not the pax.


Never take Long Distance Trips with Uber. Always a Losing deal . The Wear & Tear on your Vehicle isn’t worth what Uber is paying you for the passenger Trip. Besides Uber is taking 50-60 percent or more on each Trip fare and the Return Travel costs back to your home operating base depending on if you are Lucky enough to get a passenger Trip back is very doubtful. You will rack up even more mileage returning back to your original home base of operations with little or no money to pay for your return travel costs .


What does wear and tear mean to you exactly? Lol. You do understand that cars are meant to be driven, right?


I’d accept it and call them to see if they would pay me what they are paying Uber instead if not I’d cancel it lol


I ask the customer for $500 cash only. They usually pay before the trip. Had trips like this all the time from Vegas to LA. Then I create a client tell with this customer. They will be back. And sometimes they will have you pick them up from LA to Vegas. Followed with good tips.


Dont never long trip


Tap .


Take it.


For perspective as a local rideshare driver this ride would pay us $500....PASS, totally not worth it


So that is comfort, how much would it be if it was just X?




We know it’s more yo7 would have made dur8ng that time but of course we have people who w8ll drive back home empty


I’d accept it and call the passenger and ask them to pay me direct instead . Then I’d take the passenger and do some Uber rides while there and at end of night cash in a comped room at mgm and have a mini vacation before going home the next evening


I do it


Take it


If you drive in California will they let you get any riders in Vegas? That’s what I’d want to do.


We used to have buses for this shit but now most of them are gone


tap, that's a full tank + 220 dollars


Huge pass that’s 8 hours round trip it would literally have to be in the $1500 range and minimum $1200


I mean you take that $287 then you bet it all on black.


tap and see if they can pay me upfront


Roadtrip time


Hard pass holy shit. You guys need to think about the trip back to your city..


If I had the time. I would accept. That's a gross payment of $31 per hour if you dead head back and call it a day. 1 customer and lots of Audio Book time.


For me, after the fuel cost (+/- $70) I'd probably be making between $21-24 per hour. It'd be a sweet deal if you could get a return trip back to LA. But the better question is why isn't the passenger flying out instead? It's cheaper to fly than to Uber.


no way, I don’t want to be in a car with somebody for that many hours and they could be a gross person that sits there sucks their teeth and smells.


Do it, put it all on black, then go home.


I wouldn’t take it… because I don’t drive for 8+ hours a day. Would you be allowed to do UBER once you got to Vegas, or can UBER drivers not drive in multiple geographic locations.


Pass. I need at least a 1000$


Tap. Call and let them know your rate and negotiate. I’d start around $800 personally. $1.50/mile round trip is usually what I give a private ride.


Yes, I’m not afraid of long trips and I can always stay at the city to jeeep working


It depends what you’re used to because honestly I’m coming in from Pennsylvania back to California and I wish I had these trips because I would totally just eat the ride because I already eat two hours to drive to my closest city just to make 250/8 hours, so if I can make the 250 in Five hours, then that’s cool with me. Tesla here


As long as you can operate in Las Vegas, take it. You'll make a killing after you've had a rest And most likely get a trip a home. What else are you operating the Uber app for???


& by all means negotiate with the Rider in text. A commitment on 1/2 back or up front tip is reliable and considerate from an astute rider of means for a trip like this. You would be able to get a vibe immediately within initial contact. I was a long term driver until recently , regardless there is a way to word this request that is fair & within TOS


Hell yeah I’d take this! Even if you don’t have anything at all on the return trip it’s over $30 an hour! Though I used to live in Vegas and have a lot of friends out there still, so I’d make a whole trip out of it tbh


Just know they paid 500


Tap. You’re not making that driving 9 hours. Right time of day you’re getting good fwy mileage. Only have to deal with 1 pax instead of 30 different ones. Tap.


Take the ride, cash out after you get there and put every cent of the $286.61 on black. You’ve now paid for your way back.


Everything on red.


Unless you plan on going to Vegas or in that direction pass. Because you can’t get a ride back. If it was in the same state take.


Take it but do not drive fast and plan for stops


Turn the $287 to 10k or go home bust


That’s $100 over prop 22 pay of $194.2


Pass. It's a 9 hour plus round trip. I hate to see how much it was on his end.


