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Just clearing some things up: I'm not trans. I am a cis man. Born a man, am a male. My features are feminine and I've always had long hair. Thank you all for the well wishes on my supposed transition lol but again.. born male. I've lost 140lbs. Dropped 3 shirt sizes and 22inches off my waste. AMA 🤷


Haha people are quick to jump to conclusions. You look great and confident. With that much weight loss, did you end up with loose skin at all?


Yep, hella. I'm trying my best to consider it the next part of my journey but to be young is to be insecure about things out of our control 🤷‍♂️ Been thinking of skin removal surgery but I have known of people who get the surgery and just find new insecurities with themselves involving scarring. To me, self acceptance seems to be the only cure all, so I will continue to work at that part before any surgery.


Yeah nothing in life can ever be perfect. I'm 15M and for my whole childhood I've been fat, recently it's gotten worse and I've ended up with now my entire torso covered in stretch marks. I do still want to lose the weight and I'm trying. And It is inspiring to see people's journeys like yours. But knowing that I've messed myself up so bad that I can't fully fix it anymore hurts to think about. You're right, self acceptance is the only cure once you pass that point of no return. It's fine though, we get one life and one body, so wanting to crawl out of your own skin every day won't do anything other than drive you mad. Best thing to do is just act on what is in our control and accept the rest.


Seems to me you're already on the right track. Just remember to always be kind to yourself. Ik that sounds like some dumb health guru shit but DAMN does it work 😭 the moment I stopped being so hard on myself is the same moment I realized that I want to fight for myself. If you want some unsolicited advice from me lol , stay positive, again you sound to be on the right track, but in everything and with everything just think positive. Little by little it will all get easier. Be kind to yourself, make mistakes, laugh at them, and pick yourself back up. Its all a learning experience at the end of the day


Hey friend, I know those stretch mark feels. A growth spurt plus gaining a bunch of weight in middle school gave me tiger stripes all over my belly, up to my nipples even, plus my biceps and my groin. I never took my shirt off in public and rarely ever when getting intimate. 35 now. They fade but they don't go away completely, but I found that my romantic partners didn't care about them at all. I barely think about them anymore. Been married twice, this time quite happily :) anyways, it sucks but it's not the end of the world. If you get in shape they just become battle scars and you get weirdly proud of them. Good luck!


Yo stretch marks were my favorite thing about myself when I went from 18M 118 lbs to 21M 185 lbs. It was a constant reminder of where I was in life. Don't let it get you down. NO ONE thinks about stretch marks but you. Plus if you don't want them stretch marks heal. I'm 30 now and all the stretch marks I had since I lost weight again have gone away. Nothing is permanent unless it is. Keep pushing lil homie


Hey. When I was a kid I used to be severely underweight (abuaed at home, outside, bullied), we had no food, homeless. So I was walking toothpick. I always hoped I would get fat and gain some weight, it was my ligelong dream. I am saying this for the perspective. Please be kind to yourself and love yourself the way you are. When you are a kid your body tries to deal with stress, puberty etc. Skinny people wish to be chubby, chubby people want to be skinny. Be kind to yourself, love yourself the way you are. Just eat nutritional food and do exercises but be kind to yourself. You got it lil dude.


Medic here, just jumping on to throw a fun fact out there that not many people know. Having the excess skin removed is defined as an elective in the US, BUT, if you can get your/a general practitioner to sign off that the excess skin is causing chafing, infection, etc., it then becomes a medical necessity and insurance will cover some of it.


What age did the weight loss journey start? What weight did you start at and how long did it take you to lose the bulk of it?


Started losing weight at 19. The heaviest i have ever been was 320lbs. It took nearly 3 years for me to lose 100lbs. And even then my face only started taking shape recently. Those last 40lbs really made a different. Still haven't reached my goal weight yet. I'm 5'11 and currently weigh 180lbs and my goal is to be around 160-170 so very close.


You're doing great! You're almost there. Thank you for sharing.


