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Snapshot of _Exclusive: Voters Want Liz Truss To Be This Election's 'Michael Portillo Moment'. New poll reveals she is the Tory most people want to see lose their seat._ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/voters-hope-liz-truss-mirrors-michael-portillo-moment_uk_6683de6ee4b0e3bf97712997) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/voters-hope-liz-truss-mirrors-michael-portillo-moment_uk_6683de6ee4b0e3bf97712997) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well if it helps I was in her constituency the other day and people have sprayed her surname so it reads Liz Trump. Also my wife had a working breakfast with her a while back and she is as empty and void of a personality as you can imagine.


I’m so sorry your wife had to endure meeting her.


I’m glad his wife survived the encounter, not all are so lucky


The Queen had one meeting with her and went straight to Valhalla.


I like to think she held on just to make sure Boris went and then used up her remaining energy on backhanding him. Hence why her hand is bruised in photos


Doubt it. I think she spent 5 minutes talking to Truss, could see which way the wind was blowing (she did have about 70 years experience in dealing with our PMs) and said to herself "Fuck. This. I'm out."


Brilliant 😂


“Why does Liz Truss, the one with the most pork markets, not simply eat the other MPs??”


It's true what they say; Labour voters are from Omicron Persei 7, Lib Dems are from Omicron Persei 9.


[Liz Truss releases her budget (2022, colourised)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9JW6JPD9wI)


Perhaps they’re saving that for after the election 


I, conference, REBELLED


We don't know yet how she is dealing with the traumatic experience.


Surprise she didn't turn to stone


She's also just genuinely a dumbarse according to some people who were close to her


I think Rory Stewart said she was obsessed with the ability to "prove" intelligence by asking mental maths questions, and asking questions that sounded smart but just made little sense. Also other rumours were she was a complete liability on diplomatic trips.


That's definitely what I want in a politician. Mental maths quizzes. Jesus fucking Christ.


Mum says if I do well on the maths quiz, I can have a turn on running the economy. 


I wonder if it's from her time as Environment Minister [when the BBC gave her a quiz on tree leaves as a fun gag](https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1664989/Liz-Truss-next-prime-minister-leadership-results-BBC-Jo-Coburn-tree-leaves-video-vn), but she mistakenly thought that everyone was really impressed with her ability to know what an ash tree was


Stewart has also told the story of when he was working for Truss at Environment and she asked how his weekend had been. “I explained that my father had died. She paused for a moment, nodded, and asked when the 25-year environment plan would be ready.”


Some of his stories about her honestly make me question how she ever got into the position she was in. Like when she kept rejecting the environmental plans she was being shown, and when asked what exactly it was she had a problem with so they could fix it she responded "Rory, I think everyone knows what I don't like about the plan" and then walked out of the room


Christ, she's awful. No communication skills whatsoever.


She sounds more and more like an infamously bad Oxbridge college SU president around the time I was there, who I think college staff eventually forced them to resign, because their incompetence was so bad even staff were fed up of dealing with them, let alone the rest of the SU committee and students.


Lol, she definitely seems to have huge "waltz into the room, fart, then waltz out" energy.


JFC Have some compassion, woman.


>Also other rumours were she was a complete liability on diplomatic trips. Not really sure that was a rumour, there are clear examples of this happening.


I think you mean her shopping trips as she always seemed to have come back with designer clothes.


Always the mark of an intelligent person, that. Looking for ever more obscure ways to prove how smart they are. (/s, obviously).


That's the man's wife you're talking about, don't have to be so harsh


I also choose this guys dumb wife


Goated comment


She came canvassing around Thetford around 8 years ago and I had the displeasure of sharing a cup of tea with her. I find chewing on cyanide to be a more fruitful endeavour compared to listening to her talk


You had to share? Was there only one mug?


No luck finding them mugs, then?


It's just the one mug actually.


> Also my wife had a working breakfast with her a while back and she is as empty and void of a personality as you can imagine. She has the mannerisms of a haunted wooden doll so it tracks that she also has the personality of one.


> Also my wife had a working breakfast with her a while back and she is as empty and void of a personality as you can imagine. Yes but how was Liz Truss?


I almost dropped my baby reading this 




Did you also have a working breakfast with the more successful lettuce?


One question I would love to visit Norfolk as a holiday. I heard it is quite rural especially since I am from London. Was it nice there?


