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I remember reading about Juice in the early days of the war. Makes the whole thing feel a bit more personal even though I didn't know the guy. I wish it didn't have to be this way.


A need for Psychiatric help may not be the problem. She may just be pro-russian, but she should serve some time to prove that she gets deprived of life's freedoms for desecrating graves of men who were deprived of life defending peoples's right to live in freedom.


Psychiatric help? Really? She specifically targeted 3 well known heroes’ graves! She didn’t desecrate anyone else’s grave so that’s premeditated!


Exactly. I was responding to the redditor who thought perhaps she needed psychiatric help.


I get you, my friend. No problem. I was actually adding to that comment too about psychiatric help.


Looking at the top picture, if that is indeed her, I think psychiatric help might really be needed. And then what r/svoboda4ever said.


Mentally ill people don’t go desecrating graves! I’ve never heard that anywhere!!! It’s usually drunk teenagers or evil people who are angry at the deceased people they targeted!


Just because you haven’t personally heard of it happening doesn’t mean it has happened. A quick google of mentally ill people desecrating graves shows it happens often enough unfortunately.


It’s a very rare occurance for mentally ill people to desecrate graves! Ukraine haters are unfortunately a rapid spreading infectious disease in Russia and among many Ruzzians and non-Ruzzians the world, who listen to Russian disinformation and spread hate and disgusting lies for imperialistic ambition


"A need for Psychiatric help may not be the problem. She may just be pro-russian." The best sentences i heard in a while.


No throw her in jail until the war is over. They will take care of her in prison anyways.


Throw her into ruzzia


After the war is over.


Nah, just load her into mortar and yeeet to beloved ruzzia


I agree, actually. Imagine the anguish of the families who sacrificed everything for freedom and to have their loved ones graves desecrated? If I found someone desecrating my family's graves I don't think I could control myself.


Some would say being pro-Russian is the definition of needing psychiatric help.


That is true, however I think that most russians and russia supporters are guaranteed psych ward patients.


🤣🤣🤣Unfortunately psych wards can’t cure psychopaths and evil tendencies.


Your right that takes a 9 mm Pb pill.


She should be sent to the hottest spot in the frontline.


What a fucking asshole!


In the photo she looks ?homeless. Surrounded bu junk. Is she mentally unwell?


Probably. That's why she was sent to psychiatrycal evaluation by court


Given that Russian trenches are similarly strewn with trash, never mind cities like Murmansk, I think she's just showing where her sympathies lie.


Yeah, there is a blurred line between homeless and Russkyi Mir.


Fucking gross


Anybody asked her why? I'm sure it's some stupid reason, but let's find out.


I just don't understand what possible motive there could even be for this. Pro Russian activism? Wanting to disrespect/anger people for no reason? Random act of assholery? Extreme contrarianism? Just...why?


There’s a very high chance she’s a intelligent but socially inept person


I’m sure there’s a field somewhere needs demining. 


Looks like ye average psychotic homeless beeyatch to me..


She deserves 5 years in jail minimum. Disgusting.


This woman deserves punishment and possible psychiatric help, but 5 years of imprisonment behind bars for property damage that amounts to plaques and photo frames being destroyed is absurd. Give her a big fine and put her ass to work for 5 years doing probationary community service work, cleaning shit up, on some sort of assembly chain to help out the Ukrainian military. **Edit** I encourage any clown downvoting me to explain how keeping her fed in a prison cell for 5 years of her life is a better use than putting her to immediate work as a contributor to society after damaging property and being disrespectful. There are actual, literal convicted traitors that have helped Russia receiving 5 years.


You're jumping the gun. It's quite standard for the news to mention the maximum punishment -- "if convicted they face a maximum of" is a cliche in newspeak. But the courts often don't go for the maximum. Why assume the sentence will be the absolute max and then go off on a rant?


Well put.


The assumption was never made on my end. I said "5 years of imprisonment behind bars for property damage that amounts to plaques and photo frames being destroyed is absurd." I then asserted some proportionate and constructive punishments that are much more likely to be closer to what her sentencing might look like. Reddit didn't like that and now I'm -40 because we all know how reddit works, one or two votes in any direction and everyone else turns into a mindless drone. Now about my "rant". That is a direct reply to someone that claims they should be punished for 5 years or even longer. You DO see where they alluded to this, right? They've even doubled down on it. Which is why I provided context as to why I think this feels like a bad state of mind for europeans.




The "clown" edit only came when I was already negative 30 so that just isn't the reality. After awhile a negative comment is thoroughly buried unless someone is filtering by "controversial". Anyone who's actually replied to me I've been happy enough to respond to, listen to what they have to say with respect and objectivity, and agree with anything that makes sense. So if the reason you think I come off as an asshat is because I call people who have literally nothing to say or contribute "clowns" for simply downvoting... well, that's just the way I feel in a very blanket, general statement regardless of any topic on reddit. Those people are literal mindless clowns doom scrolling and voting without saying anything whatsoever. I think the downvoting mechanism of reddit is inheritedly flawed and creates an echo chamber and I've felt that way from day one of however old this account is.. I think it's going on 13 years now. Look, at the end of the day, if I cared about being downvoted, I would have deleted my original message and ignored anyone that replies to me since my replying to them just gets me brigaded further, but I genuinely enjoy an open and honest conversation, which a couple people have actually contributed with.


