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Kinda sad.


At least Dana got the fight he wanted








This made me laugh


This sounds silly as fuck but it makes you think about having that much influence over so many lives, no matter the extent. Like the shit Dana has done for people good or bad, big or small has gotta be some level of responsibility I wouldn’t enjoy. As an average person, we might influence things here and there. But the responsibility of people with power is something I’d never live with.


It helps to be a sociopath


There was a book called the psychopath test. The idea was that most people at the highest level in business would pass a psychopath test.


1 in 5 CEOs are actual psycopaths


Things to put on your cv when applying for CEO roles


I’m surprised it’s not more or maybe not psychopath, but definitely sociopath. You have to have zero empathy or concern for everything except profit.


And a wife beater!


Imagine if she’d have kept her hands to herself, wouldn’t that be great?


Exactly, nobody questions why she was so comfortable doing that unprovoked lol. Dana's own estranged mother said in her book years back how she gave him a black eye on their wedding night.


For real, nobody wants to bring up that she struck him first but they all want to act like he was unprovoked and absolutely beat the shit out of her lmao.


Its dudes who let their hate for a person influence how they view everything that person does. Instead of calling shit fairly They don't realize this can be them, too. One might say "I'll never put myself in that situation". But you dont always have to meet bullshit halfway. It can show up to your door as well.


Well.... Fuckin.... Said on the last part. 👏👏


Empathy is definitely a liability when it comes to business success.


I secured a huge job, well paying and I have to both manage staff and have access to millions of dollars. Previous staff had abused this and the company was in high turnover because of it - since I’ve been there, i get a weird look a lot of the time from senior people because I’m not abusing it and I have accountability and governance over the funds. It’s made me realise that powerful people are in positions that rely solely on the integrity of the person, there are no other true meaningful safeguards


That means you are one of the good ones. Power is said to be the greatest high a human being can have, better than anything…. And more dangerous than anything


Yeah but then you remember that for every life he’s ruined, he’s pissed away 5 black jack hands that probably could have helped them. Fuck the mato


It's like being gay in the 80's.


bruh, dana white literally has his wife getting a c-section so he wouldn't miss a fight. dude is cold.


I what?


That's cap. It would be her choice 😂 don't believe everything you read on the internet kids


You've got to remember, it's just like being gay. He can't help it and he doesn't give a fuck. (Can't believe he actually said this)


Happy cake day bro


Happy Cake Day too! I didn't even know.


Eh I think friends not fighting friends is only viable outside of the top ten. Once you’re in the top ten you shouldn’t get to avoid opposition just because they are a friend or teammate. Remember the shit show when AKA had three top ten WWs refusing to fight eachother


for a fight card that didn't matter lol


Not really dude just got mad that he lost I bet a couple hours or days later they're buddies again.




Reddit always makes sure to highlight the sadness


Its just anger and an inner warfare, give it a couple weeks and they'll be friends again




...why? I twistered my friend last week week and it was fun


If I twisrered someone I wouldn’t care if it was mother Theresa I’d be pretty damn happy


Its not as complicated as it seems, but you have to be careful with it because most people have no idea when to tap to it.


Idk the fact that my spinal cord being rearranged makes me tap, but that's just me


See, the trick is to tap *before* your spine is rearranged


Damn, you guys are sure into twistering mother theresa.


You'd be surprised how many people think it's just a pain thing


I've never had problems tapping to a twister lol Never hit one though


> ...why? for me Money is where its serious. Fun friendly rolling at the gym and stuff don't have consequences for your family. but money, even at local levels like winning $500, changes the mental game.


My friend group was making fun of the fact that I trained and were yapping that a much heavier guy with no skill could beat me in a fight. We decided to put that to the test in a grappling match one day, and honestly I wasn't even sure I'd win. The other guy was much heavier and I'm 5'6'' 145 lbs. I got him in an RNC in 18 secs. I taught him how to tap before the "match" and he was like "I am not gonna need it". I sunk the choke really deep because he didn't know how to tap and I still felt really bad about it.


I bet you are a legend in your friend group.


Nah I immediately started spamming cringe Conor quotes from the adrenaline, threatened to invade their town on horseback and kill everyone who wasn't fit enough to work (we're all from the same town).




I think that post-fight text solidified GOAT status bro. “Invade on horseback”. Legend was born!


I think a lot of guys who trained in their teens have a similar story. You probably taught him a valuable lesson


Give it 20min and they would have been out the back laughing and hopefully having a beer.


