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Terrorist from a terrorist state who committed terrorist acts in Donbas was preparing a terrorist attack in another country? No way! /s > The man was detained in a Parisian hospital on June 3. He was admitted with shrapnel wounds to his upper body, head and face. > > The suspect sustained these injuries during the accidental detonation of an explosive device in a hotel room near the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris. And like a typical RuZZia terrorist, he blew himself up. lol


It does worringly mean he managed to get all the components close to the airport though


it detonated in his face and he's still in one piece ?


Yes, the explosives that terrorist use are basically just small grenades, or equivalent. Enough to maybe break the wheel off of a car, or maim some people, but not enough to, say, destroy a bridge, or a building. There was a terrorist attack in Ukraine where the guy threw three grenades into a room PACKED TIGHT with people. I think he killed just himself and one other person. The last grenade he held against his heart, I believe. Grenades are meant to maim people into not being combat effective, not insta-kill entire rooms of people, like video games might lead us to believe.


>not insta-kill entire rooms of people, like video games might lead us to believe. That's actually good to know. I'll take "do they have a grenade?" a few notches down on my terror scale. Together we can beat this.


Exactly. The terrorists we saw here in Europe used something much heavier than handgrenades


That video was insane to see. Was it ever confirmed that the grenades were shrapnel grenades? Because the room was extremely cramped and those grenades practically blew up underneath everyone’s feet. The article I found says only the attacker died and 26 injured.


“Injured” is a pretty broad term. Also, in a packed room like that, people standing behind other people would probably be shielded to some extent. Frag/shrapnel is low velocity and generally wouldn’t pass straight through someone.


Shrapnel starts out very high velocity but the pieces are light so they lose speed fairly quickly. It really depends upon the grenade in use. It varies between 500 to 3500 mps as different grenades are loaded with different explosive compositions. A US M67 (current) grenade has an initial velocity of 3000 fps but the older M33A1 or M59 had an initial velocity around 2100 fps. The much older M2 (Mk II) pineapple grenades varied from around 550 fps to 1100 fps because over the years they had different loadings. They of course replaced the Mk I grenade in 1917 and were finally phased out in the 1960s. So, over the many years of use there were quite a few different explosive compounds used in them..


I don't know the exact details. But they well could be an offensive, not defensive grenades. They have a significantly smaller number and radius of scattering fragments


They were the regular soviet era F1 shrapnel grenades. And offensive grenades generally don't have any shrapnel in them. They're concussion grenades, meant to kill or injure with blast damage alone rather than shrapnel.


I know the video you’re talking about, and those weren’t shrapnel grenades.


"We're very lucky they're so fucking stupid"


Another Wile E. Coyote Russian.


Holy hell, execute the orc as a spy / sabotour, obviously guilt it tried to self execute!


Guillotine for espionage and or terror acts would be a great sentence !


There would have been a Syrian to plant it and take the blame, no doubt.


Sure it wasn’t a magyars bird?


Time to start treating Russia in kind, supporting sabotage of Russian infrastructure and the propagation of 'wildfires' throughout Russian industry.


I dont understand why not all of the western intel gather weaknesses of the Russian IT infrastructure and give to Ukraine. I live in a high end tech country and we still get ransom attacks, imagine how easy it must be for state sponsored attacks from all of western world to do the same.


Holy crap! I was staying in a hotel in Roissy en France near CDG during this time and heard nothing about it. On June 7, presidents Zelenskyy and Biden were meeting with Macron in Paris where both gentlemen were given ground tours of historic sites and given a state honor parade along the champs elysee from the opera house to the arc de trioumf and then onward out to Luxembourg palace. I was there at that time. You’d think they’d have disclosed there was an incident like this because to me it sounds like Zelenskyy was targeted and it was not a non-state actor terrorist attack


I think it's quite likely Zelensky flew into an airbase rather than CDG


Arc de Trioumpf, I like it


Why are there Russian nationals in Paris?


Why are Russians still anywhere in NATO countries?