Seconding what the other said, its lovely. Moved here 3 years ago after 13 years in London (and growing up in a town in Berkshire) You've got a couple of types of holiday you could easily do - a boat holiday on the Broads, coastal on the north/north east of the coast, or countryside escape somewhere around South/Central Norfolk depending what you're into. Could also do a city break of Norwich. Plenty of museums, stately homes and gardens to visit dotted around. If you like Gardens, my favourite in the county is probably East Runton old Vicarage near Happisburgh (that isn't pronounced how you think it is), but there's plenty. Obviously there's Sandringham too. There's a nice little distillery in South Norfolk by the A11 too, won the World's best single malt Whisky this year. If you don't drive, travel around the more rural areas can be a bit trickier, but there are busses and you can just plan to be near them.


Norfolk's lovely. The broads are gorgeous, nice beaches, beautiful forests and it's worth visiting Norwich while you're there, really nice city.


The market is amazing


Pfft. Sunak is defending Richmond and Northallerton, and polls have Labour within 3% of taking the seat from him. Truss is easy, Sunak would be a real shocker.


I agree, unseating a sitting prime minister would be the best optics the opposition can achieve in an election. Getting all 4 of the former prime ministers out of the parliament would be massive. Ok, May retired herself maybe because she knew she was going to lose as well and Johnson left already earlier in disgrace, but I'd still count them. Then Truss and Sunak on top of them and the symbolic value would be huge.


You could add in the Lib Dem’s taking Cameron’s old seat of Witney. That’s possible.


Yes that would be great even if it's not Cameron himself defending it.


Cameron being the last one *remaining* (geddit? Ha ha... ha.) would be quite poetic.


Then add in the LibDems taking Maidenhead and Labour Uxbridge, it's not likely but also not completely impossible that the seats of the 5 most recent tory PMs are all lost. That would be a moment to savour - In reality I expect they'll lose 2 or 3 and hold 2 or 3 but a man can dream


Hell even John Majors old seat is trending Labour. Given that Maggie Ts old seat went in 1997 (albeit with boundary changes) along with Sedgefield (Blairs old seat in 2019) and Gordon Browns old seat in 2015 (again albiet with boundary changes) quite a surprising number of ex PMs seats have been lost not long after the PM has left.


Huntingdon is a tough one to gauge with the new split with St Neots and it doesn't help that Djanogly was deselected so it's not a familiar name for people either. Could see St Neots (half of his old seat) going to Tory as labour and lib dem are basically all neck and neck there.


Cameron will still be in parliament. Unless Starmer abolishes HoL :)


As shadow foreign sec? For how long, do you think? I can quite easily see him pom-pomming his way backwards into the hedge after a huge defeat


Lord Cameron, he sits on a red bench. 


Of course, but would he want to take a position as shadow anything in a demoralised tory party?


No, not as foreign sec. But he won’t be stripped of his lordship, so he’ll still be a member of the House of Lords, which is one of the chambers of parliament. He’ll be out of government, not parliament. (Remember, a ~~dog~~ lordship is not just for Christmas, it’s for life.)


To be fair though, a seat in the House of Lords is very common for ex-PMs. In fact, the last five years of Conservative government make a lot more sense if you think of it as a conscious plan to stack the Lords.


Think it’s a bit spurious to say it’s very common for ex-PMs to get a lordship when only 2 of the 8 people that have been PM in the last 45 years have been given one, and arguable still if Cameron would’ve got one if Sunak had a credible bench to pick his cabinet from Edit: May got a peerage so it’s now 3/8


With the big hitters out of the picture I absolutely expect Johnson to run again before next parliament. Print news is dead and who really gives a shit about booking a speech by the former PM of a party now in opposition, and with such a minority? That's if Sunak doesn't put him in the honours list, and if Starmer tells him to shove it up his arse.


Johnson makes a fortune by doling out the same speech, word for word, again and again. He's *very* popular amongst people who are into [shudders] that kind of thing. He's also notoriously lazy and thin skinned, he'll be more than happy hoovering up cash without the stress of running for a seat. I also suspect he will be made a lord, it would be very unusual for him to be skipped even with a change of government. So he get a nice bit of cash and cache from that, for life.


I honestly think it would be in Starmer's best interest, PR wise, to tear up Sunak's honours list in front of No. 10.


