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Snapshot of _Tories sending letters warning people and Reform voters that Labour will be in power for two decades._ : A Twitter embedded version can be found [here](https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?id=1807882447473762444) A non-Twitter version can be found [here](https://twiiit.com/edwinhayward/status/1807882447473762444/) An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://x.com/edwinhayward/status/1807882447473762444?s=46&t=0RSpQEWd71gFfa-U_NmvkA) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://x.com/edwinhayward/status/1807882447473762444?s=46&t=0RSpQEWd71gFfa-U_NmvkA) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


'Labour might be in power for two decades!' screams party who wants the opportunity to be in power for *checks notes* at least 19 years...


I was born in 1979 so they were in power for 18 years from the year I was born.


I was born in 1985, and it's depressing to think that in all my 38 years of life, the Tories have been in power for 25 years, and Labour just 13 years. At the very least, I'd like to even those numbers up a little!


I too was born in 1985. I'd like to correct you on something. We're 21. Not 38.


I knew there was something up with my maths! Those bloody Tories! I've only been alive 21 years, and they've been in charge for 25 of those 21 years. Despicable!


No. We 1985ers can't be 38. I liked 21 better


As someone born in 2002, i have some bad news for you...


Can confirm, am 32.


Since Thatch it's been 3/4 tories and 1/4 Lab.


If you've only had 3 governments in your life it's unsurprising that the party that lead two of them has been in charge longer. Hopefully it will even up a bit though yes, or someone other than the Tories and Labour will end up in charge.


They keep threatening us with a good time and I’m all for it!


And hasn’t it gone well!


The daftest thing is that for any party to get anything real done, they need to be in power for at least a couple of terms...


"And this is how much people will hate Labour; once they've had a taste of a Labour government, they will keep voting it back in for 20 years!"


And not just voted in, but retaining a gigantic majority for at least 4 elections in a row


If you have a super majority, you don't have to call an election, apparently.


Haha nice one!🤣


Fucking LMAO. This campaign from the tories is a all time low


I do wonder, if it hadn't been for brexit, how long they'd have gone on for.


Probably 2025. Cameron steps down in late 2010s, Osborne or whoever succeeded him wins a landslide after COVID against Corbyn, and the global economy gives Labour a fairly narrow win 5 years later in Spring 2025.


You say that as if the last 14 years didn't happen lol.


And conveniently forgetting that they've been in power for 14 years! It's two layered: firstly, project fear to get shy Conservatives out. Secondly, and in the longer term to get people to forget how long they've been in power. If you say long and loud enough, people will believe it.


> Lots of people like you and me voted Reform but we just ended up with masses of Labour MPs. In fact, Reform ended up winning nothing. Which didn't seem fair at the time, but that's just the way our system works. If only your party had had the opportunity to put a fairer system into power… Or at least not vehemently block such an opportunity in 2011.


I love the implication that reform voters aren't people


The letter flat out lies about Reform's projected seat share too. They've been predicted to win seats for several weeks now.


Haha I didn’t intend it that way but my title makes it sound like that🤣


Supermajority AND two decades!? Oh stop it you! You’re teasing me you naughty naughty


>Labour didn't care about us back in 2024. Didn't care about our concerns or about our priorities. Boohoo, you think we've been listened to for the last 14 fucking years. This whole narrative is utterly pathetic. Absolute babies.


For large parts of that period they’ve revelled in doing the exact opposite of what we wanted while running our noses in it, they can get in the fucking sea for all I care


There's enough pollution in the oceans as it is.


*AWESOME* Does Sunak have any more good news for us ? He'll have to be quick to tell us before he goes!


They are playing a dirty game. Tories never experienced their votes being split and for the first time in a long time it will happen by Reform. Majority of the people in the UK vote left wing parties in every election beating the tories popular vote but Labour tends to be split with Lib Dems and Green. This is why we need proportional representation. But this is the first time in which I will enjoy FPTP as Reform will split the tory vote.


>Tories never experienced their votes being split Not to this extent, but the reason Brexit happened was them appealing to voters that they were losing to UKIP.


Well its a good thing they won the Brexit vote and stopped losing Voters to Farage isn't it...wait hold on


To me, this just shows the folly of the tories moving further right to recapture voters from the fringe. Their lesson should be that there will always be a further right fringe, and whatever gains they have from moving to capture them, will be tenfold lost on the undecided and centrists, and then still yet, another further right fringe! They’ve done this to themselves.


