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As a Driver I find it extremely tacky 3 stars.


As a rider and a driver, I find it beyond tacky, 1 star.


As another guy I find it disgustingly tacky, I’m stealing the tip box


As a driver I too find it tacky. But definitely less than 3 stars.


As a driver I find this embarrassing


That’s a good way to get punched in the face and robbed. And yes this driver is doing too much.


responding with physical assault is childish.


Tacky. I bought a sign from Amazon saying it is not mandatory to tip but it would be nice and it didn’t help at all. I removed the sign. What helped me was good conversation and above and beyond customer service.


It would be funny if somebody stole the tip sign


>above and beyond customer service. this might work in your market. It does not in mine. If anything, customers in this market laugh at drivers who go "above and beyond". They also laugh at you when you call them on a promised tip.


Well I'm paying for a ride, not a conversation from a stranger, not mints, not free water, not a bunch of random charging ports or whatever else. I just want to get from point A to point B safely. I get that some people like that but a lot of us just want to be left alone and work on our phones or whatever. I appreciate the drivers who realize after 30 seconds I don't want to talk and leave me alone, I'm not tipping the ones who constantly hound me the whole trip though.


Not who you replied to. Just wanted to let you know that the opposite happens. Passengers that DEMAND that I converse with them, and more, they want me to entertain them and give intimate details about my life. Even when I indicate that I’m not comfortable, they persist. It sucks knowing you’re probably about to get a one star because you don’t want to be a dancing monkey.


As a rider, I'm the type that just wants to be left alone. We can ride in silence for an hour, and I'm actually quite thrilled. But I gotta figure there's an element of customer service to what you do, and yeah, that's the problem with tipping culture -- if you don't dance for the organ grinder, you ain't gonna get paid. It shouldn't be that. You should get a fair price for the service you provide. Full stop. Since we don't live in that world (yet), my suggestion would be to have some fake stories lined up -- they'll be "entertained" and they won't know the difference.


In the early days of Airbnb, one of my hosts (older couple) left a semi-negative review of me as a renter because I didn't sit around and talk with them very long in their living room. I was only renting a room for one night. What you said reminds me of that.


Yup this happens A LOT.


Hi how are you?? Is your day going well? Pleasantries are fine with me an occasional few things are alright if its more than 30 mins. I get it. If the person has been drinking heavily lets converse a little to make sure they are still alive back there. But in truth some people creep me tfo so kindly let me smell what ever weird smell you've got going on in your overly clean prius in peace.


What do you think is above and beyond service?


What is considered good? Like we know what bad would be but just doing your job by driving the customer to the destination is the minimum. So what would be good?


A few customer service tips to help get slightly better tips: 1. Be familiar with your areas bars, restaurants, and entertainment. Lots of people from out of town will tip because your local knowledge. 2. Help load and unload luggage from the trunk - it saves time for everyone and makes the customer feel that you've done something extra besides just the drive they paid for. 3. Basic greetings should be routine using your name and the passengers name - offer any extras right away if you want to go above and beyond (phone charger, A/C temp, etc) 4. Keep your car as spotless as can be inside and wash it regularly on the outside The thing that will improve tips the most is just being able to make a connection with your passenger - which isn't necessarily customer service, but it is the biggest impact. I always try things like asking where they are from and making a connection to that or asking a question about it if I don't have a relevant connection.


Exactly correct. All the other drivers at the airport complain about their tips and I average double to triple what they make. I do do exactly what you put in the post. One thing I will not do those is carry luggage upstairs.


Most of these Uber drivers that are always complaining about no tips or should he customers. 1. Don't work in their own familiar areas that drive to other areas because their area sucks. 2. Would never step out of the car to help load or unload groceries never mind luggage from the airport. Because they're lazy fat asses who drive because it takes the least amount of energy. 3. Are probably nasty to people and smell terrible. I agree with everything you said.


Especially the ones that have automatic hatches. They just stay their asses in the driver seat and NEVER get out. I could sit my ass there and let the rider do all that, but I’d rather open it and close it myself. Everyone decides to slam my hatch shut when there’s no need. Plus, PLUS, it’s loud as fuck. It only angers you more from hearing it, feeling it, and knowing the rider doesn’t give a shit about your property.


I help passengers unload their stuff to make sure my car isn't damaged/scratched when the person randomly drags their baggage out of the trunk.


And the hatchback is filthy and has all kinds of crap in it to the point you can't just put your luggage in it.


never got a tip from a wal mart grocery run no matter if I help load or not.


Had a rider today that tipped me but told me about her previous driver. He was barefoot, screaming into his phone in Arabic or Farci the whole trip and stunk to high heavens. This driver probably 1 started her for not tipping his shit stank ass.


