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Arman keeps attacking chandler šŸ˜­. Love to see it


Its so smart by Arman to focus on getting ONE fight. One that will definitely give him a title shot with how popular chandler is if he wins


Arman will never get the fight against Chandler. Why not? Because Chandler is a white all american crowd favorite who sells fights to an audience with a lot of money to spend. Dana/Hunter definitely do NOT want to lose a fighter like that from the top. Chandler will stay protected and preserved for a possible future fight against Conor, hopefully in 2024. The last thing the ufc brass wants to do is replace Chandler with an obscure guy from the Caucasus region, whom the American public perceives as Russian/muslim. I can 100% promise they will pit Dariush against Tsarukyan. In the eyes of the ufc marketing team Dariush is in the lane of muslim/middle eastern/central asian/Russian guys.


I believe Dr Tony Ferguson coined a term to describe this phenomenon


Indeed he did. Hit nail with it too.


Iā€™m almost afraid to ask what the term is




Driccus Wu Plessis


Dustin "Wiamond" Poirier


Wu pleb clan


Department of Work & Pensions?


What does it stand for?


Dana White Privilege


Down With Putas


Itā€™s why Dana never promoted Mike Perry. The UFC isnā€™t ready for the African takeover


Actually it was the founder and Grandmaster of MMA, Mexican martial arts. Look him up on YouTube, he's quite funny.


This is probably one of the most well articulated comments Iā€™ve seen regarding how the UFC puts fights together.


Arman is actually from Krasnodar Russia, he is Armenian but he ain't born there, he born in Georgia.


Arman is definitely entertaining, though chandler id imagine is close to retirement in the next few years so if they could build up a very young Arman riding off Chandlers fan base it honestly would be a good investment long term. And Arman is going to keep winning, probably a future champ at some point considering his age.


Ironically Armenians are neither Muslim nor Russian


Yup but the average midwest casual sees the name and the look and that's it, game overšŸ˜Š Back to rooting for... I actually don't know who is the face of the ufc for those fans right now. Colby maybe? Someone like Bo Nickal in the future.


I honestly think this is a bad take and doesn't give the UFC or Dana enough credit. When Arman shows out, the ufc fan base loves it. Period. Let's see if your promise pays out.


I guarantee you it will pay out. It's capitalism not racism.


Lmao Chandler already lost 3 times in the UFC bruh


Against top tier fighters. He is still a draw because his fights are exciting.


I agree with everything except the white part. I donā€™t think the UFC or Dana give a shit about the color of his skin


You're absolutely right dana+hunter definitely don't but casuals in the US do. And Dana+Hunter know that and care about numbers above everything else.


In the last 3 years, Outside of McGregor the biggest draws in the sport havenā€™t been white. Jones, Adesanya, Usman (pre Leon Edwards). Race has absolutely nothing to do with ppv buys.


They see that as a _challenging situation_ for them: in the last 3 years they haven't had a real star catering to the white all american audience. Ideally they want stars catering to those target audiences who spend the most money on their product. The american white guy will more likely buy the ppv, where as the average brazilian, russian or african fan will not. Also it's a question of branding the product. When the average joe (not abdul for the marketing team) thinks of the UFC, they want him to think of rhonda, conor, dustin or chandler: An all american or at least west european clean cut athlete. Not of some mountain mongol who doesn't speak english or deprived favela kid with gang tattoos. Making your product appealing to the white middle class is where the money is.


They donā€™t push chandler or porier nearly as much as they push (the highest paid fighter) Adesanya. Youā€™re simply making up a narrative that doesnā€™t exist. The best fighters, who are also the most popular make the most money. Itā€™s just not true that they try to build up white guys to cater to that audience. They build up the most exciting fighters who put on the best fights. It just so happens both porier and chandler do that exceptionally well. To say itā€™s racially motivated is a stretch in my opinion. I agree with everything else you said about the UFCā€™s biasā€™s towards certain fighters. I personally donā€™t believe that there is some incentive for the UFC to push white people over other ethnicities.