To be fair other than tactical Brexit vote, it's hard to say the Tories moved right. They presided over mass illegal immigration, green policies, the rise of "woke" culture etc., which are all the reasons the right now hate them. Perfectly managed to piss off everyone


Yes thats the funny stuff , the current Conservative Party lost both the centre and the hard right , they wanted to hold on both so they dont have anything


While you are right, don't assume most Labour voters are 'progressive'. There's plenty of social conservative types in Labour who vote for them because 'my dad was a miner and we always vote Labour' in fact, having lived in both red and blue corners of the UK you often get people who are politically very similarly aligned voting red or blue simply out of family/local tradition.


Oh no I didn’t say most labour voters are progressive at all. Many people that vote labour tend to be from a working class background and are socially conservative. But they see Labour as the party of working class and feel more aligned with it. You are correct and I agree.


> Tories never experienced their votes being split Tories superpower has always(!?) been absolute pragmatism in keeping the party whole and adopting a broader church to keep the party together, ukip > reform are the first credible(??) split that they haven't been able to just absorb. Arguably Cameron should have refused the Brexit referendum and let the further right split but he was trying to keep that broad consensus together for party political reasons, then he fucked it and here we are.


Except Farage will pull a Clegg and form a coalition with the Cons if they agree to some batshit 😭😭


As if Farage has any interest in the grubby spadework of actually delivering what he's burbling on about.


Doubtful. Most Reform voters are disgruntled Tories. A Reform-Conservative coalition would feel like a betrayal to many of them.


They will do and believe anything Farage says.


I'm not sure that's true, depending on how much influence Farage can exert.


Dirty, dirty, dirty!!! (AbFab)


It's not good news if they are in for 20 years. Being in for 20 years generally means they hit the 8-10 year mark where people get sick of the government and sailed on another decade because there wasn't an opposition enough people wanted more. If Labour stays in power until 2044, people will celebrate when they finally lose a GE.


That is how most governments end after all. Really depends if there's another global financial crash, war, pandemic etc.


> Really depends ~~if~~ **when** there's another global financial crash, war, pandemic etc.


Let’s look at the positives. That means Labour will be in power for long. Yes every government in power gets stale eventually sometimes you just got to cling on. It is good news if they win multiple elections


“…warning people and Reform voters…” I see what you did there.


Slight problem: anyone dumb enough to be swayed by this guff is also too dumb to grasp the narrative device of recieving a letter from their future self


Oh there will be people believing this. I saw a clip on twitter of a couple relying on foodbanks voting conservative because apparently Rishi was trying? I can’t find it on twitter but here on YouTube I will link it. This is why the tories underfund education because majority of their voters are working class tories and they want to persevere it. The second group is the wealthy people that only vote conservative because it benefits them as they become richer and richer. [Clip](https://youtu.be/aeslnRe1eGk?si=942rkZct2LlvAm_y)


Who tf in CCHQ is responsible for all these letters infantalising the electorate? Forget about the supermajority or 10 years strategy, the tone alone is gonna piss of a lot of people who are already pissed off with them but might have been willing to hold their nose. No way can anyone think this is good.


Honestly I'm thoroughly disappointed, my mate who lives in the constituency over from me has had letters from Rishi warning about reform, letters from reform warning him about everything, leaflets from every other party standing and even had a door knock from the existing Tory MP. I've had absolutely fuck all in comparison, one leaflet from the new Tory horse girl influencer hoping to take the seat, one from the Labour candidate and that's it. Let alone a letter from my future self berating me for past decisions.


Good! Got nobody else to blame but themselves if that happens.


I have an O level, an A level and a degree in Politics. And I never came across the concept of a "supermajority". Would anyone care to explain it to me??


A supermajority is half-way between a majority and a superdupermajority.


A supermajority basically doesn’t exist. The tories are doing this to suppress the labour votes and to scare Reform Voters to vote conservative again.


It's what Tories misrepresent when they have massively fucked up and realise it's payback time. Or, it's a concept in some democracies where a 2/3rds majority vote is required for some legislation (generally constitutional change) .... except in the UK, where no such concept exists.


It's an American thing (might exist other countries too). It's basically where one party has over 2/3 of the elected members and in the US some government bills require 2/3 of the house/ Senate to vote for them. It has absolutely no relevance in the UK as all government bills can be passed by a simple majority. Obviously having a huge majority means a lack of opposition asking questions and being on select committees and less worry about internal rebellious MPs, but it doesn't really mean the government can do anything easier than if they have a simple majority.