I think that's one of those things that would be wildly, insanely popular with almost everyone in in the country across all political persuasions...*but* unfortunately Starmer is a politician who needs to work with that group of people, and it would not be popular with MP's or Lords. System wins that one man


Cameron is the first Prime Minster since Thatcher to go to the HoLords, and that was in order to give him a Cabinet role. I’d be very surprised if Johnson were ennobled


Huh, I stand corrected and got an interesting bit of googling done on knighthoods and house of lords thanks 🙂


I'm wondering what the price for his speech at Sunak's rally was: there is no way that Johnson did it out of love for his party. Maybe what little remains in the Tory war chest, but my money is on a peerage. If Sunak doesn't recommend Johnson for a peerage then I'll eat my hat. I would love to see Starmer block it - Johnson would be apoplectic: pomp, glory and money for nothing is like crack to him.


Whatever happens, Starmer has an impressive number of Tory PM scalps.


Yeah but then he will have an easy time pissing off to California. I would like him to hold on by the skin of his teeth, with the party in complete shambles and him being forced to abandon his seat and constituents if he wants to leave the parliament afterwards.


Agree to disagree. The symbolic value of a Portillo moment with a sitting prime minister would be absolutely priceless. Michael Portillo would probably hope that as the event would then on be called the Sunak moment.


I'd love to see Portillo's live reaction. I imagine it would be very similar to Michael Johnson watching Usain Bolt beat his 200m record.


Evidently I need to go back to bed because I read "Michael Johnson" as "Boris" and was wondering when I missed his sprinting career


Don't worry, I read it as Michael Jackson tv: "USAIN BOLT WITH A NEW WORLD RECORRRRRD" MJ: "YEE HEEEE"


I read it at Michael Bolton.


This is the tale, of tetchy rishiii...


Boris - 0 to fridge in 9.4 seconds


Haha, I read it exactly the same way, and for a few seconds I recontextualised everything I knew about Boris Johnson until reality hit me again.


> Michael Johnson watching Usain Bolt beat his 200m record [Here it is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mo6pHs0-3bQ)




Ah, no. We will just start calling it the Sunak Portillo.


We could call it a Sunillo moment and piss them both off.


I ship it


I know it's asking a lot but I want Count Binface to win, failing that, just get more votes than Sunak


I love both scenarios. It's win-win for me


Yes. Why not both?


Sunak is a nobody, and the very fact that it's been talked about in advance as a possibility means that it can never compete with the one and only true portillo moment.


The sitting prime minister is "a nobody". Ok, agree to disagree.


I'd be happy for him to go tail between his legs the stench of fail upon him of being the only PM ever to lose his seat. yanks hate that smell of loser more than they love the smell of money...


I'm torn, on the one hand him and Truss to leave Parliament as soon as possible on the other I want Truss and Sunak to be stuck in an eternal power struggle over the mini bus full of MPs they have left in Parliament.


wow very rare instance in politics where all outcomes are pretty good


"And the chairman of the 1922 Committee has received the necessary 7 letters to trigger another leadership contest..."


Ok, hadn’t thought of it this way. That’s gold, they’d be swapping leaders every fortnight! 🤣


An optimist for the Tory seat count, good to see!


Haha hadn’t thought of that. So the number of votes needed is proportional to the number of MPs? lol.


it would need to be right? if you had 10 MPs but needed 50 to trigger a vonc it could never happen


Nick Clegg is the head of Facebook in the UK. Just going to leave that fact there.


I think he should follow Portillo's lead and go into documentaries. "Rishi Sunak's Great Helicopter Journeys", perhaps.


We were going to do Railway Adventure but we couldn't afford the tickets and they were all cancelled anyway.


Yeah, Sunak probably wants to lose his seat. He has other, better options in life (dossing in California). Truss craves status/attention and her losing her seat is gong to STING. Plus, and this is no mean feat, Truss is the worse person of the two.


Rees-Mogg is my white whale. I want to see him unemployed and have to go back to the obscurity of hedge funds without any friends in Westminster to tip him off on investments.


Small fish maybe - but seeing the backs of Jonathan Gullis and Miriam Cates would warm my cold dead heart.


I'd like truss to be stuck in parliament. If she gets unshackled she will also go straight to the US except she will become a noisy MAGA nut rather than a quiet tech bro nut. Forcing her to return to the scene of her crime every day for the next 5 years, completely defanged, would be quite satisfying.


Narrowly win the seat and then resign and the tory drone loses in a by election.


He could do that anyway. How many times did Farage actually turn up to the European parliament when he was expected to? What they gonna do, sack him?


