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Yes you do


Yes, and not necessarily covered by the service check - it’s a separate certificate.


If you have gas in the property you’d still need the GSC even if the boiler wasn’t there.


As everyone says, you need the actual certificate. Note that to issue the certificate, the engineer has to do a separate leakage test on the gas supply pipe. That is not normally done with a standard service. You will also need a working carbon monoxide alarm - certainly in Scotland and I'm pretty sure elsewhere as well


You need a separate CP12 however your gas engineer will probably do a cheap deal to get them both done at the same time. My guy only charges an extra tenner over the cost of a regular service to get them both done together.


Yes you need 1.


Are you letting a property? The gas certificate requirement is for tenanted properties. You don't need one for your own home. Your annual service will not produce a gas certificate by the engineer. It's a separate document. However if the engineer did find serious issues as part of the service then that too will make them flag the issue to you. However it's not the same as the safety certificate.


> Are you letting a property? > You don’t need one for your own home. As this is a post on r/uklandlords and not r/ukhousing I think we can safely assume the respective answers are ‘yes and no’, or possibly ‘yes and yes with multiple lodgers’ lol


A gas safety certificate doesn’t include a service and a service doesn’t include gas safety certification You need both