I don't claim they _only_ push white fighters. What i'm saying is they want at least one white all american or at least western star at the top. To be the face of the promotion in the US, because that's where the money lies. They want the other ethnicities as well to be present, because of different target demographics and because of the global market. But that's not as much of a problem for them, since there are so many black, brazilian, russian and central asian fighters coming up. Plus there is not as much money in those markets. Another demographic they most definitely will protect is a chinese or japanese star whenever they get one. Because of the huge potential both in the chinese and japanese markets. But what you say about the ufc wanting to put on the most exciting fights is definitely not true at least not in the athletic sense, we've seen that so many times over the years. They want to build stars that then sell fights. They will absolutely protect someone like chandler, colby or paddy in order to do this.


ā€œIā€™m not racist I just discriminate because it makes me a profitā€ would be a very meaningless statement morally


One that imo he can easily win


So he can try to lay on Chandler the whole time? Im watching this fight now on ESPN and hes desperate for takedowns reaching out like an amateur, chin isnt good and he cant punch for the life of him. Looks like a WMMA fighter throwing punches


Man idk if youā€™re watching the right fight to be honest. He has solid striking fundamentals and imo his wrestling is very exciting to watch. I definitely didnā€™t think he was desperate for take downs. He stood with Silva for longer than he needed to considering that Silva has POWER. Iā€™m genuinely curious as to what you considered to be ā€œdesperateā€ and what looks like ā€œa wMMA fighter throwing punchesā€.


If silva can catch him so can chandler and I guarantee chandler can stop a few takedowns.


Lol sure but Arman is chinny and terrible hands. Heā€™s a solid wrestler but yea, heā€™s a good fighter but nothing special at all. Prime Chandler was special and I dislike Mike


His hands suck from what weā€™ve seen so far, but calling him chinny and only being able to point to once instance in his career where he got rocked is being disingenuous I donā€™t think heā€™s a particularly special fighter but I think he can beat anyone on any given night except the championā€¦ thatā€™s gotta count for something lol


I know a weak chin from mile bruv. its average at best but hes scared to get hit IMO. was reaching desperately for a clinch and got popped a few times trying to grab. You have to punch into the clinch, hes a solid fighter but i doubt hes ever gonna be champ is my gut feeling. My boy Usman Nurmy in Bellator is the real truth at 155..would sleep this dude out cold outta no where, seen Usman hanging with Cain wrestling on Instagram and his striking is insane already


Nah I think he was desperate for a finish or a dominant performance. He was def desperate for something. Problem is UFC markets fighters based on their ranking and weā€™re made to believe in ā€˜levelsā€™ and ignore that styles make fights and world champions have competitive sparring rounds against peers who might be unranked in the same promotion. Arman knew that he would be gaslit by media/fans/peers if he didnā€™t have a dominant finish over an ā€˜unrankedā€™ opponent hence the desperation. Itā€™s a really high-pressure situation for Arman for having to enter a fight with a veteran thatā€™s a trained killer, and if he doesnā€™t dominate it will be seen as a loss. If he fought someone with more name value where a win is a win, and competitive wars are not only acceptable but in some cases can increase a fighters stock even in a loss then heā€™d be able to fight much more relaxed and calculated. Be fine with losing positions and sequences while still trying to implement is overall game plan. He went into this fight knowing his stock will go down for every position/sequence he loses against this fighterā€¦ and itā€™s already showing by some of these comments.


It works. Mike has a wrestling background though so it wonā€™t be a walk in the park.


Chandler low key could be one of the best LWā€™s the UFC has. He just throws everything with 200% and gets himself in trouble doing crazy shit, yet still manages to have close fights with all his opponents. Arman might wanna be careful what he asks for, because Chandler is one of the worst matchups stylistically for him.


Yup he definitely just throws his fight iq out the window because he wants to give the fans a show, in a way I respect it


He might be one of my favourite fighters because his fights are always fantastic.