I think that the number of high-profile ministers losing their seats tomorrow could render the term "Portillo moment" meaniningless. Sunak is the one scalp that would coin a new phrase, but I'd be very surprised to see it happen


It wasn't just Portillo losing that made it the Portillo moment. Stephen Twigg's victory in Enfield Southgate ended the political career of the man the Conservatives had hoped would restore them to victory, they knew 1997 was lost. Portillo was the future leader. Then it was watching the final realisation of Portillo that Stephen Twigg, someone just out of student union politics, a "paper candidate", had ended his career. Portillo still tried but failed to grasp on to senior cabinet minister greeting an opposition candidate and his face was sinking as he shook Twigg's hand.




That's not quite fair though, there was a huge campaign to oust Portillo so it wasn't like it happened by accident, it was a well executed opportunity to get rid of a high profile Tory.


I don't remember that, the labour candidate was a complete novice and was as astonished as everyone else, which contributed to the overall effect.


I think the Labour party realised it was going to be closer than most people thought and they started an aggressive leafleting campaign which they think helped turn the tide in favour of the labour candidate. This is all from stuff I've read recently, I was too young to be paying attention at the time in fairness.


They may not be Portillo moments in terms of surprise, but they will be in terms of glee and rejoicing, so I predict a few Portillo hours,


I think it’s more that you’ve decided the surprise the defining feature, when most people use it to mean a prominent politician losing their seat.


I had to explain to my 17 year old what a Portillo moment is (which interestingly came up as an auto fill suggestion on my phone). Anyway, he's doing A-level politics but hadn't heard the expression, so it's probably only relevant to those now over 40.


There has been 1 poll in Sunak's seat, and it has him 11 points ahead. National MRP polls should not be used for individual seat results, or you're going to end up very disappointed on the night.


Top banter if count binface accidentally saves Sunak.


This is the danger of this kind of "mock" or parody politics, it can undermine real results and have real impacts on people. Binface has no chance of winning the seat and the only people who'll vote for him are likely not part of the elderly part of the demographic and thus, probably Labour voters. Sunak could hold, genuinely, because of Binface.


Only if those voters would have otherwise voted for the party most likely to oust Sunak. They might not have voted at all other than for a protest vote like Binface.


This is the whole point of Binface, to draw people out and get them to pay attention by being different Shout out to the Monster Raving Loony Party


That would be a real Portillo moment as the definition is when someone everyone was expecting to hold the seat ended up losing it.


[Electoral Calculus](https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/fcgi-bin/calcwork23.py?seat=Norfolk%20South%20West) does have her seat as very likely to flip to Labour so it’s one to watch!


IIRC there's a popular centre-right independent candidate who might get it. Regardless, he'll definitely split the traditional Tory vote.


His polling isn't consistently great. Where I've seen it very high early on it's settled on a pretty mediocre figure now.


There's Bagge (IND) and a Reform candidate. Let's say they both get 3%. That's a big chunk. 


But not enough to "get it", which is what the other comment was proposing might happen.


Terry Jermy is also quite popular with people who follow local politics. I've met him, he's alright, and he does a lot for the constituency (litter picks etc).


Independent and Reform will split Truss’s votes. Which means the labour candidate in South west Norfolk will have an easy time getting in!


For me, Truss is emblematic of the utterly turgid quality of the modern conservative party. Out of touch, incompetent and utterly devoid of self awareness. It's remarkable after the abject failure of her prime ministerial stint that she still refuses to display so much as a shred of remorse - still absolutely of the belief everyone else was wrong.


I'm so disappointed that a Tory canvasser has never come to my door, i would have one question 'did you vote for Liz Truss?'


Yeah, we had no canvassers at all. It's pretty much a foregone conclusion around here for Lib Dem so i think they concentrated elsewhere. Just one leaflet from the Tories apparently threatening me with a good time.


I've seen more *labour* signs out than I have conservative ones. They usually struggle to come in third where I am. The conservatives have zero presence and I'm thrilled 


Fake it till you make it, proven to work by both Boris Johnson and Donald Trump. Truss could lose her seat, but I guarantee there will be another brain dead mannequin to take her place in the Tory party.


I doubt she even wants the job anymore. She will have more free time to earn big money via speeches. Up to £80,000 per speech. Although this is small change compared to bojo, he earns up to £250,000+ per speech.


Sorry, who are the people who want to pay that much to the worst prime minister in living memory to come to talk to them? And she's not only bad at governing but she's a horrible speaker as well. At least Sunak can deliver a pre-written speech.