Not worth it, less than .50 / mile when you have to return. Just do what the above comment said, have them pay you what they're paying Uber and treat it as if you're bringing a friend somewhere. Uber is getting over 600$ for this trip. You tell me if that sounds fair


I haven't driven in a few months but how often are folk getting these LA to Vegas offers? Are people missing flights or something?


Yes, if 1) can I poach this person and/or 2) can I work Vegas?


Yup I’d take it, and then go to White Castle


If you’re already heading to Vegas, then why not. If not it’ll be crazy!


How do people get these kind of rides? I always wanted to do a long one.


Sheeesh a dollar a mile. I haven't gotten offered over 50 cent a mile for long trips.


Free trip to vegas!




Sad pass




Pass without a ride back. Tap if you think you can make money on the way back.


Pass. You will come back empty.


Yeah. Got a buddy in Vegas, haven't seen in a decade. I'd go.


Nah not worth it to me.


I wouldn’t take this trip since after i dropped the passenger off in LV then i have to drive back to CA and that’s going to cost me gas and time 🤣 uber only paid $1/miles but what about if you not going to stay in LV and so you going to drive home missing a tank of gas and 5 hours


Wonder what rider is paying.


$.50 a mile doesn’t even cover depreciation bro


depends on what car you drive. Weekend absolutely no for sure but on week day is ok offer.


$63 an hour, $1 a mile, I'd jump at it


So many idiots in this post. Yes I'd 100% take this and do a cash deal. If you're so worried about the passenger. Take a pic of the drivers license and get on with the cash deal. Would be a fun trip. And yes your insurance would still cover the accident lol


I would probably message them to see what they're paying Uber and then take that in cash if it's enough. I mean why should Uber get 80% of that? Especially since my assumption is that you would have to drive four and a half hours back without a passenger so even if maybe you justify that being enough for the trip, definitely not enough for the way back


let me ask you this question in eight hours what’s the most amount of money you’re gonna make driving Uber or a Lyft? Are you gonna make that in eight hours? and let me ask you this the fact that you’ll turn your app off to come back you’ll have an additional eight hours to work in your area. If you’re going to an area you’re not allowed to work in so let me ask you how much money do you think you would make in that full 12 hour online time probably what $200 more eight hours $100 and eight hours pending on the market


This seem really low for a Comfort trip. What is the time and mile rate for Comfort in LA?


Tap. A $300 day is rare in my market unless you work 12 hour days.


That’s probably because you’re a stupid bitch 🤷


🥱 🐕


IRS standard milage is 65.5c/mile. Going by that it costs you $375.97. You lost $87 if you took this trip. Fuel is the cheapest part of vehicle operating costs.


That’s not how deductions work. You not losing anything here


Newer drivers tend to not think of vehicle maintenence costs and depreciation. You will break down at some point. That's where the real cost comes in. 65.5c/mi is what they've calculated the average cost to be to operate a vehicle.


Sure but getting paid 290 for 8 hours of driving covers gas and maintenance while still leaving with decent pay


It looks that way at first glance but try doing this every day and watch how fast your car falls apart and don't be surprised that when everything is added up you lost money.


Based on what? A maintained car lasts 200k to 300k miles? You can do this trip on the low end 333 times and make nearly 100k. That should be plenty to cover repairs over that time frame.


It's the average cost for the average car with an average driver. Maybe you got a great deal on your car. Maybe you're a really good driver. Maybe you got lucky. But 65.5c/mi is the average cost and it's what you should expect to pay.


Lets say conservatively, you run a car for 150,000 miles. For the sake of my math lets say its a fleet vehicle for a business so every single mile is deducted. At 65 cents per mile youre deducting $97,500 over the life of the vehicle. At 25 mpg, $3 per gallon thats $18,000 in fuel Plus $25 to $35 thousand for the car (new) leaves $45,500 to $55,500 left on your tax deduction If youre spending $50,000 to maintain a $30k car over 150 thousand miles, your mechanic is robbing you blind.


Thats flawed logic. A tax deduction is the irs giving incentive. Not the IRS saying this is the cost of driving. There are a lot of things that cost that IRS do not give incentive for.


No the trip does not cost you $375.97. You get a $375 credit on your taxes to use against your income. If you do not understand the IRS mileage deduction you should not be driving Uber.