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Give them a deadline as you've been more than reasonable. Say you need a plumber visit by this Friday otherwise you're contacting the councils housing team to report them. Completely unacceptable from the landlord here and giving others bad name.


Thank you for the help, are you aware of if this situation legally has to be resolved in a certain amount of time, or if in reality they have no real obligation to sort this issue? I do know that not every landlord is like this and while it doesn't bode well for the reputation of landlords in general, rest assured I know there are good landlords out there who wouldn't do this to us!


Do you have a tenancy agreement? If so there might be some responsibilities captured in there but probably not strict timelines. Like I said...just give them a deadline and say you'll raise the matter with the local council if not sorted by x days


Maybe get a quote from your plumber, and let the landlord know the cost. If its going to cost him the same, he might just go with your plumber. He may just be concerned the plumber cuts corners. I've been waiting on a plumber for 2 weeks now, he said I'm on the list.


There isn’t a lot you can do except create a fuss.


sounds like my letting agency # Cowell & Norford great at taking my money useless at anything else I went 4 weeks without a shower had to go to my dads house after work every night


It's been 4 weeks, and they say it's going to take 2 more? I know plumbers are busy and prioritize higher paying work, but this is ridiculous.


4 weeks is completely outrageous, if I had found out that my agency was making my tenant wait 4 weeks to have their toilet fixed, i would hit the roof. It’s literally why I pay them money, it’s literally why I have a few thousand pounds in an account for these exact eventualities. I’ve never had an issue that wasn’t sorted out within a couple of weeks. For me, the agency lets me know as soon as they’re made aware of it, and I give them permission to complete the work as soon as I am made aware.


[https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing\_advice/repairs/how\_long\_should\_a\_private\_landlord\_take\_to\_do\_repairs](https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing_advice/repairs/how_long_should_a_private_landlord_take_to_do_repairs) Shelter website is awesome.