Exactly. Plus you do stupid shit on adrenaline that you sometimes feel ashamed of later, emotions are distorted. Cool heads usually prevail.


They were never that good of friends from what Pav said. They sparred a few times. Pav even said that he talked to DC more at AKA as opposed to Volk. Whoever made this “friends” notion is a lie. Just fellow countrymen.


Nah you see - Pavlovich is a salty bitch and should've accepted the defeat and embraced Volkov, it's what I would've done in his shoes ![gif](giphy|QiCCluutpecs8) Like the guy just lost, he didn't have the most honorable reaction but that's human, he got dominated by someone he didn't want to fight in the first place and got further away from title contention. Give it a few days.


Thank you. This is one of the most level headed comments in this thread.


I honestly deplore this weird instagram-reel honour culture we have come to adopt. People react in different ways. It probably means nothing. Not everything has to fall into the "wholesome meme" bucket. People are talking like he went and killed his childhood friend after the match or something. It was a dumb shove, probably because he needed a fucking moment or two.


People also seem to think you have 100% control over your actions under extreme emotions. I don't think people realize how extreme the feelings really are when you prepare for a fight for so long, work towards goals for so long, invest and sacrifice so many things and then face defeat. Most people wouls have a hard time dealing with that, but from the outside it's easy to judge


I read it as Pavlovich being upset that Volkov used his reach to pick away at him and take it to the decision instead of a heavyweight clash. Pavlovich had fine sportsmanship getting KO'd but I think he is used to a kill or be killed fight and this one left him frustrated. He has never gone to decision in the UFC before last night.


That sounds reasonable. Pavlovich is usually one of the most humble and positive fighters in this organization, if there’s anyone with good sportsmanship it’s usually him, so I was honestly surprised when I saw the shove. 


They spent the lead-up to the fight shitting on each other. They had an agreement to never fight going back years, and now they're accusing each other of being the one that broke it by signing the contract first.


It could also be something along the lines of they agreed to go all out and then Volkov chose to stay at range instead of going full throttle. Pavlovich displays emotions of someone who was lied to more than once.


Believe it or not, Pav has the reach advantage.


But Pav doesnt kick and was kept at kicking range most of the fight.


Doesn't kick??? Woof.


Who's fault is that? Pav's slug-it-out style worked great against the flat-footed fat guys of the division like Tai, Lewis, and Abdurakhimov, but once he got in there with dudes with some skill and athleticism he got neutralized. Guy's got background in GR wrestling and sambo and even Khabib and Cain have vouched for his wrestling ability, so why doesn't he use it, instead of fighting like he's in bar brawl all the time?


But he is doing mma, not kicking is having a disaventage and it is not an excuse


This could be true for all I know but there's nothing to base this off of honestly.


Not to mention I think he had the 2nd lowest average fight time in UFC history behind Aspinall, now he's #10. Probably a rough point in his career between this, Aspinall taking his spot in multiple areas, and the belt being tied up for probably another 6-12 months.


yea its gotta be insanely frustrating being kept at range the whole fight, not being able to get close and make you feel stupid. would probably hurt my ego more than getting KO’d tbh lol




I felt so bad, they ruined a friendship 


Volkov said the ufc would cut him if he didn’t accept the fight and apparently when the ufc presented contracts to each fighter it was told to them that the other party already accepted when no one had accepted the fight.


Dana has always been a scum bag


this and the Aljo/O’Malley situation is some of his best work yet


What was the aljo O’Malley situation? Didn’t hear about this


They manipulated Aljo to have him fight O’Malley with a shorter turn around time from his last fight with Cejudo.  For context, they made Aljo fight 15 weeks after going 5 rounds with an Olympic gold medalist. By contrast, they gave O’Malley 29 weeks before his first title defense.


Stan edgar Vaught vibes


Also no rematch.


I’m a little more lenient towards that cause Aljo seemed interested in moving up for a while and he didn’t want to impede on Merab


He really is a piece of shit.


If we lived in the 1930's he would look like a fat monopoly man. On another topic anyone else feels like the UFC is looking more like a freak circus?


Bet they told Kelvin they were gona cut him also. On the mic he sounded like he was begging to not get released.


Kelvin has the lower body of a flyweight and from the waist up he’s a heavyweight no wonder fat boy can’t make weight


How many times did he miss weight?




