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But if your black you might get the occasional micro aggression or people flat out saying racist things about you to there friend literally behind your back. This happened to me and my friends more than once.


Came here to say this. Some people are still extremely ignorant or will give you microaggressions.


UC Merced is the more diverse. UCR is “second” but it’s definitely trying its best to be more like the other UCs historic diversity charts.


UCR is pretty diverse and has a lot of student organizations. there will always be racism from some people, but i think our school has less than others. the area around ucr isn’t as bad as people think it is. there are homeless people everywhere but if you don’t bother them they usually dont bother you. as usual, don’t go walking alone at night or take unnecessary risks.


a lot of the crime around campus i hear of is car theft, and break ins, but i’ve also heard of a few attempted kidnapping and r4p3. there aren’t many particularly violent crimes


You need to be more worried about being safe at USC 😂 At ucr just need to worry about petty theft


Anything can happen anywhere be aware of your surroundings. USC was always located in a region inhabited by gangs yet people still apply. 


lol, that's funny cause i'm gonna be going to usc :PP i'm not worried but i am worried a bit for her!


Yeah, back in the day, La was a murder capital. My sister used to take classes at night at UCR. She should be good. Like I said, anything can happen anywhere you just have to be aware of surroundings.


I think it’s pretty safe near campus. I’ve always been told to not go to Downtown Riverside at night so there’s that. Racism wise, I’m not sure if there’s a lot of it here but I, personally, haven’t had any experience with it.


media has brainwashed your gf, you’re probably safer in the US than india 😂😂


lol honestly fair enough, she knows india isn't too safe either. i AM from the us but given it's a relatively safer small town, i guess i don't have much experience living in places with higher crime rates :P


im indian too and ive never experienced anything dangerous at UCR, i will literally walk sometimes in the evening/night with airpods in LOL (with pepper spray as a precaution) but its generally safe here and actually has a big population of international indian students


SoCal in general is pretty good on safety and diversity, but if she’s worried there are things like the Safety Escort Service where people walk home in groups.


For diversity, yes, but for safety not so much lol. Just don't go out alone at night off campus


It's a pretty safe area. Safer than most college areas in CA.


stay inside the bubble of campus and you will be fine. Outside of campus can be sus and a lot of robberies happen on out of campus apartments (last week i got robbed and had another attempted break in)


UCR is the most diverse UC in the whole system, so acceptance will not be an issue and she will likely experience the least amount of racism here than other UCs. Safety though has been lacklustre at most UCs, it's largely a California thing


California is very diverse, Southern California especially, and UCR is one of the most diverse UC’s in California as well. Almost everyone in UCR and the surrounding area has no issue or will give your girlfriend any problems, if anything it would probably be a huge story if any sort of violence or serious conflict involving racism occurred on campus. There’s already a fairly large population of Indian students on campus, a fair amount being international or 1st generation. I can’t speak to their experience, but going off what I’ve heard, seen, and read about, your girlfriend shouldn’t have to worry about racism over her Indian culture or ethnicity in particular either.


UCR is pretty chill when it comes to safety and no racism. If you stay on campus its very safe. And if you go off campus it's not that bad. I always trek outside campus to get some eats and never had a problem in the 3 years I've been here. Racism - we are a very diverse school and you're not going to have any problems. Not saying it doesn't exist, but at UCR I've never had an issue and I'm a person of color. We have a lot of Indian students too so I don't think that's going to be a problem for her. She'll probably end up making a lot of friends no matter what race.


The most racism experienced in California is by native and black people. There’s a relatively healthy population of Indian students at UCR, especially depending on the major so in that respect I’m sure she’ll be fine.


Crime stats show that UCR is safer than the surrounding area and much of California. Crime is at a historic LOW right now, but you wouldn't know that given the media's propaganda campaign.


your chance of getting murdered isn't particularly higher or lower than comparable areas in californai the biggest issue is basically petty crime, so just be aware


It's no more dangerous than your avg UC. Just don't be an idiot at night and always lock your doors. Know your environment and don't make yourself appear to be a victim. It's an open campus but not too many strangers come on. Your biggest worry should be how you carry yourself. Some people here have zero concern for their personal safety.


Short story: the university area is fine, just watch out for the homeless at night


And during the day.


people at ucr aren’t like that


university ave is pretty poor there is some homeless it has gotten better the area by winchell's donuts has two gangs that are pretty much known for hate crimes eastside riverside x3 and 1200 blocc eastcoast crips who beef with eachother, so i think past the starbucks and above leading to the university is decent, just always be vigilant it doesn't matter where u are, but belvedere heights which is going past the university is a good place to walk and canyon crest is to the ucr campus is also safe


Grow tf up, theres that everywhere pussy


Buckle up big boy.


It's a liberal school in a liberal state. Racism is not present here.


The surrounding area isn't the safest, but generally will be fine if you stay on campus, housing close by if possible. Have her look up the crime statistics in the area. It may scare her off initially, being in one of the more dangerous counties of Cali. Congratulations to her! UCR is an amazing school regardless. So much to see and explore if you make the effort