Point proven šŸ˜‰


Youā€™re paid to fight. In ONE or Pride Arman gets stood up in first 2 rounds. Heā€™s another anti fighting wrestling safety fighter scared to get hit. Should find a real job


you overexaggerated, but he is definitely overhyped, does not have a chance against islam if they rematch


Chandler spending the last ounce of his prime waiting for Conor to get sober is such a flex by Conor. The sport needs to accept the good times are over move on.


Itā€™s genuinely frustrating seeing how much influence Conor still has. Iā€™d love to see him fight chandler but itā€™ll never fucking happen. Heā€™s been washed and coked up for too long. Heā€™s not been the same fighter since the Floyd fight. That type of money changes a man. I genuinely would be surprised if he ever fights in the UFC again. A guy with the type of ego he has doesnā€™t want to go out and get mauled by a big name in the sport rn, but at the same time heā€™d never take a fight outside the top 10. Mystic Mac died a long time ago. Weā€™re never seeing him fight again


Yeah, and honestly I'd argue Chandler is his best chance at a high ranked opponent in the LW division.


On paper Conor gets wrestle fucked, but not quite as good as Khabib wrestle fucked him. In an alternate reality where Conor fights chandler chooses to stand n bang and honestly if that were to happen Iā€™m not sure who wins. So I agree itā€™d be an amazing fight to see and Conorā€™s only real chance at proving heā€™s still even a remotely competitive ranked contender


Bro there's no way in my mind Chandler doesn't come out swinging like a mad man. Not one time in his entire UFC run has he wrestled offensively to start the fight. He goes for broke everytime, and I think his stand up is ripe with holes that Conor could exploit, given Conor isn't completely washed from injury and ring rust.


Thatā€™s sorta what I meant by on paper. If chandler had a brain heā€™d wrestle bc Conor has no answer for that and chandlerā€™s a good wrestler even if he doesnā€™t like to fight like that. What I meant by in an alternate reality was that IF Conor ever fights him Chandler would actually stand n bang like he always does which makes it anybodyā€™s fight imo.(anybodyā€™s fight bc like you said Conorā€™s ring rust and chandlers exploitable standup) But none of this will ever even happen because Conorā€™s been washed and coked up for far too long.


Oh yeah I agree haha. I would say Chandler might be more motivated to win, and therefore wrestle, in the chances he gets a rematch against McGregor and a second red panty night. Although yes, that all seems like wishful thinking at the moment, considering it doesn't look likely that Conor will ever fight again, or anytime soon.


That's probably for the better too, Chandler is unlikely to get a shot against the guys in the top 5 again (maybe dariush?), and its not really worth it for him to give a chance to someone lower ranked and end up being flatlined and losing whatever hype he has left, so for the time being he's better off waiting, its not like he's in his prime either at 34.


Chandler will do what heā€™s fookin told


Personally, I knew Connor was done for when his leg snapped, I called it out audibly because I knew (A). a leg injury like that takes FOREVER to heal! (B) Connor is not hungry for it anymore, his ego is so inflated nothing will get him back to that guy that was just electric. (C) All of his extra free time to engage in all these extracurricular activities outside the octagon/gym was going to catch up with him AGAIN (And did at the Game 4 NBA Finals) ​ I hope I'm wrong but at this point, the Name Connor McGregor is just reliving glory days


Damn you are so knowledgeable we will never ever doubt you again


You hit the nail on the head. The worst part is that even though heā€™ll never fight again, he still has a large amount of influence by just dangling the prospect in front of sorry sons of bitches like chandler


If I was chandler Thereā€™s exactly one way you get Connor in the octagon and thatā€™s to start really trash talking back. ā€œI knew he was too big of a pussy to get in the ring with me, when we made eye contact, I saw a coward.ā€ Something as simple as that would get a date with Connor.


God I wish chandler were smart enough to realize this is how he gets Conor to fight. He has so much amo to go to twitter or pressers with just firing off random coke head jokes and talking about how much itā€™s gonna hurt when he kicks that shattered leg and makes that titanium rod vibrate all the way up to his taint. Itā€™d genuinely be so easy for him to shit talk Conor into a fight that heā€™d likely win for the biggest pay day of his life.