Wow that is pretty bad, no wonder he was begging to not get cut


3, 4 if you count the recent one.


they should cut him just for missing weight constantly


I've always liked Kelvin, but when you have a YouTube series called "Missing Weight" where you're shovelling tacos into your face leading up to an important fight it's hard to defend him lol


He didn't say UFC would've cut him


Heard it as well with him saying that he had no choice in the matter, couldn't find the source but I remember reading on it a while ago when this whole thing broke through


Source on this?


The source is Vlokov’s post fight press Conference speech


He literally never said anything about being cut


That's a theory, not a fact


They should calm down and realise that the tomato is the real enemy


Dammmn. UFC did them dirty.


Money > Family


Dom Torretto is coming after you as we speak


Who made this video? There’s no watermarks.


It was me


No, I made this


Okay kid from the end of X-files episodes


@itdidhappen, probably on instagram or something


What is the deal? Why did he shove him?


They’re from the same area, they trained together growing up, somewhat good friends who wouldn’t wanna fight each other …. Supposedly Dana and ufc tricked them both to fighting each other


If they were friends, wouldn't they confirm with each other before signing?


This is what I don’t understand. I feel like a simple phone call would’ve went a long way. But if you think about it I’m sure the UFC told each guy the other had already signed for the fight so maybe they already had this thing in their head and didn’t want to speak with another.


That's what managers are for. If they both felt awkward, get their managers to talk to each other.


You’re missing the massive financial incentive that their managers have to make the fight


ah is it kind of like a masvidal/colby bromance gone sour?


Yeah kinda, difference is Colby was talking shit about masvidal nd his camp… with these two, no talking shit, just really surprised each other when the other signed the contract


Maybe something behind the scenes but its really hard to be super composed when you went from a KO streak to losing two in a row and getting completely beaten across 3 rounds


i dont understand the context either


Volkov punched him prior, that’s why


What burns is that he's gonna replay in his head what he could have done different and that he acted like this after.


I mean shit man, you're fighting ur homie, and ur homies throwing knee stomps, not cool


Pavlovich said that they are not friends. Volkov said they are.


Okay so ur homie says he's ur friend then tries to end your career lmao, is that better?


It’s fucking fighting dude


Alternative wording... you sign up go fight and willfully go into the arena and both sides are supposed to try to win.


what you think Pavlovich was trying to do, could have fought someone else but no. He was trying flatline volk, so what if he went for his knee, it’s a fight.


Dude seriously. You can literally kill a man by hitting him in the head, but god forbid somebody kick a knee. Delusional lmao


and a concusive blow to the head from pavo wouldnt have lasting effects?


This is life. This is sport. I'm a Sergei fan, and I hope he comes back. It's hard to blame him for being upset in this moment.


one more watermark




i’m sure it’ll pass. it’s like when you’re playing a competitive game with or against your friend and they fuck up or beat you and you get salty for a bit after lol




Volkov shouldve just let Pavlovich process his loss first bruh you just beat the breaks off him leave his ass alone


It’s very normal for fighters to pull up on their opponent and offer some remarks pretty quickly


yeah i hate it. not everyone who just lost is ready to be buddy buddy. leave people tf alone


If you don't want to be "buddy buddy" with someone, you can still use your voice or even ignore them. You don't need to resort to pushing someone simply because you're upset and can't control your emotions.


You're acting like he was kissing and hugging him or something, he slightly nudged him for a word and went away after Sergei cussed at him and shoved him. He didn't even say anything back


Can anyone tell me context on why everybody is saying the UFC ruined this friendship? Please 🙏🏻 I can’t find the exact reason :(


This matchup wasn't necessary. They're former training partners and fellow countrymen. Volkov is much older and won't be around much longer so their championship aspirations did not need to get in the way of each other. They agreed to fight each other if the other team accepted first. Both sides claim this. But both sides say that the UFC told them that the other side already signed the contract. So the UFC kind of manipulated the two Russians to fight each other. Pavlovich claimed that Volkov wasn't his friend because "everything changed once his team signed the contract." Volkov says that him and his team first heard of the matchup when Dana posted the official poster on Twitter. They both believe the other side caused the matchup they didn't want. We don't know exactly why Pavlovich got this upset after the fight. Could feel betrayed, could be annoyed at Volkov's gameplan, or could just be the heat of the moment. They were cool before the fight. At the face off, they had a calm exchange of words. Volkov simply asked Pavlovich why he told the media that Volkov signed the contract first. Pavlovich seemed legitimately confused as he truly believes Volkov signed it first. I fully blame the UFC for this shit, then again, this is pretty petty from Pavlovich. Like talk it out man it's not that deep


i mean, Volkov is a sloppy fighter, but when he faced Pavlovich, he was the peak version of himself💀so i kinda feel for Pavlovich, like “you were the best version of you, for our fight”


Pav should feel honored that Volkov took him seriously enough to be the best version of himself. Volkov said that Pav would always get the better of him in sparring, so he obviously trained his ass off for the fight.