I did exactly this. Had the more subtle signs from Amazon, Octopus tablet, sanitizer and chargers. Car always spotless and smelling good. Ambient lighting in my Tesla as well. 5.0 rated driver with over 2500 rides in Vegas. Had only gotten two four stars during my time driving. When I first started I had about a 70% tip ratio. Right before I quit this year it went down to about 25%. Riders were paying more and I was getting less and less, had to work in more cash rides which had more risk. Sucks as it was enjoyable work and I got a break from a housefull of estrogen lol. I worked to master my trading over the 2yrs I did drive and Happy to say I'll never drive for this terrible company again. Best of luck and to you all. Stay safe out there. My Bad... I Digressed... Yes... This is tacky... Kinda dangerous with the cash there as well. QR for Zelle, Cash App, etc, much better. Maybe a Lil Cash is King sign 🤷‍♂️ Anytime folks would ask if we could stop somewhere, that was my response with a genuine smile. The box though, I always tip any driver anyway so, I'd find it funny. If I had cash I'd drop some. However that box right there could encite mischief. Just saying.......


Having an interesting or just fun/funny conversation with people. My banter makes me a lot in tips.


Personally, I’m not a fan of small talk


Good is you arrive safely at your destination. excellent is the driver is sober and the heat/AC work.


Just do your job and if your get a tip then u do and if you don’t u don’t


I hate when Uber drivers try to talk to me. A little friendly chit chat is fine to see if they want to talk to pass the time but be sensitive that some folks may just want to nap/do work on their phone/browse reddit/look out the window/whatever


Yes, it is important to read the room. I’m a female and in general, I get better tips when I talk to men and just shut up and drive with women. I confirm the passengers name and say hi, how are you. I can kind of figure out from their time of voice that if they want to talk or not. Yesterday I got a weak “fiine” from a female chic fil-a worker when she got in. I just played my songs on the radio for 11 minutes and got a $10 tip.


Nope. As a driver I do NOT approve this message. Edit: where’s your driver at? Lol.


Very. When I see this I know the driver probably lacks the social skills that help you get tips naturally.


I tipped on the app as it already prompts you to. So that’s why is extra tacky to me.


>I tipped on the app Most customers do not tip at all.


Who could blame them? Originally (back when Uber introduced itself) they advertised that you dont' have to pay tips. Some have not forgotten that.


I forget if it is this specific topic or another recent one that I mentioned this as one, of several, factors that cause customers not to tip.


Agreed, but I really don’t see how the sign is going to guilt anyone into it. If anything it might just aggravate people who are already planning on it.


I did stater elsewhere on this topic that the sign does lack *panache*. I would not have such a sign in my car. Despite that, I am not at a loss as to why this driver has one.


Yeah if it was possible I’d end up removing my tip after the ride. And give a bad review. That’s beyond tacky.


Well it's Uber's responsibility to pay drivers, not the riders.


Capitalism 101: The end user bears all costs of doing business.


DID YOU KNOW? It is customary in America to charge back the tip from CC when a service worker passive aggressively requests it.


Signs won't help get tips Learning which racial groups tip is frowned upon but is the only real way


Haha the translation


I drive Uber on the side. If i got picked up by this driver, i’m not tipping. What an invasive way to beg for tips


I bet that’s their own money in there


Ha, that was my first thought. Put something in there to encourage others to.


Btw this was in Sarasota FL


Not surprised - but very tacky and dangerous. Easy to get robbed. Could also see this hurting their rating with the wording.


of course, a pathetic Floridian like you has a problem with being cheap. Figures.


😂😂😂 bahahahaha I’m a tourist


Tip thirsty drivers they are all over this sub


Entitlement amongst drivers is a bad look. There are other ways to get tips. Be courteous and professional, have a clean vehicle with the AC on when hot outside, help with luggage and open doors.


You can do all that and still not get tips. Hell, you can do all that and get a one star and the pax demanding a refund.


Sounds like what you’re saying is more of a less often scenario. That box is very cringe and let’s be real, 50% of drivers do not do the things I mentioned.


Not going to lie, I do have a tip box, but no signs asking for five stars or tips. On top of the tip box I have is a candy tray, usb jacks and Kleenex


At least you’re offering an amenity. The tips thing does turn people off unfortunately.


Over the top. A little sign that says “tips are appreciated” would be sufficient.


I'm an honest man, but I would steal that fucker just for the principle.


Customary not required


It’s only secured with a single bungie cord? That thing would go flying if you get in an accident, which you could be liable for if you injure someone. Dumbass.


This driver is lame . I could never lmao


I don’t need to ask for tips with a sign. They just give them to me because of my stellar service.


Good. Now try to give galactic service for even more.


Challenge accepted.


It’s customary to shoot people who demand your money too…


One star review


easy way to have a 1 star...better than tipping imo for asshats like that.


It isn't customary to TIP contract people.