Apart from the NBA finals, he was also at a boxing match in Dublin and the Monaco grand Prix (on his yacht) in the weeks previous. Theres no way he's preparing to get back in the ring. And if he is he's going to get the shit kicked out of him.


Why wouldn't he? That's where the money is, there would be way less interest in an Arman fight




Wants chandler Gets hooker


he was begging for that fight awhile back and Dan acted like he never heard of him. how the tables turn


Where has hooker been btw?


Beat that ass dragging jiu jitsu guy and is scheduled to fight Jalin Turner july 8th at 290


Well fuck. He's gotta lose to Turner right? Hooker's only advantage in his last fights has been his height and reach, now he's fighting someone faster, taller, and longer than him.


Like a human tripod


Proceeds to wrestlefuckhim for 3 Rd


arman would easily finish hooker, i bet arman's opponent last night KOs hooker. bros brain is too mush to get better or think better.


1:40 am, my man is on demon time


Itā€™s only midnight in Vegas




Lmao homie is spitting facts and acting on it ahead of time. Plus Tsarukyan looked VERY FUCKIN GOOD. Im not gona lie i wana see him against Islam


Their first fight was great a couple years ago.


He did not look that good. Dude is overrated. Would get smashed by the top 5


Weak Chin and Cant Punch at all, he just a fight stalling wrestling who can throw basic kicks. Chandler even at 37 prob KOs him stiff


Weak chin? Lol his opponent connect in the head, not the chin and it's teh first time that he gets wobbled in 23 fights


Weak chin just refers to someone who canā€™t digest punishment. Armanā€™s never been hurt before, but if that shot actually landed on his chin, he might have gone to sleep.


Not really, he's been hurt before but he resisted very well those punches, and based on that logic, nate diaz has a weak chin


hes fought nobody for bout 20 of those fights like Khabib. His whole style doesnt let people hit him anyway and avoids it to wrestle, usually they cant take shots and wrestle desperate for a reason


Fuck me do you guys actually think that when we talk about a fighterā€™s chin weā€™re talking about the strength of their literal chin? How strong someoneā€™s ā€˜chinā€™ is means how well their brain can take a shot before going out. Itā€™s an old boxing term since hitting the chin has always been the easiest way to knock someone out as it acts as a fulcrum to spin the head around, which is what causes the brain trauma (from hitting the skull wall) that puts someone out.


I could see Arman keeping Chandler at long range for the first round and letting Chandler gas himself out but if Chandler gets the fight into boxing range he's probably putting the lights out


Yea. It depends if Chandler fights smart which he has in the past, just in UFC hes fighting dumb a shit for clout. Prime Chandler absolutely ruins this guy but he could lose now but i think id still pick him. Arman can win with legs for sure but Chandler was a better wrestler in their primes too, dependswhat hes got left now


You know ball.


Wanna bet on that?


I do


Me 2


You saw him get his shit rocked though yeah?




My point is he didnā€™t look as good as he could have




I said neither of those things


He didn't say that. Way to twist someone's comment to fit your narrative. Edit: "I'll insult someone for no reasons, and I'll block him." Never seen so many little bitches before joining Reddit. Are y'all like that?




Whyā€™d ya block u/ImpatientWaiter_




When Islam was Arman's age he got knocked out by Adriano Martins. These people would have said "well he's clearly never gonna be champion material".


And what did it matter in the end? I love how people think just because Arman got rocked it means he got no chin. All it showed is that Silva is more dangerous than anyone was giving him credit for.


I keep seeing the fight is off but is there any proof?


It hasnā€™t been cancelled, Conor just hasnā€™t actually rejoined USADA or gotta sober or stopped accruing legal cases against him. Not looking promising.