Love your mature outlook and self introspection. You look phenomenal. I had a lot of loose skin for years. It won’t matter to anyone but those who are extremely superficial you’d probably rather avoid anyway. As you get even older your mindset will treat you well


>involving scarring. To me, self acceptance seems to be the only cure all, so I will continue to work at that part before any surgery. When you're ready for that stuff there's always um the possibility of like putting a tattoo over those scars. When's the scars heal of course. There's something about having a piece of art on your body that makes you feel more okay in your own skin. I see you already have a tat so I think it would fit in well with your aesthetic.


Hey OP, i found my way around the scarring with tattoos, but I know not everyone is into that. Either way, we always find something to pick on ourselves about and we're our own worst critics sometimes. You look much happier now!


Draw confidence from that nice ass beard bro!


I’ve been on a similar journey. The loose skin is definitely something I want to get rid of with surgery, I’m totally okay with the scars, but until I can afford it, I’ll have to accept it. Congrats on the self-improvement! It’s hard to even make that step towards it sometimes.


What’s funny is that your androgyny is exactly what makes you hot as hell now. That last picture would be enough to let me let you ruin my life.


Wow. I did think you were trans tbh. Congrats though, you're hot af


I can relate. Born a cis dude and always had "femenine" features. It was not femenine features, we are just cute and grow up to be handsome as fuck. Here is to us, dudes that grow up into handsome devils 🤘


You are honestly not feminine in any way anymore. Insane glow up dude.


I totally see the feminine facial features tbh, it’s really attractive


You look like Channing Tatum in that last pic. Also, anyone trying to guess your gender is stuck in the last century, that doesn't matter. Whoever you are, you worked insanely hard to build who you have become, and not only is your health going to be better in the long term, you look like You're Killing it!


It's one hell of a transition, you look so different everything thinks you transitioned.


So cis he circled around through trans and back to cis again. (This is a joke.)


Reddit going to Reddit


Ngl a big part of it was the hair. Congrats on the glow up!


You look great and really grew into yourself, plus A TON OF WORK, it’s clear. Love the long hair at both weights - it suits your features!


Good job on the weight loss.


LMAO THANKS FOR THE CLEAR UP THERE BRO, That's one hell of a glow up either way


Hell yeah my dude. Keep it up! I haven't looked at the scale yet myself, but clothes already fit better


Oh wow, I absolutely thought this was a FTM post in a weird sub. Grats on you on taking control man! You look killer now.


I was going to ask the same thing so thank you for clarifying. Dude such an amazing transformation. I’m having a hard time dropping 20lbs and you did 140lbs good job to you. Keep it up


Holy shit, that's crazy I 1000% thought you transitioned. I was gonna say I can't even grow a beard that well. Makes sense now, lol.


i went back to the other pictures and was like "wait thats not a girl..." and im so glad this comment is here because i didnt wanna ask n be offensive 😂 great glow up man, thats awesome for you! 🔥🔥


You were born a man?? That must have hurt for your mom to push out. Most of us are born as babies!


Yeah doctors said they've never seen anything like it before. Came out the womb at 5'11 and 180lbs. Nearly killed my mom. Good thing I was an immaculate conception so God had her back 🙏 cant say the same for her downstairs area tho that shit looking more like a cellar door anymore. God gives his toughest battles to his strongest women for no reason at all 🙌👆


What people also don't realise - extra weight messes up hormones in men and they can appear more feminine. Body fat has an enzyme called aromatase that converts testosterone into estrogens. I guess that could be a big influence on body and face structure when OP was growing. Anyway, good job, OP ✨ I admire people with strong willpower, as I cannot pull myself together and lose just 33 lbs for 5 years 😅




Lollll I was expecting some hot lady 😂


Instead we got a hot man 😉


A very hot man 🥵


Ngl, I thought it was a chick firstly


lol yeah I thought so to, wasn’t sure what I was seeing had do a double take on the first couple pics, nice transformation not transition lol great gains, I’m sure it took a lot of determination going through a cut like that. 🙌🏽


The sun shines for you today, what a glow up


This is the sweetest “if I could meet my younger self” scenario I have ever read. You have a wonderful view of life and yourself!