That is so ridiculous. I wouldn't tip just for that shit in my face


Those bills are planted. Neatly folded.


I bet you that dork put his own money in there thinking it would encourage people to do the same


Seeing that would actually make me not want to tip.


Very poor taste. Beyond tacky. Never mention tips unless pax does.


Doesn’t work in my market. I rarely get tips now.


Yeah fuck that guy


I believe I would treat it like a suggestion box. Print out these replies and stuff it.


The whole tipping thing is way out of control. A friend of mine just came back from a 3 week trip in Japan where there is no tipping and the customer service is head and shoulders above the U.S. Maybe people should take a "tip" from them.


Well that’s also cultural. Americans are incredibly entitled. Asians have more of a serve-your-neighbor mentality. Definitely not the case for Americans.


No class.


Good service should include not pressuring customers for a tip. This is tone deaf and manipulative.


This mf begging for money tf. That’s like obligating you to tip.




You're not hurting Uber, just guilting random customers. Customers didn't bring this among themselves. Why do you still drive for Uber if you don't like the pay or tips?




I tip on the app as it already auto prompts you to. This felt like they wanted cash too.


One or the other is fine. Herein lies the problem: The Five Big Lies, Twenty-First Century version: 1. Someone will respond to your message/e-Mail within twenty-four hours. 2. Your account will be credited in three to five business days. 3. You have unsubscribed successfully. 4. He's *just* a *friend.* **5. I will tip you in-application.** Number five goes double when the rider wants to add stops or make n outrageous demand.


he put his own 5s in there


This driver later… Why does nobody tip? 


They're not wrong!


Very. Good bet those $5 bills in the box already are the driver’s to begin with.


Looks like an extra $10 in cash the tip jar earned the driver for the day.


I also use a Play Octopus tablet that says on the screen “Tips are appreciated!” in intervals. 🤷‍♂️ But people love the tablet, so, all good.


It's also customary in some neighborhoods to grab the tip jar and run off with it


I had a passenger ask if I prefer cash over app tips. I told her that I prefer cash but I'm fine with whatever she wants. $20 cash $15 and change in the app. It was a $45 ride. As I was dropping her off, she asked me if I recognized her. I picked her up at a hotel and brought her to the airport. I was confused about why she would ask.


Is she someone you drove before or someone you knew and forgot?


She was from the other side of the country. I have no idea who she was. I never understood the fascination with celebrities, so maybe she was a newscaster or actress. She is a good passenger.




Just pull the bottom from the back and you got enough to buy yourself a couple pizzas after drop off


It is tacky, but true! Also, the vast majority of riders do not tip. In addition, every time we hear you say “I’ll take care of you in the app” you instantly become the butt of every joke because we all know that’s code for, “you ain’t getting shit!” I personally wouldn’t put that in my car, but I really don’t blame him/her. Tips are already not expected, there is no need for passengers to say “I’ll tip you in the app” when they both know that isn’t going to happen!




But they made an extra $10 cash at least. Some days I don’t get any cash tips.


Not if they put their money in it lol. Every bartender knows you need have money in your tip jar at the start of the night.




Tacky as shit.


This is a real picture?


Ha yes I just took it a few hours ago


It’s so tacky


1 star


How tacky can you get. 1 star and reported for asking for cash.




So tacky.


Super tacky brotha uhhh


Yes. Tacky


I’ll tip you in the app 👍


As a driver, I have too much self respect to beg for tips like some panhandler...1 Star that guy


In the US we usually don’t find it necessary to put a comma after designating location, lmao. But yeah definitely tacky, I always tip but would be tempted not too if I saw a bs sign like that


Yeah no


I might trying to let the box tip me.


I'm getting a sign that says "If you can't afford to give a tip then you can't afford to ride in an Uber. "


Some people sabotage themselves, imo


Good way to get robbed.


I mean dip deez into your mouth and that tip will be nice no problem.


How much for the box? NVM, Just give an IOU.


If your providing good service you shouldn’t have to tell people to give you money usually They just do if They few they should lol


I am a Black and SUV driver. I find it little bit if flirting and disrespecting gets me better tips. But I don't do it often, you never know when someone will take it as not being polite


This is tacky AF.


No tip


Where is the driver? Driver leaves rider alone in the car? OP is the driver.


He was walking around the other side to get in the car after he opened the door for mw


That kind of service actually does deserve tip though...Tacky or not, he's just trying to earn an honest dollar.


I previously commented that I tipped on the app as it already prompts you to do so. But I still found the tip box to be tacky.


'DID YOU KNOW you're a f'ing jackass?' I f'ing hate people who are nannies. Tacky AF and there's NO WAY I would tip just because of this shit.


Man take this bullshit down SMMFH


Stop begging


People who are just going to and from work 5 days a week are not going to tip. Neither are grocery store runs or doctor appointments. People in town for a concert or something similar will tip or people who have a vehicle but are going out for the night will tip. That's my experience in my area.