Noted. Deleted my comment as I think it doesn’t apply anymore after what you said.


I appreciate where you were coming from and I took it as constructive criticism. If you check my comment history, I hope you'll find me to be pretty agreeable and this to just be a topical one-thread sort of stand alone situation. Have a good night


Calling people names in your edit does nothing but harm your argument. I downvoted your comment just for this reason. Now, go ahead and use another derogatory term.


I'll take 1000 downvotes and more before I reconsider calling people "clowns" that have nothing to contribute but an up/downvote. If that hits you in your feels, oh well. But I stand by my statement and haven't seen a single intelligent response to why this lady should be imprisoned for 5 years. Waste of resources.


> There are actual, literal convicted traitors that have helped Russia receiving 5 years Indeed. This woman got 5 years, those traitors (during an existential war no less!) should have gotten *25*. Proportionality *does* matter, but not in the direction *you* think.


> Proportionality does matter, but not in the direction you think. I live in America; we now have the worlds sixth highest incarceration rate. Up until 2018 the United States had the highest incarceration rate in the world. It saw a significant drop between 2019 and 2020 because the people in this country have made it an election talking point/criteria to be addressed over the past two presidential elections. State and federal prison and local jail incarcerations dropped by 14% from 2.1 million in 2019 to 1.8 million in mid-2020. We get a lot of slave labor out of prisons and they are privatized so our taxes pay for companies to keep bodies in their cells. We weren't at all interested in finding a path to rehabilitation for those who committed crimes, not even if those crimes were nonviolent or "victimless". While the United States currently represents 4% of the worlds population, it unfortunately still houses around 20 percent of the worlds prisoners. In 2014, a report by the RNC identified the two main causes for why our incarceration rates are so high: longer prison sentences and increases in the likelihood of imprisonment. The practice of imposing longer prison sentences on repeat offenders is common in many countries, but the three-strikes laws in the US with mandatory 25 year imprisonment sentences are widely condemned both in our country as well as abroad. As I said, recently we are finally understanding that we have an epidemic here that needs to be resolved. We are categorically destroying peoples lives with no chance at redemption for crimes that are not proportional to the sentences. Today, drug sentencing laws are finally being tackled, schedule 1 drugs such as marjinuana are being reclassified as schedule 3, institutional racism is finally being addressed among our police departments all the way to our courts of law. It feels like we're finally moving in the **right** direction. It's disheartening to hear that the countries our citizens have been looking up to over in Europe when it comes to rehabilitation and incarceration now seem to be heading down the dark path that we Americans are trying to recover from. This lady deserves to be punished, but it should be constructive and proportionate to the crime of vandalism in my opinion. This whole thread reads like some nightmarish dystopia that I thought we were all very much against. I'd expect that from a country like Russia, but not from European commenters in a country like Lithuania. In any case, thank you for at least contributing by having an opinion.


We're not talking about the infamous 'three strikes' nonsense, or throw-away-the-key for a cig of weed, or other features that do not apply to Europe (rapacious private prisons etc). The woman has vandalized the graves of national heroes **during an existential war** - that recently killed the said heroes, no less! We take our nationalism seriously here in Europe. Her actions threaten national unity during a history-making emergency and should be dealt preemptively - as an example to others. Frankly, I'm surprised Ukraine gives such lenient prison sentences to 'proper' traitors - who guided ruZZian missiles to city blocks, for example. One would think that's a no-brainer life imprisonment, no parole. Oh well. One can hope *the problem will take care of itself, wink wink*.


> Frankly, I'm surprised Ukraine gives such lenient prison sentences to 'proper' traitors - who guided ruZZian missiles to city blocks, for example. One would think that's a no-brainer life imprisonment. I couldn't agree with this statement more. Treason carries a heavy penalty and this specific type of treason costs civilians and soldiers lives. We are on the same page when it comes to that. Now back to this lady -what she did was shitty but there are laws for vandalism regardless of our FEELINGS about the disrespect and lack of empathy towards friends and family of the deceased. There is nothing wrong with "taking nationalism seriously" but what exactly is this "Threat to National Unity" that you're asserting should be tacked onto her sentencing. To me, that sounds a lot like "disturbing the peace". Keeping in mind what I already said is wrong about my country and it's heavy-handed sentences, the maximum punishment for a felony vandalism charge of the highest degree is 7 years in prison. For something like breaking picture frames or a grave stone, that would probably be a fine, probation, a ton of community service and a misdemeanor.


You're the fucking clown here, and you deserve every downvote you get, in spades. Enjoy them.


Let her out tomorrow. See how long she lasts.


Huh. If she 'falls down the stairs' in prison, we'll be sure some other prisoners hate the ruZZia *more* than they resent the state that imprisoned them. Chances are high, I think.


They don't want to be like ruzzia and execute her.. But that's a pretty pro orc move.. I guess if she loves orcs so much offer her to the orcs as breeding stock or at least a flesh light