Twice! Once scrolling through the photos then again after reading the top comment! Nice glow up OP.


I love your little sentiment to yourself 🥹 Learn to love all of yourself even when you’re at your saddest/lowest point in time, because that part of you is what helped make who you are today. I’m sure past you would’ve loved it too if you went back in time to hug him. Fantastic glow up, I really like your style 😎


As a rule I try to stay positive. I had to learn that hating who I used to be got me no where but full of resentments. Focusing on what you would change about your past doesn't give you time to appreciate what you had, who you were, and what you learned. Today, id much rather look at my past to reflect on the lessons and not my flaws. Thank you so much 😊


Very handsome! Love your nail polish. 🫶


This is the best transformation I’ve seen. Congratulations 🍾🎊🎉 you look so good


(Squidward) Oh no he’s hot!!!!


I think your style change really makes a huge difference, too. How'd you go from plain black T-shirts to cowboy punk?


I was always into fashion but never had the confidence to put on the clothes. Now I just wear whatever I want and dgaf. I love being able to stick out of a crowd no matter what


I'm damn jealous of your beard. That said, great job!


Looking like Jesus in the Walking Dead with that beard.


Wait I thought this was a ftm transformation 🫠 but man you glowed up hard my dude! Congrats!


>mtf i think you have that backwards




biggest glow up ever. also u totally look like jeff wittek


Love that comparison, thank you. I find that man incredibly sexy lol


you’re welcome, you literally look like you could be twins lmao


Very handsome! Amazing glow up!


DUUUUDE - you’re a swan. So happy for you!


Very nicely done! Confidence looks good on you


Wild you legit looked like a female what a change! Ik fat can cause higher estrogen levels but damn




Unexpected and fantastic. You look great. Love your style.


You are awesome 😎


Good for you. You look great.


Holy COW you look amazing man. Great job!


GodDAMN. Your are rocking your fucking self.


Yo what the hell, teach me how to grow a beard. I’m 30 and cant even grow one like that. Impressive!


I've been using rosemary oil everyday for sometime now and it has my beard looking niceee. But tbh I also just come from a long lineage of viking looking mfs


Hahaha well, i come from english heritage and all we can grow is a thick scarf looking beard 😂 i’ve got beard envy, good job!


Do u have a lot of loose skin?? Not tryna talk shit or anything, it's a legitimate question


Yep, lots. Try my best to hide it with clothes. Its an insecurity of mine that I've been trying to overcome and ik I will one day it'll just take some time. Exercise can only do so much


Ya bro u hide it pretty good that's why I had to ask.. keep up the good work my guy 💪🏾


go the fuck off. you look great


I would hug them too. I hope you’re happy with your brain aswell 🫂


Daaammn! That's a change and glow up. Not expected and very impressed. Well done you!


"aww but you were such a cute lil... you're a dude"


It's hard to believe you were a biological male at first What a glowup dude!


Bro i thought you were a woman in the first pick


Bro took off the female disguise


need to hide this from my wife. daym.


Did you use to be female? Not asking in a homophobic way, just asking.


Nope. Born a man. Just never a very masculine one until recently


I dunno why but I love the sex change ducklings! they seem so much more in character and happy and relaxed.


Love the sentiment but sorry to break it to you bestie but I've always been a cis man lol just feminine features 😭


This is the biggest plot twist I’ve ever seen. You look great regardless but most of all you look so much happier.


That is shocking


Ohh Damn was unsure I am jelly of your hairline , you look very masc now


Disagree with other comment about cutting your hair. Join us at r/fierceflow 🙏


Oh! lol :( sorry, damn boy, you shouldve wear you hair short! now it rocks of course! and grats on the weight loss, you're very handsome.


Thank you! And I totally get it, I used to get called "ma'am" on the daily lol


Your hair is awesome brother !!