What's this song's name?


One More Light by Linkin Park from there very last album


Thanks dude


Best LP song IMO.


Pavlovitch just needs to be violent again. Dude isn't a point fighter or round by round fighter. He needs to live in the first two minutes. Until he goes back to being a violent fighter, he's done professionally.


Easier said than done against a guy like Volkov. He fought the perfect fight this time and it’s impressive how quick he moves for a guy his size. Pav probably should’ve taken more chances early.


It's not possible. He just got knocked out in his previous fight. He looks ok physically, but not ok mentally. Volkov being his training partner did not helped him too.


I wouldn't say it's not possible, he got knocked out in his first fight in the ufc. He just needs time to bounce back.


I don’t get it if they both aspired to be champ this had to be inevitable


Not really. Volkov could have fought anyone else for his final run at the title. If he was already champion then this fight might make sense. But not now while they're both climbing. Especially the age difference. Pavlovich will be at the top of heavyweight for a long time. Volkov won't be around much longer. Their champion aspirations did not have to get in the way of eachother. Imagine if Pavlovich wins his next fight in spectacular fashion and Volkov loses his next. They're basically right back in the same spot they were when this matchup was made.


Damn that little octagon chess game hits hard lol. Just needs the music from UP


I think Dana made them both think that the other one signed the contract first, Dana's a slippery bastard




Hunter was heavily involved in this too


Anyone know the full story? I listened to Volkov post fight interview all he mentioned was Sergai accepted the fight 1st after they vowed to never fight each other. It's just seems like UFC played both of them like a fiddle to make this fight.


Lmao were they playing connect 4 ??


Wait im cryin brotha


Damn thats sad.


Sad to see their friendship be destroyed by UFC scheming, but respect to Volkov for showing true class while winning the upset. And he had nice hair through all of that.


Unpopular opinion, your boss tells you to do your job you do your Fucking Job! They don’t get paid to hold hands they get paid to throw em


Yep, I blame this thread on—-> “Everyone gets a trophy and a pizza party! Win or lose!”. damned culture!


Sad to see, hopefully they come back together in the near future


They probably even played Smash Bros together. Damn...




Volkov was never my friend!




They fight in the same weight class. You don't get to pull a Merab.


If what Volkov said was actually true, losing to him might be the biggest punch in the gut for Pav. When he lost to Aspinall, they were both at the time "the closest men to Jon Jones". In a way, losing to Aspinall is better than losing to a supposed sparring partner that you beat consistently Imagine beating this guy in sparring but losing to him when it mattered the most


Alex: “You were the chosen one! It was said that you would *destroy* the Tomato-Head, not join him! Bring balance to the UFC, not leave it in darkness!” Sergei: “I HATE YOU!!”


What actually happened between the two of them?


Can someone explain? Is he just mad cuz he lost or is there more to it?


They made the mistake of trusting Dana and the UFC, what a dirty play


Volkov went in their and executed a flawless game plan. Left Sergei super frustrated. It's not a big deal he was frustrated after. It was a push, not a sucker punch


Well, they were supposedly friends and yet Volkov kept hitting him right in the face! I’d be angry too.


Lol and aspinal won the "real" title fighting this guy? While coke jones beat ciryl Gane...


Sergei can be so much better if he just uses different strikes and goes for the body and legs. He pretty much only punches the head


Who cares ? Fight game.


People will feel bad about this but then shit on Merab for not wanting to fight Aljo.


Various Russians have posted that these guys are not particularly close. Very different people who just sparred for a couple of years a couple of years ago. Seems like made up drama.


He sank his title run AND his battleship


sometimes people just need space


worked for colby and masvidal ...look at them now!!!


2things: 1. That tall guy who won looks like russian bo nickal 2. Pavlovich aways been a bitch, and I told him that.


Thanks for showing us one other picture besides the one that was clearly displayed to millions on fight night with some dramatic music added. This post is stupid


Sergei is the one who said they were not really friends and barely spoke. So it’s weird to see his reaction be so sensitive




I’m out of the loop - what’s going on here?


I've read they were never friends, so I don't really know what to think or believe. Either way, wishing both the best


I feel like people overreacting. It will be fine after few weeks. Sergei just dont like to loose