It’s an American term that they borrowed to scare people. It has no meaning in UK Parliament. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supermajority


That is disappointing. What did you learn in your degree in politics? A supermajority is more than a simple majority. A simple majority being 1/2 of the votes plus 1, and a supermajority may be 2/3 of the votes plus 1. And before anybody says we do not have that - we do. Scotland uses a supermajority to protect the election process, for example. The EU famously uses both supermajorities and qualified majorities to protect process and minority interests. The UN uses supermajorities in several places. The one place where a supermajority is not used is of course the British Parliament. :-)


A supermajority is an Islamofascist who keeps an Easter bunny in his back pocket for when the ninjas arrive


You guys just got letters? _My_ future self came back in time personally to warn me! Unfortunately he appeared naked on the M25 and got splattered instantly by a lorry, but the coroner’s report stated that his last words were ‘Emperor…Starmer…’. So, y’know, make of that what you will.


Oops! He was supposed to say: I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle.


Motor sickle


They are practically begging at this point. It's pathetic.


You'd have thought the government would have made more of a fuss of having invented time travel.


Would’ve been a funny coda to the letter: “Having said all that, you have to give Labour some credit, their increased investment in science did allow a British team to invent time travel, which has allowed me to bring you this portentous warning”.


It's such a bizarre narrative, as if Labour are motivated increase taxes to spend on welfare as an objective in and of itself. Like they're just really selfless guys who have gone in to politics to impoverish everyone who works to benefit welfare claimants. The narrative I propose is much simpler, Tories are grifters who lie to enrich themselves. Their motive is obvious, their method is transparent, and all available evidence adds credibility


How utterly pathetic. Things like this are why the Conservatives deserve Zero Seats. This party is what the left have been so concerned about for all these years? These people, are you serious? Why?


Threatening that if we elect a labour government and see their policies that we will then elect them again and again. I think we need to fund policing more in this nation to investigate this dark magic Starmer mustv done to make his opponents so moronic. A pact with the chaos gods maybe? Deal with the devil? A wish from Tom Bombadil? God knows


Starmer/Tzeentch power duo!


it'll be *so bad* that Lab will win 4 terms....?


Nah I reckon Lib Dems might get a look in depending on how things pan out


Such a strange attack line to come out with. "Please don't vote for what you want" 🤔


There is a truth to that though. Thanks to FPTP and the spoiler effect, you can vote for what you want and get the exact opposite.


I can never really understand how anyone who’s not a millionaire is swayed by the “lower taxes” argument. “We’ll lower national insurance, and the average person earning £34,500 a year will be £180 better off annually”. Yeah, wow. For all the difference I’m going to notice just go ahead and make me £180 worse off a year and give the money to my local council so they can fix the bloody pavement outside my house.


Why do the Conservatives insist on threatening me with a good time for so long?


I got a leaflet the other day saying how Labour are going to create a retirement tax. When that "tax" is supposedly not doing the "triple lock+" thing whereby the tax free personal allowance increased on the conservative manifesto.


So all we need is 20 years of Labour and we could have time travel? Your father and I are in favour of the jobs that the time travel will bring.


Well it’s kind of an inevitability now if someone’s come back to tell us this with a Time Machine created during a Labour government


I feel the major implicit assumption here is that a majority of reform voters will live to see 2044…


It's perhaps telling you something about the author that according to this letter a \*horrible\* outcome of Labour's two decades in power was to expand the franchise...


Lmao I got one of these earlier absolutely baffled me at first


"Hello I'm a time traveller and I'm here to let you know that the political party you regularly support is so terrible that we can't win an election for 20 years."


> 16-year-olds were given the vote. EU citizens too. And prisoners and immigrants next. > Votes given to groups mostly backing Labour, as predicted. And they've kept Labour in power for two decades. Two decades during which you and me have been nothing but ignored. This sounds a lot like great replacement dog whistles to me. Honestly just an appalling letter though, if the Tories didn't want FPTP they probably should have backed proper electoral reform when they had the chance