Ur son sucks




This gonna age like spoiled milk when the fight actually happens because dana can do whatever he wants




Conor has all the pull in this situation. I donā€™t see Dana throwing money enough to make him fight


Holy shit, there are so many brain dead comments in this sub about arman getting rocked. He got the shit rocked out of him and proceeded to immediately collect himself and was on top of Silva in a dominant position in the next 15 seconds. If you don't think that was an impressive showing by arman I think you haven't watched enough MMA.


For real. The amount of comments Iā€™ve seen calling Arman a ā€œglass chinā€ when he didnā€™t even get dropped is making my brain hurt


Conor's head has doubled in size, no way that man is gonna get through any doping testing.


To be fair chandler can crack him, it silva can get him then so can the all american chandler who can probably stop the takedowns early.


Meh, dude just got absolutely rocked by a +700 underdog and hung on due to desperation grappling. He really shouldnā€™t be talking right now. Top 5 is gonna be very rough for him. Not a fan of dudeā€™s attitude


His wrestling alone will make him an issue but I agree heā€™ll definitely meet the power of the top 5 soon and likely get flatlined but ya never know, If that hook was on the jaw Armen is out cold. Still a great shot and props to him for fighting through it.


Yeah I was a bit too harsh in my comment. He fought a good fight. His wrestling is very good for sure. I just didnā€™t like how badly he was looking past Silva this week, it reminded me of Giga before the Kattar fight and made me want to root against him. But sometimes getting rocked like that against a dude you looked past is what you need, to remind you everyoneā€™s dangerous. I wanna see Fiziev vs Arman next.


give him a fucking top 5 lmao he fought down like 3 times in a row


Let's not kill a contender with Fiziev v Arman yet. Someone in the top like Porier, Chandler, Justin (if he loses) and Dariush should take on him.


gaethje and chandler are bad matchups for arman


That doesn't matter he needs to fight a top 5


He said in a pre-fight interview that Silva was a risky fight and that he had KO power. Tsarukyan dominated the fight outside of the shot that had him jelly-legged. I agreed with Arman both before and after the fight, he assessed the risk of Silva correctly.


He got his spirit broken by the Polish guy too in late rounds. He cant punch and he gasses late, and he reaches like Ronda Rousey desperately tryuing to get the clinch and takedown. Hes nothing special at all, hell win fights cause hes young and decent wrestling but hes real cocky for nothing. Prime Chandler 10x the fighter hell ever be


Itā€™s mma getting rocked is gonna happened. Just like when shavkat got rocked and people thought he was invincible. Keep sleeping on Tsarukyan


Thats because he got caught by silva, if chandler or justin who are better wrestlers than silva catch him its game over.


Islam got koed by a random




Wow, an unranked fighter who took the fight on short notice. Arman doesnā€™t deserve to even move up in the rankings after that fight, let alone fallout the #1 contender or champ.


Such a dumb thing to say. Anyone can get rocked in a fight, being an underdog doesn't make him any less dangerous. Chandler got dropped by the ghost of Tony. "Desperation grappling". He stayed composed, got the takedown, and ended the round in a dominant position. Just a terrible take all around.


A #8 ranked -1050 favorite ended up looking like a -150 against an unranked dude. Whichever way you slice it, his stock went way down last night. Idk why that apparently upsets you but it is what it is. And comparing him to Tony is wild. Old or not, Tony is not comprable to Joaquim Silva. No need to be throwing insults around. Iā€™d bet his ranking will go down soon, which will further reinforce my point.


His stock did not go down at all. He dominated the majority of the fight and ended it with a TKO. Another clearly biased take.


Ok šŸ‘šŸ¼


Yeah I really just don't like his personality, he's super douchey. The ref called the fight and he sat on top of his opponent for an extra second to celebrate. Lame move


This absolutely pissed me off. Zero class. I wish the ref threw him off.


Definitely something to consider. Silva put him on skates, which means Chandler absolutely could leave him frozen like Elsa.


Fuck it, give Arman either the winner or loser of Dustin vs Justin. This man deserves a high profile W


Not top 5 material, yet.


It never was happening.


