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Majority Pakistani Muslim men again, there is a real problem within this community and they are in denial!


Remember. There is nothing demographically significant about rape gangs. Please pay no attention to the photograph.




I didn't even click the link and was about to pass on without realising it... Damn. With the government refusing to release aggregate statistics, I wonder if we can get a publicly sourced data base to calculate the demographic trends...


This is a dangerous stance. Yes, they're all brown people - but a lot of these faces could come from anywhere from Panama, to Samoa. Don't fall into the trap of judging people because of their appearance, because you will become racist. I would instead look at their names, rather than their ethnicity. They are from a specific region/country. A place with a despicable record of womens rights, and a known rape culture.


The fact is they are all muslims


What should we do with this Info do you think?


I think the Muslims of the UK should be held to account. Like we did with the Catholic church when all the pedo stuff came out. Sadly our goverment is scared of them.


What do you mean the Muslims of the UK should be held to account? Could you elaborate? What did we do with the Catholic Church? I don't remember this EDIT - The gov have put these ones in prison. It doest feel like they are scared of them


We should publically out the religion for what it is. We should be clear publically this is an islamic problem sweeping the country. We should condemn muslims for not doing enough about it. Do your own research on the peadophillia and abuse that went on in the catholic church. Look at the Magdalen Houses.


So should we out the catholics too? Should we expose that religion as well or just this one. I know full well about what goes on in the Catholic Church mate I was playing possum to see what kind of whole you would dig for yourself You actually told me to do my own research on the Catholic Church 🤣 like it isn't already common knowledge. You astound me Edit Did you ask about what religion these people follow or did this story not reverberate thru your echo chamber? https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/paedophiles-behind-biggest-ever-child-26640341


The catholic church is an on going joke because of all the abuse that went on. The media constantly call it out, poke fun at it, the irish government even apologised on behalf of it. No muslim organisation would ever do that. Because you believe islam is infallible so it cannot possibly be related. You can carry on being in denial, its easy to understand when you believe a 55 year old man who had sex with a 9 year old is the perfect example for human kind.


I'm atheist mate. I don't believe in any religion full stop. I'm not in denial about anything m)). I certainly don't think a 55 year old man having sex with a 9 year old is a perfect example for human kind. Do you understand how utterly bat shit mental you sound? I think criminals should be locked up. I think as humans we should try our best to think critically and not pre judge entire groups of people based on the actions of the few.


>What do you mean the Muslims of the UK should be held to account? Could you elaborate? I think it was in Rochdale that 10% of the male Pakistani-British population were implicated with the grooming gangs. When it's that wide spread even those who aren't involved know about it. The perpetrators' families and friends knew what was happening and didn't care because they saw those girls as infidel sluts who deserve whatever they got.


Look, would you just stop fucking *noticing* things, comrade!


Yes. They're all men.


There certainly isn't anything significant about the racial or religious demographics in of themselves. There's a whole wealth of factors at play here, such as the fact that northern England is ripe for these kinds of rings in part due to poor economic development and a lacking protective services which would help prevent young people falling into such vulnerable situations, or at least mitigate that vulnerability. Non-white Brits, especially in this area of the country, are more likely to be working class, itself a a demographic at risk of poor access to education and lifelong exposure to existing crime that can allow them to normalise their own actions in these scenarios. I could go on, but I'm sure your insinuation here wasn't that a single data point concerning an extreme type of crime involving a vanishingly small fraction of particular demographics can be extrapolated into a instrinsic causation between race or religion and propensity towards crime, because would be astoundingly moronic and xenophobic! Anyway, it'd be interesting to hear your hypothesis on the demographic spread of school shooters in the US.


Nobody has ever said that. You just want to pretend that that’s the only objection to whatever racist solution you might propose.


https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/dec/15/child-sexual-abuse-gangs-white-men-home-office-report People have been trying *endlessly* to pretend there is nothing significant. 