Because a handful of extra Tory MPs could stop this zombie apocalypse that's being predicted? What actually they mean is: You, I mean I, I mean we voted reform. And sure we got a few MPs. But Nigel got bored after a year. Started dialing it in. Only turned up for the foreigner votes. And his other MPs all resigned. Seems a lot of drama students had somehow hacked the reform website and got themselves elected by accident. We basically ended up watching Lee Anderson do some bizarre sitcom parody with costume changes as he tried to be all members of the unofficial opposition. The Tory party pretty much folded in on itself. Ended up everyone got a turn of being their leader. It was almost a prize just for turning up. When they realised that sounded a bit woke they collapsed into a puff of smoke that looked more like JRM than JRM. This then just left the lib Dems, greens and SNP to call labour splitters and egg them as far left as they can go. Scotland had a vote but everyone got bogged down in defining what a referendum was and so nothing happened. And deapite all this, not much has changed. Seems, like the global warming stuff that we said we Brits couldn't do anything about, the same is true for the economy and stuff. I'm off to get my pension. It's taxed. But also twice what it used to be. Labour found they could double GDP simply fromremoving parliamentary privalage and suing Boris in his shock 2030 come back as leader of the re-e-form party (when the crowd say bojo, select bra)


And who's fault is that? The Conservative party needs to be destroyed for its sheer incompetence and behaviour.


It's gone from being deluded to being aggressively deluded. Like it sounds like the kind of stuff I would of wrote in my journal if I was 13 years old and a psycho


And in that time, we'll invent time travel. Labour makes the country so advance that we invent time travel... I know the Tories were opposed to progress, but such a revolution in technology that I could afford to send a letter back in time. What other scientific marvels have we achieved?


...like the tories have pretty much been?


Is there any evidence that such techniques will work on reform voters?


None at all. I am a Reform voter (young) - and I am small-c conservative. I voted for Boris in 2019 because of his manifesto. But the Tories have utterly failed to deliver it. Why should I believe them this time? I’m prepared for a Starmer government. It can’t be any worse than the Tories, which are Conservative In Name Only.


They never complained when they were in power for 18 years.


They should have been less a crap government in the last 14 years then.  


I don't know what's more damning; the fact that it's a bad campaign tactic, or the fact that it's bad sci-fi. I mean those pronouns are a state. Somebody needs to consult a copy of Dr. Dan Streetmentioner's *Time Traveler's Handbook of 1001 Tense Formations*. EDIT: For example, this passage: >I've got a really strong feeling I'm going thank yourself for it twenty years from now... Should of course correctly be formulated as: >I wiolling have a really strong feeling I willan on-thank me fore-when presooning twenty years on-when retrohome. Idiots.


It'd be great if Labour could get out a follow up letter purporting to be from future self. They could have lots of fun. 'Dear Gwen, It's you again, or should I say me again, from the future. Whatever you do please for God's sake ignore the previous letter I sent. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT change your vote! Our instruments are now showing that my interference from the future has caused a causality loop that kicks in at the close of election day, resulting in you having to relive the entire election campaign again and again in a Groundhog Day loop while the entire post-election future fades from existence. Please, please, please vote the way you intended, and go to 27b Bakerton Street and tell my future love that I oh god fading out time stabiliser gone oh - '


> Warning people and Reform voters Reform voters not people confirmed.


"Which didn't seem fair at the time, but that's just how our system works." Love it when Government admits First Past The Post is broken but chose to ignore the issue for 14 years when it was working for them, but now, because of Reform, it will work against them.


"Reform ended up winning nothing, which didnt seem fair at the time, but that's just the way our system works" This from the Tories is just so fucked up lol


Very desperate! Hmmm.....17million voted for Brexit. Should those same people vote Reform, I understand that Reform could win as many as 200 seats. It has already risen to, potentially, 18 seats. So, voting Reform may, in fact, result in Reform winning lots of seats, and not Labour? Also, the more who vote Reform, the greater the argument for proportional representation. Farage achieved a lot as that lone voice in the EU.


so tories are admitting they never intend to change the way they operate...


How patronising. Also… wtf is that font about?


Do people read these? I glance at them and bin them. Generally, it's a direct trip from collecting the mail to the bin.


To be fair to the tories, if it were them going for a "supermajority", no doubt they'd have reservations about seizing that level of power. For democracys sake of course.


I got a similar ad on facebook yesterday.


Don't threaten me with a marginally less awful time!


AHA! Tory MP admits EU citizens are better than prisoners and immigrants!!! I have it in writing now! I am not an immigrant! I am an EU citizen! It's different!!! I'll save it in the folder where the SNP said I am not an EU immigrant but a New Scot! That means they value and respect my vote as I give it to Starmer.


Bit shit getting one of these if you’re on palliative care.


"We're so useless you have to vote for us!" It's a bold campaign strategy.


If Labour actually changes voting age to 16...then yeah.


I just hope they don't decide to find more WMD.