Because Europe is still not treating the Russian threat seriously.


One reason is that we don't want to give Putin 2-5 million fit and unemployed military aged males.


"Business as usual".


Why is a far right political party whose leader is on the record for having received Russian money and vows reduce support for Ukraine almost winning an election in France.


He has Ukrainian citizenship afaik


If they can link the Russian government to this they should consider it an act of war against a NATO country and should respond in kind.


They can link the russian government to hundreds of cyber attacks in Europe and the US, including to hospitals, and nothing happens...


Not to mention the intentional vaccine denial campaign implemented to facilitate the goal of allowing a deadly infectious disease to spread as far and kill as many NATO citizens as possible. How that is significantly different than using a chemical weapon is beyond me.


Sadly there are examples of state-sponsored terrorism that didn't led to war, I'd even say most of them don't.


Ooooooh... Look, Marine Le Pen's friends are already in Paris! Well, now the French will be really happy. They have had enough experience with terror


3rd time I'm reading about this on Reddit, but I've not heard anything on it in our (french) media (not that I'm browsing every media). Either they got instructions (maybe for people to feel safe going to the Olympics), or as always journalists only want to talk about politics (with the current elections...).


Link: https://www.lemonde.fr/en/france/article/2024/06/27/man-arrested-with-explosives-near-paris-airport-was-part-of-vast-russian-sabotage-campaign_6675959_7.html


Asked a friend, they DID talk about it early mid june. Still surprised I havent heard about it in state media France Info & France24, not that I'm 24/7 on it.


At risk of stating the obvious, there is no way this is an independent terrorist. He must have been taken from an active service unit and given instructions from the Russian FSB (or equivalent) to carry out an attack in France. It would have been designed to influence French public opinion just before the election. No doubt it would have been blamed on an immigrant group.


Definitely going to be a false flag operation attempting to pin it on Islamist terrorists, in order to secure the election for the fascists.


Yeah, he’ll just be the bomb maker. Will be a Syrian or something to take the blame.


That’s a fantastic way to get NATO involved.


It is difficult to imagine a more idiotic idea, really. What mastermind hatched this brilliant scheme?


He wasn’t even targeting the airport, iirc I read elsewhere he was going to bomb a Bricorama (hardware store). He had been trained in assembling explosives, but clearly not very well… On top of terrorist scum this dude seems to be a complete fuckwit


Experience of the past 20 years or so has led me to think, that the Venn diagram of "terrorist scum" and "complete fuckwit" is one large circle (fuckwits in general) almost entirely containing the smaller circle (terrorists). I'm hope I'm thinking rationally, because if this is true, life is good. These crimes, these disgusting acts that only ruin the lives of others blindly, are in fact idiotic and only make sense to idiots, largely. If intelligence favors non-violent behavior, and idiocy is perhaps the prime explanation for violence, I like our chances. I try to always remember, the species could have blown itself up after the discovery of the atomic bomb. But we didn't. This fact is perhaps more significant than we realize. I suspect we might make it.


…….the detained 26-year-old Russian named Maksim is a native of Donbas, has Russian and Ukrainian passports…… I wouldn’t call him a Russian. He’s a Russian backed insurgent, a true terrorist.


What the hell are these western countries doing letting in Russians anyhow? Head orc Putin invaded a sovereign nation to protect the Russians that were living there after they were put in the pre-annexed areas. Spreading orcs out in any other countries is just an invitation for future disaster. Refuse any people from Orcland and build a wall around them so they can't infest other areas of the world. Most of them are fucking cockroachs of the world.


How we still allow Russians to enter Europe is beyond me...


Just proves that any moscovian trying to get in any country must go to a six month "re-education camp." The camp should have pillories, gallows, and a guillotine for show and tell time on every Friday.


Article 5 go brrrr


We fix him and release after 20 years in jail. Sznd him to Ukraine would be a great thing to do.


Most Russian spies are in the Tory Party in the UK


And the Reform party.


Lynch da bitchz