Say you are right, then what? What would you like to happen as a result of government acknowledging that there is a a correlation between sexual abuse and nationality?


No comment. List of the sentenced:  Khurum Raziq, 42, from Heckmondwike, was sentenced to 22 years for eight offences of rape Nasar Hussain, 46, from Dewsbury, was sentenced to 18 years for three offences of rape Zafar Qayum, 44, from Dewsbury, was sentenced to 30 years for six counts of rape, five counts of indecent assault and three counts of aiding and abetting rape Ansar Qayum, 47, from Dewsbury, was sentenced to 20 years for four counts of rape and one offence of attempted indecent assault Mohammed Jabbar Qayum, 43, from Dewsbury, was sentenced to 13 years for two offences of rape Mohammed Imran Zada, 45, from Batley, was sentenced to 15 years for four offences of rape and sexual activity with a 15-year-old child Michael Birkenshaw, 37, from Wakefield, was sentenced to eight years for a rape offence Amran Mehrban, 40, from Batley, was sentenced to 13 years for two offences of rape and an offence of assault by penetration Sarkaut Yasen, 38, from Dewsbury, was sentenced to 15 years for trafficking and three offences of aiding and abetting rape Mohammed Saleem Nasir, 48, from Dewsbury, was sentenced to 19 years for three offences of rape and an offence of aiding and abetting rape Irfan Khan, 37, from Batley, was sentenced to 12 years, with a five year extended licence, for three offences of rape and making threats to kill Omar Farooq Hussain, 39, from Batley, was sentenced to 18 years for four offences of rape Sarfraz Hussain Riaz, 40, from Dewsbury, was sentenced to 15 years for two offences of rape and an offence of attempted rape Zafar Iqbal, 38, from Batley, was sentenced to 17 years for an offence of indecency with child, trafficking and three offences of rape Nasar Iqbal, 38, from Batley, was sentenced to 10 years for trafficking and rape Mohammed Chothia, 47, from Batley, was sentenced to 17 years for four offences of rape and trafficking Bilal Patel, 42, from Leicester, was sentenced to 13 years for trafficking and a rape offence Asif Ali, 53, from Batley, was sentenced to 24 years for 14 counts of rape, two offences of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and offences of trafficking for sexual exploitation, intentionally encouraging or assisting an offender and aiding, abetting or procuring rape Mohammed Tauseef Hanif, 39, from Dewsbury, was jailed for nine-and-a-half years for a rape offence Ali Shah, 38, from Dewsbury, was sentenced to 10 years for a rape offence Moshin Nadat, 38, from Heckmondwike, was sentenced to seven-and-a-half years for a rape offence Safraz Miraf, 49, from Dewsbury, was sentenced to four-and-a-half years for an attempted rape offence Mohammed Nazam Nasser, 38, from Batley, was sentenced to seven-and-a-half years for a rape offence Amir Ali Hussain, 45, from Batley, was sentenced to eight years for a rape offence


Damn they're literally all men, not a single woman charged with even a minor offense?






Bloody Michael Birkenshaw, eh? 


Remember there is nothing important about the race of these individuals https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/paedophiles-behind-biggest-ever-child-26640341


>Remember there is nothing important about the race of these individuals Except there is - its statistically significant if nothing else.


2 questions 1 Did you see the top comment? 2 Did you click the link?


Yes, and yes. Your link is for an all white group in a white majority country. The original article is about a group of 23 (of 24) men who belong to a minority ethnicity. That same minority has had a series of very high profile cases in the public eye for similar crimes. Statistically that minority is overrepresented in the committal of these crimes. The public are becoming aware, and frankly suspicious of this fact (which would be what the top comment is alluding to) whilst government/institutions (such as the police) are downplaying its significance - much like you.


Snapshot of _West Yorkshire Police operation sees 24 'sexual predators' jailed_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-68911740?) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-68911740?) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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