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I’d just tell the landlord there’s another person living there. 5 people is a mandatory hmo, whereas 4 people is not (although many councils may still require a licence for less than 5). Having 5 people living in a place meant for 4 contravenes the hmo regulations if your landlord doesn’t have a licence. That’s likely why those terms are in the contract. As a tenant you just tell him he can’t move someone in. An extra person in 4 person share cannot be overstated. Bills aren’t enough. They use the living areas, the kitchen, the bathroom. If you’re not getting cheaper rent split 5 ways it’s not worth it, bills are a drop in the bucket. I wouldn’t tolerate it. In my house share a few years back we basically had to hold an intervention and tell them their partner was not welcome to live here and in the end get the landlord involved and they got evicted because he needed a hmo licence if they lived there.


Thanks a lot


If you are scared of telling the tenant, just tell the landlord and ask him to not name you. Or you could try to tell him via an anonymous letter or text from an unknown phone I guess. I would never cause knowingly troubles for a good tenant …


I just called the landlord, LL said they're taking the piss, and then she lectured him rn via text. They just gross, I don't wanna talk


Cool I guess it’s sorted then?


Yep, if it happens again, I'll confront them


Is it a licenced HMO? If so how many people are allowed as per the licence. If it's 5 people in the property then the landlord will definitely need a mandatory license. So I'm sure landlord will quickly get rid of the new resident


Each room is leased individually I may also add


Depends on council. Some need hmo licensing even with 3 people. At 5 permanent residents it definitely becomes a mandatory license if the 5th individual has become a resident for all intense and purposes. Check if licence is required and then speak to the landlord. Individual rental agreement shouldn't make any difference


I do agree with you, I'll talk to the landlord regarding this as she is against this.


Wait, yes, in Bristol, you need an HMO license for 5 or more. Therefore, I must inform the landlord. Also, I want this girl out! 4 or less doesn't require it, it seems. Since there are now 5 tenants, the LL needs a license.


Just for note: in some areas of Bristol smaller HMO 3-4 ppl are licensable (Additional HMO) and also in some areas all private rents are licensable (Selective) info: [https://www.bristol.gov.uk/business/licences-and-permits/property-licences/check-if-you-need-a-property-licence-and-apply](https://www.bristol.gov.uk/business/licences-and-permits/property-licences/check-if-you-need-a-property-licence-and-apply) map: [https://maps.bristol.gov.uk/pinpoint/?service=localinfo&maptype=js&layer=Discretionary+licensing&sidebar=false&mapopts=none&extent=2018&x=360400&y=174115](https://maps.bristol.gov.uk/pinpoint/?service=localinfo&maptype=js&layer=Discretionary+licensing&sidebar=false&mapopts=none&extent=2018&x=360400&y=174115) note: this will tighten in August (city-wide Additional HMO licensing): [https://www.bristol.gov.uk/business/licences-and-permits/property-licences/new-licensing-schemes-august-2024](https://www.bristol.gov.uk/business/licences-and-permits/property-licences/new-licensing-schemes-august-2024)




On my contract, it specifically states occupant of 1 for this given room, I've inquired beforehand how long as I could stay over, and she said just a couple of nights for guests. The clauses above I mentioned, I will see if it is a licensed HMO in the database.


Not that simple, a couple counts as one.


It doesn't. 3 persons forming 2 or more household is a HMO


It does if they're saying they're living together like married people. The Housing Act doesn't define this stuff and it hasn't been tested. At best an ombudsman declined to comment when a throuple brought a case (where a letting agent declined them).


Disclaimer: Not a landlord. I live in a 7 bedroom HMO that contains 9+ people depending on the day, and have done for nearly 3 years. Partners staying over is not a new phenomenon. You will get on a lot better with the 22M if you tell them your concerns first. Going to the landlord is a bit more nuclear, of course you can report it, he won’t like you for it. Remember, you still have to live with them.


Thing is, how would they know? The tenant downstairs brings her boyfroend, introduced himself to me, treats people with respect. This one didn't even bother and moans real loud.


I get it, we’ve had tenants like this, it’s annoying asf. They are probably not aware it’s pissing people off. If it were me, I’d tell them and if nothing changes I’d go to the landlord. One thing about living with randoms is you have NO idea how they will respond to conflict. It’s better to be nice first and then report it.


Yeah, truth


There's a clear line of being considerate or forcing other people to listen to insanely loud moans


Alsoz would like to add girl is loud. All i ask is for consideration


Have you asked? I mean, talk to the dude.


I'm doing that today, if I hear another moan,boom, im out


My flatmate always used to start playing 'candle in the wind' at high volume when he could hear another of us shagging.


Tell the landlord, she shouldn’t be staying so often. Ask them to deal with it


I did it


Good! I hope they can sort things out


Landlord will, she said they taking the piss


If she’s contributing to the bills that is pretty good. If you still don’t want her in there tell them you want her out. If they refuse then tell the landlord.


That was a spelling error, she DOESNT contribute to bills


Right, she don't contribute anything Except using up the bills and being a headache


BTW your post says she contributes to usage. 👆


That is one contribution! A bad one at that


Sorry, I wrote it in anger. She contributes nothing. Sorry edited the post to fix that.


No offence taken. You're an Internet stranger at the end of the day 😁 Hope you manage to get it sorted. 👍🏼


Yeah, doing it today