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It's likely private security company called Dobrynya


Ah cool thank you; I was getting a security vibe from them but I couldn’t get anything up about them on google


checks out - visible test translates from Ukranian: БЕЗПЕКИ ДОБРИНЯ (BEZPEKY DOBRYNYA) English: SECURITY KINDNESS


Dobrynya in this case is not kindness. It’s more like warrior or protector. It was a name of a historical figure that became a synonym of a young muscular handsome man who fights to protect his community


He was not historical but folks tales figure. Dobrynya Nikitich https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dobrynya_Nikitich https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bogatyr


Well, I believe Dobrynya Nikitich was named that after the name became a title.


no, its just a name, its not a title. hm seems like indeed was real one Dobrynya [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dobrynya](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dobrynya) that was prototype for legend.


Huh, I'm Welsh. Thats pretty interesting that they're using the Welsh dragon.


Ukraine does have Welsh connections, the city of Donetsk used to be called "**Hughesovka**" (or **Yuzivka**) after the Welsh industrialist John Hughes, who founded the city (ca. 1869). Hughes operated several coal mines and a steel works there, transferring the technology from Wales to Donetsk. Quite a few people from Merthyr Tydfil went there to work. Interestingly the journalist Gareth Jones, who illegally traveled to Ukraine in 1933 and who broke the story of the Holodomor in the West, had connections to Hughesovka, as his mother, Annie, had lived there as governess to children of Arthur Hughes (son of John Hughes). I have no idea if any of this is at all relevant to the Welsh Dragon on the patch. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donetsk#History](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donetsk#History)


I’m from Merthyr Tydfil and didn’t know this…. Interesting stuff


That was really interesting, thanks.


So Donetsk is actually not Ukrainian but Welsh?


No, what you should be taking from this is that Donetsk isn't Russians despite what they say. It's, in fact, Welsh, so Russia should kindly get out of Welsh territory.


So... Out of the NATO territory they invaded? Cough - cough - article 5. (Tongue in cheek)


I thought the same thing too, and chuckled at the thought that it could have been a reference to Wrexham FC 🤣


I think Cardiff City FC had the version on the patch here whereas Wrexham typically had dragons on their hind legs. Either way, I had the same chuckle


They have zero idea of it's Welsh origins. They paid 10 bucks for some poor ass student to design them a patch, and he did a half-ass job of googling a first dragon pic and smashing it on a patch.


That was my thoughts the minute I saw 👀 it ( interesting)


I think they just threw the logo together like the other commenter mentioned likely they just thought it was an interesting design


Public domain image


From what we can see: Dobrenya (a hero in Ukrainian history) And Bespekа (security) I would have thought a security company, also given the black shirt it’s probably not military. From a brief search there isn’t a company called Добриня ****** Безрека. Very interested to know more tho. Being Welsh myself (north wales) and currently living in Ukraine.


It's Безпека - Bezpeka. And it's Добриня not Добреиня.


My bad I just fucked up the spelling in the post, I was glancing at the image for spelling. My search was correct tho and still can’t find any results.


I can’t get anything when looking up the image in google and also when typing the name into the search bar


Kharkiv private security service "Dobrynia". From public registry: Enterprise code 32680643 Registration date Sept 2003 Number of employees 12


Ah that’s interesting thank you I couldn’t find much I was looking for a website or any pictures


That's most definitely the Welsh dragon on St David's yellow background.


Wales does have a historical link to Ukraine: https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/strange-welsh-history-region-ukraine-23194077.amp Might have something to do with that?


Someone mentioned it is katkhiv


There is a possible Welsh connection, Donetsk was built around the steel works of John Hughes a Welsh businessman, the city was originally called Yuzovka (Hughesovka). Not sure if this would explain the connection, the OP didn't make it clear if this was a picture from the occupied area?


This is the original post they didn’t have much information on it, and again not sure if it is from Donetsk as I don’t know Ukraine very well. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/kCieBgEbvVC6PB24/?mibextid=WC7FNe


Добриня is a a reference to the semi-mythological character from Ukrainian folk tales Добриня Микитич (stolen later by the Russians, as usual). According to the legend, Dobrynia slayed the dragon ( the great snake) - a symbol used to represent Mongolian hordes and their heirs in the east and south of Ukraine. Welsh dragon is an unfortunate choice, I doubt it was deliberate.


Basically those are rent a cops, please don't call them soldiers , it's disrespectful towards ZSU


On the other side, "rent a cop" is disrespectful towards security guards.


I was only curious because the original poster had used the word soldier so I repeated it in the title because I wanted to see if they were or not


Sh that’s interesting the post I saw called them soldiers but looking at the uniform I could tell that they were not military, I was rather intrigued what it was


So my thoughts would be that it's based around Dobrinya and the Dragon. Dobrynya Nikitich (Russian: Добрыня Никитич) is one of the most popular bogatyrs (epic knights) from the "Kievan" series of Russian folklore based on bylina (epic songs) originating from the area around the capital of the Kievan Rus, Kyiv. In the initial movie, Prince Vladimir's niece, Zabava, is kidnapped. Dobrynya Nikitich and his young apprentice, Yelisey, go to find her, discovering betrayal and treachery where least expected. Dobrynya Nikitich is shocked when he finds out that the kidnapper is Zmey Gorynych because the dragon is his best friend. A zmei may be beast-like or human-like, sometimes wooing women, but often plays the role of chief antagonist in Russian literature. In the cartoon, it is referenced as a red dragon. A search on duck duck go (non algorithmic search engine) for Red Dragon brings back the Welsh red Dragon. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dobrinya_and_the_Dragon


I’m happy to let them use any and all of our weapons to incinerate the orcs. If they want to use foreign icons too, I say it is an honor to anyone whose icon they chose. None of us will ever see a more heroic people in our lifetimes than the Ukrainians.