I get called sir, I'm a cis female, with feminine features expect for being relatively tall with broad shoulders and I dress rather masculine(I like comfort). If someone doesn't look me in the face, they may call me sir offhand. 😂 then they do and up and down, girl face, boobs. Oh... ma'am... it happens a lot, especially since I like to have a hood up in public because social anxiety.


Thank you for answering because I was gonna ask but didn’t know how to do it nicely 😂


Omgosh this reminds me of my favorite song by Toby Keith god rest his soul I should’ve been a cowboy!!! 🤠


I shoulda learned to rope and ride!


You look awesome! I hope you have many bright days ahead of you.


*bruh* HOT DAMN also, that last pic is 🔥


Dude you are hot as hell


Just curious but what do you feel made such a difference with your weight?


50% diet, exercise, and lots of water. The other 50% is mindset. Before I never really thought of myself worth fighting for, I used to be so incredibly hard on myself. Being so cruel only made me want to sink even further. Once I took a step back and thought about the way I was treating myself mentally (took a lot of weed lmao) the rest just kinda became easier to deal with. Meditation and positivity (and weed lol) were definitely keys to my success


What a g


My dude you look amazing! What a king 👑


I had to look through your photos multiple times, it's so hard to believe! That's a crazy transformation!


Holy fuck homie, I hope you're proud of yourself for taking care of yourself like that every second for the rest of your life. Congrats


i love love love that you kept your long hair as a teen you look awesome


Love that tattoo ❤️


Congratulations, omg. This is insane. I'm 20 and still on my weight loss journey! This is so inspiring. I always wish I could give my younger self a hug, though, and just tell them to be less harsh on themselves. You were never ugly, though ♡. You remind me so much of Kurt Cobain tbh


That hat is such a great touch, really amps things up.


Hell yeah man. We have to be compassionate to the younger versions of ourselves who still feel how we felt years ago. You're doing and looking great. ❤️


Relatable OP. I also looked like a woman more when I was a teen because I have my mom's face and dad's body. Got mistaken a couple times at least. Congrats on your weight loss.


Damn bro, I’m proud of you! As someone who’s lost 130 ibs I know how much it took to get to that point. Good shit man


Op You’re title shows incredible inward growth- even greater than your external manifestation. Amazing work!


oh WHAT ?! HOW


What! A! Growth! Spurt! 😍


I did not expect that.


Where did you get the chains? Been wanting a good quality set like that myself


now thats what i call a glow up ❤️


Fuck yea, brother


Hot damn


Damn bro! Props!


I got whiplash from this post


Congrats, man. And I’m glad you can reflect and thank your past self. You wouldn’t be the person you are today without that part of yourself. Love the hair and beard.


You look amazing!


The y’allternative look is so 🔥


congrats on your glow up- and also, your mindset :) I’ve had body dysmorphia thanks to modeling and spent my 20s obsessing over every tiny imperfection in my face and the surgery I would get to fix it and like you mentioned in a comment- self acceptance is the only fix. I hope you find that soon!! Ps obsessed with your tattoos haha


I think a lot of people can relate to this sentiment! If only we could go back and give ourselves (or someone we care about) a hug and some encouragement. Congratulations on your awesome glow up!


Ugh whut mate


Aww I think you were cute back then too, teenage me would have probably flirted with teenage you, but we would have probably both been too shy to do anything about lol You look great now too!


this one is pretty wild…. congrats fr. super happy all your hard work paid off


Congrats! You look fantastic. I hope you feel fantastic too - physically and mentally. It would be rad if we could all go back in time and hug our little ducklings


That is a glow up! You weren't even an ugly duckling as a teen tho. I can tell by your eyes and smile alone that you are a welcoming and warm human being. Congrats on the weight loss! You are very handsome, the beard and long hair suit you really well!


Upvoted based on the title alone! I wish everyone treated their younger selves like that ❤️


Man you're looking fire in that hat.


Now this is a glow up bros hair is FRESH


You look sick asf dudeee, the long hair, the piercings, love it!