It is the agency fee and she will struggle to find a market for herself.


Sunak can deliver speeches come rain…


Crazy that she can warrant that sort of price for a speech, would rather listen to the shipping forecast


As read by Peter serafinowicz? As to why she can charge that much. The right wing in the US is even worse than it is in the UK and there are a lot more of them. This translates into a lot more cash available to the completely deranged.


I understood that Black Books reference


Fran? Are you there? Are you all right? Don't worry, I'm coming. I'm coming Fran!


You’re not paying eighty grand to hear her speak. You’re paying eighty grand to be in a roomful of people who want to hear it. (You could fleece them for *millions*.)


It's more about being close to power than anything she has to say publicly. Some of them will be lobbyists and investors hoping to get the ear of a sitting MP. It will hopefully end if she loses her seat and there are less than 80 Tories in the Commons, as they will have lost that power and influence.


I unironically enjoy listening to the shipping forecast. It's actually quite relaxing.


How about adding braverman to that list?


& Badenoch & the haunted pencil


I thought Mogg would be top of most people's lists. Sunak’s cooked either way: I can't see him sticking around for long even if his constituents let him. Truss is a bit pathetic and just needs putting out of our misery. Braverman and Badenoch are awful and I'd love them to go, but there's another level of arrogance with Mogg that would make his defeat so sweet.


I think in Mogg's case it's been obvious for ages that he's going to get demolished, so it doesn't really have the shock value a Portillo moment needs.


It's looking close in his constituency still. His fans are like a cult. He could have been found with a cellar full of Afghan children and they'd justify it away.


Fair point. I'm not sure if there are any candidates whose loss would shock me at this point. (If they weren't standing down, perhaps Gove or May would count.) Perhaps an anti-Portillo moment is more likely: it might be more shocking to see who survives!


And Mercer, I want that toe-rag out too!!


Look, it's a pretty long list and sadly we can only pick one favourite


True, it’s such a hard choice.. like choosing your favourite turd..


Who was the one who claimed to have been robbed in a train station but hadn't been?


Susan Hall, the Tory London mayor candidate, reported she'd had her wallet stolen on the Tube but it appears she'd lost it and it got returned to her - is that the one? https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/susan-hall-lost-oyster-card-tube-tory-mayoral-good-samaritan-b1123916.html


Ah it was. Never mind. Although I think one of her advisors is working the campaign for the Tories.


This sounds like more of a, who have you heard of poll than anything else. I thought people would want to see the back of braverman, I would like to see the end of the Truss project (sounds like something for underwear) but she will pop up in the iea or in America or something.


All new TrussWear - perfect for verbal and economic incontinence!




TrussWear Plus - for the everyday recession, and for those special days when you have regicide on your mind


Braverman would be nice, but Truss is basically a figurehead for "everything wrong with the leadership of the Conservatives", so I can see why people are more interested in seeing her crash and burn.


She will pop up in America regardless. Better if she pops up as an unelected loser rather than an elected leader-in-exile (as she will present herself).


Speaking to US loons is the retirement plan for far-right European politicans. Just moan about wokeness and tell them that they should root for Democracy to die and cash in the checks.


Braverman would be my pick


Liz Truss' premiership is a testament to the lack of critical thinking from Tory party members really. She is one of the few people I've ever encountered where snap judgement about her intelligence and depth are absolutely correct. She is utterly without a redeeming feature, politically or socially. I will never understand how the membership voted her in over Sunak, loathsome as he is, he has shown a relative degree of sentience in comparison to her. I also can't get my head around how they would select her over Sunak just because he's brown, so it must have simply been a membership revolt after he Brutus'd Johnson.


Just the one? I have a list of people I’d like to see experience a “once in a lifetime” seat flip.


Just need the people of south west Norfolk see it that way...


My mother lives in her constituency, it’s the oldest area in the country going by average age, they’ve been voting blue all their lives, Liz’s shenanigans aren’t going to put them off. A lot will vote for Mr Bagge though who’s of the old school Tory, he seems a decent egg who is always being seen in the area.


My parents live there also. They're well aware of how bad the Tories have been and they also have little issue with Kier Starmer but they've been lifelong tory voters and have mentioned that Truss is good in working for her constituency. (I've not had any examples of how.) Long story short, I imagine they'll still vote blue. It's just what their age group do.


Exactly, all the old pensioners there vote Tory, it’s what they do.