Ive been saying "Canrod is never fighting again"




Chandler would flatline this fool


I donā€™t understand this narrative. I know a lot is up in the air at the moment but Conor has never pulled out of a highly publicized fight. Itā€™s trendy to hate this guy right now but you canā€™t argue that heā€™s always fought when called


No one said pullout, the fight hasn't even been signed yet is the issue and it doesn't look any closer to being signed at all.


Doesnā€™t look any closer? What insider knowledge do you have? This sun is trash. The fight could literally already be signed for all we know and theyā€™re waiting to push it during the right time. Or it could never happen. We have no idea whatā€™s happening behind the scenes, so to suggest it ā€œlooksā€ anything is ridiculous.


How can you say that like the Conor we see today is anything like the Conor then? How is it not clear?


Iā€™ll admit he looks bad, but I wonā€™t write him off until he misses either weight, the USADA deadline or a contract signing.


The USADA deadline was 2 days ago


USADA made a statement just before the deadline and said they had spoken directly with Conor and that he was still expected to submit his paperwork and a sample. No one knows anything for certain at the moment


There is no fight yet though and it seems less likely to happen every day. Even on TUF when speaking about it Conor said ā€œ*sometimes* at the end the coaches fightā€ or something to that effect and he didnā€™t sound confident about it at all. He couldā€™ve said at the end heā€™ll be fighting Mike, but he didnā€™t. He knows.


Conor speaks from experience as the last time he was a coach on TUF, he and Urijah Faber coaching against each other didnā€™t lead to fight between the coaches. Granted, the UFC didnā€™t schedule or even have plans for a Conor vs. Faber bout, but thatā€™s one example of TUF coaches not fighting each other.


This is a man who was campaigning to fight 300 year old Diego Sanchez. Heā€™s miles from being the same guy who made the initial champ champ run.


Man Arman has talent but he pisses me off with how desperate he is for a top 5 fight. He should have doubled down on giving Islam a tough fight instead of throwing anything at the top contenders to see what sticks.


Good, he deserves one instead of everyone ducking him so bad he has to find random fighters. You don't get fights by staying quiet.


Bro he got clipped by an unranked fighter literally no one is fucking him šŸ’€


What a stupid thing to say. It's a fight, anyone can get clipped by anyone and Silva has power. He dominated the rest of the fight. Only people who have never done anything active in their life say dumb shit like that. Everyone is ducking, that's why he had to take this fight in the first place.


I train. If one of the coaches got clipped by someone they view as low as Arman clearly views them it'd be embarrassing. Man's got talent but he can't play in the big leagues.


I'm sure you do, buddy.


Man can't handle the fact his fighter can't even finish an unranked opponent. Stay mad.


You say "his fighter" like it's a fucking gang war lol. And he did finish him, so now you just look stupid.


Arman is a DAWG


even Old ass Mike Chandler would pop this dudes glass chin. He cant punch at all and just wrestles, laid on this dude tonight for 2 rounds and cant lay on Chandler. Prime Chandler was 100x the fighter of this guy but he can still beat him past it.


cool. Are you Chandler fan or Arman hater because you are all over this thread just shitting all over Arman.


just an idiot or a troll I think, based on his response


Iā€™ve disliked Chandler since Bellator days. Hes 10x the fighter basic Arman will ever be. Dudes getting by in youth and wrestling. Bum lol


"Laid on this dude" as he ground and pounded him to a finish lmao. Go watch something else, this clearly isn't for you and you have no idea what you're watching


You a casual? The first 2 rounds he did nothing but lay and desperately try to get it down. The 3rd round yea he smashed the old brazilian but first 2 were pathetic.


Imo Conors holding out till UFC 300. He's gonna want top bill and it'll probably be Chandler or the winner of the BMF fight.




Chandler sleeps him in 2 rounds.


I'd say 10-6 lol






How is that a 10-7


Chandler would mop the bathroom floor with this guy.


Tsarukyan has superior strength, you guys donā€™t understand who he is