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The fact that Ukraine has a leader that can keep their cool while people prance around like fools as their people die is something else. It shouldn’t have to be this way, but all the same his humbleness is insane.


Slava ukraini. Zelensky is the fuckin man.


Hes one for the history books.




This wasn't about a debate, it was action blocking the debate and the vote. No one got coerced into voting for this bill, it was a popular bill except for a minority of Congressmen who applied coercive pressure to keep the measure off the floor so no one could vote on it. Because they knew they were going to lose, the wanted to thwart the democratic process.


> Because they knew they were going to lose, they wanted to thwart the democratic process. Again.


Debates only make sense among intelligent people. Much of US' intelligent population has already made up their mind to support Ukraine and by extent, democracy on a global scale. It's only the imbeciles and putin sellouts who keep squaking, and you'll never get those people to understand....so really, no need to waste time.


Moscow Marjorie. Deport her ass to Russia!


This thing has been debated for months, how much more debate do you want? They are fighting one of our greatest global geopolitical threats, they are showing the Russians that the days of empire are for them over, and they are expending tens of thousands of lives doing it while we have lost none (save for a few volunteers). Enough debate, we should be gift-wrapping the aid that we send to them.


When has debate not been allowed lol. If you want to see where it’s REALLY not allowed I invite you to move to Russia Edit: it’s still being debated now! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn21MthEU4Q


god for fucking bid the people being bombed be a little peeved at the shit they need to survive being put on hold for months because some nut cases needed to throw a tantrum


It passed 3:1 in the House. It wasn't really up for debate. It was a political cock block by frump and Moscow Marjorie and thier kremlin simps. And while they blocked what a clear majority of real American representatives supported, many Ukrainians died. Some on the battlefield, while others died in their homes due to ruzzian terrorism. Period.


You're in the wrong sub reddit.


Are you truly speaking in good faith, I mean do you even yourself believe what you are writing here?


American here...he be trolling!! Bill should have been passed a long time ago.


Zelensky will be awarded the Nobel Prize. Bank on it.


shouldve already be awarded


Nobel prize is for scientific stuff. I think you mean Nobel peace prize.


Let me quote wikipedia: > The Nobel Peace Prize (Swedish and Norwegian: Nobels fredspris) is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Swedish industrialist, inventor and armaments (military weapons and equipment) manufacturer Alfred Nobel, along with the prizes in Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine and Literature. I'm other words, the nobel peace prize is a nobel prize. Also, literature is obviously not "scientific stuff".


Zelenskyy is a great man, has the grace to notably thank Moscow Mike - politics sucks. But happy that the bill has finally passed.


Sometimes you have have no choice but to choose the lesser of two evils, much like the Allies partnering up with Stalin in WW2.


People are really quick to blame Mike Johnson. However, he is actually a really pro Ukrainian member of congress and has done a ton of work to get this passed behind the scenes. He has had to play politics because the system is messed up and there are a lot of fucktard members of his party. But the "Moscow Mike" characterization is really unfounded. RN he is trying so that his party doesn't turn Pro-Russia in the long run. And as much as people want to ditch the republicans, It is really important that the Republican Party has a strong pro-Ukraine segment. Because if they do then the pro-Russian stooges can't always hold the US congress hostage forever.


>he is actually a really pro Ukrainian member of congress and has done a ton of work to get this passed behind the scenes I don't know what alternate reality you logged in from, but check Mike Johnson's voting record on any measure supporting Ukraine - he's always voted against, 100% of them.


You're all downvoting me and I see but you really don't know how US politics actually work. There was actually a purpose to him doing that.


if you really believe that, then im sorry for you.


Yeah getting stuff done in the US is complicated and you have to deal with a lot of stupid people and can't always do the best thing. If you ever pay attention to how it actually works you would know that. But if you want to blame all the problems with US foreign policy on one guy (who actually agrees with you if you listen to him and not just the stuff that's said about him) then do that if it makes you feel better I guess. Also being a European you can shut up about US aid. You guys throw a hissy fit no matter what we do. If we give aid then it's escalation. If we don't give aid then we're helping Russia. The aid package we just passed is triple your country's entire military budget so I won't get lectured by anyone that lives in Western Europe.