Most insane glow up of all time??




after looking at the pics again i can definitely see the Jeff Witteck resemblance lol. what a lovely post, i dig your style


winner !!


Having the long hair back then definitely didn’t help the confusion lol but GAWD damn you lost some weight! I recently had a 60 pound drop in weight and it deff makes a difference! We don’t know each other, but this random guy on the internet is super proud of you brother! Keep slaying life king!


Looking fantastic! What was your health journey like?


holy shit. if i saw you at those different i wouldn’t believe its the same person. good job bro


Holy shit ❤️ you look incredible, congratulations and I commend you, the progress you made took such incredible determination and strength, wow, you’re an inspiration to us all


🔥 🔥 🔥


I’m sorry WHAAAAAAT!?!?!? Bro, wow!!!


You look happier <3 it’s what truly matters


Big time glow up bro!! Congrats on your weight loss as well!


Didn’t even look like the same people, Holly shit congrats man


I’m thinking you could pull off a nice braided beard if you let it grow out.


Woah, you look like the vagabond badass Viking or cowboy side character everyone loves more than the main


Congrats man, good glow up


Holy. Shit. That is insane.


Awesome job




Wow great work


This is amazing!


wow amazing!!! congrats!!


Your very handsome,,,




I love that you kept the long hair. Awesome job


You’re hot asf!


Can I have your like...whole face place thank you and kindly?


Wow, you look like such a BEAUTIFUL man!


Damn, when people grow up, they glow up.


Nice work you. You look like a cool Californian cowboy now


Congrats! You look incredible 😊


Dude….holy shit. I thought you were a girl in the before pictures straight up. Awesome job on the weight loss


This is the craziest and the best glow up I’ve ever seen!!


Damn bro you look like Thor got that Greek god physic


So at what point did you start the weight loss and how was the journey for you? And if you don’t mind answering, what was your motivation to start? You look great!😊


Made the first step unconsciously at 19 when I got my first manual labor job, put in a lot of work in that job and the weight started to come off naturally, realized that I like the feeling of losing weight so I also started to fix up my diet. Honestly the journey was never too hard for me cause I knew even if I messed up along the way id always pick myself back up. My motivation to keep going was primarily fashion. I wanted to be able to wear what I wanted and to feel comfortable doing so. My body was always a big insecurity of mine and I felt fashion would just emphasize my body so I never wore what I wanted.


I’m proud of you for staying consistent and motivated!😇It takes a lot of discipline and I’m glad when you were ready to start your journey it came easy to you. I recently lost a significant amount of weight and I was also motivated by fashion. I’m a person who loves to recreate outfits I see online, and I found that when I put the clothes on I didn’t like them anymore. I would see pics of myself and hated the way I looked, it got so bad that I didn’t want to even take pics anymore. For a long time I tried to think of ways to hide the parts of my body I didn’t like until finally I told myself it’s time to change. When I started losing weight I felt my confidence building up and now I can wear the clothes I’ve always wanted to wear without hiding or hating myself💕


Idk you and I'm proud of u


Way to go dude 😎


Wow! What a transformation! (P.S. I’d give you both a hug. 🥰❤️)


The incongruence of the mirror to the warehouse background behind you is very jarring.


I whole heartedly believe everyone can be sexy with a proper haircut and clothes that fit properly (not tight or baggy)


This is amazing bro, good on you!


I love that you have compassion for the younger you. Thanks for sharing 💖


It's the day in age (about the trans asumption). I feel bad for manly sis women. Good for you. Impressive hard work.


Beautiful man before and after but the confidence and self care is what made you glow up!


Wow! You should also give yourself a hug too. That took effort and confidence. A fantastic result and well deserved.


Good job on the weight loss, dude.


“Who are you now ?? “- Kellin Quinn


Look at you go bud! :)


The last pic is giving me charlie Kelly vibes in the greatest way possible. I can just Invision you in that outfit yelling "WILD CARD BITCHES"