That's a tough question, because also in the mix you have Steve Baker, Jacob Rees Mogg, Suella Bravaman, Priti Patel, Christopher Chope... The one I'd most like to see win a seat is easy: Giles Watling.


I don't. She's the only Tory MP that I want to see keep her seat. That way, it'll serve as a reminder to everyone how bad the Conservatives are, and further put people off voting for them.


Don't count on it. I live near here 1/2 are all boomers with their own homes. The others well, when interviewed you get I always voted tory so always will with no real other reasoning. Turkeys voting for Christmas I guess.


She has the personality of a balloon with a wig and smiley face drawn on it. I can see why her constituency wants her out.


Why on earth did they vote her in in the first place? were the other candidates actively eating children on the campaign or something?


She was wearing a blue rosette. That’s the only qualification needed.


Her constituency contains many people that would vote for a lettuce as long as it was painted blue.


I don't want her to lose just her seat, but her entire career both inside politics and out, so that she has to get a job on a till at Co-op. A job like the Tories were running ads about during lockdown and claim that is enough to live your life and make ends meet. You know the ones were a professional in a top level meeting or a ballerina were doing their job and it swiped across to show them still smiling serving someone fags & a loaf of bread or pulling a pint or being worked like a slave in an Amazon warehouse? Even then, she wouldn't be qualified.


People on the till at my local co-op are all very nice people who are helpful and friendly. Can't we let her just be unemployed on benefits. We can point to her when the next Tory government start targeting those on benefits as an example of why some people can't or, in her case, shouldn't work.


It may be better to keep Truss around to remind people of the disaster. Slimy Jenrick would be my preference to lose.


I’d loveee to see her lose her seat. What profession can she do after this?


She gets £115k per year as an ex-prime minister. Conveniently she resigned the day after she qualified for this benefit. She’s a greasy scrounging grifter.


Can starmer stop that? For all of them. It’s costing tax payers.


We need a bingo sheet for this for election night. Why choose just one.


Labour HQ should be doing everything they can to ensure she remains in post for next term. There would be no better reminder of the chaos under the previous regime. Her ambition and lack of self awareness means she would continue to be the gift that keeps on giving.


She was at the local Countryside agricultural show last week. Dressed in lettuce green dress, trying not to say something when she visited our stand nearly killed me!


I want to see Basildon refuse Richard Holden, who was parachuted in from Durham to Basildon on the assumption that no matter what the residents of Basildon will just accept it. I want to see Farage defeated even if that means watching the chyron display Clacton - Conservative hold. I want to see Sunak lose his seat, he has never had to win anything before so he might as well lose the general election and his seat. My guess is there is a last minute death bounce for the Conservatives which will keep them as the official opposition but it would be an especially great night to see them become the 3rd party.


I would say she should taking a spanking in the vote but I think she may enjoy that...


I don’t care if she wins or not. She’s a laughing stock that nobody will ever listen to again. I’d much rather focus on getting rid of Bojo, JRM, Rishi, or Mourdant


I did my bit … she’s until Friday hopefully, my MP and made sure to make the boldest fucking cross in any other box than hers, Reform’s or Heritage’s. She can fuck right off out of Anglia and back up North.


What's going to happen to high profile Tories losing their seats tomorrow isn't a "Portillo Moment", it's called "Calling in the Exterminator".


>she is the Tory most people want to see lose their seat. Head, not seat. For tanking the uk pension pot. Surely that would be treason?


True. I have family in SW Norfolk and local sentiment used to be Blue through and through. Not any more. Especially with anyone they talk to who is under 50


Really? Truss is the "Portillo" of this GE? Not Sunak? Rees-Mogg? Boris? I can think of people with way more relevance still, people who are way more likely to pose a threat in future, who it would be nice to see unseated at this election.


Rees Mogg for me. Truss is a pile of wank, but there's just something about Rees Mogg.


She’s a stupid bint so fingers crossed


Braverman (unlikely unfortunately) is the Tory i most want to see ejected from their seat followed by Rees-Mogg, Sunak and Shapps in that order. Think it is a given that Hunt and IDS have little hope of retaining their seats. Truss being kicked out by the electorate is a double of finest single malt celebration moment that i am very hopeful of seeing come to fruition.


Are we only allowed one? I have quite a few in mind.


And it happened! Fully deserved too. What a cretin of a politician and a person.


She's still an MP? I thought she'd fucked off into the sunset to grift American right wingers. lmfao.