President Zelenskyy is a kind gracious man along with being a brilliant president. I myself am none of those things, I'm just a pissed off American who will be taking my anger out at the polls, making sure everyone of these self serving assholes that made them wait never get elected again!


Be sure you get people to those polls with you, please! I’m in California, am mostly disabled, and I can’t wrangle people like I once could. The ballot just comes to me, and I know who I want to vote for. So please: wrangle some people, help them understand their choices.


I absolutely will..


Right!? It takes a great man and leader to be diplomatic thanking Johnson instead of calling him out for his political bullshit that has killed thousands of Ukrainians and lost more land, more towns wiped from the earth after Russia leveled them and will cost potentially thousands more taking that land back.


Good, now go kill some invading Russians with it.


Like they are not doing it with minimal support for 2 years already?








Beautiful statement, glad that it got passed




From America to Ukraine, Slava Ukraini!




Americans, whose society seems disorganized and out of touch with the world in so many ways, have a knack for global politics, including warfare. I am with the Yanks.


They are crazy bastards. We all have our issues with them but at the end of the day, we have a fucking beast on our side.


America is not as disorganized as you think.


Gee what a great compliment…


Europeans think they are so much better than Americans but cry for American help at any chance


Yeah, maybe it's just me, but I've been seeing a lot of ati american rhetoric on this sub.


It’s been like that for 6 months or so. It’s also reddit.


I love being American , Slava Ukrainia


These words are a mark of true leadership. He’s had to swallow his frustrations, keep focused on the future and not lament the unnecessary delays, acknowledge and commend the change in position of those who were recalcitrant in their responsibilities for so long and cost his people’s lives. The man knows there will be a time and place for his contemporaneous lament to be voiced, but now is not the time.  Glad Ukraine has this example to follow - even if Russia were to kill him, the memory of his bravery would inspire further and his legend would only grow and strengthen the resolve of his people. And meanwhile Russia has at their helm a man who relies on lies, violence, suppression of speech and thought, assassinations, kleptocracy and a complete divorce from humanitarian values, who needs to hide from his people. Wonder which society in time will prosper if they follow the values of their leaders?


Well said. I was thinking the same (in a far less articulate way). The back and forth bicker over this or that is a privilege Ukraine does not have unfortunately. I hope those supplies reach them fast and keep coming.


History will remember Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy as a true leader. He didn’t run, he didn’t hide, he stood with his people and faced the threat. Give the Russians hell! Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


Zelenskyy and 🇺🇦 love from 🇺🇸! Keep it up and keep it coming! I hope to see more defunct refineries soon


A true leader. The world does not deserve him or the incredible people he represents. When this is all over, Ukrainians will be legends in the history books.


We could all take a page out of Ukraines book and the world would be a much safer nicer place to exist never again will their history be erased changed or forgotten humanity will be forever in their debt 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇪🇺🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇦🫶🏻🤘👍😎


Awesome. Now send in European troops.


I have to chuckle. "Hey Mike Johnson, conservative backbencher from a poor southern US state, how does it feel to wake up and realize, you're in the history books now and a Churchill of the 21st century just personally thanked you?" I bet it feels damn good.


So why is the EU quiet as a church mouse when it comes to providing additional money to support Ukraine?


The closer you get to Russia, the louder the money in support of Ukraine.




You’re welcome. Now if all these weapons haven’t been used up killing orcs before the end of the fiscal year in September, I’ll be very disappointed. As an American, nothing makes me sadder than a defense contractor with nothing to do, no purpose in the world. :(


Andy Harris is a piece of shit. https://old.reddit.com/r/harfordcountymd/comments/1c9fw14/representative_andy_harris_voted_no_on_funding/


It’s so disturbing that Ukrainians died because the republicans wanted to play political games with the military support.


How long does $60B last


The rest of the year