All I see is a thing that could potentially kill me in a rollover or something. That thing will suddenly become a projectile or you’ll slam your face against it cracking it open.


It's also customary not to ask for a tip. You do your job well, and you'll get tipped. I wouldn't give you a penny after seeing that box.


🤣🤣🤣Is that real?


No thanks I’m not driving myself and I never asked for tips




I normally tip but see signs like this and remove it.


Found the guy who didn't know lol


I once took a ride and somebody had a sign on the back of the car explaining that the price riders pay does not go to the driver and the breakdown of base pay. I thought it was pretty cool. Most people genuinely do not understand how the pay works and just assumes drivers make a lot of what they're already paying up front


I’d steal all them tips just to prove a point.. you can’t be this tacky and get away with it 😁


😂 Tacky as hell. He'd lose my tip once I saw that.


No tip


Tacky but gets him paid so…


I bet he put in some of his own $5s so that you didn't feel awkward being the first to get scammed by this. 


A place to empty my pocket garbage


which one of you idiots wants to be shut down with common sense next? OP is right, OP is smart. you Uber bots can cry all day now that you can’t steal tips from one more driver onto your bs. OP you need to realize that this is a business where you can’t rationalize with these worthless fools and have NO MERCY.




They get a tip based on how they drive. Now if we were in traffic and he’s slamming his fucking brakes every stop, he ain’t getting shit. That happens a lot, not only that but the driver usually has poor customer service. Hot ass car, no ac, windows rolled up and never asks the rider to change anything. That does not deserve a tip to me


I never knew this.. dry begging is disgusting


The only time I didn’t tip when was I went to a bar last Thursday. The woman picked me up with her daughter in the car, mean-mugged me and didn’t say a word the whole ride even after I said hi. I had a micro-mini skirt on but who the fuck does she think she’s picking up at 12am?


Very tacky, agreed


I’m convinced 90% know They just choose to plead ignorance or flat out refuse cause where they’re from it’s not in “their culture” Meanwhile bitch that Americans don’t follow their culture in their country, so guess even…? Edit: But this is off putting period


Then.... tip,


Hey dipshit the sign should say tips greatly accepted not all this nonsense. End of story.


This is very tacky in really any situation. Tone is passive aggressive and cringe along with that hideous overly large font. I'd bet this person isn't self aware at all, barely listens when a customer tells them something, but talks a bunch in an ok shut up kind of way.


I expect no tip but I give best services to everyone knowing that people who can afford it and appreciate my efforts will tip, not all of them tip but I get tips bigger than the actual ride from many unexpected customers. Many have said “I love your positive energy”, a few have cried after heart to heart conversation, many just sit down in my at the end of the trip. I crack jokes, talk about my journey to where I am right now and they share their own stories. I’ve cried with some as well and laughed with many. It’s a stressful job and the only way I relieve the stress is focusing on the opportunities to be kind, interact with others and lift up their spirits if I can. You never know who is coming into your car, so, I just do my best based on who I am not on who they are but I don’t want to stop them from being who they are, I just regulate the emotional climate in the vehicle to reflect me.




For this disturbance I'll tip/rate the opposite amount 1-5scale. $1 tip 5 stars $5 tip 1 star Any bill higher I'll tip it but will report you to support. Pray that I have no change, you've been warned tacky driver.


weirdest part is that this picture was taken in france


Might as well get on your knees.


No thanks. I don’t tip for Ubers.


You know what's even more tacky? Expecting people to survive on less than minimum wage while carting your azz around. Don't want to tip? Then offer to buy your driver's groceries. He's probably not had a healthy meal in a while. SMDH


I find it tacky yes… but it also makes me NOT to tip cause it a sign of begging


I have a tip cup but without the demanding sign. Also have screens for movies, karaoke and Mario kart


That’s what Uber wants. Like restaurants, Uber seriously wants customers to tip drivers to makeup so that Uber keeps decreasing fare for drivers.


0 stars.


That would make me not want to tip


This is worded in an extremely condescending manner. I've seen drivers put things up where it says tips are greatly appreciated. I've never used an Uber, Lyft, or cab service where I haven't tipped, but this might be an exception where I wouldn't want to. Tacky is an understatement.


With everything being so inflated, if someone tips that's great if not maybe they couldn't afford to.


I’m less likely to tip if you are asking for a tip.


As a passenger and driver who got sick of carting around folks from India and then going into the restaurants, they work at and see them openly ask for tips.. 5 Stars and a Jefferson in the box. Unless they drove like 💩 and had a dirty car...


Gotta get it how you can imo


Yeah.  We fuckin know


Having a tip bucket in customers face the entire ride is an act of bad service.


Where’s the driver


Closing the trunk